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From Sweetheart Deal to Repudiation, Special Prosecutor Cements Biden Family Corruption for History

Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2025
by Outside Contributor

An epic political scandal derailed for years from the public attention it deserved by false Democrat and news media claims of “conspiracy theories” and “Russian misinformation” came to an abrupt and harsh conclusion Monday.

And that repudiation was delivered by an unlikely source: the prosecutor who originally tried to give Hunter Biden a sweetheart deal that would have spared the first son prison time.

Special Counsel David Weiss’ report was not a manifesto of new disclosures dug up by the FBI or a grand jury. It barely filled 27 pages and failed to answer several questions submitted by Congress, and thus it was blasted by lawmakers for being “incomplete.”

But in simple terms it affirmed for history some simple conclusions: 1.) Hunter Biden broke the law. 2.) The Biden family engaged in a political grift that sucked millions from foreign interests by trading on its powerful name. And 3.) the family patriarch, Joe Biden, misled the public by suggesting his family was a victim of politics that warranted a pardon that erased his son’s dual convictions in tax and gun cases.

“The Constitution provides the President with broad authority to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, but nowhere does the Constitution give the President the authority to rewrite history,” Weiss wrote in one of several poignant repudiations of the sitting president.

You can read the full report here: Report-of-Special-Counsel-Weiss-January-2025.pdf

Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyoming, a member of the House Judiciary Committee that investigated a large part of the Biden scandal, told Just the News on Monday evening that Weiss’ report left much to be still investigated by Congress, including the potential national security implications of Joe Biden’s decisions for countries where his son collected millions.

“To what extent has our national security been compromised because of the activities and actions of Hunter Biden?” she asked during an appearance on the Just the News, No Noise television show. “I constantly have to question the position that this administration has taken with regard to China, what we’re seeing with the with the drones on the East Coast and even in Wyoming, the Chinese spy balloon that was allowed to traverse the entirety of the entire United States, the situation in Ukraine, with spending another $500 million there in the last week that he is in office.

“All of these are countries that had contact with and were paying Hunter Biden massive amounts of money, and that’s why this is an important issue for the American people, because we cannot allow family members of elected officials to be able to sell our country to the highest bidder of foreign countries,” she added.

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., who led an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden, said the report was “incomplete” but that its most important contribution was to confirm for history that the Biden family engaged in corruption and tried to cover it up as his committee had shown.

“Joe Biden will be remembered for using his last few weeks in office to shield his son from the law and protect himself. The president’s legacy is the same as his family’s business dealings: corrupt,” he said.  

Most of Weiss’ grievances dealt with Joe Biden’s attacks on the FBI and IRS agents and federal prosecutors who brought charges against his son, a proverbial defense of institutions by a career prosecutor who eventually was appointed U.S. Attorney by President Donald Trump, then special counsel by Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland.

“Politicians who attack the decisions of career prosecutors as politically motivated when they disagree with the outcome of a case undermine the public’s confidence in our criminal justice system,” he wrote. “The President’s statements unfairly impugn the integrity not only of Department of Justice personnel, but all of the public servants making these difficult decisions in good faith.”

Weiss himself faced questions about the judgement of his staff after his team tried to give Hunter Biden a prison-sparing deal that was scuttled by a federal judge only when two IRS whistleblowers, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, came forward to Congress with evidence of political interference in the case.

Weiss then doubled back and sought more serious cases against Hunter Biden after the embarrassment, securing a jury conviction in his home state of Delaware on gun charges and a guilty plea on sweeping tax charges in California. 

The dual convictions placed the first son in jeopardy of facing prison time, but President Biden intervened before sentencing and issued a pardon in December that he earlier had vowed to avoid.

His office’s wobbly performance left just one final unknown: How would the special prosecutor define Hunter Biden’s conduct for history in the final report. 

The first few paragraphs gave a succinct answer.

“I prosecuted the two cases against Mr. Biden because he broke the law,” Weiss wrote in a passage that refuted years of claims by the family and its defenders that Joe Biden’s son had done nothing wrong.

“Eight judges across numerous courts have rejected claims that they were the result of selective or vindictive motives,” he added for emphasis.

Weiss then proceeded to describe the scheme that led to the charges: Hunter Biden traded on his politically powerful family name to collect millions from foreigners seeking influence, performed little work, then failed to pay taxes on some of the income. Some of that money came from Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy firm deemed corrupt by the State Department that prompted the scandal back in 2019 in a series of columns written by this author in The Hill newspaper.

“Mr. Biden made this money by using his last name and connections to secure lucrative business opportunities, such as a board seat at a Ukrainian industrial conglomerate, Burisma Holdings Limited, and a joint venture with individuals associated with a Chinese energy conglomerate,” the prosecutor wrote. 

Weiss added for emphasis: “He negotiated and executed contracts and agreements that paid him millions of dollars for limited work.”

Reprinted with permission from Just The News by John Solomon.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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1 month ago

Less than 7 days to go before the Biden family sails off to Delaware to enjoy their millions upon millions of dollars for selling out the country to several foreign powers. All without a care in the world. Jill just has to remind Old Joe the night before to sign the final pardons for the rest of the Biden family before boarding Air Force One for the last time.

