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Chaos in Nevada as Democrat Civil War Rages On

Posted on Thursday, June 17, 2021
by AMAC Newsline


A civil war has been roiling the Democratic Party since election night 2020 when Democrats were stunned by historic losses in the House and major disappointments up and down the ballot in states across the country. This feud has only escalated further in recent weeks as tensions between the party’s moderates and progressives have boiled over—and there is no better example of the drama that is playing out nationwide than the disaster that beset Democrats recently in the swing state of Nevada. In a shocking series of events, Nevada’s state party apparatus has been torn in two by conflict and open hostility between the socialist and moderate factions of the Democrat coalition. It is a perfect microcosm of the Democrat Civil War.

 Last week, Democrat leaders in Washoe County, Nevada, one of several key swing counties that determine the outcome of statewide elections, announced that they would buck the state party apparatus, which has been taken over by Bernie Sanders acolytes, and instead set up their own organization aligned with the establishment wing of the party to coordinate voter outreach and fundraising for the 2022 election cycle.

The seeds of the fissure were planted earlier this year when a group of leftist candidates backed by Sanders and several local chapters of the Democratic Socialists of America secured top leadership posts within the state Democratic Party organization. By declaring their independence from these leftists this week, the Washoe County Democrats are apparently hoping to distance themselves from the radicals in control of the state party in what amounts to an open acknowledgment that Democrats’ leftward lurch is alienating Nevada voters.

 Judith Whitmer, the newly installed socialist chair of the Nevada Democratic Party, called the decision by the Washoe County Democrats an “insurrection,” as well as “ill-advised and undemocratic.”

 Several elected Democrats in Nevada who bill themselves as moderates, including Senator Catherine Cortez Masto and Governor Steve Sisolak, nonetheless stated their support for the move, likely realizing that association with progressive policies could threaten their own reelection hopes next year, just as it damaged or destroyed reelection bids for many incumbent Democrats in the U.S. House in 2020.

 Unfortunately for Democrats in Washington, members of the House and Senate have found it much harder to distance themselves from the increasingly extreme members of their coalition on the stage of national politics. Under the glare of the national media spotlight, any dissent from the progressive line is swiftly punished as the woke mob descends on party moderates. For this reason, last year, many Congressional Democrats made what President Trump referred to as the “corrupt bargain”—agreeing to vote for progressive policies out of step with their state’s voters as long as the socialist wing of the party did not run a primary opponent against them.

 Yet after many House Democrats were compelled to defend or endorse radical progressive policies such the “Defund the Police” movement and the “Green New Deal,” numerous incumbent Democrats lost or eked out narrow wins, leading to widely reported outrage from Democrats in swing districts.

 Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) reportedly urged her colleagues to “not ever use the word ‘socialist’ or ‘socialism’ ever again,” while Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) admitted that many Democrats are “not going to win” if they run on platforms like Defund the Police.

 But despite the pleas of more moderate Democrats, the drama has not ended. In recent weeks, Congressional Democrats have once again become embroiled in an intra-party squabble over support for Israel. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), a member of the “Squad,” a group of young, radical left-wing House Democrat women legislators who have an outsized voice in setting the Democratic Party agenda, likened the actions of Israel and the United States to the terrorist group Hamas, tweeting recently that “we have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.”

 A group of Jewish House Democrats responded to this outrageous moral equivalence by issuing a statement calling Omar’s comments “offensive” and “misguided.” However, rather than apologize, Omar doubled down, this time with backup from fellow Squad members Rashida Tlaib, who claimed that “freedom of speech doesn’t exist for Muslim women,” and Squad Queen Bee herself AOC, who accused Democratic leadership of “constant vilification” and “public targeting” of Omar.

 The episode was a reprise of a similar debacle in 2019 when House Democrats failed to pass a resolution condemning anti-Semitism in response to other tweets from Rep. Omar that accused Jewish Americans of having “dual loyalty” and only caring “about the Benjamins.” After pushback from progressives, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi watered down the language of the resolution to include condemnations of “all hate,” sparing Omar any direct rebuke.

 Two years later, it appears that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have completely surrendered to the progressive wing of their caucuses, with Schumer rumored to be worried about the possibility of a primary challenge from AOC herself.

 Because Democrats hold only a razor-slim majority in the House, the Squad, which votes together on nearly every issue, effectively holds veto power over any policy put forth by House leadership. As a result, the legislation passed by the House since the 2020 election has been some of the most radical in American history, even though Democrats lost seats last year in what was widely interpreted as a rebuke of their leftist bent.

