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40 seconds…and the clicker worked correctly the 1st on all clicks. SHOCKER!
Wow, my fastest ever! 24 sec
Me too!
1:12 – after wasting about a minute searching for a difference in the print! I figured there had to be a word or letter different there.
1:06 I did what Rick did and got caught up in the print for a bit. Merry ? Christmas everyone.
You guys are PROS
1:11 I also got caught up reading the print….they got us on this one. lol
Why do I always get the first four easily and then spend a minute TRYING to find the 5th?
Also got caught reading the print…
:57 seconds. Now that is a first for me! Merry Christmas one and all.
I can’t say Bill, I never did find the 5th one ????
Still a good puzzle
4:29 with one missed click (thought the flame was different but missed the base) and missed the snowflake difference on the ornament at the right of the photo. Not good but still fun. Merry Christmas everyone. and two reveals. I knda got caught up on the print a couple of times briefly but can’t really blame my slow time on it alone.
The candle flame stumped me. Took 4.11 to find it. Merry Christmas and Happy Channukah to all!
DITTO – 2:06
19 seconds – definitely my best ever!
1:23 one of my best, it was a little easier even though it’s nearly bedtime! Merry Christmas to all!
Same here…found 4 right away, and got hung up on the 5th. 1:15
12 seconds. This one was really hard.
Definitely my best time; 38 seconds. I also started to check out the print but decided to come back to it if I couldn’t find any differences. Merry Christmas everyone!
:56 seconds, good one Little late but Merry Christmas.
24 seconds. Not bad
Since I quit drinking I never get hung up on the 5th!
:48 for me today!
2:38 Took me a while to realize the wick was missing! Funny how your eyes can play tricks on you. I also fell for the read the Bible trap, looking carefully at each each word, figuring I’d miss an error. Not!
:34. I usually suck at these, but this one was the easiest one I’ve ever done.
20 seconds!! My fastest, ever.
:57 That as too easy.
Clicked 4/5 times on ornaments holder with no results !!
Clicked 4/5 times on ornament holder , where it was and wasn’t there with no result .
Again it said there were missed clicks when in reality it was repeated taps as my fingers are dry or cold or something that precludes the click being effective. Frustrating.
.40 no missed clicks!
1:04. Imagine how fast I would have been if I didn’t read the print!
here we go again…i ask for a reveal and it was not there long enough for me to see it.
1:04 no missed clicks or reveals