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How the heck can I share this? The YouTube link pops up a link to a Mac, and not to the YouTube video. Anyone that doesn’t have the AirMac application can’t watch it.
Two problems here. 1) Hunter implicates Joe, and 2) Joe, as a leading #DemocRat for decades, implicates all other #DemocRats, especially those in the #Hussein administration.
The whole world knows this is true, it appears the Republicans are the laughing stock of the world for not getting anything done about this. We will never ever have an honest vote again because nothing has ever happened to anyone or any party for allowing and encouraging it. Maybe we should go back to public hangings. Both parties need a good house cleaning.
I think the American people are simply sick and tired of of hearing all the talking heads sit around and “talk” about ALL the evidence and proof that they have about all of the law breaking the democrats have commited and NOTHING ever happens. All talk and no action, how large of a mountain of evidence and proof is needed to get justice??????
Biden is a trader and always has been one. Biden should be put to a wall and shot he has murder American people and stole there money.Biden is more dangerous than any body in this country and he don’t need a gun.
Seems Biden administration is so China minded its no American good
TOP Corrupt politicians in History…Clinton’s, HUSSEIN Obama, DICTATOR Beijing biden and family.
Each Democrats.
It started with the serial r*pist Bill Clinton and continues with BH.Obama who r*ped and continues to r*pe the country!
This country is being led by people who are CORRUPT…….A family which is CORRUPT…….CORRUPTION abounds in Washington……there is a pandemic afoot in this country but it is no longer Covid-19…..it goes by the name of………TYRANNY…..that is right folks…….TYRANNY and it is only going to get worse unless the people stand up and be counted
Nothing will ever happen to any of the Bidens. Just like nothing ever happened to the Clintons.
But Trump, now That criminal monster needs to go to prison! (working on it)
Well I would just ask this,
Where’s our Federal government officials especially the Republicans?
We all know that the FBI heads are in the sand at this point.
What has America become ????