"The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation"



In The End of Everything, military historian Victor Davis Hanson narrates a series of sieges and sackings that span the age of antiquity to the conquest of the New World to show how societies descend into barbarism and obliteration. In the stories of Thebes, Carthage, Constantinople, and Tenochtitlan, he depicts war’s drama, violence, and folly. Highlighting the naivete that plagued the vanquished and the wrath that justified mass slaughter, Hanson delivers a sobering call to contemporary readers to heed the lessons of obliteration lest we blunder into catastrophe once again.


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Discussion Questions

  1. Hanson draws parallels between the fall of ancient civilizations and the current state of Western society. Do you find these comparisons compelling? Why or why not, and what historical lessons do you think are most relevant to today’s challenges?
  2. In the book, Hanson critiques modern academia and media for promoting ideological indoctrination over objective truth. How do you see these trends impacting society, and what measures, if any, do you think could help restore balance and integrity to these institutions?
  3. Hanson advocates for a return to rigorous education, civic responsibility, and a renewed national identity. How practical do you think these solutions are in the current political and cultural climate, and what steps can individuals or communities take to support these values?
Victor Davis Hanson
Author of "The End Of Everything"
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1 month ago

Looking forward to reading this! VDH is a national treasure ❤

1 month ago

I haven’t read his book yet, but i am looking forward to it. I enjoy his television commentaries. My favorite historian.

Sharon Yvonnne McCray
Sharon Yvonnne McCray
18 days ago

hello I am Miss Sharon Yvonne I am very interested in the topic. As a somewhat history buff, I find it refreshing to hear more on the topic of history’s lessons to be learned by our present day super powers.

Arlene Engel
Arlene Engel
29 days ago

I’m looking forward to the book club selections. This is a wonderful idea to have the book club!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 month ago

Referring to the Discussion Questions in order to maintain a National Character that stands for Honor , Honesty, Integrity ,Courage and Loyalty the citizens need to encourage the value of having Principles , realizing that it is Principles that hold a Nation together. What we have here in the United States of America with the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights of the Constitution provides for a great foundation to build on. Reverence for the will of God and practicing the qualities of good character, living by a code of conduct, having a noble sense of purpose contribute to the defense of Truth and Liberty. The values. of. Faith, Family and Freedom help to provide for proper balance and give right direction towards civic responsibilities. A culture that promotes respectful , clean music, films ,art and humor that is respectful and uplifting is very important. There is plenty to do in order keep on the right course – and as I mentioned in a comment about the AMAC Book Club recently, this Book Club is a great idea – it surely is in the spirit of strengthening the National Character. Praise for everyone connected with making it possible , the authors, the AMAC members and those who will be participating in it.

1 month ago

I want to get this book!

Dr. Nathan Parker
Dr. Nathan Parker
1 month ago

I just skimmed through the book today. Great read. VDH is always excellent and refreshing to read. Looking forward to more book club books from AMAC.

Robert Blundell
Robert Blundell
8 days ago

Well so much for discussion on this. . No one ever commented on what they actually read of this book. I’m still waiting (I’m cheap I have it on hold as library ebook). But it’s clear that the questions above are more suitable for our domestic crises he discussed in the Dying Citizen than this book. He does compare Greek and other cultures but in terms of citizens valuing their country rather than their military readiness in End of Everything.

Vanessa Efferson
Vanessa Efferson
27 days ago

Is there anyway to get a Signed Copy?

Robert Blundell
Robert Blundell
27 days ago

Hmm, I just begun reading the introduction to this book this but isnt his previous book the Dying Citizen a more thorough analysis of the second and third questions . As to the first question his introduction makes clear he is drawing conclusions to the fall of Thebes, Carthage etc on military factors and not cultural ones .

1 month ago

Just ordered today! I am looking forward to ensuing discussion.