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Democrats’ Postal Conspiracy is the Biggest Made-Up Controversy Since Russiagate

Posted on Thursday, August 20, 2020
by Outside Contributor

democratsAnthony S. Fauci said Friday that there is “no reason” most Americans can’t vote in person this November and that voting is as safe as going to a grocery store. “If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don’t have a crowded situation, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to do that,” he told National Geographic.

No matter: Democrats are pressing ahead with their universal mail-in voting scheme and setting the stage to blame President Trump when it results in an unmitigated disaster. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is already accusing Trump of a “campaign to sabotage the election by manipulating the Postal Service to disenfranchise voters.”

Please. This is the biggest made-up controversy since Democrats accused Trump of conspiring with Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election.

A massive increase in mail-in ballots will throw the election into chaos not because Trump is manipulating the postal system but because mail-in ballots are the most inherently unreliable way to vote. Vote-by-mail has a much higher failure rate than in-person voting — a fact that was underscored by the catastrophic failure of mail-in voting during Democratic primaries this year.

Those failures had nothing to do with Trump or the US Postal Service. The problem is state election laws that allow voters to request mail-in ballots just a few days before Election Day. If tens of millions of voters all drop ballots in the mail at the last minute, it is inevitable that the postal system will be overwhelmed, and millions of ballots will be delayed, misdirected or arrive without postmarks. This is why the Postal Service General Counsel Thomas J. Marshall recently warned state election officials, urging them to require voters to request ballots at least 15 days before Election Day.

But instead of pushing states to fix their election laws, Democrats are trying to pin the blame on Trump — arguing that he is pushing to “defund” the Postal Service. That is a lie. Just last month, the Trump administration gave the USPS a $10 billion loan, funding authorized in the Cares Act, which Trump signed into law in March. Trump has since signed off on legislation that would turn it into a grant — even though the Wall Street Journal reported that “the Postal Service doesn’t currently need the money.” The Postal Service was a mess long before Trump arrived, losing $78 billion since 2007, but it has plenty of short-term cash. Despite this, Pelosi is demanding that Trump agree to a $25 billion USPS bailout bill that would undoubtedly be loaded up with partisan provisions regarding mail-in voting — and threatening to blame Trump for the coming mail-in voting fiasco if he refuses.

Democrats are also charging that cost-savings reforms instituted by new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy (before they were suspended Tuesday until after the election) were politically motivated. That is also untrue. While DeJoy is a Trump donor, he was appointed not by Trump but by the unanimous vote of the bipartisan Postal Service Board of Governors. And the reforms he is trying to implement were designed to address issues raised in a recent report by USPS Inspector General Tammy L. Whitcomb — a career civil servant who joined the inspector general’s office during the Obama administration — and are necessary to put the USPS on the path to solvency. The Obama administration got rid of thousands of collection boxes in the years before the 2016 election, yet no one accused it of election manipulation. Yet some House Democrats have even urged the FBI to open a criminal investigation into DeJoy.

So, what should Trump do? Simple. Take away the Democrats’ excuses and make them own the coming mail-in voting fiasco. The president should ask Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to pass bipartisan legislation introduced in July by Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) to give the Postal Service $25 billion to cover pandemic revenue losses — and attach a continuing resolution funding the government until after the election, heading off a fiscal crisis when government funding runs out on Oct. 1.

This would put Democrats in a bind. If they refuse to approve a bipartisan bill — one co-sponsored by Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.), their vice-presidential nominee — at the funding level they have requested, then they can’t blame Trump for defunding the post office right before the election or any government shutdown. If they approve the bill, they help Republicans keep control of the Senate by giving the vulnerable Collins a pre-election boost — and lose their ability to blame Trump for the impending mail-in voting catastrophe. Either way, Trump wins.

The narrative that Trump is manipulating the post office to steal the election is the new Russiagate — a conspiracy theory designed to delegitimize Trump’s victory if he wins. Trump should act now to take that narrative away.

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Roseann Riddle
Roseann Riddle
4 years ago

As always, to see what the Democrats are doing, see what they accuse the Republicans of doing. At first, I thought it was a coincidence, but they use it as part of their strategy, ” because it causes your enemy to go crazy.”

Alicia Leaving Liberals
Alicia Leaving Liberals
4 years ago

In politics, as well as movies; there is the ‘storyboard’. There is the ‘obstacle’ to be overcome, the ‘righteous solution’, and the ‘desired outcome’. The ‘self righteous liberals’ have created a multitude of problems in 2020!

4 years ago

This post office thing is ridiculous! Trump is right as usual.

