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Biden’s Top Ten Broken Promises

Posted on Thursday, December 16, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Claire Brighn


Most Americans have grown used to the trail of broken promises that establishment politicians have left in their wake in recent decades, but Joe Biden might just have set a new standard for dishonesty, duplicity, and betrayal. After four years of a president who took pride in the mantra “Promises Made, Promises Kept,” Biden brings the unwelcome return of an old Washington tradition. Here are the top ten promises Biden has already flagrantly broken less than one year into office.    

1. “I will shut down the virus, not the economy.” – Campaign Rally in Tampa, Florida, October 29, 2020

In the final months of his campaign, one of Biden’s central campaign promises was that he was going to get Americans back to work and eradicate COVID-19. Despite Biden lacking any clear plan for how he would accomplish this goal (and while he in fact worked to do the opposite by sowing vaccine hesitancy as a cynical campaign tactic), the mainstream media quickly adopted the narrative as well, insisting that a Joe Biden presidency would mean a “return to normal.”

Instead, more Americans have died in 2021 from the virus than 2020. Upon taking office, Biden pulled a 180, claiming credit for the very vaccines he once questioned would be “real.” November was the worst jobs report of the year. Over 550,000 jobs were expected, but just over 200,000 jobs were created. And as the economy continues to tumble, blue states are reinstating mask mandates and even closing schools again.

2. “I don’t think [vaccine mandates] should be mandatory.” – press conference, December 4, 2020

After Biden did everything within his power to undermine public confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines as a candidate, he then promised that he “wouldn’t demand it [the vaccine] to be mandatory.”

However, less than a year into his presidency Biden has abused his power and dictated an unconstitutional employer mandate regarding the vaccine, violating the medical and employment freedom of millions of Americans. Biden’s vaccine mandate threatens nearly 45 million Americans with the possible loss of their jobs and may cost businesses at least $1.29 billion in compliance costs, again undercutting his promise to put Americans back to work. Just this week, 27 Air Force service members became the first military personnel discharged over Biden’s vaccine mandate.

3. “If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst. I will be an ally of the light, not the darkness. It is time for us, for we, the people, to come together. And make no mistake, united we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America.” – Nomination Acceptance Address, August 20, 2020.

If there was one core promise of Biden’s campaign, it was to unite America in the wake of the supposedly divisive Trump era, a fake narrative constantly advanced by the establishment news media. Yet Biden has delivered the opposite of unity—with one exception: he has unified Americans against him, with some polls showing a dismal job approval rating of just 38%.

At every opportunity, Biden has promoted division by stoking an “us” versus “them” mentality. In one speech, Biden infamously blamed unvaccinated Americans for the struggling economy, saying, “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.” He also told Republicans to “get out of the way” when it came to raising the federal debt ceiling, as if half of the American People’s representatives should be expected to simply stand aside at Biden’s insistence.

But beyond the divisive rhetoric, Biden’s policies and ideology are so polarizing that not even every Congressional Democrat can agree on them. His administration’s signature “Build Back Better” plan is so extreme that it has brought the Democratic Party to the brink of a civil war.

4. “No new taxes” for Americans making less than $400,000 – Interview, August 21, 2020

While on the campaign trail, one of Biden’s favorite lines was that anyone making under $400,000 would not pay a penny more in taxes. However, his nearly $2 trillion (many say $5 trillion) Build Back Better Act that just passed the House would undeniably raise direct taxes on many middle class households, something even the left-leaning Tax Policy Center has admitted.

But even if some families won’t be taxed directly, every family has been hit hard by the hidden tax of record-high inflation as a result of out-of-control government spending under the Biden administration. What’s worse, inflation is particularly devastating for lower-income Americans, the very people that Biden assured voters he would help the most. If Biden’s spending plan passes the Senate, those already hard-hit families will also have to face much higher costs for things like child care, something many can already barely afford.

