
Economy , Newsline

Biden Economy Plagued By Shortages, Price Hikes

Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive


After the specter of COVID loomed over the holidays last year, Americans are eager for a normal holiday season, but last week, their hopes were dashed yet again. According to the Wall Street Journal, Christmas trees and other seasonal items might be difficult to find and more costly to buy this December. But decorations aren’t the only thing that may be missing from the festivities. In recent months many Americans have been left wondering why, under the Biden economy, even basic necessities seem pricier and harder to find than ever.

While early pandemic supply shortages were mainly due to panicked shoppers and the hoarding of common goods, almost all products have subsequently been hit by significant supply disruptions, from furniture to used cars. In many ways, the shortages have less to do with a massive supply disruption and more a “perfect storm” of many smaller supply disruptions. While economists are still puzzled about how to solve the shortages, the three most common reasons cited for them are overreliance on international supply chains, shifting demand, and uncertainty over the longevity of the pandemic.

An example from recent history may shed some light on how overreliance on offshore supply chains has led to the current predicament. In 2018, American wellness centers and hospitals were shocked to find a 600% markup on saline I.V. bags, an essential product in the medical industry. The reason for this major increase? Forty-three percent of I.V. bags are made in Puerto Rico. The island had been decimated by Hurricane Maria, and production of the essential medical devices came to a screeching halt for weeks.

This reliance on international shipping for medical products doesn’t simply end at I.V. bags. Eighty percent of all pharmaceuticals are produced overseas, mainly in China and India. In 2018, more than 20 percent of all goods imported to the United States came from one country, China. Many of these imports came directly from Wuhan, China, the site of one of the largest shipping centers in the country. These international supply chains are so reliant on efficiency and optimization that, when one container ship, the Ever Given, ran aground in the Suez Canal, it delayed an additional $9.6 billion in goods from reaching their destination for every day it was stuck. The ship was finally freed after 106 days.

This overreliance on trade with China has massively exacerbated the international economic damage of COVID-19. To address this imbalance, many countries are actively incentivizing companies to relocate closer to home. Most notably, Japan is spending $2 billion of its stimulus package to encourage companies to move production back to Japan. Returning manufacturing to America was a cornerstone of former President Trump’s economic policy. However, despite calls for Biden to shift essential manufacturing, like pharmaceuticals, back to America, the new administration has taken little action to do so.

The second major cause of shortages cited by economists is shifting demands. This is most plainly seen in the massive lumber shortages earlier this summer. While it may seem a distant memory to many Americans, the pre-pandemic economy was one of the best the country had seen in almost 50 years. Most notably, wages had seen some of the largest increases in recent history. Only months after most stay-at-home orders were issued, the average personal savings rate jumped up to 33%. By 2021, Americans had amassed a record $15 trillion in total savings.

Most Americans were trapped at home, and those who weren’t had few places to go. With this greater emphasis placed on domestic life, demand for homes and home improvement skyrocketed. The lumber industry, still hobbled from supply shortages along with closed logging centers due to COVID, was caught entirely flat-footed by the demand and is still struggling to fill orders. Even as Americans eye an end to the pandemic, many do not wish to return to the office. According to one poll, a record 31% of workers wish to work from home permanently.

But perhaps the biggest culprit of current shortages and price increases is Joe Biden and his administration’s response to the pandemic. When President Joe Biden took office, the summer of 2020 was predicted to be the summer in which the American economy would roar back to life. Two hundred and seventy million COVID-19 vaccines, developed under the Trump administration, had already been administered by May. Restless Americans, with record savings rates, would revive the economy with a wave of spending. The businesses that had survived the pandemic were ready to rehire employees and open their doors once again. Social media influencers had already dubbed the months to come “Hot Vax Summer.”

But that is not what happened. Despite some early progress, economic growth slowed significantly. The Delta variant caught the global community by surprise and shops closed their doors once again. At the same time, Democrats’ insistence on a lengthy extension of historically generous unemployment benefits, understandable at the peak of the pandemic-induced economic crisis, substantially slowed the recovery as businesses were unable to induce employees to return to work.

This gigantic degree of government spending is also a popular explanation for the notably high inflation that even the Federal Reserve has identified as a drag on the economy.

The woefully inconsistent messaging emanating from the White House did nothing to help. Many Americans are asking themselves whether this permanent pandemic is the “new normal?” That question is at the heart of why so many businesses are hesitant to increase production to meet demands and why so many individuals are hesitant to participate in the economy.

If a wave of COVID variants every few seasons will now be the norm, businesses can resume production at full capacity while taking reasonable precautions. If this is still a pandemic, then they are incentivized to keep production, and production costs, low to ensure they have the liquidity to survive another economic downturn. The same choices apply to individuals. Many Americans still have the memory of mass layoffs, delayed weddings, and businesses collapsing in the early days of the pandemic. They may be hesitant to book a vacation, make a major purchase, or reschedule major events delayed by the pandemic until they are assured that the economy won’t grind to a halt once again.

