The Better for America Podcast

Better for America Podcast: Awake Not Woke with Dr. Kelli Ward

Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2022
by Rebecca Weber

Arizona has been the tip of the spear when it comes to the critical battles like protecting our border and our kids in the classroom. That is why we are honored to welcome Dr. Kelli Ward, Arizona’s GOP Chairwoman to the show today! Dr. Ward shares what she believes will be the keys to successfully ensuring a red wave in November, while also reminding us that Barack Obama himself told Americans what to expect from Joe Biden on foreign policy.

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Cindy cunningham
Cindy cunningham
2 years ago

Kelli is a rockstar and has been for years.

Linda Starr
Linda Starr
2 years ago

Sundance (from The Conservative Treehouse) has gone into great detail about how candidates and officeholders no longer write legislation as they did many years ago. In D.C. it’s all K-Street. I imagine there are corresponding situations in local and state politics.

Kathy Larzelere
Kathy Larzelere
2 years ago

We must STOP combining the fentynal and heroin problems with the chronic pain patient problems. As a CCP, I am having increasing difficulty getting the opiate based pain medication, even thought it is barely on the opiate list and has been proven to be non-addictive. This is a problem for all ages, not just seniors, who have conditions for which there is no real cure so it has to be a maintain and take each day at a time. Arizona has a Grandfather Clause in its law yet it is flagrantly dismissed by the doctors here in prescribing the medications. Something has to be done to allow pain patients to get the medication they need for a quality of life. And this can be traced back to the influx of the illegal drugs being brought in by the illegals.

2 years ago

She may win but I’m leaning to Karin Taylor Robson. Not sure I trust Lake as a true conservative.

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