5. “We will not conduct a hasty rush to the exit [out of Afghanistan].  We’ll do it — we’ll do it responsibly, deliberately, and safely.” – Remarks on Afghanistan, April 14, 2021

Far from his promise to exit “safely” and “responsibly,” shocking images emerged during the U.S. evacuation of Afghans flung off American planes mid-air in a desperate attempt to leave before all hell broke loose and the Taliban began executing people in the streets. Amid the chaos, 13 heroic American service members were killed by terrorists, and many more were gravely injured. More than $80 billion of American military equipment fell into the hands of the Taliban, and American allies felt completely blindsided.

The country soon learned that responsibility for this disaster ultimately fell at the feet of one man – Joe Biden. Top U.S. military leaders testified that they urged Biden against his withdrawal strategy, and foreign policy experts had warned that such a catastrophic outcome was likely. However, it is clear that Biden was more concerned with trying to achieve a domestic political victory than making decisions based on the realities on the ground. As a result, the world is less safe and millions of Afghans now suffer under a brutal terrorist regime.

6. “We’re going to stay until we get [all Americans] out [of Afghanistan].” – Interview with George Stephanopoulos, August 19, 2021

In addition to Biden’s assurance that the Afghanistan withdrawal would be responsible and safe, Biden also promised that no Americans would be left behind. However, when the last American plane departed the Kabul airport, there were actually “hundreds” of Americans left behind. CENTCOM Commander General Kenneth McKenzie said, “We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out.”

Just this week the State Department said that there were still some Americans trapped in Afghanistan – nearly four months after Biden assured the nation that everyone who wanted to leave, could leave. Protecting Americans is the least a President can do, in Biden’s own words. In that case, Biden cannot even do the least of what’s required of him.

7. “America is back.  The transatlantic alliance is back.” – Virtual Munich Security Conference, February 19, 2021

Biden campaigned on and opened his new presidency promising a “renewal” of alliances – particularly our transatlantic alliance. One of the favorite attack lines of Democrats and the mainstream media throughout the 2020 campaign was that Donald Trump had “destroyed” America’s relationship with key allies.

Initially, foreign leaders of countries like Germany and France were thrilled to have a new globalist ally in Biden. However, Biden’s botched Afghanistan evacuation soon strained those alliances far more than they ever were under Donald Trump. The U.K. Parliament held Biden in contempt, and Germany’s President Frank-Walter Steinmeier called images coming out of Afghanistan “shameful to the political West.”

As if that weren’t enough, Biden soon caused another diplomatic crisis through his handling of a submarine deal with Australia that led to France taking the unprecedented step of recalling its ambassador. So much for putting “the adults” back in charge.

8. “I will make it clear to the Kremlin that it must end its aggression toward and occupation of Ukraine.” – Statement on Ukraine’s Independence Day, August 24, 2020

After four years of the left relentlessly and baselessly accusing President Trump of bending to the will of Vladimir Putin, Biden promised to hold Russia accountable. He further said he would “command the respect of Putin.”

Now, news has emerged suggesting the US “will press Ukraine to formally cede a measure of autonomy within its eastern Donbas region” as Russia has massed nearly 100,000 troops at the Ukrainian border. That kind of capitulation hardly seems like accountability or commanding respect. Biden weakly admits he hopes to work out “any accommodation” to avoid Russian invasion.

Putin, like other foreign adversaries such as China and Iran, has recognized Biden’s weakness and exploited it. Biden gifted Putin a series of concessions—including the Nord Stream 2 pipeline—while bowing to Russian aggression against Ukraine. This is textbook appeasement straight out of the Neville Chamberlain playbook, and the world is less safe as a result.

9. “[I will] end the opioid crisis.” – Biden/Harris campaign website

Prior to the pandemic, President Trump had overseen a massive reduction in opioid deaths thanks to targeted enforcement and community intervention. Instead of building on this success, Biden has presided over an all-time high in opioid deaths, in part thanks to open-border policies that have enabled a surge of illegal drugs to flow into the United States. The Texas Department of Public Safety just announced they seized enough fentanyl this year alone at the border to kill 200 million Americans, and border agents say that only about 10 to 15 percent of illegal drugs are actually captured.

