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Christopher Columbus

Posted Thursday, October 17, 2019 | 21 Comments
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Christopher Columbus

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5 years ago

bummer …..8/13…..musta missed that whole history class…

Fred Roach
Fred Roach
5 years ago

I question whether the first modern day country to be visited by Colombus was the Bahamas. As I recall, it was the Dominican Republic on Hispaniola. AMAC needs to check their references. And provide them to us!

Deb Day
Deb Day
5 years ago

Going to ask my kids and grandkids to answer this quiz. I did OK, missed one, but then I was old schooled in the 50’s.

Rick J.
Rick J.
5 years ago

12/13 Missed the question on how many voyages

Truth Manhattan
Truth Manhattan
5 years ago

9/13. Shoulda paid more attention in my elementary school history classes (which I took in Columbus, Ohio :O).

James Pike
James Pike
5 years ago

It has now been proven that Columbus was born in Spain. He fled to Italy to avoid being imprisoned for not paying his debts.

5 years ago


5 years ago

Hey? I never considered myself an expert on Christopher Columbus. I’ve know 1492 and the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria my whole life, but that is pretty much it. So I’ll take 9 of 13 on this quiz and walk away content.

5 years ago

There is some evidence to suggest that Columbus was Catalan born rather than Italian born.

5 years ago

Got them all! Yahoo!

Paul Lubell
Paul Lubell
5 years ago

100% for the first time. However, I think the questions were easier than usual and there were no trick questions.

5 years ago

I don’t feel bad for getting 8/13. I knew the ones that were drilled into our brains in History class. The five I missed I had no clue, so I’m OK with this score.

T. Anderson
T. Anderson
5 years ago

How long will it be before the leftists insist Ohio change the name of their capitol? After all, statues of Columbus have been smeared with paint in protest.

Richard Lilly
Richard Lilly
5 years ago

wow. 13 out of 13 I guess 13 isn’t unlucky after all.

5 years ago

Cruised through the first 12, thinking I was finally going to get a perfect score, but alas, my choice was not an option for #13, and although I keyed on Bahamas, I felt that was too far north and went with Jamaica. When will I learn to stick with first impulse.

5 years ago

10 of 13. Really knew he was Italian. Can’t believe I said Spain on Q1. Lol

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