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1:28…there’s always one that gets me, Couldn’t find musical in Wicked.It’s still fun
2:21. Not bad.
Ack du lieber.
1:39 my favorite!
25 seconds with three missed clicks that would not appear on chosen item. YAY! Not too shabby today. Must have been my 2nd cup of Java. Have a great Wednesday one and all.
2:44, I didn’t see musical in Wicked.
36 seconds with no reveals – WICKED!
1:08. This is among my best time for this or any AMAC puzzle!!
1:59. Didn’t notice the extra “B”
1:12 about the easiest I’ve ever seen.
4:18 with one missed click (trying to find the right spot to click on the double BB in BEST on the HAIRSPRAY marquee. The missing r in hairspray was my last find. Enjoy these puzzles and quizzes.
.48 Hard for me to believe I done this so fast. Thank you for the game
Took me awhile but I found all five. The “r” missing in the word,”hairspray” stumped me for a long time. However, I did eventually find it. Great puzzle. Great,fun.
I found all 5, but was counted a wrong click when I selected one eye, not the other?! Hate when it’s programmed to do a “gotcha” like that!
55 seconds. 2 missed clicks on the eyes. I couldn’t tell which one was the extra so I first tried to click between them. That was a miss. I then clicked the wrong one. Not hard to see differences, just tricky finding where to click correctly.
1:05, good time. Love these
2:04 I was looking too hard. Lol
38 seconds
2:08. Last one got me again.
5:17 As usual, I got 4 in about a minute. That last one always gets me.
2:11. The HAIRSPRAY one was the hardest to see, I thought.
1.35 seconds. This was easy and fun! Keep them coming! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
1:51 Doing better than I used to. Love these puzzles. Fun.
Seemed like I whizzed right through it, but their clock says I took 1:00. Oh well, still not a bad time.
1:40 Not too bad for me.
23 sedonds, my best ever!!
1:10 w/no help!!
yikes! 2:45 – took me forever to find the last one which was the double b for me. These are still my favorite of the puzzles!
1:01 not too bad.. no helps
37 seconds – new best for me
38 seconds. New personal best. 🙂
Funny I asked for a reveal it was suppose to reavel but it didn’t. oh well.
0:52 Not as good as some of you, but I’m not complaining.
1:38. Had to reveal the last one…was straining my eyes trying to find it.
38 Seconds. My fastest one yet!
A minute 3 with no misses or reveals. I’m happy. I like these that don’t require casting to the TV screen to see.
1:32 Good for me.
2:49 Couldn’t find the second “B”. Plus I had miss click that shouldn’t have been. Couldn’t have been off more that a billionth of an inch!!!! Hehehehe
23 seconds. Does NOT happen often….
1:23. I’m happy!
0:40 Best time in a long time.
1:14 not bad for me
Too easy!
i used to be good at these. Then I suddenly developed several floaters in my right eye. Now I have to close one eye so I can find the differences. It is hell getting older but better than the alternative.
3:15 no missed clicks. Used 1 reveal on the extra B