 Progressives’ ascendance is not only occurring in the states and the Congress, but it is increasingly clear that progressives also have an iron grip on the Biden White House. Despite the fact that Biden ran as the consummate moderate, he has filled his cabinet and executive agencies with left-wing activists and radical progressives. Although Biden may claim to be bipartisan, the individuals who actually write and implement his agenda are anything but an issue that resulted in fierce confirmation fights over leftists like the new Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights, Vanita Gupta, who previously expressed support for defunding the police.  

The chaos in Nevada could be a warning sign of what is to come for Democrats nationwide if they fail to rein in the radical progressive wing of the party that is increasingly in the drivers seat. Not just local party organizations but prominent national Democrats may soon be distancing themselves from the party’s controversial brand.

 If they do not change course, then Democrats may once again have a hefty price to pay at the ballot box in 2022.


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3 years ago

Republicans: UNITE, let’s take back the HOUSE!
MAGA 2022.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

The Democrat Socialist wing cannot be even close to half of the Democrats in Congress and they face re-election (which if their own paychecks are their main priority must be important). They can’t hide. At least some in Nevada realize that an election is important.
America never becoming a Socialist country with any label preceding “socialist” is so critical to survival that I rejoice in every setback for this tough, bitter group. They need a seat right next to the USA communists of the 1920’s.

3 years ago

As long as there’s zealots like Judith Whitmer and institutions like Dem Socialists, aka, Committee on Public Safety (al la French Revolution) – – and there’s plenty of ’em – – vote canvasing, ballot harvesting, voting machine set-up, maintenance and read-out auditing and actual vote counting by Dems generally and Dem Socialists in particular, no election is safe. Don’t fool yourself, even a few of ’em is a lot of ’em when it comes to ‘any means necessary’.

3 years ago

I am not illiterate, but my brain is aging. I have a difficult time staying interested in your articles when I have to read a sentence several times to determine its meaning. Please state your facts in shorter, more concise sentences. Thank you.

3 years ago

Good article but a bit long.

3 years ago

the democrats are deserving of failure across the USA // Just look at how this dementia buffoon Biden has screwed up everything he touches // the people realize they made a mistake voting for these pitiful group of losers and now the world realizes they cannot run a garbage dump// Biden at the G7 and the meeting with Putin was a joke and its time for change immediately/No NOT KAMALA

Mike S
Mike S
3 years ago

Since the MSM will not report any of this it will only get worse. When we do not have an honest media the dims will never change.

3 years ago

Since Dems declared themselves lord and master of our lives, our thoughts, our media (albeit complicit media), prices of everything have increased. This hurts those on fixed income the most, but young people are beginning to feel the pinch. Only ones not affected r those being supplemented by bribes and political graft.

John Radmacher
John Radmacher
3 years ago

This is all subterfuge and garbage! Our government is gone. The USA is gone. Our government, FBI, CIA and justice department are all corrupt and lawless. When Hillery (for one, selling our countries uranium to Russia among so many other injustices) Joe (being a televised extortionist or our tax dollars for his son) and his son (for bribes from China and the Ukraine to influence his father), go to jail, there will be true freedom for this country and justice! Right now we are living in increasing chaos which is making China and Russia more influential and destroying our Previously united states, our businsses and education! The citizens of this country became so arrogantly prosperous that we all got lazy and STUPID. And here we are….. STUPID and in chaos! Our only hope now is a Republican take over (that will never happen as most of them are still too stupid and lazy) but the individual states like Florida, South Dakota and Texas will have to step up and fight the United Corrupt Federal Government. Good Luck to us all. Freedom, Democracy, Capitalism and our previous Constitution of the United States. Right now…..There is enormous acceptance for all the to go away ! Such incredible “BRAINWASHED” stupidity.

3 years ago

Well, this was good news to read about for the Conservative side of US politics. Notice I didn’t say the GOP because there are times, I’m not too sure which why our political party is swinging.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

They need to be abolished or flat out stopped. J. Edgar corruption at its best.

Nina Rae
Nina Rae
3 years ago

Enjoyed your article, but was disappointed that you did not mention the recent moves by Elko & Lander Counties. The Sheriff in each county passed resolutions to stand by the Constitution and refused to enforce any laws that are UN-constitutional, and they’re backed by their local Commissioners. Your reference to Governor Sisolak & our congressional representative does not reflect my experience with either of them. They may do not stand with the Conservatives by any measure. Gov. Sisolak locked arms with California’s Newsome, Oregon, & Washington and supported the shutdown, still somewhat in effect, and allowed the mobs to ‘Cruise the LV Strip’ in protest. This resulted in the death or injury of several of our dedicated Police Officers. Nevada is ‘ruled’ by two areas, in the north… Carson City-Reno & in the south by Las Vegas. These large population areas control our politics. Due to Californians (mostly) moving here these areas are now dominated by Democrats & Liberals. Although they comprise the smallest areas land wise they have the bulk of population. So the rest of the state, which is largely Republican, gets kicked in the teeth every major election! Hopefully other Counties will follow the lead of Elko & Landers and put a halt to the Democratic control & unfair governance.

