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Dumb Things Socialists Promise

Posted on Tuesday, March 4, 2025
by Outside Contributor

Socialism is popular!

A Pew study reports that more than a third of American adults view it positively.  

How is this possible?

Little has brought more misery—first in the Soviet Union, then in China, Cuba, Nicaragua, now Venezuela …

One reason young people support socialism is because their social media feeds show videos made by popular but economically illiterate people.

TikTok star Madeline Pendleton has 1.6 million subscribers. My new video shows her telling them: “Socialism is working better than capitalism 93% of the time!”

Where does she get 93%?

From a study published in 1986 by self-described Marxists in the Journal of Health Services.

The authors conveniently ignore the United States and other wealthy countries and compare socialist economies to “capitalist” countries like Uganda, Rwanda, and Somalia, some of which were at war.

It’s so stupid. But based on that, Pendleton tells her followers, “We have all the data showing that socialism does work.”

She also celebrates communism because of its “increased life expectancy.”

That’s nonsense, too. People live longest in capitalist countries like Japan (85 years) and South Korea (84 years). Even in the United States (79 years), where more of us die young because we drive more (car accidents), eat more, shoot each other more often, and try more dangerous drugs, we still live longer than people in China (78 years).

Socialism is also superior, says Pendleton, because of “the 90-100% home-ownership rates.”

“One hundred percent,” of course, is just dumb, but China (if you believe the party’s statistics) does have 90% homeownership.

But not under socialism! They achieved that only after privatizing urban housing. Before 1998, when Chinese housing was still socialist, just 20% of Chinese people owned homes.

Several social media stars rave about China. “Socialism worked in China!” says TikToker Dante Munoz. “They lifted over 800 million people from poverty.”

Again, it’s true that in the last 50 years, China’s GDP went from $156 per capita to more than $12,000. But that only happened after China gave up on real socialism and started embracing markets. Hong Kong, which adopted actual capitalism, raised per capita GDP to $50,000.

Before China reformed, millions of people died of starvation.

Another silly social media star, JT Chapman, tells his almost 2 million YouTube subscribers: “The central idea that unites all socialists is maximizing freedom … democratization of power.”

Democratization? In most socialist countries, there’s only one political party.

A popular TikToker calling himself Rathbone tells his hundred thousand subscribers: “capitalism … prioritizes profits over people … [but] socialism … prioritizes people over profits.”

Likewise, Chapman says socialism offers the “guaranteed right to … health care, food, and shelter.”

Well, of course socialism promises those things and claims to prioritize people over profits, but what people actually get is different.

As Cuban doctors put it in this video, “The Cuban health care system is destroyed … People are dying in the hallways.”

Yet Chapman claims, “Innovation can flourish even when people are not motivated by profit. The USSR gave the world the anthrax vaccine, artificial satellites, and one of the earliest mobile phones.”

That is true. But no one uses those phones today. Capitalism just creates much more.

Finally, Chapman says, “Ownership should be collective.”

Collective ownership does feel good. “We’ll share everything!”

But every attempt at collective ownership has failed.

One famous American example: 200 years ago, New Harmony, Indiana, abolished private property, promising a “community of equality.”

The result was famine.

When people realized they could receive just as much barely working as they could working hard, many, naturally, worked less. Within a year, the commune experiment failed and property was returned to private hands.

What do these popular social media stars say when I confront them with these inconvenient truths? Sadly, I don’t know. Not one would appear on Stossel TV to debate.  

The bottom line: Incentives matter. No one washes a rental car. Few people care much about what belongs to everyone. It’s just human nature.

Capitalism isn’t perfect, but if we want a better future, and freedom, capitalism is the only thing that works.

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by John Stossel.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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20 days ago

If the author wants to know why socialism is so popular, the author needs to look no farther than the inside of most public-school classrooms in this country. The Democrats have done an outstanding job of institutional brainwashing of much of the youth of America since Jimmy Carter gave them a federally funded institution (the Department of Education) from which to dictate and control the public education system of this country.

Socialist indoctrination is taught non-stop in grades K-12, so it should be no surprise that what comes out is a whole lot of brainwashed young adults. A small percentage of youth manage to survive the process with their minds still intact, but that percentage is relatively low.

Then to put a fine point on the whole indoctrination process, just audit a few classes for a week or two, at the local college or university to see the finishing process. What usually emerges after 4 years of marinating in that sort of targeted leftist ideology is a good, little “useful idiot” socialist. One who will robotically support whatever the Far-Left leadership in this country wants them to.

