AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

As reactions from Friday’s landmark Supreme Court ruling continue to pour in, it has become evident that many conservatives have yet to realize that the good news resulting from the decision—which overturned Roe v. Wade and ended the nearly 50-year recognition of abortion as a constitutional right—goes far beyond the pro-life movement and protection of the unborn.
As monumental as the Dobbs decision is for unborn children and pro-life activists who have spent decades tirelessly working to overrule Roe and defend the right to life, Dobbs demonstrates that, for the first time in a generation, the Supreme Court is not controlled by justices who are chiefly concerned with their public image and reputation among left-wing journalists and mainstream media operatives. Ultimately, the Alito majority in Dobbs indicates that, despite his wishes, Chief Justice John Roberts’ efforts to alter the post-Roe majority and Taneyize the High Court have fallen flat—and that at long last, media control of American politics could very well be coming to an end.
As we have stated before, Roberts’ longstanding campaign to neglect the plain words of the Constitution and jeopardize the common good in favor of vague concepts like “fluidity in the middle” and sociopolitical “stability” on the Court have posed a unique series of threats to the American constitutional order and institutional legitimacy of the Court. A May 18th article—“Creeping Taneyism at the High Court: Can Roberts Alter Alito?”—compares Roberts to former Chief Justice Roger Taney, who authored the notorious 1857 Dred Scott decision (which held that black Americans were property while barring them from U.S. citizenship) in an attempt to maintain social and political harmony. The article outlines the ways in which Roberts has abandoned his previously stated constitutionalist principles, which were ultimately responsible for elevating him to the Court in 2005. (Others have since picked up on the Taneyist comparison—most notably The Federalist, which compared the pro-abortion Democrats of today to the pro-slavery Democrats of the 19th century, who held that black Americans possess no rights.)
Even more startling, though, is the description of Roberts as a historical example of an era—one that the Dobbs decision shows is at last fading—when the acts of public officials were frequently controlled by how they thought they might be perceived by a handful of newspapers and broadcast networks. Roberts has a long record of concern, if not obsession, with his media image and that of the Court’s. His use—whether at The Atlantic or CBS News—of interviews or informally sanctioned articles by favored reporters was not only to boost his own public perception, but also to lay the groundwork for his own decisions that delivered unexpected victories to progressives and their partisan media allies, particularly on issues like Obamacare. Roberts’ reasoning—as it was in his Dobbs opinion—was based not on the law, but rather on puffy Taney-esque talk about the grandness of the law and the Court and the need for social adjudication.
However, as we noted last month, the Court’s ability to withstand Roberts’ pressure campaign in Dobbs will go a long way in enhancing the Court’s reputation—most notably by way of proving that leftist intimidation tactics do not work, that the legal doctrine of stare decisis is not sacrosanct, that law schools can be restored to their rightful place in American life, and that Roberts’ public relations-oriented jurisprudence no longer dominates the Court’s institutional authority.
Above all, the Dobbs decision suggests that conservatives’ long-standing frustration with Republican-appointed but media-obsessed justices in the mold of Roberts or Anthony Kennedy (derided by one Reagan-era official as “a DC social climber, not a jurist”) is over—and that the failures of Roberts’ Taneyist jurisprudence could prove to be permanent. If Roberts had had his way and the Court had subserviently taken its marching orders from the elites of America’s ruling class rather than looking to the Constitution and delegating power back to the American people, Roe would still be the law of the land. But with Friday’s decision, the Supreme Court signaled that the arbiter of our national politics is no longer the media—but the American people.
Another key component of Friday’s historic victory is that three of the five justices in the Dobbs majority owe their appointment to the Court to the American people, who stood bravely by their side when all odds were against them. In fact, the Alito majority came to fruition thanks in large part to the 2016 election of former President Donald Trump, who pledged to nominate and confirm constitutionalist judges who would resist the tides of left-wing judicial activism and issue decisions based on the law as written, rather than to the whims of popular opinion and demands of the ruling class. “Thanks to the courage found within the United States Supreme Court, this long divisive issue will be decided by the states and by the American People themselves. That’s the way it should have been many years ago, and that’s the way it will be now,” Trump said the day after the release of the decision in a speech in Mendon, Illinois.