3 years ago

And you know this how? Just asking for details.

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

Couldn’t happen to a better group of people who do not seem to understand the concept of democracy.

John fallon
John fallon
3 years ago

Socialists gain office by using the “flipping machines”, thats how they control state and local politics, any HONEST politician is crushed out of existence, “WE THE PEOPLE” need to cleanup the election system NOW!! and start electing representatives that are NOT LAWYERS!! AM I THE ONLY ONE TO NOTICE THAT THE WORST, MOST CORRUPT POLITICIANS ARE ALL LAWYERS!!

John Vettel
John Vettel
3 years ago

Why do you continue to use the “vanilla” word “progressives” when referring to the America haters? They are Communists or Marxists or at least Socialists, although that word is even too mild for these Traitors!

3 years ago

Good going Dems! Keep fighting each other… will FALL!!!!!!! Have you read Facebook recently…..seems a lot of Dems are rejecting Biden’s agenda and coming over to Reps side!! HA!

John Vettel
John Vettel
3 years ago

Yes it does! Unless we’re wimps, we will INSIST on close monitoring of all polling places! We will have patriots guarding all ballot drop boxes! We will demand that we oversee all ballot counting operation

3 years ago

In other words, don’t run on truth and words that have a negative connotation. Continue to run on lies and what we tell you is the truth. Typical Demo/Socialists. Also known as; liars, cheats, crooks, & weasels. I cannot imagine living a life totally void of any character, integrity, honor, morals, or hosesty. I might understand it more if I lived in China or Russia.

3 years ago

Sadly, I must agree here. They have become so good at cheating in elections, they don’t even hide it any more. Like in the presidential election, their cheating was open and in-your-face but no one did a thing to stop it.

3 years ago

There is no longer such a ting as a moderate Democrat. You are either an American or a Democrat.

3 years ago

I believe that the cost to be paid doesn’t stop at the ballot box! These people that you call the squad are not even American citizens. Why are they in any position to make any kind of decision about the rights of citizens in this country. Who put them where they are?? Someone better get something done about this situation in our White House and they better get it done soon! I don’t know about anyone else but I’m sick of the dog and pony show

Barry Courtnay
Barry Courtnay
3 years ago

The Democrats, have been electing young immigrants, that want to keep their country’s politics. Their families move to America not looking for the American dream, but to change the greatest Nation in the world. The American way of life is in jeopardy! We can hope that the generation upcoming will stop this movement before it ruins what our forefathers fought for and what we are still fighting for, Freedom, the right to free speech, our God giving rights, and to worship in a matter we feel is right. Our kids have yet to see the consequences of what these actions will be if not stopped soon. Only believe in those you trust.

3 years ago

To realize what is happening, all you need is to read “Atlas Shrugged” a book written in the 1960’s that depicts exactly what is happening in America….corrupt and lying businesses, fake censoring news and crooked and power hungry politicians.

Don Madison
Don Madison
3 years ago

God is in charge despite any and all political points of view. The left is stewing in their own juices and the more crazy it gets, the better for right minded patriotic Americans!

3 years ago

Our war is “with powers and principalities”. Satan wants to rule the world, and God is allowing him a time after which he and all who side with him will be eternally separated from those who want to be with good which God alone is. The time for that permanent division appears to be approaching fast. So many predictions have already come true. I’m afraid many in the demo party have gone over to the bad side. Some may even be demon possessed. This doesn’t mean that every rep is perfect. If you’re alive, it’s not too late to choose sides. Just ask Christ Jesus to save you. If you mean it, He’ll take care of the rest.

Patsy Seeger
Patsy Seeger
3 years ago

Right on! So refreshing to see the truth in journalism. Thank you.

Victoria Johnson
Victoria Johnson
3 years ago

The Democrap Party isn’t the slightest bit worried about what a ‘few’ so-called ‘moderate’ Democraps did in Washoe County. Las Vegas and Clark County, in the southern part of the state, completely over-shadows anything we do in Washoe County and the entire rest of the state. They are 3/4 of our population and almost universally left-wing Democraps from California. They flipped our state from red to blue and they’re never looking back. It’s California politics from now on as far as the eye can see. If I wasn’t so old and infirm, I’d move to a more hospital environment like So. Dakota or Montana. I’ll just tough it out for the few years I have left.

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