We can’t shut down the Department of Education fast enough in this country and return the entire education process back the states. The Democrat run states will of course continue with business as usual, because it provides the Party with a fresh, steady stream of useful idiots to maintain power and control. The Republican run states however will be free to get back to actual teaching of what is needed to be successful in this world and instill in the youth of their states, the critical thinking skills needed to compete globally again.

19 days ago

Socialism does not work, plain and simple. American Marxist Democrats love it, so they can gain power and control.

Not anymore, MAGA 2025

19 days ago

I have traveled in China. There apartments are like tiny houses for families. The good healthcare is for those who work. If you are sick and cannot work, it is bare bones care.They can only drive on the days that are designated by government for your liscence number. I could go on, but you get the idea!

19 days ago

Democratic Party consists of Socialist, Muslims/Hamas, Communist Party, Marxist! They need to pay for what they have done to America and the American people! Im sick of their lies and their desperate need to destroy America!

anna hubert
anna hubert
20 days ago

Those who do not depend on a paycheck from a real work, who don’t worry about the balance in the bank, who were and are taken care off will preach about the need for socialism. They would not part with a dollar toward the cause, but will blather about equality, they really look down on “masses” but will blather about fraternity. Will people never learn? Every movement to destroy the existing order in the name of downtrodden was led by the upper class, downtrodden payed and lived in bigger misery than before the liberation. The young brainwashed coddled in comfort of capitalism need to change places with those in Cuba to get a taste of their dream. After the glorious revolutions there always was exodus to escape the paradise.

19 days ago

Democrats = Progressives=Socialists=Leftists=Communists. ALL have to lie to get into power and keep power.

19 days ago

You cannot fix indoctrinated stupid. It’s rampant. Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it again. They need to move to a socialist country and see how great it is. Oh and by the way once you leave you cannot come back we don’t want you

19 days ago

Socialism doesn’t work. Sooner or later the money runs out. Because those putting money in govt coffers are on the dole themselves. After all these supposedly socialism praisers have convinced everyone being on the dole is showing those rich millionaires and billionaires that you don’t want to work for them anymore. They follow these leaders blindly and the only way prosperity will return to these countries. Is putting capitalist policies in place. The Marxist dems are bleeding for people in other countries bringing in the scum of the earth into America to break America to become China. And we the citizens of the United States. Be they black brown or white will have to suffer till we all are following their policies. If we don’t agree, which 77+ million voters didn’t on Nov 5 – 2024, they show their true colors. They look at us common sense folks as capitalist millionaires. Who have to be relieved of their wealth today. We don’t like it they will let the criminal illegals loose on us. They have been hiding and protecting them in their sanctuary cities. Like a trophy. They have no justification for it. They don’t need to. Because Satan doesn’t justify anything he does. Pocahantis last night was applauding like her life depended on it when Trump said last night who wants the war in the Ukraine to go on for 5 more years. Did senator Warren realize she was applauding for 2,000 men and women to die each week in these 5 years??? Where is the humanity. And by supporting foreign countries and foreign wars, America and its people are forgotten. All to make socialism a reality in this country. Only America was founded as a Republic, by the people, for the people and of the people. President Trump speech was for the people last night. And Pelosi was very uncomfortable with it all. Did you see her squirming in her chair? I have lived under socialism but it has been voted out over the past decades. What has replaced it. Many parties. Where no one has a majority and getting anything passed is next to impossible. And who suffers, the people. If the democrats ever become a majority party again, God help the people of the United States.

18 days ago

Iv seen this phrase: Socialism works until it runs out of other people’s money

19 days ago

Socialism/National Socialism/Communism is both a mental disorder leading to anti-social behavior with paranoia, genocidal ideations and actions, and a cult that worships a one party big state with their party leader as a demi-god, and high priest at the top viciously sacrificing, and eradicating all who hold opposing views. It is the greatest evil ever to befall humanity, bigger than the Black Death, the flu, malaria, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease combined, and with a larger death toll.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
18 days ago

Dems Promise BUT never deliever day 1

18 days ago

The economic growth of both China and India resulted from those countries abandoning socialism for capitalism. Today socialism is only embraced by nations with failing economies.

