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7:49 on bb with 0 misses
You finished the puzzle in 6:02
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
Reveals Used: 0
Glad there were colors! It was difficult to find the bottom of the picture for me though.
You finished the puzzle in 6:33
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used: 0
10:37 on brain buster with 10 misplaced. I “finished”, and couldn’t understand why the timer was still counting because I had no pieces left. I took some time to look at it and finally realized that I had 2 pieces reversed on one of the blue newsstands. And still beat my wife’s time by 33 seconds.
9:38 in B.B. – two misplaced pieces. Did anyone notice that the photographer captured his reflection in the window of the train?
10:51 with 3 misses on the bb
6:32 on bb with 0 misses
You finished the puzzle in 5:28
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
2:49 tricky one, 2 misplacements
Very tricky indeed. I agree the bottom was a little confusing
2:32 Good one.
6:42 Obviously it took a while but there were no reveals – not my favorite picture.
2:10….4 misplacements. I kept putting the same puzzle piece in the same place because I was convinced that the computer was wrong! Oh well! 🙂 Hey, it’s Monday!
6:49 with one misplaced piece, done on my PC. I can’t imagine trying to do this one on my iPhone. Are the pieces purposely blurry or is it my eyes this morning? I guess the photo was snapped from a passing vehicle.
2:54 with 2 misplaced.
3:29 w/1 missed placement. Better time than I thought possible.
2:54 No misplacements!
2:44 – no misses. Not an entirely easy one though..
3:17 with 17 misplaced pieces on my phone. I still get the newspaper delivered to my door. Las Vegas Review Journal. Love the Sunday funnies. Happy Monday!
4:05 4 misses… on my phone
2:05 but had to start over through repeated interruptions. I somehow managed no missed pieces.
Did not “see” that those were old newspaper dispensers until I was completely finished. This one a little tough for me.
1:56 no misses
Love a challenge, AMAC great job to challenge me today!
The last three puzzles have come through as two full screens which makes it difficult to move between screen to identify the puzzle placement. May I request that it be sent as two pictures on one screen, as it used to be? Hope so! thank you. I enjoy all the games. Keep sending them!
2:22- tough one for me…need new glasses I think 🙂
3:37 no misses not to bad for this old lady
really tough 5:29 w/3 misplaced
3:01 with 5 misplacements. Ugh! Fun, though, because it wasn’t too easy.
3 :35 not bad for using phone
4:19 with 1 misplacement. This was tougher than it looked.
2:56 with 2 misplacements, but tricky one with all the black/white areas
6:26 expert fun!!
3:19 Challenging!
3:05 No reveals!
the blurry portion of the picture at the top was difficulty for my 63 year old eyes and all their floaters.
303 no reveals
4:34….worst time ever!!
2:51—–BUT—- had 3 miss placements. The posts got me. Couldnt even get lucky on at least one of the post placements!!!! Oh well chalk it up as a learning experience, I guess.
4:13 but perfect.
You finished the puzzle in 2:31
Built it from the bottom up, row by row. Easy
2:42 with 2 misses
6:01 on bb with 0 misses
You finished the puzzle in 4:28
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
You finished the puzzle in 5:04
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 5
1:45 and two misses. I could not get the flow on this one.
Keep ’em comin’…!
Same picture
Same pieces
No change
Same puzzle as before