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Was Joe Biden’s Presidency One Long, Quiet Insurrection?

Posted on Monday, March 10, 2025
by Andrew Shirley

Shocking new evidence suggests that Joe Biden was not the one really calling the shots inside the White House over the past four years – just as conservatives alleged all along.

Late last week, the Oversight Project, an investigatory arm of the Heritage Foundation, revealed on X that a study of presidential documents from the Biden administration showed that virtually every one was signed by an autopen rather than by the president’s own hand.

“We gathered every document we could find with Biden’s signature over the course of his presidency,” the Oversight Project wrote. “All used the same autopen signature except for the announcement that the former President was dropping out of the race last year.”

If the Oversight Project’s findings turn out to be accurate, it is difficult to overstate the magnitude of the scandal it would represent. It would raise the alarming possibility (which Republicans long warned of) that the country was effectively being run by unelected Biden aides rather than the duly-elected President of the United States – a soft coup d’état that should enrage every American voter, regardless of political affiliation.

An autopen is a device used to replicate a person’s signature, allowing high-ranking officials, including the President of the United States, to authorize documents without physically signing them. The autopen is often employed for efficiency, especially when signing large volumes of routine paperwork, such as proclamations, letters, and some legislation. But an autopen signature has all the legally binding power of the president’s actual signature.

Unsurprisingly, use of the autopen is somewhat controversial. In theory, a group of rogue staffers could use the autopen to enact policies without the approval or even the knowledge of the president.

This appears to have been what happened in at least one incident that House Speaker Mike Johnson recounted earlier this year, in which Joe Biden claimed that he had no knowledge of an executive order with his signature on it.

“Sir, why did you pause liquid natural gas exports?” Johnson recounted asking Biden, to which the president appeared stunned and said he would never do such a thing.

“Sir, you paused it, I know,” Johnson retorted. “I have the export terminals in my state. I talked to those people in my state, I’ve talked to those people this morning, this is doing massive damage to our economy, national security.” But Biden continued to deny that he froze LNG exports.

“I walked out of that meeting with fear and loathing because I thought, ‘We are in serious trouble—who is running the country?’” Johnson said. “Like, I don’t know who put the paper in front of him, but he didn’t know.”

Johnson further speculated that the notion that Biden could not run the country was what made him an attractive candidate to Democrat power brokers in the first place. He theorized that when Democrat candidates dropped out of the crowded 2020 primary field, they agreed to endorse Biden in exchange for putting “one of their people” in key positions in his administration. These people, he asserts, exerted significant influence over Biden and “led us into absolute chaos.”

Biden had an infamously poor memory throughout his tenure, and it could indeed be the case that he legitimately forgot he signed the LNG export pause. But the other frightening possibility is that a Biden staffer used the autopen to enact the pause without the president’s knowledge.

Another explosive report late last year also alleged that Biden aides hid the president’s cognitive decline “from day one” – more evidence supporting the theory that Biden wasn’t really the one running the country. As early as the spring of 2021, White House staffers were rescheduling events to work around Biden’s “good days and bad days.”

While the Oversight Project’s findings are indeed troubling, they don’t definitively prove anything – but they do seem to be grounds to justify further investigation.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has called for just that, submitting an official request to the FBI earlier this month to “conduct a full investigation into President Biden’s mental capacity in his final days in office.”

“It appears staffers and officers in the Biden administration may have exploited Biden’s incapacity so they could issue orders without an accountable President of sound mind approving them,” Bailey continued. “If in fact Biden’s staffers were exploiting his mental decline, those orders are null and void.”

Congress may also have an important role to play in investigating the full extent of Biden’s cognitive decline. With Republicans in control of both chambers of Congress, they have the authority to subpoena former Biden administration officials – both to get accountability for any wrongdoing and ensure that such a gross violation of democratic principles cannot occur in the future.

Democrats and the media love to hang the title of “insurrectionist” around Donald Trump. But it increasingly appears as if the only true insurrection in American history since the Civil War occurred under Joe Biden.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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8 hours ago

As stated, everyone already knew that Pres. Biden was not running the country during his term of office. More surprises yet to come.

7 hours ago

Biden was never running things. He was mentally challenged from day one. Someone else was running things. Barack Obama comes to mind. Nancy Pelosi is another name that comes up. This should be looked in to.

6 hours ago

That is the BEST description of Joe Biden’s presidency I’ve ever heard…one, big, slow insurrection by the liberal, leftist, Globalists using incompetent, mentally incapacitated Joe Biden as the puppet-in-charge.

