
National Security , Newsline

Biden Begins Blame Game as Ukraine War Enters Pivotal Phase

Posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2022
by Daniel Berman

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Berman


Since Russia’s invasion in February, Joe Biden has tried to claim credit for the Ukrainian people’s brave resistance. The Ukrainian ambassador was invited to the State of the Union. Ukrainian flags and colors have adorned Democratic elected officials and White House staff. Yet if British Prime Minister Palmerston’s remark that “nations have no long term friendships, only interests” were to be adjusted to describe Joe Biden and his team, it would be something along the lines of “Joe Biden has no long-term friends, only future scapegoats for upcoming failures.” Sadly, it appears Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy may be next on Biden’s list of betrayals. Biden, who is holding up heavy weapons deliveries to Ukraine, is already blaming Zelenskyy for not heeding his warnings about the Russian invasion, while senior officials are suggesting that if the Ukrainians do not retreat in the face of the Russian invasion, as Biden urged Zelenskyy to do before the war, they will face certain defeat – which according to the Biden White House, will be solely Ukraine’s fault. With this administration, the buck always stops somewhere else.

At a fundraiser this past weekend, Joe Biden bizarrely unloaded on the Ukrainian President for ignoring repeated warnings of an impending Russian invasion. “I know a lot of people thought I was exaggerating,” Biden said at the event in Los Angeles. “And there was no doubt, and Zelenskyy didn’t want to hear it, nor did a lot of people. I understand why they didn’t want to hear it, but he went in,” Biden continued. The remarks provoked outrage among Ukrainian officials who contested both their accuracy and propriety.

Biden’s remarks “probably need clarification,” the Ukrainian Presidential office said, with Presidential Spokesman Sergei Nikiforov adding, “In addition, if you remember, the President of Ukraine called on partners to impose a package of preventive sanctions to encourage Russia to withdraw troops and de-escalate the situation. And here we can say that our partners ‘did not want to hear us.’” Another Zelenskyy adviser, Myhailo Podoliak rebuked Biden for blaming a country more than a hundred days into an invasion for being attacked.

It would be easy to write off Biden’s remarks as just another gaffe. The President is apt to blame others for his own failures, as is evidenced by media coverage in which he has thrown his own staff under the bus to explain his low-poll ratings, a failure to communicate his agenda, and the slow progress of legislation. Biden apparently feels that by blaming Zelenskyy for not heeding his “warnings”, he can in some way absolve himself of his own guilt for having taken real no action to avert the invasion he knew was coming. But in this case, the blame game may be another in a long line of self-inflicted political wounds, given that Zelenskyy is currently a far more popular figure among Americans than Biden.

Yet there seems to be something more to Biden’s remarks, and it is not just Joe Biden who has a tendency to respond to failure by blaming those he failed. It is an attitude common to the entire administration, evident during the Afghan withdrawal when Jake Sullivan and other national security officials were quick to blame the Afghan Army for the chaotic collapse, and European allies for the disorganized and incomplete evacuation, with an implication that the U.S. military, too, had “lost the war.”

Biden’s remarks come on the heels of a broadside of leaks from the administration attacking the Ukrainian war effort, strategy, use of resources, and prospects. On June 8, the New York Times published an article under the title “US Lacks a Clear Picture of Ukraine’s War Strategy, Officials Say,” in which U.S. intelligence officials, clearly with the approval, if not under the instructions of, the White House, systematically suggested that Ukraine was failing to adequately share information, that these failures were making it harder to supply arms to Ukraine, and that if, as it implied was likely, Ukrainian forces in the East fell back, it would be their own fault for not cooperating better. On June 11, the Washington Post reported “Russia is likely to seize control of the entire Luhansk region of Ukraine within a few weeks, a senior U.S. defense official said, as Ukraine sustains heavy casualties and its supplies of ammunition dwindle.”

