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GROTESQUE: Judges Force Trump Admin to Fund Experimental Transgender Interventions

Posted on Thursday, February 20, 2025
by Outside Contributor

Did you know that your tax dollars have been funding experimental “transgender” medical interventions that leave kids stunted, scarred, and infertile? Did you know that when President Donald Trump tried to put a stop to it, activist groups and Democrat attorneys general sued, and judges ordered the administration to keep funding these Frankensteinian “treatments”?

It’s hard to overstate just how egregious a medical scandal this is.

Activists use the gaslighting term “gender-affirming care” to hide the ugly truth. In the name of medicine, doctors are altering the chemistry of boys and girls to prevent them from undergoing the natural process of puberty. They’re using the very same drugs that prisons use to chemically castrate sexual offenders, and they’re calling it “care.”

‘Puberty Blockers’

The drugs in question are “Gonadatropin-releasing hormone agonists,” commonly referred to as GnRH agonists. David Gortler, a pharmacologist and pharmacist who previously was a senior adviser to the Food and Drug Administration commissioner on policy and drug safety, previously told The Daily Signal that physicians developed GnRH agonists to help treat certain cancers that depend on estrogen or testosterone.

Removing estrogen and testosterone from cancer patients to prolong their lives makes sense. But giving these drugs to physiologically and genetically healthy kids is a completely different story.

Gortler, a former Yale University professor, cited his preliminary review of data from the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System, a database of reactions to certain drugs that users report to the FDA. According to his analysis in 2024, the system showed 70,000 adverse reactions to GnRH agonists, 2,510 of them involving children aged 14 or younger.

Kids taking these drugs had experienced hallucinations, bone disorders, cardiac arrest, abdominal pain, a clot in the heart, seizures, blindness, and more. Among patients ages 4 to 13, a total of 21 had thoughts of suicide.

Horrifyingly, the database included 30 records noting the death of a minor between zero and 14, where a “puberty blocker” was the primary suspect drug.

“Even though this drug is objectively unsafe, they seem to be selectively turning a blind eye to it, seemingly in sync with White House messaging,” Gortler said last year, referring to FDA officials following messaging from President Joe Biden’s White House.

Last year, The Daily Signal first published documents obtained by the conservative law firm America First Legal that showed a top FDA official admitting that “puberty blockers” are associated with an increased risk of suicidal thoughts but urging her co-workers to approve them anyway.

By the way, all these shocking statistics and this FDA scandal involve “puberty blockers,” which activists bill as the mild and “reversible” transgender intervention.

The Harder Pills to Swallow

Most patients who take these “blockers” will go on to take cross-sex hormones (estrogen for males and testosterone for females).

Hormone expert Dr. Paul Hruz testified to Florida officials that attempts to block fertility followed by cross-sex hormones not only impact fertility but also pose risks such as low bone density, “disfiguring acne, high blood pressure, weight gain, abnormal glucose tolerance, breast cancer, liver disease, thrombosis, and cardiovascular disease.”

These interventions often lead to the most controversial and grotesque aspect of gender-affirming care, the Frankensteinian rejection of biological sex via the surgical removal of sex organs and the attempt to replace them with facsimiles of the organs of the opposite sex.

An activist organization masquerading as the international authority on “transgender health,” the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, doesn’t recommend “bottom surgery” (surgery to remove genitals) for minors, but some minors do go under the knife. An estimated 3,678 minors have undergone surgical alterations in the past five years (including 405 minors between the ages of 12 and 18 who underwent genital surgery).

No Evidence

Even advocates for gender-affirming care have admitted—in applications to receive federal funding for pro-transgender research—that there is no definitive research proving that these grotesque interventions have positive outcomes for young patients.

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, in an application to receive federal funds, wrote that it aimed to “expand the scant evidence-base currently guiding the clinical care of [transgender and gender dysphoric] youth and, thus, is of considerable public health significance.” (Gender dysphoria refers to the condition of persistently and painfully identifying with the gender opposite one’s biological sex.)