6 hours ago

This is nothing new. We republicans have known since Biden was “elected”, he was incapable to propose any legislation or had the capabilities to run the country. Biden is a follower always was. The lies have come to light. Elon found millions and millions of USAID payments to countries for trans and frivolous reasons. Why was all this okayed? Surely not by a mindset group to make America liked around the world. Why are the dems screaming about the waste and fraud found. Because the wolves were running the henhouse and all were enjoying the largesse. And corruption was coming from the deep state. We had a president who had dementia and a VP who had no idea what her job was. The voters made the right decision in Nov. It will become clearer and clearer what a hellion job Trump has to right the ship of state. We are so close to going under. Let’s support president Trump with his plans. Some might work while others might not. It took the dems 4 years under Biden and 8 years under Obama to destroy America.

6 hours ago

Everything Biden did was a lie from the start. All should be abolished. His aids should all be jailed for life.

Mark H.
Mark H.
6 hours ago

Biden was not duly elected. The demonrats cheated and presidency was stolen from President Trump.

6 hours ago

Prepare yourself, this is only the beginning of what is going to be made public. Not to be mean, but I do hope and pray that all the Americans that were duped by the Biden administration learn a lesson and wake the hell up.

6 hours ago

Trump Won 2020, and you know It. We/Me/You had a sElection Coup GrubMint for 4 years.

Chet Zaiko
Chet Zaiko
6 hours ago

Anyone with a brain should have realized that Biden was just a puppet with someone else pulling his strings.

6 hours ago

Not surprised that Obummer, Palosi, Schumer and Soros to name a few were calling the America-last shots, but I’m still very angry.

5 hours ago

I really think that Obama (anti USA) was running the US and the democrats just kept
it hush History will prove this in years to come…..

Limited Government
Limited Government
6 hours ago

It was Obama’s third term:

David Moake
David Moake
5 hours ago

The Biden administration was a blatant attempt to flip our country to socialism.

Shuttle Guy
Shuttle Guy
6 hours ago

My thoughts, No one will ever go to prison for these crimes!

5 hours ago

Eventually there will be proof of a stolen election. There are a bunch of people bent on destroying the US who need to be in prison.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
5 hours ago

Peon biden was never in charge from day one.It was emperor obama and his many elves third term.Why these entities wanted to turn AMERICA into a third world country is beyond my comprehension.But then I am just a redneck good old boy that loves his country and will not tolerate anyone the doesn’t.As far as I am concerned they should have their own little part of the world that they can destroy.

5 hours ago

Subpoena all of the Biden administration staff and officers. Prosecute those found to have aided in the fraud. Then void all of the fraudulent EC’s and bills.

todd loopner
todd loopner
6 hours ago

thank God he’s such a failure at everything; metal clod.

Ron Laswell
Ron Laswell
5 hours ago

There was nothing quiet about “Biden’s” term. Anyone who can “read between the lines” knew it was an evil attempt to take over the planet!

5 hours ago

Democrats started a war to keep their slaves, how is this any different? The long list of shady actions and policies is largely from the dems, with some RINO’s mixed in there. The true party of insurrection has always been the dems.

Donald King
Donald King
5 hours ago

During WWII France had the German Vichy puppet Marshal Petain ruling the country. He would be the public figure representing the government – same as Biden. Only difference is that he actually had to sign official papers whereas the boys in the back room had a machine counterfeiting Biden’s signature.

4 hours ago

How many times did Uncle Joey say, “THEY wouldn’t like (fill in the blank”

4 hours ago

And they have the nerve to question Musk about no being elected How many people were running the government with not being elected. and who was taking care of the football ALL OF THEM

5 hours ago

Examine the pardons and preemptive pardons Biden supposedly made before he left office. Wondering if these would be null and void if signed with the autopen.

5 hours ago

“Was Joe Biden’s Presidency One Long, Quiet Insurrection?” Uh….is the Pope Catholic? It looked, throughout it’s duration, that that’s EXACTLY what it was. Same with O’Bummer’s administrations.

4 hours ago

Undoubtedly 100% true! It will never be investigated. The Deep State always runs everything. Democrats lost the house the Senate and the presidency and yet they still run the show. Now they’re just using the corrupt judicial system. I don’t know if this country can ever recover from the tailspin the Democrats put it in. They don’t want it to they want it to crash and burn so they can rule over the ashes. Democrat Party need to be classified as a domestic terrorist organization. They are truly the epitome of evil

grady p
grady p
5 hours ago

Every time I saw his face, my gut instinct was “Beady eyed incompetent snake in the grass”, After reading this I’m saddened to know my guts were right, I only wished more people had the same reaction.

Richard Hennessy,
Richard Hennessy,
3 hours ago

Yes, it was. Biden consistently acted contrary to the Constitution and established law. That is an insurrection.