Knowing how this administration operates, these reports are ominous. Experience, whether with Afghanistan, Build Back Better, or even the domestic dynamics of the administration, indicates that when the Biden team sees trouble approaching, their response is not to plan how to prevent it, but rather to publish leaks to the media that they predicted it, so when it happens it will be someone else’s fault. The quantity of these statements therefore is the best sign that the administration expects bad news in the near future.

Ironically, contrary to Biden’s claims to his LA donors, the administration actually has quite a poor record when it comes to predictions regarding Ukraine and Russia. The administration predicted that Ukraine would collapse quickly and was leaking to the press about plans for whether the U.S. would back an anti-Russian insurgency following a Ukrainian defeat back in January, and urged Zelenskyy and his government to flee in the event of a Russian invasion before the war. It seems quite a good thing for everyone that Zelenskyy wasn’t paying much attention to what Biden was telling him in January and February because not only was it wrong, but because Russia would control Kyiv and potentially most of Ukraine had he done so. On February 24, U.S. officials were openly briefing that they expected Kyiv to fall within 96 hours.

This is not to say we should dismiss any bad news emerging from the Donbass. Sadly the dynamics of the conflict are playing much more to Russia’s strengths than the earlier phases. The Russians are now on the offensive on only one front, negating the wasteful process of relocating formations hundreds of miles from one area to another. They can control the tempo, allowing units to rest while attacking where units are fresh. By contrast, Ukrainian forces are forced to respond to Russian attacks wherever they occur, potentially creating new openings. To break this, Ukraine either needs to take the offensive itself or fall back.

The Ukrainians, however, have been taking the offensive, launching a major attack against Kherson. It is the Biden administration which has held up the delivery of heavy weapons which would allow the Ukrainians to go on the offensive, out of fear they might be used to hit targets in Russia. Whether it is out of genuine concern for escalation, or a belief the Ukrainians cannot succeed in attacking and should fall back, the Biden administration seems to be withholding those weapons to eliminate option #1 in the hope Ukraine adopts option #2, withdrawal. And all of these leaks either are efforts to pressure the Ukrainians into making it a reality or blaming them for the consequences if they do not listen to advice.

Biden’s bad advice before the war was merely unhelpful to Ukraine, as long as Kyiv ignored it. But now it seems to be being used to undermine Ukrainian morale and is being tied to holding up weapons deliveries unless Kyiv follows Biden’s (bad) advice. This is not just passively aggressively shifting blame for a potential disaster, but it risks actually helping to bring one about. If that is what happens, we have already heard the line. Biden will say the Ukrainians should have listened to his warnings about Russia and run away.

Daniel Berman is a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He also writes as Daniel Roman.

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2 years ago

The BLAME game goes on, the BLAME game goes on. The further from reality, the BLAME game goes on. (Just following the HANDLER’s instruction as I line my pockets with money and REFUSE to take any BLAME. It’s not me I tell you.)

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A…..Exterminate all demonrats, commies, and nazis….It’s time for a new civil war against the leftie loonies!!!.,.,.,

