Christopher Columbus Question 1 out of 13In what country was Christopher Columbus born? Spain Italy Greece France You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 2 out of 13What world leader(s) paid for Columbus’ expedition across the Atlantic Ocean? Manuel I of Portugal Maximillian I of the Holy Roman Empire King Edward IV of England Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 3 out of 13The three ships on Columbus’ first voyage were the Nina, the Pinta, and the … Isabella Triana Santa Maria Columbiana You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 4 out of 13How many expeditions did Columbus make to the Americas? 1 2 3 4 You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 5 out of 13What continent did Columbus think he had reached when he visited the Americas? Africa Asia South America Australia You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 6 out of 13Columbus was the first person to set foot on land in either of the American continents. True False You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 7 out of 13Why did Columbus refer to the people he met as Indians? That is how they introduced themselves In those times, it was known as a term of affection Indians was short for indigenous people He mistakenly thought he had arrived in the East Indies You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 8 out of 13What did Columbus hope to accomplish on his voyage? He wanted to reach India and Southeast Asia to trade for silk and spices He wanted to reach Italy to search for his family He wanted to reach Ireland to trade for wool and tea He was hoping to discover America You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 9 out of 13Which of the following was NOT introduced to the Native Americans by European explorers? Devastating diseases like smallpox and measles Horses and cattle Iron tools Tobacco You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 10 out of 13In what year did Columbus start his first voyage? 1451 1492 1505 1508 You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 11 out of 13Which U.S. state’s capital city is named after Christopher Columbus? South Carolina Pennsylvania Ohio Georgia You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 12 out of 13Which modern-day country was the first one in the New World to be visited by Europeans, more than 400 years before Columbus? United States Brazil Mexico Canada You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 13 out of 13What modern-day country was the first in the New World to be visited by Columbus? Mexico Bahamas Colombia Jamaica You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit Answer Subscribe to AMAC Daily News and Games Email If You Enjoy Games Like This - Subscribe to the AMAC Daily Newsletter! It's easy and FREE Subscribe Today! First Name Last Name Email *By providing your email address and subscribing, you agree to allow AMAC to send you "Join AMAC" emails, if you are not already an AMAC Member. Share Read more articles by The Association of Mature American Citizens Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label Name* Email* Label Name* Email* 21 Comments Most Voted Newest Oldest Inline Feedbacks View all comments Shandahon 5 years ago bummer …..8/13…..musta missed that whole history class… Fred Roach 5 years ago I question whether the first modern day country to be visited by Colombus was the Bahamas. As I recall, it was the Dominican Republic on Hispaniola. AMAC needs to check their references. And provide them to us! Deb Day 5 years ago Going to ask my kids and grandkids to answer this quiz. I did OK, missed one, but then I was old schooled in the 50’s. Rick J. 5 years ago 12/13 Missed the question on how many voyages Truth Manhattan 5 years ago 9/13. Shoulda paid more attention in my elementary school history classes (which I took in Columbus, Ohio :O). James Pike 5 years ago It has now been proven that Columbus was born in Spain. He fled to Italy to avoid being imprisoned for not paying his debts. Bardy58 5 years ago 11/13 CAP 5 years ago Hey? I never considered myself an expert on Christopher Columbus. I’ve know 1492 and the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria my whole life, but that is pretty much it. So I’ll take 9 of 13 on this quiz and walk away content. Jim 5 years ago There is some evidence to suggest that Columbus was Catalan born rather than Italian born. Cheryl 5 years ago Got them all! Yahoo! Paul Lubell 5 years ago 100% for the first time. However, I think the questions were easier than usual and there were no trick questions. Kate 5 years ago I don’t feel bad for getting 8/13. I knew the ones that were drilled into our brains in History class. The five I missed I had no clue, so I’m OK with this score. T. Anderson 5 years ago How long will it be before the leftists insist Ohio change the name of their capitol? After all, statues of Columbus have been smeared with paint in protest. Richard Lilly 5 years ago wow. 13 out of 13 I guess 13 isn’t unlucky after all. ROBERT 5 years ago Cruised through the first 12, thinking I was finally going to get a perfect score, but alas, my choice was not an option for #13, and although I keyed on Bahamas, I felt that was too far north and went with Jamaica. When will I learn to stick with first impulse. Andy 5 years ago 10 of 13. Really knew he was Italian. Can’t believe I said Spain on Q1. 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