Though it is of course difficult to overstate the groundbreaking significance of Dobbs for the pro-life cause and unborn children, its magnitude extends far beyond the protection of innocent life. To the chagrin of the Chief Justice and the mainstream media, the Supreme Court is no longer the Roberts Court—and Taneyism is no longer the driving force behind it.
In the end, rule of law, the endurance of American institutions, and the Court itself will be bolstered and immeasurably strengthened by Friday’s decision. And every American who cherishes the right to life, believes in the American constitutional order, and embraces the rule of law should rejoice in that fact.
The UNITED STATES of AMERICA is NOT a Democracy.
Whooo, Hooo! The Leftist states can now expand Pro-abortion laws to include Infanticide. Red state ‘birthing persons’ that can not keep their legs closed and treat abortion as if it is cosmetic surgery, can simply go to California, Illinois or New York! Nothing has changed folks!
The SCOTUS decision was very weak in order to get the 5th and 6th SCOTUS vote. It could have considered the life of the ignored party, THE BABY, under the 14th Amendment. …but did not!
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1868, granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States—including former enslaved people—and guaranteed all citizens “equal protection” of the laws. …..That means the unborn baby!
Unborn children as constitutional persons,federal%20protection%20of%20unborn%20persons.
As an effect of the unanimity of the states in holding unborn children to be persons under criminal, tort, and property law, the text of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment compels federal protection of unborn persons. Furthermore, to the extent Justice Blackmun examined the substantive law in these disciplines, his findings are clearly erroneous and as a whole amount to judicial error. Moreover, as a matter of procedure, according to the due process standards recognized in Fifth Amendment jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade should be held null and void as to the rights and interests of unborn persons. …but it was not!
Only time will tell if this long overdue RVW ruling spells a new beginning for SCOTUS…As all of us found out in short order with respect to Justice Roberts before Obama entered the picture, Roberts was & continues to be a Trojan Horse…How much did the Bush administration know about this man?
” But with Friday’s decision, the Supreme Court signaled that the arbiter of our national politics is no longer the media—but the American people. ” I return to my opening line, ” Only time will tell. ”
Lest we forget their recent decision of ” No Legal Standing ” & ultimately the actions of SCOTUS altered the outcome of a presidential election with every single American negatively effected as a direct result from the SCOTUS…
Bill… :~)
John Roberts is a vague (on purpose?) person. Hard to figure out who ‘Chief Gumby’ really is, what does he truly believe, rather than his ‘twisting words in the wind’? I agree, he and national media a lot a like. Alito does his job, while Roberts plays politics.
If John Roberts is a true constitution-following Supreme Court justice, what is his issue that he cannot agree and side with the other 5 Supreme Court justices who voted in favor? Or disagree and side with the the other 3 Supreme Court justices? Did he just waste time and space and sit there like a bump on the log during their discussions? What’s wrong with saying “Yay” or “Nay” when it’s time to make a decision? What a waste, maybe time for him to step down. He seems to do this quite often….
I’m encouraged by the SC’s decisions of late. I won’t lie…I thought a few of the “conservative justices” would fold like a cheap lawn chair. It is very clear, however, that this administration has no intention of following any SC decision they don’t agree with. So, time will tell, how effective these rulings are. But I can say that any gain, any gain at all, that constitutionalists and conservatives get, must never be given back! We must be ever watchful, ever vigil, and hold firmly, and never give back a single iota, a 1/16th of an inch, back to the radical socialists.
