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These are fun but easy, 36 seconds
You finished in 0:21
29 seconds.
45 seconds
36 seconds
You are making them to easy! Really enjoy the puzzles very much. Thank you
51 seconds
IMO, The brownie and the flying flag were the hardest! LOL
Best puzzle of this type that I’ve seen here.
28 seconds.
Two missed clicks on the Nut Cracker. Went to the side where the Toothed hole was and it worked. I didn’t know you could use both sides. But then again, I have never availed myself to the instructions.
Some of the posted times make me ashamed.
2 minutes. Zero misses/reveals…is that average?
Wow, This one is definitely the hardest that I’ve ever done. After 5 minutes and 184 missed clicks, I finally found the last difference. Does anyone know what the picture was?
I was delighted to finish in :48. I could have been competition for the 20 second finishers, but I got hung up on the missing string on the middle brownie
Done in 18 seconds
Easy, 35 seconds
I was wanting the brownies.
it’s fun!
what does “missed clicks” mean – I had none…
15 seconds
Good brain game!
gone through almost all of them – no challenge to go a second time…send more
:48 seconds. It’s ok. But not my best.
Easiest so far for me. gotta love these.
18 seconds
32 seconds
:38, and I slobbered on my mouse . . .
15 seconds! You’re making me hungry! Brownies! My favorite!
14 seconds, 1 missed click.
1:53 took a long time finding the brownie crumb at the base of the cup