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ENOUGH ALREADY with the masks!! They don’t work , never worked and the CDC has finally ” allowed” free people to live their God given life without a worthless piece of trash over our worshiping mouths. Our children are perhaps permanently damaged emotionally and academically by people in non elected positions declaring unreasonable and never before practiced procedures with no consideration of logic and past medical evidence. The CDC, WHO,NIH etc., all non elected organizations were given the power of life and death over basically the entire world. So, enough with the masks.
Masks are not/should not ever be a “school supply”. Why would you put that in there AMAC?? I’m disappointed in you that you would go along with normalizing that. They don’t do anything to prevent Covid, but they are harming the children making them paranoid. Please just stop it!
Get the mask out of the classroom!
Useless stupid mask.
Face diaper had no business being in the puzzle.
Sorry state of affairs when a worthless face mask is counted as a school supply.
What is that yellow thing?
1:58…Took some time with that unknown yellow thing…Oh well happy ‘hump’ day
Extremely disappointed AMAC would put a face mask in as one of the items for back to school with all the abuse of power and harm done to our children over the last couple of years.
2:13 Duh, had trouble finding the last one. Was looking too hard.
:43…. My best time ever! Brought back memories of when I taught 5th grade 30 years ago! There was no CRT then!
We’ve lectured by the demoncraps to “Follow the science”, well, the “Science” says children were the least vulnerable to get covid, then why does AMAC have masks included in this picture??? TOTALLY DISGUSTING!!! The mask mandate was nothing but Liberal Puke democrat biased media garbage!!!
:25 My best time ever. Easy one today
Cant believe you used a mask one of the worst things ever done to our children
31 seconds. Good one.
45 seconds, no misses or reveals
1:24…. Took forever to find the last one!
I’m sorry, why is there a mask?!?!
OFFENSIVE (and I’m not easily offended). TAKE THE MASK OUT! Or is the message: blank paper, no learning, just masks and indoctrination?
Hey AMAC. You forgot to put a CRT Manual in the picture with the worthless mask.
I agree with all the mask comments. Masks were the most despicable mandate ever, especially for kids & especially for little kids.
:27 seconds… I will surely catch some flack for this, but if that set of masks, not mask, upset you, then GOOD! There are still schools in our nation that REQUIRE masks on kids! It is despicable and WE need to make it stop! Please don’t wait for the government to solve this… They created it. Take action and make certain you VOTE in November! Make certain your friends vote too. Just my 2 cents…
0:34, feeling frisky today! Can’t wait til my wife gets home!
I actually solved this one. Restored faith in my brain.
52 seconds; my fastest ever on this type puzzle!
Who was stupid enough to put “masks” on there!!! God forbid anyone falls for that “big lie” about them being anything but dangerous for kids!!!
20 seconds, my best EVER!!!
29 seconds, this was easy, but still fun.
Slow poke here at precisely 1:30, no misses or reveals.
017 best ever!
Why is there a mask? Test after test has shown masks are detrimental to child learning & health!!!!
37 seconds. my fastest ever.
36 sec
17 seconds. Wow!
:45, REALLY AMAC you put not one but multiple masks in the picture. I have to rethink my association with you. I am totally disappointed in you. This is not even. joke worthy!
second time 10 seconds – So fun to win the second time! Love these simple clear ones with nice colors and things obviously defined.
Thank you for the puzzle.
Sorry! Masks are NOT school supplies!!!
25 seconds. Not as good as some of you. But that is good for me.:-)
33 sec… I thought the mask should be left off of one as a spot the difference!
13 seconds – that was my fastest time ever. Must have been a real easy one because I am not very good at Spot The Difference.
0:52 Easy one!
0:55 best time ever for this easy one.
Masks on kids has been a bad idea from the start! Many doctors will tell you so.
1:06 Happy school year!
Close or equal to my best at 29 seconds. I normally take much longer
15 secs…my best time ever!