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11:51 on bb with 4 misses
16:58 at the brain buster level and only 8 misplacements. My wife was around 3 minutes faster, but 3 times as many misplacements.
14:34 on the buster no misses
10:05 on bb with 0 misses
You finished the puzzle in 7:33
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 3
Reveals Used: 0
3:05 the hard way
You finished the puzzle in 4:42
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 11
You finished the puzzle in 6:19
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 3
You finished the puzzle in 6:06
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 11
Very challenging .Too much of the same color. Still enjoyed it , always do.
3:51 I agree, challenging, but enjoyable.
What a dirty, ugly place!
2:23 Hey ya’ll look …. Nancy Pelosi’s new home. FOTFLOL
5:48. Not a good time. I didn’t even notice it was a jail cell until I had all the pieces in. Goodness.
2:03. Used the cell bars for alignment
3:39 Not too bad!
great fun
2:59 Eeew!
Just joined the search….first one for me without a problem!
I agree with Steve but Pelosi needs to share it with Schiff.
1:46 no misplaced
Is puzzle a prison cell? Creepy
Placement of one on top of the other does not work well on my computer screen. Making it smaller and side by side would be easier.
3:58, and what a strange choice for a puzzle. Where is this place?
3:34. There must be a strategy to get a better time.
Best time 0:50 seconds @ normal level with 0 missed placements! Love it!