10. “I will not…use the Justice Department as my vehicle to insist that something happen.” – NBC Interview with Lester Holt, November 25, 2020

Far from treating the Department of Justice as being charged with a sacred mission to impartially enforce the laws of the United States, the Biden administration has repeatedly used the DOJ to target Democrats’ political opponents.

Earlier this year, for example, Biden weaponized the DOJ to investigate Georgia’s election integrity law meant to make voting easier and cheating harder. Then, in the lead up to November’s elections, Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered the FBI to target parents who spoke up at school board meetings over mask mandates and radical left-wing ideology being taught in classrooms.

Americans can undoubtedly expect more broken and empty promises in the months and years to come from Joe Biden. But if polls are any indication, the current president may have already destroyed any credibility he ever had with the public, a trust that is unlikely to be restored anytime soon. And if Republicans manage to retake Congress next November, broken promises may be all Joe Biden has to show for his trouble come 2024.

Claire Brighn is the pen name of a conservative researcher and writer with previous domestic and foreign policy experience in the Executive Branch.

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William Hill
William Hill
1 year ago

Medicare at 60 is another .

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

& continue to lie since 1-20-21

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
2 years ago

So what did you expect from him? He’s a known liar and a politician!

2 years ago

Just another liar, lying about his lies…nothing surprising. Whatever he says, expect him to do the opposite, he is consistent.

Ken Westenkirchner
Ken Westenkirchner
2 years ago

Biden and the Biden crime family have proven to be slick & pathological liars, honed during 4 decades of political maneuvering.
He is an embarrassing demented man who has sold his soul for $$$ to China, Russia & Ukraine & Iran.
Read the book & follow the $$$ to the crime family.
I never cease to be amazed at the limited attention this receives.

Delwin Hyatt
Delwin Hyatt
2 years ago

Joe just speaks his native language= lies, He wouldn’t recognize truth if it were on his teleprompter

David Spade
David Spade
2 years ago

O’Biden and the folks behind the curtain lie about everything that goes on with this government. Everyone sees this happening, and the lame stream media does not challenge anything that is said. It continues to be a crisis-a-day performance, much to O’Biden’s personal disgrace. Nothing that he says or does is the truth….and not enough people are questioning him for those things that are said. His administration is nothing more than a Marxist wannabe government that hurts Americans. This is all about personal gain for those in the White House, and that type of government hurts Americans in all income levels. This story just scratched the surface of the misdeeds and lies of O’Biden. I still predict that he will not be president within 60 days of the mid-term elections. The pocketbook issues with the inflation will be the biggest downfall that he will face because those failures hurt everyone. He is clueless about what to do to stem the tide of higher costs, and all he needs to do is get some economic advisors who will tell him the truth.

2 years ago

Biden is a professional politician, he has made a good living by lying. He has been lying for years and he is so used to lying and getting by with lying that it is as normal as breathing for him. What bothers me more than his lying is the number of voters that still believe anything he says.

Mike S
Mike S
2 years ago

For the most part, if Biden breaks a promise it is good news for the country!

2 years ago

This poor sack of left over crap wouldn’t know the truth if it came up and bit him in the behind, but so what is so unusual. Demorat 101 is to take a course in how to lie! Did joe really want so bad to be president or more over, did dr. jill want to be first lady? Next, harris, while in the debates all but expressed her contempt for joe and then accepts the place of v.p. Well well!! What a bunch of counterfeits!!!! Then ad to the pack the bunch of very unqualified idiots joe has appointed around him not to mention his doper hunter. If any of us had done one iota of what he and his dad have done we’d be in the slammer for life. Yet they sit around with old bama laughing about it.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

He is a professional politician and he did what he had to , managed to fool some people got in by cheating and is proud of it Perfectly normal in his world why should anyone be shocked, is it any wonder they support the transgender athletes on women’s teams no pride honor or shame

2 years ago

Was the protest of the stealing of the 2020 election on January 6th justified?
Just read the above article! Our country is in jeopardy! The current resident of the Whitehouse is either totally clueless of what he is responsible for, or knows what he’s doing. When Jen Tsaki was asked the other day what was Bidens greatest achievement since taking office, she could not give an answer. Yet our Representatives and Sentors continue to “investigate” an armed insurgency of the capital, when no one was armed or charged with insurgency.
The January 6th protest happened because the people protesting saw the writing on the wall, that we are know experiencing!


