AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bipartisan Bill to Help Disabled Veterans

Posted on Monday, April 3, 2023
AMAC Action

This bill will allow veterans to concurrently receive both their earned military retirement, and the Veterans Administration disability pay that they are richly entitled to; and will make up, in a small way, for employment opportunities that they cannot pursue due to health challenges that they face incidental to their service to the American people.


April 5, 2023

The Honorable Jon Tester
Senator from Montana
311 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Tester,

On behalf of the over two million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 16,000 members who live in Montana; I write to offer our support for S. 344, the “Major Richard Star Act”.

In the course of military service, many of our brave veterans have sustained serious injury in the line of duty to support and defend our constitution, and national interests. Some of the injuries sustained have been serious enough to justify a medical retirement before the completion of twenty years’ service. It is right and ethical that they be justly compensated not only for their sacrifice, but in some cases, for their reduced ability to fully participate in the workforce because of their injuries.

These brave servicemembers answered the call for us, and we now have to opportunity to answer the call for them. There is no way money alone can replace lost limbs, make whole other severe injury, reduce the trauma of post-traumatic stress, or other service induced suffering. Your bill will allow these deserving veterans to concurrently receive both their earned military retirement, and the Veterans Administration disability pay that they are richly entitled to; and will make up, in a small way, for employment opportunities that they cannot pursue due to health challenges that they face incidental to their service to the American people.

While all retired veterans should be able to concurrently receive these entitlements, it is a strong step in the right direction to assist those with early medical retirements now, and in the future.

AMAC thanks you, Senator Tester, and your bipartisan co-sponsors, for your vision and leadership by introducing this important legislation that will benefit our American heroes. We are pleased to offer our organization’s full support for S. 344, the “Major Richard Star Act.”


Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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1 year ago

Thank you for supporting this bill. It may be the start of ending the maze of reductions military are subject to when retiring. Each entitlement should stand alone and not be subject to reduction due to other entitlements. We’ve played this game for decades. We beat our chest and brag about the generosity we show our vets then we secretly take some of it back and substantially reduce the entitlement. The same goes for our social security benefits also. I more than paid my part so why is it reduced? It’s sort of like the “surcharge” tacked on to your grocery bill at the commissary. If it’s our desire to honor, then honor them. Stop the ”kick backs”.

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