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Once again AMAC needs to get other credible sources to utilize on the true story of Russia & Ukraine & why Putin made the decision to invade the Ukraine in the first place. There is so much disinformation or misinformation on the Russian/Ukraine conflict that it can seem impossible at times to get to the truth because thus far what comes out of media, including this article is mostly PROPAGANDA, something I predicted would occur on this conflict before it actually happened…
Lets go back in time a bit, WWII specifically. Ukraine was occupied by the NAZI regime of Germany.
There were ( 2 ) forces to reckon with by the allies in Ukraine, the Russian speaking Ukrainians, they aligned themselves with the good guys, i.e. the allied forces, then there was the other Ukraine force that aligned themselves with Hitler’s NAZI regime. If you were an American or British soldier as an example moving through the Ukraine during WWII, it was extremely difficult to tell the difference between a pro-Allie Ukrainian or a fascist Ukrainian, get it wrong, you could be dead in short order.
Y’all can probably guess by now where I’m going with this narrative, to this very day Ukraine has these ( 2 ) forces within their borders. The Donbass Region with a strong ethnic Russian population & the rest of the Ukraine, Zalensky’s Ukraine…
The people of Zalensky’s Ukraine despise the ethic Russians of the Donbass Region & have been harassing, committing violence & killing these people for the last 77 years or so…
Putin is obviously more than fully aware of this anti-Russian attitude towards the ethnic Russians in the Ukraine by the leadership of Ukraine for many decades now & yes there is still a pro-NAZI or fascist belief amongst many of the people of Ukraine, basically a dead Russian is a good Russian kind of attitude amongst the many people of Ukraine, this includes the current idiot running the show, i.e. Zalensky himself…
I highly recommend folks to check out Dr. Steve Turley’s podcast that covers this in great detail…
In summary, Henry Kissinger of all people & yes he spoke at DAVO’s & now I really hate the man btw, has made an excellent point, the man is extremely intelligent despite the fact I can’t stand him!
Effective immediately, Zalensky needs to sit down at the table with the Putin administration & cede some of the territory it has already lost to Russia & come to some terms with Putin…
With both nations willing to show some compromise, I believe a deal can be struck between these ( 2 ) proud but stubborn nations, resume trade, get the Russian & Ukrainian grains out for shipment, begin the process of doing commerce once again…
The Bumbling Biden administration needs to DROP the economic sanctions against Russia, followed by the other WOKE EU countries that are simply blindly following America’s idiotic leads on sanctions…They simply DON’T work & they never will…
It is no coincidence that the Russian economy is steaming along quite nicely in fact as in a constant flow of ships coming & going across the Black Sea. Russia is a commodity based economy, i.e. they sell oil, gas, minerals, precious metals & the all important grains that feeds world markets…
Putin will NEVER be intimidated by this idiot we call a president, hence the invasion of Ukraine…
Despite what MSM calls news, the coverage on the Russia/Ukraine conflict has been primarily propaganda induced poppycock for the masses consumption…
Bill… :~)

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

When is DICTATOR Beijing biden and HILLDOG Clinton going to be BANNED from Twitter and YouTube?
The continuous LIES and DISINFORMATION are PROMOTED on Social media and FAKE News.
Even ATT doesn’t tell TRUTH on DICTATOR Beijing biden LIES and TREASONOUS ACTS he does EVERY DAY on their browser. But it’s okay to LIE EVERY DAY about PRESIDENT TRUMP though.

Joseph Michael Loglisci
Joseph Michael Loglisci
2 years ago

Biggest POS I personally ever observed in politics, in my lifetime!

Tom Claridge
Tom Claridge
2 years ago

I suggest we open negotiations on trading O’Biden for Pres. Z as soon as possible! Of course sadly the US is in a very bad need of a useful President & the Ukrainians have the upper hand but perhap
throw in “The Squad” and an option on Puerto Rico we could give the Ukrainians an escape path, as they’ll need one with O’Biden running things, but the trade has it’s merits and we’ed have a far better leader in the end? THC

2 years ago

Like a little kid, he did it, na-ah he did it, Mommmmmm I didn’t do it. He did it. Tired of this sick POS its time for a change.

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
2 years ago

Screw fiden. The clown wanted the office, now deal with it. Ah, ain’t working the way you thought it should? Tough.
Keep in mind what o’bama said about jb’s ability to phuque sheet up. And he should know.
fjb etc etc

2 years ago

IT’S REALLY TRUMP’S FAULT! . . . After all, if Trump didn’t “lose” the Election, Jackass Joe would never been President and then wouldn’t screw up everything he touches!