4 years ago

The U.S. Mail fiction cooked up by the Democrats is simply the latest tactic in their never-ending quest to remove Trump from office. Nothing more. Nothing less. In a week or two, this nonsense will be replaced by yet another new narrative from the Democrats. It’s all they have to offer. No real solutions to anything, that would actually benefit the American people as a whole. Just endless fear mongering, identity politics and lies. Yet a large percentage of the American people continue to vote for these dangerous clowns. That is the real threat this country. A growing percentage of the public dumbed-down enough to buy into the Democrat garbage.

4 years ago

“This would put Democrats in a bind (No, it wouldn’t) …. then they can’t blame Trump for defunding the post office (Of course they can! They already have and it is not true!)…”

This line of thought assumes that the democrats will be honest and realistic with the voter. Since this has not happened in decades, there is no reason to think it will happen now. I think Trump, and the rest of us, have finally come to the conclusion that the democrats will blame Trump for everything, (including fabricated, and non-existent problems) regardless of what he does, or does not do.

Their goal is to make Trump wrong 100% of the time, period. If the truth won’t do this for them, they have no qualms about lying to make it so.

Richard Buchas
Richard Buchas
4 years ago

As in any detective story, follow the $$$ trail. … And the $$$ trail leads to Socialism/Communism where those running the “Government” are in the $$$ and the rest of us peons serve the Government. Wake up and smell the Rose’s People, get out and vote and make sure President Trump is re-elected!!! God Bless America!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
4 years ago

Mail-in voting is fraught with corruption. The election-night votes are tallied, Say Trump is ahead in state A. Suddenly the DIMMs “find” a stack of “non-counted” mail-in votes and nearly all go for Biden allowing Senile Joe to pull ahead.
This happened with “normal” voting in MN. Norm Coleman won on election night but a DIMM poll worker “found” a box of ballots in her car trunk which went over 90% for un-funny Al Franken. Guess who ended up winning?

Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

The Dem-o-rats are just looking for another way to cheat….they have nothing to they have to
cheat in order to regain power.

4 years ago

Anything the democrat liberal loonies touch is a disaster including the the latest postal service excuse for their pitiful convention of woe and lies// It is truly the party of some old hacks like billy boy clinton and his putrid lying wife hillllllary// The worst is yet to come when Old man biden spews something out tonight//His wife must hate him for allowing this loser to embarrass himself on TV//The looting and riots have not been mentioned in the last 3 nights and their TV ratings are in the garbage dump// I will not watch these phony hacks of yesteryear for 10 seconds//GO TUMPSTER//

diane Jones
diane Jones
4 years ago

I’ve been using mail in voting since i retired. Now i vote in every election before only in the major ones. I remember Florida poking out the chads on paper ballots, other states use paper ballots too. I remember one state in 2016 handed out ballots to every person who walked one once, twice or more. We need the US PO, most companies health plans have us use mail orders for our prescriptions.
Priority mail. If anyone wants to go to a polling place, they can hand the paper ballot to them or stand in line and vote at the machine. NOT ME. no more. Our County clerk mails the ballots to every REGISTERED voter. They are counted in the county clerk’s office too.
I asked 10 years ago when i started. With all of these, more people will be needed to count them. I’ve told all the seniors in my club to start doing this for years. Trump is doing this himself. Why doesn’t he stand in line???????What’s he afraid of???????

4 years ago

Do the Democrats (aka “Socialists”) EVER stop lying?

John Lemley
John Lemley
4 years ago

Yes, the postal conspiracy is fabricated. Just another of perhaps hundreds of lies invented by the left to destroy President Trump. My concern is that all of those lies are believed by people who will vote. Yesterday a neightbor told me, while holding back tears, that a year ago Trump had thouands of children in cages and now there are over 50 million children being held in facilities all over the country. She believes the USPS is destroying mail sorting machines and removing mail boxes. She still believes the Russia hoax, the Ukraine hoax and all the others.lies. How can their minds (and votes) be changed? When I tell them the truth, they say I am wrong.

4 years ago

Democrats will try any and every possible nefarious way to lie, cheat, steal, usurp, twist, blame, scapegoat and deviate they can think up to keep the House and take the Oval Office and Senate.

4 years ago

AMF Dr Hack. Rest well and long, especially long.

Denise Reynolds
Denise Reynolds
4 years ago

If people want to vote they will go to the poles just like all the years before. Mail in voting is the only chance the democrats have of winning because of all the fake votes they are already making up.

4 years ago

I am SICK of the demoncrats. They have done nothing but create chaos. I pray in November they are solidly defeated.

4 years ago

Laughable democrats and their comments. The must get up in the morning, look in the mirror, and think, “what have we not done lately, and then blame Trump.” What bunch of horse pucky.

Durban this morning railing about Republicans, and everything he blamed them for, is what the democrats have not done. What a clown. TERM LIMITS, the only answer. He lied and must know he did. What does that tell us?