18 days ago

Let us pray……… for Trump along with his well-informed team behind him, to get this country cleaned up, and back to USA again, with popsicle wagons, and barn dances, and picnics in the parks, bingo halls, etc. where all towns can regain their hometown pride, with no chance of ANY such outside interference of trouble making ever allowed again!!!!
We owe this to our graveyards full of dedicated soldiers that deserve their own homeland to be safe forever, and……..”keep our American people, within their honor of our red, white and blue stripes, under God.”
It’s going to take everyone to care.

18 days ago

I have to meet the human being who actually wants to (and would enjoy) sharing EVERYTHING!

18 days ago

Socialism is popular because at heart many people are thieves. They dont want to take risks robbing banks so they vote dem for others to steal for them . This explains why villains from butch cassidy to bonnie and clyde were so beloved.

18 days ago

The Progressive Leftist have a very coordinated approach to their communist lies. Beginning with the dumbing down of the electorate. In 40 years of D of Ed. existence we went from #1 in the world of education to #40 in the world. Uninformed and uneducated people INDOCTRINATED through their formative years, is very easy to dupe into believing their lies.

Robert Chae
Robert Chae
18 days ago

Proves the adage about data tells you whatever you wish for. Reasonable people apply reason when reading articles claiming data proof to support their position. When the claim smells your reason should command doubt. Children (including students who are convinced they are adult) do not have a well developed smell test. LEFT opinion “leaders” know this and target children for their whacky theories. Unfortunately we have many adults among us who have not matured to adult.

18 days ago

This article missed how Britain became poor under socialism. When Margaret Thatcher became prime minister, she privatized government industries.
This article missed how Sweden, with many socialist policies is starting to reduce its socialist laws.

18 days ago

The only peri government will be when Jesus Christ comes back to Earth. In the meantime capitalism is the best we have.

18 days ago

I don’t know why the democrats in this country still are considered democrats, that’s no longer valid as far as I can tell, I think they made it pretty obvious that they’re all Marxists. And according to what I’ve read about Marxism they all have one agenda, to destroy this country and capitalism. What true American would open their borders to the world and to the extent of flying them in from other country’s as a courtesy from the U.S. I think their most recent agenda prior the election results was to overwhelm this country with open borders to the point of a revolution so they can inject their Marxist ideology in this country.
They God they lost the election, and hopefully most Americans understand that know with the exception of those who have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

19 days ago

Dumb ideas are attractive to dumb (or ignorant) people. The collective IQ of America is on the decline, thanks to the public education system. Americans, from top to bottom, must share the blame for where we are today as a country. We got soft, accepted less performance, focused on entertainment and instant gratification, abandoned God, became too comfortable with our unappreciated luxuries, and put Self ahead of being a responsible/contributing member of a successful society. We got lazy and lost our ability to analyze /critically examine, then arrive at an INDEPENDENT conclusion. We too easily accept what we are fed by “experts” and the media. We trust, way too much, government.

Bryan Tam
Bryan Tam
17 days ago

John Stossel is right.

Sanity is back
Sanity is back
18 days ago

There is no clearer comparison between capitalist and communist/socialist countries then looking at what was produced by East and West Germany. Capitalist West Germany produced BMW and Mercedes among others. Communist East Germany produced the Trabant as their best. Same people, same history, but one has a profit motive and the other does not. Would anyone suggest that a Trabant is anywhere comparable to even a VW?

john a guzzi
john a guzzi
19 days ago

I am going to shoot our some info and someone else can work out the details. Socialism and capitalism co-exit with capitalism the main goal. To target each and every citizen every INDIVUDUAL is key to more prosperity. These large million dollar funds to go to helful causes are not solving the problem. The indivual has to be considered and it the long run it will be cheaper. fter 18 or 21 every citizen should be allotted basic income of $1000.00 per month for life with cola. To keep something like this going there has to be a way to keep funding it. This income could deduct 5% for affordabe health care 5% goes back into this fund. Raise sales tax, put other welfare programs into or reuce them so that they can suoort thre fund to keep going. When an individual has money for basic living they can move into other forms of income. It is a stepping stone to capitalism. Of course some will take advantage, and others will move on to accomplishment. It will support in periods of less money like unemployment it will give the INDIVIDUAL self esteem to move on. You do not give a homelees a cell phone and say look for ,a job. He has no assets. At least with this income he is a presentable person. All should get a monthly extra allowance. The money will flow better in our society, low income will not be resgricted to area of low income areas. Less homeless more better health. This is just an idea that needs detail info etc.

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