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You finished the puzzle in 10:15
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
Beautiful winter wonderland! So pretty to look at, but SO happy I don’t live in it anymore, lol! Don’t miss the shoveling, scraping the car windows, gloves sticking to whatever you touch, slipping on the ice, my car skating on it! NOPE! Like I said, lovely to look at!
20:32 one miss on the bb
13:41 on brain buster with 6 misplaced. Tough but enjoyable.
You finished the puzzle in 12:10
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
Took my time, but no misses
You finished the puzzle in 12:52
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
Reveals Used: 0
Pass the Coffee! Molasses slow @ 2:56.
2:50 With 1 miss.I saw this was going to be a challenge, wasn’t too bad..You guys have a blessed week
3:05 with one miss.
whew…..that was tough…..
2:41 with one miss. I wasn’t paying good attention.
5:26, was a tough one
2:43, but more missed placements than usual
5:51. Challenging this early.
So tough for me that I took my little dog outside to do her business for 12 minutes during the middle of it. I just could not distinguish the contrasts in the picture to tell which pc went where.
4:35 with one misplaced. That was slow going.
This was tough. 3:30 w/4 missed pieces. My brain was challenged and that’s why I do them.
3:27 with no misses. Feeling pretty good about that.
2:53 with 2 misses
4:46 with a miss.
4:55 1 mis-placed tough one
Oh My Word!! You finished the puzzle in 6:47 3 misses. New glasses and I don’t know if they helped or hurt. lol
3:14 with no misses! When I first saw it I was not even going to try. Just looked too hard. Went way better than I thought. ????
4:07 It took my a while but I did it with no misplacements. This scene reminds me how much I DON’T miss Colorado. lol. It’s beautiful, but too cold for this current desert rat .Happy Monday everyone.
3:07 No misses. Took my time as this one was a bit difficult, but very fun and beautiful.
Great one!
2:32 with no misplaced pieces. Nice alpine scenery
This one was very difficult for me. 4:47 w/1 displacement. Very beautiful scene though.
4;21 – 1 miss – beautiful picture, tough (for me) puzzle – would make a nice screen wallpaper
4:30, 1 miss. Live in the midwest and would appreciate escapism with some warm beach puzzles.
Tough one today. 4:07
2:39. Thought I’d never finish.
Beautiful scene, very peaceful.
4:09 No misses. Pretty picture.
3:34… Lovely setting… Tough puzzle… 🙂
5:08, 1 missed
3:51 This has to be the toughest one I’ve done to date.
The lights on the one tree were a big help. Still slow.
5:22. This was a hard one. No miss placements though.
3:33 my slowest time ever, but no mistakes on a difficult but beautiful puzzle.
4:01 So very pretty!
80 degrees here today, 82 tomorrow. Why is everything so white? Is that what they call snough?
4:16 with a miss
2:28 2 misses ha ha but not too bad..
5:02 Very pretty picture
1:35 i was trying to go fast i had 3 missplacements that one was kind of hard, the other ones have been much easier but a pretty pic 🙂
Pretty picture- this year, storing decorations in January’s dreary days was difficult, wanted lights! To keep challenging myself, I 1) place squares as they are stacked, I have to place as they’re uncovered, or 2) I start placing the perimeter around the edge of picture to see if I can work faster and complete by ‘seeing’ the border (like jigsaw)
Beautiful picture