2 years ago

Biden is and always has been a POS. Actually that describes ‘most’ of everyone inside the beltway. I’m fed up with these political creeps. Gross.

2 years ago

Every politician does this; they lie without any regard to conscience or moral value. I don’t care what party they belong to they intentionally deceive people to get into office and then enjoy the goodies of ravaging the system for their own enrichment.

2 years ago

Conservatives often have a hard time grasping a basic fact: leftists dont believe in truth. There is only expediency. What we see as negative is positive to them. This destruction is expedient for their agenda.

Albertson Kathryn
Albertson Kathryn
2 years ago

Biden is a horrible president. He lives in a foggy fantasy world; he lies and swears to it. Never backs up any of it with facts. He’s been living off the public dole for most of his life.

2 years ago

While this article shines the light on the facts of Biden’s administration and their failed rhetoric, it does not shine the light on the other side of the aisle…..if you examine any and all political campaigns, speeches, mantras and “promises”, you find that the right is no better at promise keeping (aside from the Trump admin for the most part). The trust level for national and many state legislators is less than imaginable across the board. I hold fast to the words of my father…..”don’t believe anything they say, and only half of what they show you….” This has not been proven untrue in any case as far as I can relate over time. So, while Biden and his cohorts are perhaps the worst ever at making and keeping any promises, they do not stand alone…..there’ is plenty of chastisement to go around. This has been the case since Woodrow Wilson held office…..

2 years ago

The “fraud”, living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., has done nothing but lie his entire career, there are years of videos proving it.

2 years ago

I hope this SOB pays for his lies and deceit//

2 years ago


Fred Rose
Fred Rose
2 years ago

The only promises this wing nut has broken, are the ones he made!

2 years ago

DECOCRAPS WANT TO “RULE” NOT JUST “GOVERN.” They lie, cheat, steal, grossly exaggerate, break the laws with impunity, rig elections, and cannot be trusted. Also, I thinke it’s time to start putting public pressure on Democrap propaganda News outlets (cancel subcriptions, send scathing letters tp tje editors, boycott all their programming (not just news, and boycott advertisers and publicly announce it to encourage other to do so. I AM CONFIDENT THAT A CLEAR MAJORITY OF AMERICANS DON’T WANT A CHINESE TYPE GOVERNANCE… or TO SERVE AS LACKIES SUPPORTING CHINA ET. AL.

2 years ago

Biden the Terrible will be here for awhile longer to do damage to our great country. The most corrupt president, liar, cheat, and all around taker……….

Linda G
Linda G
2 years ago

Honestly, what’s the point? Aside from, in so many, many words that spew from this puppet, he and his advisors set to destroy our country from day one. We can only hope to survive until the midterms.

2 years ago

I wonder if DEL is AWARE that Joe Hidin’ Biden should be a pariah not only to the National political scene, but also to the State political scene. Hmm… NO … I guess DEL was ASLEEP for decades as to the true character/nature of Joe Hidin ‘ Biden. Maybe the state will rename to “DEL UNAWARE”. Hmm that seems more appropriate … DELUNAWARE. Joe Hidin” Biden has been like a tick on a dog’s butt politically for his whole career. Maybe …DELABUTTTICK would be a apt nickname for him. HMM maybe … DELUNATICK???? To be more concise, drop the “K” allowing for the hard “C ” to contribute to the non-vowel sound and you have ….DELUNATIC.” I t hink this might fit well for Delaware!!!!! Delaware’s Delunatick!!!!

