Halloween Candy
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16:54 on bb with 0 misses
Best brain buster that has been offered. It was difficult. I want more like this!
I do all of them in Brain Buster, but this one took a while…great fun, tho.
You finished the puzzle in 14:53
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
Awesome puzzle! Yes, more like this! My eyes are a little crossed, but I really enjoy trying to match the colors and patterns. So good for the brain.
My worst time ever, for brain buster (26:43), but only 1 miss!!!! I guess I spent too much time studying the picture. Also, I was distracted with the voting results coming in. I had my first 2 brain busters take over 20 minutes, but this is the first time in months that I’ve taken that long. I recently finished one under 10 minutes, but I’ve been averaging around 12 to 14 minutes.
12:20 on bb with 0 misses
This one seems hard, but there are enough points available to manage it in expert, with no missed pieces. I don’t do these as fast as some, I try to be accurate.
This was so hard on Brain Buster that I am not going to even put my time. Best one ever!
3:54. Not bad for an old impatient grouchy guy. Keep ’em comin’…….!
You finished the puzzle in 12:23
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
You finished the puzzle in 11:17
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
You finished the puzzle in 10:18
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 9
Oh my, those candy corn, eyes, and smiling pumpkins did me in today! harder than it looked, no clues to solving this one except diligent detective work!
My timing was off today. Ab fab puzzle today. Loved those pumpkins, the eyes, the candy corn. Oh so delicious. Loved it!
6:09 no misses…no records broken… just had to take my time, look and compare.
A real challenge this week. really enjoyed this puzzle.
6:18 No misses – slow but sure, too many eyes making it tough to see. Loved it.
4:59, worst ever with 15 missed. Blame it on the corn!
3:55 no misses. Great puzzle.
5:23, this was more challenging than most.
4:10 with no misses! Love candy corn!
Wow! This took forever but I was determined–no misses!
GREAT puzzle, 5:15, no misses !! Thanks for this one.
4:50 no misses. Wow, that was a tough one
No misses today… received a couple of texts while solving… just under 10… slow but sure solve today…
3:59 tough on today but fun!!
4:43. It took a while, but with diligence and great care it was doable with no misses. Detailed, like the “I Spy” books my kids loved years ago.
4:49. wow, hard and fun
Outstanding puzzle. Very challenging. Enjoyed every second in solving it.
This one was hard for my old eyes. But very much fun,
2:59 with 2 misses. Tough one but fun. Happy Halloween!
I enjoyed this one.
4:55 with 3 misses. some of my favorite boughten candy.
I had to go back to Easy on this one and finished in 2:38 with no misses. I will be drawn back to this one frequently until I at least get to Expert. Whew! – a lot of fun.
4:49 Thought it was hard, but love the fall pictures!
My eyes are burning trying to do this… haha Took a long time, but got it.
t was tough and FUN! Loved the pumpkins!!
Good puzzle. Most challenging. Love it.
3:35, no misses!
Definitely harder to do on phone vs computer
4:02 Longer than usual but definitely a challenging puzzle. Loved the had work to success!!!!
Finished in 5 minutes 2 seconds. Great puzzle!
6:45. That was a challenge
This was a tough one. No misses, but it took me a long time to complete. Sort of made me bug-eyed!
4:35 with 3 misplacements. Harder than it looked at first glance.
5:03 with 2 misses. Tough and really fun to do this one.
4:20 This is the kind I like. It was harder than usual.
Boy, tough but fun, 9:16 with six misses. Had a heckuva time getting started but finally found a bit of a pattern. Done on my phone.
4:37 and it really took attention to detail with so much pattern repetition. Still fun, though..
5:00 but NO mistakes!!!