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I had a hard time with this one – 4:39 — but it was still fun!!!
Very difficult! Too embarrassed to post my results!??
4:07, hardest one yet.
Hard one!! 5:11 for me!!
Find the difference puzzles are my favorite.
Hardest one of these yet! Had to click REVEAL for the first time!
took me too long…I need new glasses…
how do I get more”
Not too bad 2:36
Pretty tough, 3:44
My time was horrible and I had to use the REVEAL for the last one. One of the harder ones.
3:56 No revels or missed clicks. Most time spent at the doc. Was a tough one.
3:29, I gave up and just started clicking, 23 missed clicks but I finally got it….LOL and I still don’t see what is wrong.
2:30. Pretty good considering, sometimes you really have to click on the spots a few times to get it to take.
4:39. Not my best, but appears to be about average for this particular one.
At 5:30 I used a reveal. Got 4/5 no problem. The last one troubled me. Had it not been for it maybe 2:15 or less.
2:28. Very difficult this time.
These games are usually entertaining, but the subject matter of the current games is depressing, dreary and dismal. Lighten up!
2:09 hard one
Got it right away!
1:03 to me this wasn’t too bad!
Hmmm. 3:12 seconds. Must be gettin’ a little ‘elderly’…………………..
2.02 had a hard time getting the circle to appear when I was right on.
Good alterations.
that was fun
2:07 but would have been better if I hadn’t had to click each item several times to get it to work. But yes, that one was hard.
Eight seconds. Easy peasy.
I had to use Reveal, and it still only showed 3 items. I thought there were supposed to be 5.
I have poor eyesight. Couldn’t see two of the differences.
3:24 no clicks, no reveals…. first time ever……
I sucked at this one. Took 5:52 of which I swear it took me 4:00 to find the last one. Still fun though.
I used my reveal at 4:04. My eyes were going crossed. That dock go me.
1:23 no misses or reveals
3:02. Seems like I could never get them all without a reveal. You have to have 20/20 vision to see some of these.