Now, as Americans brace and stock up for what the farmer’s almanac predicts to be the coldest winter in years, Americans are still hard pressed to find even the basic necessities. Until the federal government effectively, and honestly, conveys what the expectations are for American citizens, the situation is unlikely to improve. “Hot Vax Summer” may have been a myth, but rest assured, “Cold, Expensive Winter” will very much be a reality.

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1 year ago

Don’t believe your shopping and EVERY OTHER one of your bills. BELIEVE JOE! Everything is just fine.

3 years ago

Shortages and constant price hikes are a standard fixture of all socialist economies. Look at any economic analysis of a socialist economy over 5, 10, 20 or more years. The data tells a consistent story over and over again. Increased government control of markets, via frequently bad policies enacted for political reasons, is highly distortive to markets in general and usually result in the kind of outcomes touched on in this article. Although this article is far too limited in scope to covey the broader ramifications of socialistic policies over time. As more and more socialist policies are enacted into law or created by executive fiat (EO’s in the case of the United States) over time, the number of shortages and price hikes will no doubt increase.

Some Americans understood what a Democrat administration in control of both the WH and Congress would mean for our economy and prepared ahead of time for such a potential negative situation. Many others obviously didn’t and are now generally unprepared for the economic effects of an economy being pushed rapidly towards pure socialism and all that that entails.

The longer the Democrats retain total control of both the executive and legislative branches of our federal government, the harder it will be to ever undo the economic and societal damage the Democrats’ push to complete our transition to pure socialism. If the Democrats manage to get both the so-called bi-partisan infrastructure bill and their $7.5 trillion dollar “Human and Green Infrastructure” bill enacted into law, then reversing the damage will be impossible for decades. Thus both shortages and price hikes will continue their upward trajectory well into the future pushing more and more Americans downward toward the “equality of economic outcomes” (everyone but the elites being poor and miserable) the Democrats keep working hard to deliver.

3 years ago

I see the AMAC censor is back at flagging comments.

3 years ago

So, what’s he gonna do about it?

3 years ago

Get Lost. You don’t belong here !!!

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

Wait until higher taxes coupled with a stagnant economy take hold; these days in late September will look like good times. Inflation is out there along with all the shortages mentioned in the article. This is for real. Higher interest rates will hit next year, despite what Powell said today in his remarks. It was said that the Fed will not raise rates next year, but that was just for now to take pressure off of the O’Biden administration for the moment. O’Biden has so many balls in the air right now, that the truth about higher rates would not fit with his Marxist agenda that continues to crash and burn. The underpinnings of this economy are weak, and will likely be weaker into the second quarter of 2022.

3 years ago

…”seem higher”…no “higher in reality”. Thank the corrupt Dems for the mess they’ve made of this country.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Hard to guess how much damage Biden and co-horts can inflict on OUR country before they are stopped, which looks like never currently 🙁

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Pre planned or spontanous Economy?:
No reason to vote for Joe

3 years ago

Puerto Rico is part of the USA, not really international like CHINA. Don’t confuse the issue.

3 years ago

What’s going on AMAC? Someone ‘WOKE’ in your administration feels the need to babysit the ADULTS in the room? One of my comments ‘waiting to be approved’ was taken completely out of context. Your comment supervisor might want to keep in mind that we contribute financially, more or less, to your Association. Oh I’m grateful for the great discounts AMAC offers their members, and most of us really are MATURE American Citizens, that’s why I became a member…because of the adage stating you’re a Conservative organization.

3 years ago

Puerto Rico has got a long way to become part of the USA, It’s more like a welfare case at this point,, Joe had no plan, he is merely a puppet for China, China has us right where they want us, we need them, with this administration in office it will only get worse, And we can thank the DemaRats for the shit storm were in, and just hope we can take both houses back at midterm…

3 years ago

And since I forgot to add to my comment below, and it’s ‘no longer possible to edit’ that post, I’m adding, so please don’t disappoint us by caving one little bit to the insane Leftist psychosis. Thank you!

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

“Biden Economy Plagued By Shortages, Price Hikes” That’s because the biden regime is plagued by communists. Not marxist ideologues…HARD CORE COMMUNISTS. It’s all part of their plan. It’s all intentional and it’s all about destroying this country. If it doesn’t start to get real…we’re toast!!!

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

The Democrat plan is turning out just like they want it to, make America no better than a Third World country. Don’t you see, they are letting all of these Illegals into America, and they have nothing, so to make it fair, you must give up your way of life, and adapt to their standard of living so they don’t feel bad, but, wait the Left Elite’s the top pigs on the farm (Animal Farm, the book) will still go about life in luxury. GEE, don’t you see the Democrats are giving you an important lesson in Humility, to show you that you should not have a better life style than someone in a Third World Country, YOU SELF INDULGING PIG !
We are so bless that the Demonrats are giving us this lesson Humility !!
America is in a great decline !!!!!!
Thank your stupid Democrat Neighbor !!