The hospital’s grant application noted that, while previous studies focused on adults who underwent “treatments,” “no known U.S. studies have examined similar outcomes among transgender youth with gender dysphoria.”

That vast majority of voters don’t just balk at the idea of funding this stuff with their tax dollars—they want to outlaw it altogether!

A whopping 72% of Americans said yes to the question, “Should it be against the law to provide children under 18 with puberty blockers, drugs, and/or surgery to help them transition from one gender to another?” The poll—conducted by Napolitan News Service in November with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points—found that 86% of Republicans supported outlawing gender-affirming care for minors, as did 58% of Democrats.

The Anti-Trump Lawfare

All this brings us back to recent news. On his first day in office, Trump signed an executive order declaring that his administration would operate on the basis that biological sex overrides the nebulous “gender identity” Biden preferred to talk about. This means the U.S. government will no longer endorse the ideology that says it’s good to mutilate a child’s body to make it appear like the opposite sex.

It’s frankly Orwellian that I even have to write those words. But it gets worse.

Trump signed another executive order taking steps to protect children from chemical castration and surgical mutilation. The order directs federal agency heads to prohibit the use of federal funds for transgender medical interventions for Americans under age 19 to the extent permitted by applicable law. In Trump’s words, the United States “will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called ‘transition’ of a child from one sex to another, and it will rigorously enforce all laws that prohibit or limit these destructive and life-altering procedures.”

Perhaps the same Democratic Party that long understood the prerogatives of protecting pro-life taxpayers from being forced to financially support the killing of the unborn might instinctually grasp the need to stop propping up these transgender atrocities with Americans’ tax dollars. Oh, right, I forgot—the Democratic Party abandoned its support for the pro-life Hyde Amendment in 2020 and now believes your tax dollars should fund the killing of the unborn and the mutilation of children.

You see, transgender activists and Democrat leaders can’t stand the idea of clawing back federal tax dollars from hospitals that make a mockery of medicine by practicing this Frankensteinian “care.” They filed lawsuits to block Trump’s return to sanity, and unfortunately, two federal judges took it upon themselves to force Trump to keep the gravy train going.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in Maryland on behalf of two LGBTQ+ activist groups, two young adults, and five adolescents and their families. These plaintiffs include five gender-confused minors who have already started taking experimental drugs to alter their bodies, and they want to keep that process going. After Trump’s order, many hospitals have announced they would no longer perform these “treatments” because they want to continue to receive other forms of federal aid.

U.S. District Judge Brendan Hurson, a Biden appointee in Maryland, issued a 14-day temporary restraining order to block Trump’s directive applying the Hyde Amendment’s rationale to gender-affirming care.

Then Attorneys General Nick Brown, D-Wash.; Keith Ellison, D-Minn.; and Dan Rayfield, D-Ore., filed a lawsuit with three physicians, also aiming to block Trump’s order.

U.S. District Judge Lauren King, another Biden appointee in Washington state, also issued a 14-day temporary restraining order to block the Trump rule.

Both lawsuits claimed that Trump’s order involved “discrimination on the basis of sex,” violating federal law. The big problem with this logic is that Trump’s order bars the Frankensteinian “care” for all minors, not just males and not just females. It bars “treatment” aiming to force biological male bodies to resemble female bodies and vice versa. This is not discrimination—it’s forbidding a specific type of intervention for all under the age of 19.

The Democrat attorneys general lawsuit claims Trump’s order violates the separation of powers, but the Department of Justice responded, noting that the executive order “does not purport to withhold all federal funding if an institution provides the treatments referenced in the EO [executive order]. Instead, the EO instructs agencies to implement the president’s policy preference to the extent permitted by applicable law.”