Of course, all those that aided and abetted the Biden family may find themselves open to legal prosecution, if Old Biden doesn’t include them in any sort of blanket pardon. So those folks may be spending the remainder of this week shredding or burning documents day and night. Oops! Maybe Old Joe doesn’t value them as much as they all think he did. :-))

Richard A
Richard A
1 month ago

A REAL FBI, CIA, DOJ need to do what the Democrats do. Use their own playbook on them. Find the LOW HANGING Democratic FRUIT! ALL the Biden’s, ALL lawyers on the Muller Report, Ms. Ford and her Lawyers who Lied under oath to CONGRESS, CEO of Facebook, the Media, The woman on “THE NO VIEW” SHOW! Madonna, Jim Carrey! IT’S CLEAN-UP TIME IN AISLE 4!!!

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
1 month ago

So, anyone who has sold our security and trade info. to our enemies yet, can be free if related to the one at the helm? There must be a law against that or we are not a Republic anymore, ruled by laws? Ooops, I forgot, we are now a Democracy ruled by Demoncrat mobs?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Bidens “Farewell Speech” was an insult! He talked of decades of “public service” when his “job” got him half the time on a beach, four houses, dunno how many cars, multimillion bank accounts thanks to 22 LLCs, his family all multimillionaires… And he is NOT the exception, right, Nancy? But then ask any Democrat… or Republican for that matter!

George Washington
George Washington
1 month ago

Biggest scumbag in the history of our country. A shameless, corrupt loser of a person.

He accomplished nothing, the worst President in the history of our great country.

George Washington

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
1 month ago

And just where was the American press? Playing ostrich? Intentionally looking the other way? Out to lunch? No investigative reporters on staff? In on the corruption? All of the above or perhaps some even more nefarious reason?
No matter why, they betrayed the public. An excellent way to destroy a democratic republic.

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
1 month ago

The whole Democrat party is as corrupt and they all need to be in Prison. Drain the swamp but don’t let them just go down the drain. Make them pay for what they have done to this Country.

1 month ago

…and yet this communist scum sucker and his crime family will never be held accountable. I skipped his farewell script of blatant lies last night. Five more days to go. MAGA!!!!

John Bass
John Bass
1 month ago

Sad state of affairs when the President of the United States can commit crimes and nothing is done about it…especially when it involves foreign countries and possible TREASON.

1 month ago

“President” Biden’s law-breaking in office, in total daylight, deserves prosecution and prison time that, apparently, are not possible under the current circumstances. He is, quite obviously, the worst president in our history… who’s election can obviously be doubted as much as his conduct and mental acuity. Supporters of this disgrace of a “president” should reflect on their judgement, integrity, and patriotism.

1 month ago

Brandon is if nothing, duplicitous. Hopefully, he cannot issue a pardon for himself. He needs to be charged and tried for his corruption and especially for his stealing classified government documents when he was in congress, then hiding them. He only ‘cooperated’ with the investigators after he got caught. We will probably never know how many of those documents ended up in foreign hands.

1 month ago

This Commie low life can’t be gone soon enough, He and his piece’s crap and his supporters should have their Citizenship taken from them, I am so tired of hearing this lying Sleazebag has used his power to shakedown foreign Governments and enrich the Biden Family Crime Organization.
He and his family and his inter-circle are liars, Liars, Liars, they need to be shuned and never heard from again.
Go reddens you Weasel, don’t let the Door hit you in the A$$ on your way out!

1 month ago

BIDEN and his CRIME FAMILY should have adjoining cells for the next 25 years in Sing Sing prison. Then members of the Deep State and the DC Swamp should follow within weeks after Trump takes over.

1 month ago

maybe, let’s hope trump will set the record straight all all the bidens die behind bars

1 month ago

The Family is Disgusting, KARMA will be their downfall, wait and watch for it, there is no running away from KARMA, just have Patience.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

Good riddance speech,by rights it should have been on the way to prison speech

1 month ago

Money laundering with Ukraine billions of LAW ABIDING TAXPAYERS MONEY going to the DEMOCRATIC PARTIES COFFERS!!!

1 month ago

Traitor Joe and the entire crime family should be in prison.

1 month ago

Disbar and Charge should be the republican chant now. The democratic judges who let off all the democrat election cheaters should have charges filed against them, The many false charges faced by President Trump should all be prosecuted for Election Law fare. Dis Bar and charge these folks. The American Public deserves justice served on these crooks, criminals, and supposed judges that are held to a high standard of upholding law. We can not let these liberal judges see that there is no punishment for their actions. They must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The lawyers that participated in this Law Fare should be charged along side them. The people need to see justice for this 8 plus year witch hunt.
Dis Bar and Charge Now.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 month ago

His hate for President Trump has always been there in his last weeks as a so called president he has pardoned so many people and done more to harm to this country on his way out he is the worst president in history and the Dems still will sing his praise he never should have been president and they know it. Well they lost the race because people in this country did know what they had done and what is sad they wanted it to continue with Harris but they lost big this time the lies stop with Biden&Harris people said enough is enough. Monday starts a better chapter for our country bye bye Biden and Harris take your last ride on Airforce One you will never be in it again can’t forget Jill as well.

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