3 years ago

The real culprit is Biden, his handlers, & his idiotic admin. The guy with decades of political experience should be a winner, but no. The guy he replaced, who had no experience, was the real winner! Biden is like the 4th string rookie without a clue what game he’s playing. Hopefully the audit results tomorrow will take him completely out of the game & put him in jail where he belongs with his handlers, & his admin.

3 years ago


michael j murphy
michael j murphy
3 years ago


michael j murphy
michael j murphy
3 years ago


Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

The answer is to produce our own goods. They would cost more,but it could be worked out. Go back to being indepedent like years ago. Kyle L.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Make our products in the USA and solve the problem.

3 years ago

This whole of Shortage is planned

3 years ago

Yet another indication that our self-reliance is more important than ever. While we are part of an international economy, we should never allow the essentials to be so bound to outside sources. None of the items mentioned in this article are non-produceable in this nation. But as long as profits remain the primary target of businesses, above national security, we will never be free of the threat. This is not news. It is the repeated history of our own short-sided perspective. Even the simple band-aid is not available from but a few American companies. Look at the labels of the vitamins, medicines, food stuffs and fundamental necessities…..Made in U.S.A. is all but absent. We are our own worst enemy in this ……as long as money is the fuel, and greed the motivation, outside interests will take us down by simply withholding goods. We have lost control of our own destiny…having handed it over to other entities, many of whom are our overt enemies.

Don Brinks
Don Brinks
3 years ago

Those in power do not want any of us to be independent in any way. That would look too much like what Trump accomplished. And people would recognize it. So that just doesn’t work for the communists occupying the seats of power.

3 years ago

biden is a plague on the usa.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
3 years ago

Ditch biden,harris,pelosi,schumer,china and don’t stop there.Bring President Trump and jobs and prosperity back to AMERICA.

3 years ago

This Amazes me!Those of you.who voted this Ass into office,should have know that he’s out for himself.That’s not Presidential leadership.That’s the sign of a Con Man.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

Coldest Winter in YEARS. Must be Global Warming. If the Biden admin. hadn’t kept extending Unemployment Benefits that were far higher than the average paycheck, people would have gone back to work MONTHS ago and the economy would be doing fine!

3 years ago

This administration lies, cheats, the Bidens are criminals and should be in jail, along with most of the White House staff. They are all traitors to Beautiful America and and to the citizens of America.
These horrible people are doing the Devil’s hateful bidding. They belong in HELL!

james michalicek
james michalicek
3 years ago

Don’t worry Joe. AMAC won’t bother you, no matter how worthless a president you are. They never seem to do anything!

Verl Herriman
Verl Herriman
3 years ago

Kick Biden out of office and everything would get back to normal put his VP out and Nancy they are the reason everything is not good for the people they work for the people we don’t work for them to much is goin g out and for what ?

Verl Herriman
Verl Herriman
3 years ago

Get that dimwit out of office all of them they don’t have a clue what’s good for the country anyone that would open up the country to anyone is not in his or her right mindd

3 years ago

The ships that are waiting to unload need to start moving to the Panama Canal and come to the port of Houston…unlike the communist state of imbecilic moronic brain dead, Texas can unload and ship out the products and probably be closer to the warehouses where the truckers need to go. Food prices are going through the roof….yesterday, the precooked bacon that I purchase used to be $12.79….yesterday it was $17.99…..$5.00 a package more and you can expect other increases in everything. The illegal cheating president needs to go along with Harris, Pelosi and Schumer. He did not win this election….he was installed by Big Corporations, voter fraud, voting machines switching ballots and the fake news medias….who are a clear and present danger to America. If things continue the way they are going, I look for violence to break out and it won’t be in the super markets….Jan 6 will look like a picnic when it does….it is just a matter of time before the volcano explodes.

3 years ago

Sadly, the worst is yet to come in an economy and Constitutional law environment as manipulated by Joe Hidin’ Biden and his DemocRat political ilk. Fix the voting system or this will continue for many, many years.

gerald serlin
gerald serlin
3 years ago

Surely it is evident that when more people want things that are in short supply, the prices for those items go up. That is the nature of a free economy. In a truly free economy, this problem is self-correcting. However, modern society and the pols running it do not permit self-correction and instead imposes governmental correction, which keeps things out of whack for much longer and leads to more government control over the people, instead of people controlling the government.

3 years ago

Sounds like a government run by Hugo Chavez.

3 years ago

You need to go peddle your goods on some other format. Hey AMAC, why are these folks
allowed to be part of the conversation. Block them.

Democrat Blue Donkey Rivalry of Republicans and Democrats in 2024 U. S. Presidential Election.
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