2 years ago

Doesn’t this empty suit know by now the NO ONE LISTENS TO HIM, HEEDS HIM, OR GIVES FAT RAT’S ASS what his “advice” or warning might be? Take the Easter Bunny for an example…just try to shut this fool up befire it’s too late.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Was slow to help day 1 for War

2 years ago

This mental patient and his fellow Democrats have done the exact opposite of what needed to be done on essentially everything they have touched in the last year and a half. This train wrecker in chief is bringing the whole country down on purpose in order to stay in the good graces of his corporate American traitors, the Davos globalist Nazis, and his fellow international tyrannists. Do some research on food manufacturing plants in America and what has been occurring in that space recently. That too, is being done on purpose. Food plants are being destroyed, burned down, and vandalized. Much like the wildfires that were purposely being started a few years ago by the lunatics on the left. NOTE: If Americans keep inching away from their 2A amendment rights, by allowing the dimwits to continue to peck-away and pass what they call “reasonable” control measures, our freedom will be all over forever.

2 years ago

As sleepy, dumb Joe continues with his stupidity, we must suffer. It makes you think how wonderful the Trump years were.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

In the comic “Family Circus,” whenever the kids mess up and mom asks who did it, they say “Not ME” and a “ghost” labeled “Not Me” is shown. That’s Slow Joe’s response: “NOT ME!”

2 years ago

Someone needs to show biden and his regime how to get back into the basement

2 years ago

Biden will keep pushing and he will push his self in front of a bullet or knife or water pistol.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Pass the Buck Biden refuses to accept responsibility for his multiple failures.

2 years ago

Poor leadership brings poor results, but hey no mean tweets, right? Good thing the adults are in the WH. Thanks msm.

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

True leaders accept responsibility, adapt & overcome and don’t pass the buck. Biden “the Big Man” & his family are compromised with our enemies. He cannot be trusted. He needs to be removed from office now before he fully destroys our Great Country.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

Its a democRAT thing,blame someone else for their screw ups.Their screw ups are many,have they really done anything positive for our country,absolutely NOT!!!!!

2 years ago

Its a massive commie crat failure. Bidens the puppet in charge, pelosi is the big stooge, schumer just follows the narrative given to him as the wef dictates and sends billy gates with the marching orders to susan rice obamma.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

Man…….logical people knew the Ukraine conflict was over with Russia being the “winner” as soon as the first Russian boot hit Ukraine soil. Putin….tried for 8 years to get the west to force Ukraine to follow the Minsk accords……..Putin and Russia were ignored with the morons of NATO preferring to try to give Russia a black eye over maintaining peace. So……with continued and increasing bombardment of eastern Ukraine by the incredibly corrupt neo Nazi infested government now headed by the drug addled Zelensky.
Now Russia is about to complete the takeover of the entire eastern part of Ukraine and will soon take Odessa and land lock Ukraine with the EU forever on the hook for the debts wracked up by the rump of a country that MIGHT be allowed to exist should Russia see fit.
The west led by the brain dead Brandon attempted to sanction the one country on the planet the rest of the world requires commodities from. The result? Worsening of the disastrous financial planning of the climate hysterics of the west. The west of Europe will suffer greatly by the end of the summer…….MUCH worse than they already are and will be in dire condition come winter. All from the result of their own moronic actions.
But all the media can say is the same tired refrain and lie………”Putin bad”.
May the west enjoy the hell they brought onto themselves.

2 years ago


Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Mahadeva, Hindu goddess destroyer of worlds, I can’t find one for a destroyer of a country.

2 years ago

N o matter what, the fact that Ukraine celebrated a week long beach party the moment America’s $40B was delivered, while we struggle to put food on our tables and roofs over our heads, tells me it’s all about the $$$ and not about security. Nice try, Zelenskyy.

2 years ago

It is time that the Ukraine President learn that our current president will toss anyone under the bus. He needs no reason, it is just the way he is. If we have promised him more heavy weapons then we should just give them to him. Maybe we could just toss in our current president and see if the Ukraine has any use for him. We don’t.

2 years ago

Hmm, let’s face it Joe Biden has never cared about taking care of the working tax payer. He has never done anything, except be who he is a corrupt, self serving liar out for more money and power…….phony Joe Biden our pres. Reelect me. I’ll do more HARM.

