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Democrat Extremism Deepens

Posted on Tuesday, March 11, 2025
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Democrat-controlled states, from Maine to California, are getting more extreme, not less. They have learned nothing. From Title IX to higher taxes, they hurt their people. This just has to stop.

Title IX provides an excellent example of Democrat extremism. On June 23, 1972, President Nixon signed Title IX, a civil rights law opening educational, sports, scholarship, and wider opportunities to girls and women.  Why it took so long is another story, but suffice it to say, it was overdue.

Prior to Title IX, discrimination against girls and women in education and elsewhere was defended on biology. It was rampant. Girls and women were disallowed from classes, majors, sports, learning, and hiring, forced to take certain classes, and perform tasks not asked of boys.

The notion that girls and women might equal – or exceed – males in math, science, engineering, reading, writing, linguistics, law, or medicine was radical. Giving them a fair chance to try was, too.

Over the next 50 years, Title IX protected biological girls and women for the very reason that they are biologically different. Genetically, in bone, joint, muscle, respiratory structure, and dozens of other verifiable, unchangeable ways, from pre-birth to death, women are different.

Just writing those words, realizing there is a need to write them, seems utterly silly. But that is the state of our political dialogue, the low bar or ridiculous nature of this debate set by Democrats.  

The main point remains: Biological girls and women – the only kind there are – deserve “equal protection,” benefits, opportunities, dignity, privacy, safety, and chances to realize life dreams.

They deserve – in society’s educational, employment, athletic, and other venues – the chance not to be intimidated, threatened, hurt, overrun by males, dishonored, displaced, or pushed to sacrifice their God-given identity, dignity, privacy, safety, or opportunities – by misapplied laws.

Politics, pride, prejudice, and leftwing ideology will never redefine humanity, despite the Marxist hope to do that. They cannot redefine what is un-redefinable, like math, physics, chemistry, biology, the universe, and nature. They cannot redefine timeless constitutional principles or natural law.

So, where does that leave us? In places like Maine, it leaves the Democrat-controlled legislature, female governor and secretary of state, and attorney general – looking silly, denying facts and law.

With girls and women succeeding under Title IX, experiencing equal treatment, accommodation, admissions, scholarships, participation in education, elementary to grad schools, they are turning back the clock, disadvantaging biological women.

This crazy specter – in Maine and other states pushing ideological extremism, determined to “resist” President Trump – is a bad comedy, fast becoming a tragedy. It will end poorly, as bad policy always does. Trying to reverse Title IX’s protections is like trying to disown the Constitution.

Beyond a sweeping electoral reaction in 2026, what else might happen? Failing one-party states, like Maine under Democrat misrule, are hurting their people badly, measurably. It may get worse.

Unlike Maine’s female governor and 52-percent-female Democrat legislative contingent, all of whom benefited by Title IX recognizing and protecting them as women, they would have Maine girls be second-class citizens – forced to compete with males in sports and lose rights. suffer injuries.

It is really, even in political terms, rather incredible. Missing is hard-won equal treatment and appreciation for biological uniqueness. Lost is the chance to shine, participate without fear of injury or injustice, receive scholarships, gain life-changing recognition, and enjoy privacy in bathrooms and locker rooms.

The brazen way this is done by Maine’s arrogant Democrat leaders is breathtaking and stirs anger. It should. As the father of a girl, Title IX and our Constitution must be honored, not lawlessly denied.

The final act, unless Maine Democrats find humility, will again slam Mainers. The Department of Justice will lawfully withhold education funds, conditioned on a Governor violating established law.

The same would be true, by the way, under any president and for any governor who knowingly violated Civil Rights. Here, the prejudice is not against a race but against girls and women.

Bottomline: Maine Democrats – and others nationwide – need to pause, think, look at facts, and abide by the law. Otherwise, families will be hammered. Democrats seem to care more about ideology than people. In truth, nutrition, special education, and other programs will continue – but with higher taxes.

In places like Maine, already transparently mismanaged, facing a $450-million-dollar deficit, then new taxes for $120 million in Democrat overspending, taxpayers may face another $360 million in State taxes. All this was avoidable. Budgets and taxes must be cut, girls protected. Does it get any simpler?

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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20 hours ago

RBC, the real question is — Will the voters get out and vote out the idiots that have ruined their states and put in more responsible people?