4 years ago

The Dems know their voters can vote by mail and also go to the polls. Since no voter ID is required, it will not be any problem to do both, along with ballot harvesting and the cemetery vote. LOL!!!

4 years ago

BTW, how many folks have died from covid-19, but will still be voting in November?

4 years ago

Another made up conspiracy by the liars with no real solutions to helping or giving support for the good of America. Reprobate minds that shouldn’t even have positions in the White House.

Suzanne Koenig
Suzanne Koenig
4 years ago

Thought Democrats trusted and believed everything Fauci said…. until he doesn’t fit their plans…………

4 years ago

They’re thinking ahead! A plan for the future! The rotten democrat communists sense a loss coming their way! I hope they do lose. Democrats need a new excuse for this coming loss. The 4-year Russia/Collusion investigation was a democrat party- generated hoax and they can’t milk it any longer. It’s time for a new hoax – the postal conspiracy hoax? Let’s beat the democrats before they waste another 4 years on a new hoax! Let’s make a special effort to vote democrats out of the House and Senate as well! Trump 2020!

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

I am convinced that this Nov. election will result in a massive riotous, chaotic event. The Left knows it’s going to probably lose, and is prepping for a unprecedented “protest” that will dwarf all others in violence and destruction. Soros stands ready to pay people to riot. I hope i’m wrong, but will be prepared for the worst “behavior” of the facsist, marxist America-haters.

4 years ago

Trump slammed Goodyear in public over perceived training to employees. Trump must quit singling out American companies in public, and this is not the first time. He claims he wants companies to stay in US & put people to work , so quit with rash & demeaning tweets to world. Guess that votes of Goodyear employees are not wanted .

4 years ago

I think they know that they’re going to loose big in November, and, as usual, they’re gearing up to be able to blame President Trump. They will never be able to accept the fact that Americans are rejecting their socialist/communist brand of government. They should all be imprisoned for treason.

Richard J George
Richard J George
4 years ago

Just another ruse by the corrupt Democrat party which is why I have nothing but contempt for these leftist fools.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Postal reforms:
Count ballots same day for polling
Count ballots when Recieved from mail in.
Automate postal warehouses
Drones deliever mail.
Combine mail times
Fed Ex &USPS combine for postal centers.
Update truck fleets.
Cut USPS bureaucracy

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

When Trump/Pence wins this November, the Democrats will start riots everywhere they can!!  Be a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Be ready to defend your Family and your Neighborhood!!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Demand Antifa and all Marxist Groups be prosecuted!!  Take-back OUR Country!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution lead by the Democrats, the Media, and “The Swamp”!!  Take back OUR Country!!!  Be a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, find an alternative to Public Education.  It destroys individual thinking!!  Charter and Parochial Schools can be OK but Home Education is best although it may require lifestyle changes.  EACH OF US MUST CHOOSE!  “IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN…”

Jacqueline Kruger
Jacqueline Kruger
4 years ago

Are the Dems plotting to stay out of the political arena for many years to come? Americans are like the Republicans in that they have the memories of an elephant!

T McMullen
T McMullen
4 years ago

I hope President Trump has been urged to sign the bill introduced in July by Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) to give the Postal Service $25 billion to cover pandemic revenue losses — and attach a continuing resolution funding the government until after the election!
First it was the Impeachment, then the virus, then social unrest! Now it’s the mail! They NEVER stop!

ThreeQuarter ton
ThreeQuarter ton
4 years ago

What mail in balloting is REALLY all about, is the commicrats know the only way they can take the government is by massive fraud !! Mail in balloting opens voting up to EVERY KIND OF FRAUD you can imagine, much more than they have been able to pull off in the past. Like people voting numerous times, ballots disappearing some later found in someones trunk, illegal aliens voting, DEAD people voting! With mail in voting, we will see all kinds of new tricks by the commicrats. Oh yes lets call them what they are, the democrats have been marching lock step with the Communist party for DECADES!!

Gary Fisher
Gary Fisher
4 years ago

Another ridiculous manufactured “scandal” from the left. As someone has said, “If you can loot in person, you can vote in person.”

4 years ago

That would all be hunky-dory if it were not for the fact that Collins is as close to a Democrat as any Republican in Congress. The best thing to happen would be if she lost a primary to a true Republican! Oathkeepers (to the Constitution) must not only get all Democrats out but all RINOs as well, if we are to save America from Marxist overthrow.

Mary Vaughn
Mary Vaughn
4 years ago

Why do the return postalcodes have either a R or a D to designate which party you are voting in?

4 years ago

The democrats destroy everything they touch. They cheat and create chaos.

Bob Bodenhamer
Bob Bodenhamer
4 years ago

Sounds like a plan, hope the Pres. goes for it!!!