The Justice Department’s filing also warned that if the judge granted a temporary restraining order, as King would go on to do, “That sort of order—cutting off at the jump the ability of the executive branch to even pursue a general course of action—would be a remarkable intrusion on a separate branch of government, in conflict with Article II” of the Constitution.

It’s hard to disagree with that conclusion. If, as Democrats repeatedly claim, we are in a “constitutional crisis,” that is because judges have usurped the president’s authority, not because Trump is breaking the law.

Tyler O’Neil is senior editor at The Daily Signal and the author of two books: “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center,” and “The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government.”

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Tyler O’Neil

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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21 hours ago

It is time to start DISBARRING JUDGES FOR LIFE!!! Children are not only being mutilated with resulting complications, but they are being mentally destabilized. The people doing these procedures need to be prosecuted and JAILED!

Kathy Krajcik
Kathy Krajcik
21 hours ago

This is evil. Doesn’t the president have any power at all? It seems like all these judges step in and say, “You can’t do that.” What is wrong here?

1 day ago

How can parents be so gullible and stupid as to allow these things to happen to their children?

21 hours ago

That’s unlawful use of our tax dollars. Judges can’t overrule the President and the American people! Ignore the lawsuits and President Trumps attorneys and lawyers need to start firing back at all of these judges with lawsuits of their own!! We DON’t want OUR MONEY going to these agencies and organizations Period!!

21 hours ago

They need to just refuse to do it. Court ordered meant absolutely nothing to the Democrats. Tell them no it’s not going to happen sue me. Transgender surgeries and abortion are going to go down in history is genocide.

M Fuller
M Fuller
20 hours ago

This is getting ridiculous. We voted in President Trump just for these reasons but low life DEMONIC Democrat judges are able to stop what we voted for. These judges need disbarred. Then hopefully God will settle the score with them.

20 hours ago

It’s not Pres Trumps administration that they are making pay for it. It’s the American tax payer!!!

20 hours ago

Did anyone else feel a little sick to their stomach reading this article? It is hard to believe how low our country has sunk.

20 hours ago

Somehow a new ban has to get passed, in the mean time, find a lawful way to exit these judges.

21 hours ago

The beautiful thing is, no judge is the final authority, only G-d and we the people.

20 hours ago

Gender Mutilation is evil, and apparently a big money maker for sick doctors looking to make an easy buck.There is a special place in Hell for the enablers and the mutilators

Jacqui R.
Jacqui R.
1 day ago

Obsessing over the “fertility” of other people’s children is more than a little creepy.

20 hours ago

This is insane! If a person wants a sex change, he or she should be an adult and PAY for it him\herself! None of this BS should be paid for by the government with our HARD-EARNED TAX DOLLARS!

20 hours ago

Hey, it’s my money and I don’t want one penny going to this!!!

20 hours ago

Only does harm to children.
Can’t believe parents actually think this is an ok thing to do to their children.
Time to remove some of these woke judges.

20 hours ago

Bunch of godless heathens. No moral compass. Anti-Christ; anti-American. Truly sick ideologues.

20 hours ago

The drugs and the surgeries only change OUTWARD appearance. NO drugs and NO surgeries change the reality of biology. REGARDLESS of the drugs and the surgeries, XX will still be XX and XY will still be XY.

20 hours ago

The judge should be deported, he or she is non American! We must stop all of the enemies of our country! They are hiding everywhere disguised as Democrats!

William Baker
William Baker
20 hours ago

Ignorance is Bliss and There is Still a Whole Lotta Bliss Out There amongst the DemonRats! The DemonRats have Pure Demonic and Evil Forces within Their Souls!????

20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Any “Judge” who would force perpetuation of these child-anatomy-altering practices should be removed from the bench.

Richard Hennessy,
Richard Hennessy,
20 hours ago

Horrible judgements. We should not be experimenting with bodies that are not ill and are functioning as nature intended and call that medicine.

Bonnie Jean
Bonnie Jean
20 hours ago

Maybe they should force some of the dark money people like George Soros to take these drugs to make sure they are safe first. Are there not enough sane people in this country to stop this insanity ?