The Old Crab
The Old Crab
2 years ago

It’s what the dems do – say what they have to say, do what they have to do to get elected – then they do what they d@mn well please.

2 years ago

First, reading this list underlines what a pathetic, lying fool Biden is. Second, I am surprised there are only 10, when it could clearly number in the hundreds.

2 years ago

May our Dear Leader’s duplicity lead to the dissolution, once and for all, of the Democrat Party, a major blight in this country

2 years ago

Give Joey from Scranton a little more time, there will be an additional 10 broken promises, so what’s new? If he says he will not do something, the next day or two he turns it around and does it anyway. And vice versa. The worst president in my lifetime.

Irv C
Irv C
2 years ago

All I can say is Joe BITEME

2 years ago

This man is a disgrace to the position of President of the United States.

Steven H
Steven H
2 years ago

Everything this man and his administration say is a lie. If they promised to destroy this country, I would believe that because they are doing that.

2 years ago

Joe Hidin’ Biden is a real living example of a CF ….. cluster freak (and also cluster fake and also a cluster fault and also a clusert fu++)

2 years ago

Liar, Liar, pants on Fire

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

Lie or not, he says he not the President??? According to him, he is Jill’s husband, probably the only truthful thing he has said all year. Remember, when democratic talk they usually lie like a rug. MZ

Peter J Keep
Peter J Keep
2 years ago

I distrust anyone that lacks the courage to use their real name, in the same light of the leftist’s claims that “sources say”.

No matter how much sense their writings make- to hide behind anonymity totally negates their arguments and lowers them to the leftist level of deception, lies and deceit.

Please – pick authors with the courage to identify themselves.

2 years ago

Could someone explain why city workers in Chicago were working the election, processing the votes. I worked for a large city for 27 years and was never aware of city workers being involved in elections. Of course they are all democrats because they are all union. Secondly I would say the democrats are engaged in Revenge Politics. They were all so unhappy during the Trump years, they want all the MAGA voters miserable now. They don’t really care what damage they do to the country, they are not adults so they don’t realize or care about the damage done.
I think they are heavily drugged on anti-depressant drugs that remove reality so no matter what is going on you feel better. This would include law makers, school teachers, democrat judges, mayors, governors, and city officials that are owned by the democratic party.

2 years ago

What else should we except from a chronic liar. The son of Satan is doing his best to destroy America.

2 years ago


2 years ago

I met a German couple while on vacation. One of them asked what I thought of my new President. I told him basically that he and his administration scare me to death. I asked what he thought of Joe Biden and he said “ oh, he’s CATASTROPHIC.”

2 years ago

How can we defund the media? Where can we hit the media cabal where it hurts? I’ve canceled Facebook and others to join new conservative platforms but this isn’t enough. We need to cripple the pop media in this country. I blame the media for at least half of our problems and this means FOX too. The media props established ruling class like Biden. Kill your television and discriminate alt media for its truth. Our media is a programming cult and it’s destroying our country.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

You expect this guy to have honor? Biden is a racist, white country club, back-slapping elitist. His racist, misogynist, homophobic statements over the decades are all viewable on YouTube.

2 years ago

EVERY TIME joebama, marxist democrats or anti American progressives open their mouth they are telling LIES!
They are ALL of the same ilk,they create crisis so they can STEAL from Real Citizens!

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

I sincerely believe the Democratic jack ass would be a better President than Uncle Joe. Of course, Uncle Joe is only an usurper, having stolen the election. It is no surprise that Biden, Harris, Sanders, Pelosi, and their grimy, filthy ilk want to destroy election integrity. In my state, the Socialist Republic of Vermont, non-citizens have already been granted the right to vote. When Biden speaks, out come lies. Does that remind anyone of someone mentioned in the Bible?

2 years ago

people should know the dems never keep promises – you can’t say that about President Trump – he was the best

2 years ago


2 years ago

Nice synopsis. I didn’t even remember some of these.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Nice synopsis. I didn’t even remember some of these. Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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