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
2 years ago

Biden and the democrats are always blaming someone.

It is getting really old.

2 years ago

Remember that song “the blame game” well insert biden. biden biden fe fi fo biden…….
joey has never had an original thought in all his years in politics. he is simply an leftist tool.

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

Biden is a real POS and nothing he says is ever anywhere near the truth! He is a typical lying Democrat and needs his mouth washed out, together with that other lying POS, Shucky Schumer!

2 years ago

What an ignorant ass! If assassinations were legal he would be gone, but somebody at least give him a lobotomy!

Solomon Countryman
Solomon Countryman
2 years ago

I do not believe anything coming out of the Socialist Democrat White House and Congress. I will not start now!

Throw the socialist bums and their Rhino friends out starting November 2022 and 2024. Conservatives must to stand up to the BIG LIE and socialist tyranny and start believing again in conservative values and culture.

2 years ago

Can you kiss Zelenskys behind more in this article? You can probably find a way. What a moron the author is, ignoring the biolabs and provocations from Nato. And while people in our country are struggling with gas prices, baby formula and pro-death terrorism you want more aid to Ukraine? I got a bridge to sell you.

William Smith
William Smith
2 years ago

I am so amazed that Biden and his wanna be administration is still in the white house , they are doin more harm to this country and the world then any other president in the history of America. We all know that obummer is also behind this mess , it funny how he keeps showing up in the white house like he never left . Obummer is just as incompetent as Biden and his administration what a big cluster **** this has become.

2 years ago

A mature adult takes responsibility for his/her actions. A child, either physically or mentally, blames others.

Bill C
Bill C
2 years ago

Easy on the insults to Zelenskyy Joe! You can’t be sure all of the documentation of your dirty dealings they have been destroyed!

2 years ago

Did Zelenkski fail to send money to the democrats? Seems as though he is no longer the poster child of the ruling party.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

President Biden could do the best for Americans and Ukraine by just not saying anything.

John Boley
John Boley
2 years ago

I believe President Trump was impeached for holding money back from Ukraine. Why is President Biden not getting impeached for holding weapons approved to ship to Ukraine for there defense!

2 years ago

What would one expect from a dummy disguised as a man who was not elected as the president? He is nothing but a controlled puppet working for a mystery group of demons who care nothing for America but want to destroy it and make it a socialist state. Look at what this scruff bag has done in his so-called political life… nothing honorable, he is just an immoral little man associated with like-kind (Cluck Summer, the Clinton’s, Jeff Epstein, and alike.) His son Hunter reflects on him in every way.

2 years ago

To me it was obvious, especially in hindsight, that Putin and the Ruskies were gearing up to expand their control and dominating influence in the East Euro-West Asian areas when they took over Crimea. Alarmingly, I sense a plan of aggression ala Nazi/Germany WWII flavor. The only plus I can think of is that China is probably noting what is going on and getting uneasy about it. I’m pretty confident that Putin launched the war campaign with more confidence that he wouldn’t have to worry about interference from China Joe Hidin’ Biden.

2 years ago

I don’t and won’t trust anything that ol’ slow joe says or does. He’s a blithering fool who’s being played by his puppeteers.The problem is he knows it, and it appears he’s enjoying being played by his liberal crowd.

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

2 years ago

Biden! Grow some MAN ‘NADS and become a man for once in your very long, pathetic life. Own up to your own mistakes and quit blaming others for your failures! IMHO

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

Voter mailing in a mail-in ballot at an old rusty drive-up ballot box.
Homelessness. Two homeless people sleeping in a doorway in the city during the day
U.S. President Donald Trump greets Vice President JD Vance (R) and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) as he arrives to deliver his address to a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol on March 04, 2025 in Washington, DC. President Trump is speaking about the early achievements of his presidency and his upcoming legislative agenda.
Trump pointing

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