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
20 hours ago

Remove the judges—noisily—and publish the turmoil. Remove the staff members who condone and facilitate the “findings” of these judges.

Suzy Winson
Suzy Winson
20 hours ago

Maybe that judge should be castrated so he knows what it feels like.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
20 hours ago

These “judges” are really radical politicians in black robes. ALL the DIMM presidents nominate the most left-wing candidates possible and the go-along RINOs vote for them!

Richard hollingshead
Richard hollingshead
20 hours ago

is there a way to remove these so called judges. this is one more thing
biden was able to screw thing up.

20 hours ago

The Judge cannot spend taxpayer money, only the House of Representatives can determine a budget! Tell the Judge to &*^#-Off. Take it immediately to the United States Supreme Court and tell them to get it done, for it is time for them to get out of the hidden zone and do their job. As a taxpayer, refuse to all this, say it loud and clear and with hold your miniscule share from paying, the less than 50% still paying taxes. The “takers and no contribution- jump off a cliff unless designated meeting criteria. Fraud is done in this country asshats!

USN Retired
USN Retired
19 hours ago

This is horrendous! These people need to be held personally accountable. Both for violating the constitution, and for hellish mutilation of our children! Roll call I see so far is: Judge Brendan Hurson, U.S. District Judge Lauren King, Attorneys General Nick Brown, D-Wash.; Keith Ellison, D-Minn.; and Dan Rayfield, D-Ore. Also the leaders of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Federal prison is too good for them.

Harry Boccelli
Harry Boccelli
20 hours ago

And the democrats call Trump Hitler, when doing experiments like Hitler did. Unbelievable1111. These so called doctors shoul be put in jail.

20 hours ago

The judges are in charge of policy. They have dismissed the voters who overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Which included, stop the mutilation of our children without parental consent. The dems kept calling Trump, Hitler. Only the dems themselves were practicing Hitlers experiments for the past 4 years. Mutilating our children, letting loose the COVID vaccine which killed and is still killing more people than the virus all by it self. Because Faucy forbade the meds that could have saved many of them. The lockdown of business and schools has had lasting effects on the psyche of many children. The few that were confused when hormones reared up. Should have been given counseling. There were not millions of them who had “gender dysphoria”. A term that was used daily. I was always wondering how come we have all of a sudden these phrases in our daily language? How many children are suffering from this?. I did some research. And found out .01% of 1% actual go as far as have breasts removed or a sex change. Many more are taking hormones which is a drastic change which can’t be reversed. Leads to sterilization and lifelong problems Not only physical but mental as well. And the dems are supposed to care for these children? And Trump and MAGA are Nazis. All these drs and hospitals and big Pharma that are promoting this dysphoria are the Dr Mengele of WW II. They are destroying these kids for the rest of their lives while their bodies were trying to catch up to their brains. The dems created division not only amongst the people but also in families. By teaching kids don’t believe what your parents are telling you, they lie. Gates has for years so called vaccinated children in India and Africa which were sterilization sterilization shots instead. Even USAID donated money to that cause. The evil that has come over this country can only be blamed on Obama, Biden, the WEF and the billionaires elite. Not for nothing did the dems raise 2 billion dollar for the presidential campaign. Your 10 dollar contribution had no effect. The democrat leadership should all be arrested and be punished severely for what they have brought down on America. Most of all these young children who had no idea what was happening. Trump gets called out just for talking with Putin. These children are damaged for the rest of their lives. Which one is more humane?

19 hours ago

There are two genders, if someone wants to create their own facts and push something to the contrary, then they can fund the insanity themselves!
I am not supporting it with my tax dollars… where is the “taxation without representation”, if that could even apply. There is no benefit to the majority of citizens! Where does it stop, if you support funding genital mutilation for a select few people, will you support funding private education and fundamentalism…? Probably not because you are a hypocrite with “single issue” mentality.