Yes….I have said all along that the Supremes never had the authority to rule on this 50 years ago…all authorities not given to the federal government revert back to the individual states. We finally have a number of judges who have read and stick to the Constitution. It is past time and 6.5 million deal babies later, but change has finally come
I have always had a gut feeling that somebody has something on Roberts and that is why he changed his mind on Obamacare.
before the new justices joined, I read articles about Casey and other cases where SCOTUS was laying groundwork for replacing Roe with a stronger legal basis mandating legal abortion.
after Robert’s disastrous Obamacare rulings, I was wondering how he would handle a new abortion case, and I thought he would protect abortion “rights” in that manner. Which he did, with his vote; outvoted though by the new justices.
He has turned into a disappointment. Sad because he can still have an impact for worse decisions.
The left and the Dumbocraps are famous for saying conservatives and most Republicans will destroy our Democracy which is such bs as was stated below we are a Constitutional Republic. Roberts has been “bought” by Soros and the Bush’s are wolves in sheep clothing all in for the One World Order. The Dumbocraps tout to being the party of the poor and working class. Such BS as they have never done a thing for any American except themselves. I don’t think people like Jackson who can’t give you a definition of a woman and certainly does not believe in our Constitution should be on the court. No one should be on the court who does not KNOW the Constitution and has shown they follow it. Did anyone know that there are no qualifications to be a Supreme Court judge? Yes former judges are usually picked with of course law degrees, usually but it is not a requirement. You should know the true history of this country and what America stands for and if you are for communism, socialism or marxism or the One World Order, I don’t think you belong in America. I want the Supreme Court to overturn the 2020 election. Three justices wanted to look at the election but were shot down by Roberts. Scalia and Thomas have only been the only two justices to be considered originators that meaning they follow the Constitution and Thomas had been especially quiet after Scalia’s murder which was covered up. It seems he’s found his voice and faith and others are joining with him. I will continue to pray for them and this country and her people.
This was a ruling on the Constitution of the United States. As I have often said when challenged by liberals who claim that mentally ill are GUARANTEED good mental help or women are GUARANTEED abortions under the Constitution, neither of these rights are mentioned in the Constitution. The end.
So people ask, was it 6-3 or 5-4? The decision itself is over 200 pages long, and there is no score box that neatly answers the question. One must at least peruse the document to determine who concurs and who dissents for the issues at hand.
There were, of course, the FIVE most conservative justices (Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Barrett, and Kavanaugh) who not only decided for Dobbs to uphold the Mississippi law, but also voted to strike down the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision in its entirety. Chief Justice Roberts joined the five conservative justices in the Court’s judgement for Dobbs. So the judgement for Dobbs was 6 to 3 with Roberts concurring.
However, Roberts was not persuaded to join the conservatives in striking down Roe, and joined the three leftist judges in their dissent on that issue. So the judgement to strike down Roe was 5 to 4 with Roberts dissenting!
The article should have done a better job discussing this point.
Leftists have never cared for the Constitution. It’s just a dirty, irrelevant rag, as far as most of them are concerned, because it’s utterly incompatible with their notions of a Collectivist future. Everything is sublimated to their dynamic, intersectional grievance hierarchy. Except abortion. It’s the one perceived individual “right” (in their own heads, anyway) that is neither defined in the Constitution nor codified into federal law.
Roberts was a horrible choice for Chief Justice. He shouldn’t be on the Court at all. He is not an Originalist. He’s the kind of guy who wants the status quo to prevail. He doesn’t want to rock the boat. He cares more about socio-political stability than anything else. He would have been a great ally to Southern Democrat racists during the Dred Scott era. They would have loved him.
The culture of death lost finally.
Amen! How wonderful to see them stand firm!
The Dems will now pack the court to get these decisions changed to there liberal thinking!
Roberts is a scumbag
Roberts in my mind is a coward. He probably looks under his bed every night. He seems like a timid frightened man to me. Thomas should kick him out of the building and take over as Chief Justice.
What don’t you get about the last several SC decisions…..ken….
Welcome our Christian Values back, to the States that want them! The horrible effect of abortion is much too prevalent. God have mercy on These United States! Amen.Joseph P.
Robert’s should retire in 2025 and Thomas should become Chief Justice.
