“I don’t want Joe Biden in my shower, I’m guessing you don’t want Joe Biden in your shower,” says Congressman Andy Ogles, who introduced the Hot Showers Act to fight back against a proposal from the Biden administration that would significantly limit the availability of water heaters in the U.S. Ogles joined AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber for a wide ranging episode of the Better For America podcast. In addition to his Hot Showers Act, Ogles, who also serves on the House Financial Services Committee, touched on what he refers to as the “Climate Cartel” running the White House, and how poor Biden administration policies implemented under the guise of “saving the planet” lead to direct increases in consumer costs for the average American. The congressman also gave his take on crisis at the southern border, specifically a potential bipartisan border deal, which he referred to as Schumer and Lankford’s “Trojan horse for amnesty on steroids.”
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The temperature models that the green are using have been proven to be bogus. Totally negating the climate change crisis. The location where they are taking their temperature measurements are faulty. And have been proven to be totally unreliable. They want to change everything everybody does every day based on complete nonsense. It’s all about power and money. It’s time we as voters tell the people in office that believe this to go down sand. Throw them out
My parents grew up in homes in rural upstate New York that had no electricity or indoor plumbing. Bedrooms were not heated, so people had down comforters. If you used the chamber pots kept in bedrooms, they sometimes froze over night. Baths were taken rather sparingly in winter. The greeniacs want to take us back to those bucolic days of being cold, uncomfortable and….well rather less clean.
These “cartels” run White House
Hamas, UN
The whole thing of going ‘green’ is and has been disproven repeatedly. The movement is there to make you ‘comply’ first to make the Davos crowd even more rich and to prepare you to comply to the Socialist/Communist ideal so they remain in power. Industry will continue to make their products more efficient . EV’s will eventually be affordable but newer battery technology will be needed and the electric grid will need to be upgraded substantially to handle the load. I would estimate about 20 to 30 more years though. Legislating you into compliance has not and will not work. We have come a long way from the 1970’s but we have a long way to go.
“Gowing Green” is a bunch of BALONY!
North America (basically the 48 contiguous states) has the most violent weather of any other continent: and always has. The weather control freaks all need to spend a lot of time in insane asylums.
“Global Warming”, “Climate Change” ETC IS A FARCE developed by the GLOBALISTS to SCARE people who don’t think for themselves into accepting having the UN, World Economic Forum and the rest of the CLOWNS that think they are better than God to dictate to us what we can and can’t have, do, travel, think, ETC. I have emailed all my Congressman in the DC Sewer for over a year and a half to ask what is in the CHEMTRAILS left hanging in the upper atmosphere, and have NOT HAD AN ANSWER YET! This is supposed to be to block the sun and cool the planet???? How much is this STUPIDITY costing us in tax $? And what are they spraying up there? I have heard it’s Aluminum Oxide for one, that’s really good for us!! Illegal Aliens are being allowed to overrun the border North & South for one reason TO DESTROY AMERICA AS WE KNOW IT!!! 150 years ago this would be grounds for TREASON and the usual consequences. Today I think the best consequence would be to STRIP them of citizenship and ship them to China!
I don’t know about others,but I am totally more than fed up with the leftist,liberal,socialist,very close to marxism democRATS working very hard to destroy AMERICA.The leftists in charge have somehow gotten two sets of rules put into play.The democrats seem to have a nonsick coating where they can get by with anything with no penalty.Biden bans what he wants to with NO pushback,oil,dishwashers,water heaters and the list keeps going.The three main entities obams,soros and biden must lay awake at night thinking about their screw AMERICA agenda.
We all know that the green tsars are only after the money and power that comes with it Some desperados also will do anything for publicity None of them gives a hoot about the good Earth or waste they create bunch of racketeers
Great piece. Thanks for pointing out the severe level of insanity now controlling the White House!!!
These radicals MIGHT have some credibility if they practiced what they preach. However, I don’t see Pelosi or Schumer or Biden riding around in ELECTRIC cars. Of course, “Lurch” Kerry flies his wife’s private plane, burning up tons of carbon-based fuel, to attend “Save the environment” summits!
You, climate “saviors”: Give us an EXAMPLE!
The gates to the White House should be locked from the outside and treated as the asylum it has become.
Fear, greed, envy, lust, guilt, and so many other motivating emotional appeals used to manipulate people’s opinions and actions are known tools of the devil and his minions. Beware of anyone who tries to motivate, coerce, and compel you to do anything using these tools. God is still in charge and evil will not win no matter how things appear in the short term. In Him we have hope in this life and the life to come. Stand strong in faith and have courage. Do not fear as God, Jesus, and the angel messengers admonished those receiving his messages related to us in scripture.
May God bless us all, and …. MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
How do I know the climate change crowd is full of BS? They complain if it rains, they complain if it doesn’t. They complain if it snows, they complain it it doesn’t. They complain if it’s cold, they complain if it’s hot. They complain if we have hurricanes, they complain if we don’t. Bottom line is the Big Money behind climate change is in it for control and all their little whinny minions are a bunch of liberals who are miserable and just looking for something to bitch about.
If you want to really understand Biden’s attitude on the border, watch Jesse Waters show from Tuesday,6 Feb. He played a clip of Biden saying he wants to reduce the percentage of white Americans to less than 50 percent. This alone should prevent him from being reelected.
As is the case with all policies pushed by the Left, “the climate crisis” has nothing to do with helping anyone or anything, but rather with increasing the power and control of the Left.
There’s literally not one living Democrat that I give a rats behind about what happens to them.
During the late 70’s, after Nixon’s exec order that all boiler fuel was to be coal, the Eco Gestapo would not license any generating units to be fitted with gas, even for future conversion. The Eco Gestapo has been nothing but a political tool since created. Libs in particular go all in on any new idea; never take long look at things.
No sane informed person on Earth believes the Climate Crisis Hoax. This Is simply another tool the Democrat Deep State and other enemies of humanity use to impoverish into desperation and then enslave the US and world populations.
The left are so obsessed with “Republicans in their bedroom” they ignore Democrats are in every other room of the house.
Has biden followed his example? If it good enough for us it has to be good enough for biden. HAHA