5 hours ago

It was a Deep State ventriloquist show from the get go, from the “safest election in history” (as Kari Lake stated so eloquently “81 million votes my a..”), to the Pelosi orchestrated Jan 6. Reichstags moment, the Soviet style kangaroo court trials, the Gestapo raids and censorship of all opposition from parents to Christians, Jews, Republicans, Conservatives, and anyone not queer, or Marxist, all the way to the diaper dependent dummy living in “Dr.” Biden, PHD’s suitcase together with his crime family under the close supervision of Obama, Soros, & Schwab’s White House Muppet Crew. Now there’s an investigation waiting to happen for a reformed DOJ, however maybe it would be better to settle for a DOJ gone with DOGE cutting what the left could possibly turn into a left wing instrument of authoritarian oppression once again.

5 hours ago

Joe & Kammie ‘ s puppets masters should be exposed and the full extent of their control of the Fedgov should be fully disclosed . ALL of Joe’s signatures should be examined by a handwriting expert . And the same for his EO’s . Joe should be queried right now while he still has some of his faculties for all recollections he can muster .

5 hours ago

I have long considered the conduct discussed in this article as a foregon conclusion. They have NEVER respected the law, so, OF COURSE they used Bidens’ signature as their own. What else would you expect of a “democrat” party that so clearly dislikes “democracy?

Susan Wiebe
Susan Wiebe
6 hours ago

I feel so for the country!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 hours ago

Biden needed help just to wipe so doubtful he was running the country. He has the mental capability of one of the animatronics in Disneylands “Hall of Presidents”!

J N Day
J N Day
3 hours ago

You just figured it out? Obama, during an interview, stated that he would not mind serving a third term from the backroom. The progressive liberals are experts at ignoring the Constitution and any other rule that might exist.
The problem today is keeping a lid on the exposure of the graft and corruption that has existed in this country for decades, creating a ground swell of public reaction against the government our founding fathers’ envisioned.

4 hours ago

This is period where our country was run by a gangster who only was was self justification and self and family enrichment

4 hours ago

This whole “autopen” mystery is not one bit surprising. Just shows the ‘technology’ that they used to run our country. I think we always knew that Biden wasn’t in charge. Trump has to get us back on course but at some point in time, I hope we have the resources to dig into this and expose evil for what/who it was.

4 hours ago

I’ve been saying this all along. He was not voted into the White House either. So who’s going to prison for this? I’ll take a good guess, not one of those perpetrators will ever get charged with anything not alone get the punishment they deserve. Let me put it this way, they won’t get it in this world but when my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comes back, we all get our sins put out there and we will get the justice that he warns us about in his Word

Ken Phipps
Ken Phipps
5 hours ago

Really tired of all these findings and zero happens.

41 minutes ago

We all KNEW from day one that Biden was NOT capable of running the country. He can’t even walk around the block without help. He should be in an assisted living facility…especially since his wife doesn’t seem to give a damn.

David Campbell
David Campbell
1 hour ago

Joe Biden was the closest thing we will ever have that was a real life Manchurian Candidate.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
1 hour ago

Anybody that was paying any attention knew Biden was not mentally competent. The whole bunch should investigated, tried for treason and found guilty.

2 hours ago

No surprise to us real Americans…

3 hours ago

Yes, Joe Biden as president was a lie. He was out to lunch!!

4 hours ago

This is no surprise…with diminished brain faculty and stumbling as well as stuttering, any sane person could tell and not believe the insane coverup the Dems tried to plant on America….shameful and ignorant on their part all around

4 hours ago

President trump should offer blanket immunity to anyone coming forward and exposing the truth about who was actually calling the shots from the white house.

hubert johnson
hubert johnson
8 hours ago

i love political bias in the media!

Moma Chaunce
Moma Chaunce
1 hour ago

The day is coming when obama will be doing a perp walk. Never forget…he gave us biden and then he stole bidens 1st term and deleted him for the second.
Plus obama os now acting so white he makes hakeem.jeffries and Harold Ford jr. look like outerspace when the stars are on vacation.

Moma Chaunce
Moma Chaunce
1 hour ago

The report with names will be released in October 2026…and that’s the end of the dems in congress for a decade.
Dems are no longer pathe5ic. They are irrelevant.
Especially the female dems starting with the 84 year old Connecticut freak with purple hair who looks like a Disney character.

Dave O'Neil
Dave O'Neil
1 hour ago

This event is one of how many more that are just as bad or worse. Then the fact that Dems are complaining and lying about all of it. I hope their loud obscene carrying on does not lead to physical problems in our country, that a breaking point is not reached.

1 hour ago

We all knew, or at least suspected this sort of malfeasance was going on. There is way too much to investigate from the prior administration, but this should be one of the priorities.

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