Amusement Parks
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14:09 on bb with 20 misses. The ” frazzlin ” sky got me Sam
Check the missed placements! Yikes! That sky got me.
You finished the puzzle in 11:36
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 76
Reveals Used: 0
10 min. & 54 sec. on brain buster. This one is hard, because I can hardly see the
color of the sky. Sally
15:04 with 46 misses on bb
You finished the puzzle in 9:12
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 24
Reveals Used: 0
3:16…and the frazzlin’ sky is back. But, keep ’em comin’!
You finished the puzzle in 7:14
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 58
4:07 With 1 miss .This was one of the hard ones for me.
4:24 2 misses
3:52 – 2 misses – found the sky to be very hard
3:18 one miss
2:43 4 misses. The sky was tough
2:16…no misplacements…. Only had four hours of sleep last night. Maybe I should do that more often? 🙂
2:45 The top of the puzzle with the gray blue sky was the most difficult part.
3:04 No misses. Sky was a little tough.
4:39 no misses
The slowest – 6:50. Slow but sure. Enjoyed.
3:39 with lots of misses
3:26 – 7 misses. the sky was hard.
can’t get any pieces to show up
4:40, with several misses, especially the sky.
1:58. Couple of misses in the clouds/sky.
2:28, Normal Difficulty, 1 Missed Placement, 0 Reveals Used
The hardest part was the sky, but the clouds made that less than horrible for me.
3:13 with three misses in the sky. Fun in the summertime.
Oh, what the heck, 5 misses in 2:52. I guess the only thing worse might be a totally blue sky with not a cloud in sight.
1:40 with three misses
2:14 with one miss in the sky
Can any body identify this fun-filled happy place?
2:34 but misses in…you guessed it…the sky. Nice picture though, and looks like perfect weather for a day at the amusement park.
2:18 with one misplacement in the grey sky. Not bad. Looks like a fun place to visit. I wonder where this is. I remember Pontchatrain Beach amusement park in New Orleans when I was a kid. Rode the Zephyr roller coaster till I got a headache in high school. LOL! Good memories.
5:23 with 3 misplacements on Expert level. Searched this image online and found out it is an amusement park in Seaside, NJ
5:42 this was hard for me.
4:39 The sky was hard!
3:48. No miss placements. Looks like fun.
2:45 with 6 misses in the clouds ha ha
2:27, fun puzzle!!
3:51 with 2 misplacements —- both in the sky. This was a harder one.
The sky was hard!
3:36 2 missed placements the sky was tough!
3:26 with 4 misplacements. The sky WAS tough!
I tried to line up the sky pieces in the work area first. Still had lots of misplacements. Sigh….
It was the sky
3:20, no misplacements. Maybe it was luck. The sky was pretty tricky.
1:59 1 miss.
Sky was, as everyone said, challenging.
4:07….that sky hung me up. 2 misplaced up there.
3:36, no misses
1:56, no misses.
1:55, and amazingly no misses in the sky!
You finished the puzzle in 4:00
Difficulty: Normal
Missed Placements: 2
Reveals Used: 0
Damn sky
3:17 no misses, no help.