19 hours ago

Democrats are first the party of treason. They are the party of perversion, the party of abortion, perhaps because less people mean less “oversite”, and hatred of anything American. They are the party of hate and have no doubt, they are the party that desperately wants a one party rule and will stoop to anything to get it. I’m hoping the Republican party will finally grow some serious kick butt backbone, now that there’s a leader who has a backbone of steel, and start kicking democrat butt. If this nation can’t be returned to it’s original designation: IE: a Constitutional Republic…welcome to Cuba, Red China, North Korea etc. The “criminal justice system” is a sick joke, on purpose…a catalyst to disarm citizens. Over 60 Million American citizens have been aborted in the name of choice. Think about how the left with their baby exterminator Banned Parenthood, has over the years since they hit this nation in the 70’s, has steadily turned abortion into a “right”. Once upon a time America was “One Nation Under God”. We must return to that once strong, principled kick butt nation….or be prepared to bow to a “dear leader.”

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
18 hours ago

Denying the differences between the sexes is ridiculous. God made two sexes so we could reproduce and ensure a future for our species. Just like all the other animals on Earth, survival is key to this process. The fact that the far-left nuts think that is not the plan, indicates a deep misunderstanding of life. They talk about “the science” while they totally ignored the science of creation. This is what decades of brain-washing by the groups that want people to only worship them (Marxists, Communists, etc). As long as there are populations who believe our power comes from God, we can survive.

Crumm Peatry
Crumm Peatry
20 hours ago

We the free people will win over the sick and idolatrous ideology of the left every time.

The woke god isn’t worthy of worship or devotion than any other idol. 

If wokeness or government is your god, then the recent happenings are nothing short of devastating to you.

If you put faith and trust in those false gods well idols will always fail you.   You will never find hope, peace, or joy in false gods.  Rather wokeness is a monster that never satisfies, but only destroys. 

Not to long ago a few of such simple faith …United people of all creeds together by the scriptural enumeration of unalienable rights, limited governance and deliverance from tyranny.  

The Idolatry of Humanism has done nothing but stoke division and inspire genocide by class envy tyrants like Stalin and Mao, and the eugenics of Sanger, Hitler, abortionists, and WEF globalists. 

18 hours ago

TDS is rampant among Democ-RATs. They truly are crazed maniacs. I always thought it impossible for mentally retarded people to be evil. Then I look at Democ-RATs.

17 hours ago

It’s satisfying to only blame elected dems but never forget dem robots elected them. Dem robots are automata programmed to short circuit reason. The problem goes much deeper than hoping for different officials. Dem robots have been conditioned since kindergarten to avoid rational thought in favor of raw emotions. Real solutions will require generational change beginning with exiting public schools .

16 hours ago

Why aren’t the Feminazis standing yp for women? Where is Gloria Steinem’s girls? Why aren’t they stepping up to protect women?

11 hours ago

You know, it’s not about men vs women as much as it is going against President Trump. Any other idiot, besides a Democrat one, can see that there’s nothing fair about men in women’s sports, restrooms, locker rooms, etc; or anywhere else that they would have gone to jail 10 years ago for. The Dems will pay a big political price for this childish spiteful conduct supporting a miniscule percent of the population against the rest of us.

13 hours ago


anna hubert
anna hubert
15 hours ago

Did we not just celebrate International Women day? Haha

18 hours ago

The absolute silence from the supposed feminists is outrageous! The libs have literally tried to reorient the entire world to a trans ideology when just 1% of the population could be trans. I say could be as kids too young to make such a decision are being counted. I honestly believe that this is part of a world-wide, catholic church led effort to change the concept of sexual relationships between humans to a much more perverse relationship. This explains all the CIA/USAID funding efforts in nations around the world. Listening to so many Independent media voices now it is much easier to connect the dots. THEY MUST BE STOPPED.

Jonathan S
Jonathan S
19 hours ago

No things won’t get better. They will get a whole lot worse. No one cares about anybody else and most people would rather make a quick buck at the expense of someone else, and I’m a strong believer in capitalism and free markets.

21 seconds ago

robert charles the election denier is the extremist

10 minutes ago

trump should get arrested immediately

Jonathan S
Jonathan S
19 hours ago

Every state is getting more extreme. I’m on the Republican side but everyone hates now. Liberals hate me and now MAGA hates me because I don’t agree with all of their ideas especially cutting education funding.

6 hours ago

I just started 3 weeks ago this web income system that my friend recommended to me and I’ve gotten 2 checks for a total of $9,200… this is the best decision I made in a long time! This extra cash has changed my life in so many ways, thank you!

Here is I started_______

federal student aid website
caregiver helping senior; credit for caring act
Harvard university
trump speaking to the press and media

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