It’s about time. This Roberts based court has disappointed so many times. Roberts is not a true Conservative and his time has come to step aside in for the Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Cavanaugh, and Comey Barrett Court to rule. God bless Donald Trump’s vision of the US Supreme Court.
I do believe Craig Driver is correct and Clarence Thomas should be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Justice Robert’s always sides with the Dems.
Though I have taken strong opposition to the insipid editorial support AMAC has provided the moronic support of the uber corrupt country of Ukraine I must admit that I really enjoyed this article and its take on the overturning of Roe.
Great editorial indeed.
Look at those who are on streets in favor of killing a picture of some saying they like to kill babies evil will be called good and good will be called evil.
Great article…it helped a lot of us figure out what is wrong with Roberts. He is such a disappointment.
Great article and topic – at last these lowlife Democrat elitists have to wake up and realize they do not rule the USA- the people do!
The Dred Scott decision was decided by a court where 5 of 7 justices were slave owners and under modern legal standards would honorably recuse themselves.
While I absolutely agree that the judicial branch of government should never bow to public opinion, if not, why have a Supreme Court – why not just have a vote on each issue, I’m also concerned with the fact that some of these justices stated that they had no intention to overturn Rie v Wade, when during their Senate confirmation hearings. Does this not make conservatives venerable to being dismissed as lies and hypocrites? I hope I don’t have to spend much time in the future defending people who support my values from such accusations.
Fjb!!! Let’s Go Brandon!!!
I’m betting it was Roberts’ staff that leaked the abortion decision early. Especially if he had the power to release everyone’s decisions early to end the intimidation against the justices that were pro-life, but he dragged it out to cause harm to the pro-life justices.
FJB! and Democrats and RINOs, as well.
Roberts is compromised.
Praise God!!!!!!!!
To this day I still wonder how Robert’s slipped by us. I remember how happy I was the day he was confirmed and how unhappy I’ve been ever since.
Just one brief comment: ROBERTS MAKES ME SICK! What an abomination. People like him make Biden look good. Errr, well almost.
Next, time for government to get out of marriage, altogether. Government doesn’t get to redefine ‘marriage’.
A right to privacy doesn’t make water dry and the Sun cold.
Two men cannot be ‘married’. It’s impossible.
roberts deserves eternal damnation. he rewrote obamacare from the bench. any health care bill had zero chance of passage with a tax. he declared the mandate a tax. he should have been impeached the next day. i wish evil on him forever
GREAT article! But let me tell you that we just got an email from one of our Illinois Senators, Sue Rezin, that our governor pritzker is telling us that we can STILL abort babies up to birth and he will be getting his fellow dems to join with him to pass law that a parent does not have to be notified for any child who wants an abortion, that we here in Illinois will now be paying for the ‘procedures’ where all of us will be footing the bill for murder. He has mulled it over to join California with the idea that they can actually kill a baby 28 days after birth!!! It is just plain out right MURDER! Just found out that our Republican Darren Bailey has won the primary and will be running against this low life in November. PLEASE pray for our state that this God fearing man who believes in giving God the glory, 100% against abortions, hates raising taxes and believes in the Second Amendment wins against pritzker. Thank you all who pray.
Justice Roberts is such a coward.. He didn’t vote for or against if you read his opinion. He basically abstained. He actually cares more for how much political fire a major ruling will cause then he does about whether something is constitutional or not. He is a Washington Croney who has people to please on both sides so he just took the middle.. Like a coward. He’s the worst Chief Justice we’ve ever had..No wonder the Dems went pretty soft on him during his confirmation hearings. This was probably all worked with the Rhino’s. They were gonna let the GOP have him, but he was gonna have to play along with them on certain issues. Like Obamacare, it was his vote that could’ve killed it. But no, Roberts ruled, “He didn’t think was The Supreme Courts Job to kill GOOD laws”.. If it’s unconstitutional it’s not a good law. And it wasn’t. .Didn’t matter, his vote kept it from being repealed. If we do win back Congress, I think they should impeach his ass.. And set an example, your either a Constitutional Justice, or your not a Justice.