Judith Ann Crouch
Judith Ann Crouch
4 years ago


Charles Roach
Charles Roach
4 years ago

As an election officer who has presided over two elections during this pandemic without incident, Dr. Fauci is correct, voting in person is entirely doable.

David Guy Wyncoop
David Guy Wyncoop
4 years ago

This latest liberal mail-in ballot postal scheme is PATHETIC. How is it possible for this garbage that the left continues to try to feed us able to continue. It is constant and never ending. Can’t someone with a little common sense and authority stop this? All of this “stuff” is going on right out in the open. I am still waiting for some “known” heads to roll! Voting is a privilege and an honor. It needs to be above reproach! That being said, the only way is to have a voter ID document/card to show when you vote in person. Anything else opens up fraud possibilities. No one argues about getting a drivers license and we all have birth certificates and social security cards as well. One person, one vote. Essentially what the left wants is like telling your opponent “Lets play but the outcome is already determined, we win”. To use a Biden quip, “Come on man”.

4 years ago

Has anyone noticed that the Dems always create fictitious stories about future crisis to lay the groundwork for they’re planned future actions? Ex: Trump will refuse to leave office or this mail in ballot crisis. They’re not worried about what Trump does, they’re laying the groundwork to challenge the election if they lose.

As for the mail in absentee ballots…I can’t speak for other parts of the country, but in Cleveland Oh, the USPS has stopped postmarking all mail.
So how would anyone be able to prove that a mail in ballot arriving 1-2 weeks late was actually mailed before the deadline.
Obviously election laws need to change to accommodate this, such as absentee ballots must arrive at the elections by end of day on the voting date instead of simply post marked by end of day on election date. This should also initiate a chain of changes such as moving the last date to request an absentee ballot so that there is sufficient time for the election board to mail the ballot and sufficient reasonable time for the voter to return it by the deadline.
But then again, the voter could always head to the election board and vote early, in person. Assuming of course, that this doesn’t inconvenience them.

4 years ago

Is their and compensation for comments to AMAC// If so let me know the amount//OK

Peter K
Peter K
4 years ago

We can rightfully place blame for lying to the American people on Democrats, however, the real travesty is the willfully complicit MSM that is the major problem with the US. It is difficult for me to comprehend how corrupt they have become. If they simply reported facts, the Democrats would be constantly having to stop pointing a finger at the President for every ill we have. I know this may sound naive, but is is just plain wrong and deceitful.

4 years ago

Well when one does not do their own research and believe everything the Democrats say and the media reports then one has the problem of being led like sheep to the slander. The Democrats have lost their sense and our trying to take credit for all the good that Trump has done. The Dems are the dangerous ones they our the ones that are destroying the nation. Obama started the destruction and and is still trying to do it. I am discussed with our republican leaders that have caved to the Dems and changed sides. Don’t they know we american’s can see what is going on. Trump Has done more for America and has accomplished more then all the Democrats have ever done At least he loves america, Obama would even pledge allegiance to our flag. He was suppose to be a American president which he only was in office only but his loyalty was to Iran and socialism. I pray that the Democrats get defeated worst then they ever have in this election.

Bob L.
Bob L.
4 years ago

Every once and a while, Fauci says something that is truthful, like now, about the safety of in-person voting.
Most of the time, he’s like an old hit and miss engine and mostly miss.

Stephen G
Stephen G
4 years ago

The Post Office handled millions of pieces of mail during Christmas rush for years! This is just another Democrat way of fear mongering. I remember in the 80’s when Regan was President they said he was going to privatize the Post Office,well 38 years later it’s still here.

4 years ago

How about we let things go funding wise as-is. No 25 billion and let the man (dejoy) work? No changes. we are talking 25 BILLION HERE ARENT WE?

Calvin Johnston
Calvin Johnston
4 years ago

The Democrats are doing everything they can to promote voter fraud. And then they claim there is no voter fraud. I saw a list of 949 convictions for voter fraud since 2018. That pretty much eliminates the idea that it doesn’t happen.
And the idea that ID is impossible for poor people to obtain. Ridiculous. We require ID to get welfare, or a beer, to drive a car and a dozen other things but can’t expect people to provide ID to vote. That is simply promoting voter fraud if anyone can vote. It makes it easy to vote early and often. The Dems oppose cleaning up the voter rolls to eliminate dead people or those who have moved out of state. And they have made voter fraud laws which are so vague and twisted that in many places it is practically impossible to convict anyone of voter fraud unless they proclaim and document that they did it.
If you value the country as it was founded and appreciate your individual freedoms, vote and vote in person. A ballot that goes through the mail passes through many hands and there are many opportunities for it to be thrown away or modified to make it invalid.

trump and the word insurrection
Gretchen Whitmer speaking; regards about anti-catholic bigotry
trump and kamala facing one another, election poll ballots behind them
virginia state flag and voter box

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