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7:17 on bb with 1 miss
You finished the puzzle in 7:51
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
Lovely gardens and awesome statute! As mentioned previously, glad to see that it’s still standing!
You finished the puzzle in 12:12
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
8:01 with one miss on the bb
9:12 with 11 misses on brain buster. When I first started doing the brain busters, I averaged around
17 minutes with tons of misses. Now I’m under 10 minutes most of the time, with much fewer misses.
7:25 on bb with 0 missed
You finished the puzzle in 5:10
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
You finished the puzzle in 5:37
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 7
3:48 + 0
2:21 not bad – no misses yippee
3:02 Nice.
1:54… Nice picture.
Great picture and easy puzzle — great start to the week!
3:32. No misses, but took me forever. Nice pic.
4:02 The greenery was the hardest. The statue and buildings were easy. Is the statue Paul Revere? I took a class of 8th graders on a back east (I live in Las Vegas) American History trip when I was still teaching. Boston to Yorktown, a very interesting and educational experience. Happy Monday everyone. Have a great week.
If I’d stuck with it, my time would have been better than 3:55. 2 misses on my own.
2:19, no misses, I’ll take it, might be sign of a good week in front of me.
1:47. No misses
2:29 no misses
In ’86 I found a restaurant that had a “twin lobster lunch” for $7.99. Those were the biggest crawdads I’ve ever seen!
1:49 With one miss.
2:12 no reveals, no misses
1;54..beautiful picture to begin a new week . I sure hope it’s a wonderful week for you guys and have a blessed day for your Monday.
1:38 no problem
Surprised that this statue is still standing in this woke society.
1:08 and one miss. Beautiful garden, but it lacks a bench for relaxing.
The best thing about Massachusetts is the history. Been there 3 times and have never gotten bored. Always something new to discover.
1:34 – I’m OK with that! Wonderful shot.
2:31 no misses
2:33 no misses or reveals.
To be in a city, this is a gorgeous picture taken from a wonderful perspective. From the detail of the statue and gardening to the backdrop of the tall buildings and the clouds passing in the deep blue sky.
If my color printer was worthy, I might frame it just to make me smile when I pass by!
A day late. I finished at 5:44 with six missed, two of them the same piece because I mixed up the tops of the buildings. It certainly is a beautiful photo.
I’m feeling pretty proud of Boston. It’s been 10 years (this week) since the bombing and the manhunt and we’ve made it through and can look back on it, not as scared anymore. Those first few years after were terrifying. We have very good police officers!
2:02 no misses
Nice picture for this week’s puzzle.
AMAC could have used a picture of the USS Constitution for a puzzle, which is located in Boston Harbor.
Well…..with 88 years behind me and plagued with Macular degeneration and glaucoma I’m finish in 19+ minutes with numerous misses on hard setting. 🙂
2:47 no misses. Nice puzzle, nice pic!!
2:09…Could’a been LOTS worse!
1:54 with no misses. Yahoo! Have a great week.