19 hours ago

This proves Democrats are totally and irreversibly insane.

Joe Roberts
Joe Roberts
20 hours ago

Activist democrats again…………

Reed Haviland
Reed Haviland
19 hours ago

Folks should go to prison for child abuse.

19 hours ago

Any parent who allows their child to undergo “gender affirming care”, also known as child gender mutilation, should receive a visit from CPS. The medical industry is creating an “Island of Dr Moreau” society. There must be a lot of money in it for them to fogo the Hippocratic Oath.

19 hours ago

just ignore the judge just like biden until you get to supreme court

anna hubert
anna hubert
20 hours ago

There is nothing grotesque about it. This is a crime that should be judged by Hague court, I guess it is selective in which cases it hears, crime against humanity not good enough Would any of these judges allow the experiment fit for Mengele’s lab on their kids or grandkids? Somehow I doubt it.How can they judge anything, they are even crazier than those conducting these experiments.

19 hours ago

And ANY parent that would allow their 17 and under child to destroy their body and future thinking they something they weren’t and could never be, should have that child removed from that parent before the child’s mind became brainwashed and their body irreputably mutilated.

20 hours ago

As Paul said to the church in Galatia: “As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculated themselves!” (Galatians 5:12, NIV)

18 hours ago

This has been an outrageous, evil, medical, & pharmaceutical experiment on the US population. They want to kill our people with either medical/pharmaceutical treatments or illegal drugs. I have been a Nurse over 45 years, left my last job due to being forced to manage trans treatments which I knew nothing about, we were told to “google it”. My employer was Highmark/BCBS, who is on board with this and was paying for treatments/surgeries with members insurance premiums and government/tax funds. I believe the MD’s treating the youth/patients do not properly inform patients about the serious side effects including strokes and cancers from hormones. Why is it the people with those diagnosis were local University employees and professors!!!! One was proud to tell me she had over 14 surgeries for transition to male. Indoctrination for sure. We need to carefully watch the education system, books in our grammar schools, curriculum, and teachers.

Jimmy Dixon
Jimmy Dixon
19 hours ago

Does anyone know of a legal way to get rid of federal judges?

Thomas D Booth
Thomas D Booth
19 hours ago

The judge needs to be removed and punished.

19 hours ago

I do not believe that our CREATOR approves of this type of nonsense.

20 hours ago

I am sure Planned Parenthood is involved as well.

20 hours ago

Those who push this evil straight from the pits of hell against kids, and those “parents” who allow this disgusting mutilation, should be rounded up and “operated on” themselves!! Those “people” who push this filth, are evil, ugly and in a sane world would be put away in for life…How our Lord in heaven when He looks on this earth must be sickened Himself…but then we were given “free rein”, and in the beginning then Cain murdered Abel, the first murder happened. When Adam and Eve were thrown out of the garden…evil entered the world…wonder how long the line might be for those who want to deck both of them…
Interesting if one studies His word, those who keep His statutes will reign in heave with Him for eternity. Those who have turned against Him will go to a very dark and hot place.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
17 hours ago

I don’t have words to describe how angry I am right now.

19 hours ago

Perhaps we should gender change some of the DEMONcraps who push gender reasasignment, but we do not want to see Schmuck U Shyster, Jeri GONADler and A Dam Schitt in a dress….

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
19 hours ago

Sometimes, one just has to pray it:
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

19 hours ago

ALL DEMONcraps (socialists/communists) are nasty, dangerous, obstructionists to normalcy, decency and goodness.

Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Rep. James Comer (R-KY) participates in a panel discussion at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord National Resort Hotel And Convention Center on February 20, 2025 in Oxon Hill, Maryland.
Shiri, Ariel and Kfir Bibas, who are believed to have been killed while in captivity under the terror group Hamas in Gaza.
Flag of Arlington County in Virginia, USA. Flag of Arlington County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA
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