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10 Lies Tim Walz Told About Abortion in the Vice Presidential Debate

Posted on Thursday, October 3, 2024
by Outside Contributor

In Tuesday’s vice presidential debate, Kamala Harris’ running mate Tim Walz pulled off a stunning feat: packing at least 10 major lies about abortion into just a few minutes. SBA Pro-Life America live fact-checked the debate and we further break down Walz’s whoppers today:

???? 1. Walz denied supporting all-nine-months abortion.

The first question Norah O’Donnell asked Walz was, “You signed a bill into law that made Minnesota one of the least restrictive states in the nation when it comes to abortion. Former President Trump said in the last debate that you believe abortion quote in the ninth month is absolutely fine. Yes or no: Is that what you support?”

O’Donnell was referring to the “PRO Act,” which Walz signed in 2023. Walz came out of the gate sputtering that this law doesn’t say what it clearly says. But President Trump is right: Walz’s Minnesota classifies abortion as a “fundamental right” for “any individual,” with no limits, and explicitly prohibits localities from placing any regulations on abortion (screenshot: Libs of TikTok on X).

???? 2. Walz denied he and the Democrats left Minnesota babies to die.

At least eight babies have survived abortions and died without medical care in Minnesota during Walz’s watch. That’s not our opinion – it’s a fact from the state Department of Health. And we may never know how many more, because Walz not only eliminated the duty to provide life-saving care, he also 86ed reporting requirements.

Here’s JD Vance calling him out:

As for that “fact-check” at the previous debate…we’re still waiting for ABC to correct their false information.

???? 3. Claim: All Walz and the Democrats want is to “restore Roe v. Wade.

Even as radical as Roe was, some commonsense policies like limits on taxpayer-funded abortion, informed consent, health and safety regulations and parental consent for minors routinely withstood challenge. Not under the “Pro Act” (see #1) – nor under the misnamed Women’s Health Protection Act, the national all-trimester abortion mandate Democrats are eager to pass with majorities in Congress and Kamala Harris as president, and which Walz previously co-sponsored as a member of the House.

???? 4. Claim: Pro-life laws force doctors to wait until women are dying to treat them.

Walz cited the case of Amanda Zurawski, who suffered a premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) while 18 weeks pregnant but reportedly was turned away for treatment until she went into septic shock.

What happened to Zurawski is unacceptable. But it was not caused by Texas’ pro-life law. All pro-life state laws allow doctors to exercise their medical judgment to treat women with pregnancy emergenciesNo law requires “imminence” or “certainty” before a doctor can act to save the patient’s life. Since Dobbslocal groups and the state Health and Human Services Commission confirm, doctors continue to perform abortions in cases of medical emergency, and “no doctor has been prosecuted by a district attorney, sanctioned by the Texas Medical Board, or sued by the attorney general, and no pregnant woman has lost her life” under the state’s pro-life law.

States like Texas are stepping up to make their guidance abundantly clear. Democrats’ continued insistence on spreading dangerous misinformation is shameful.

???? 5. Claim: Republicans want to create a registry of pregnancies.

Walz was referring to recommendations that states be required to report a minimum of standardized, anonymous statistics on all causes of prenatal and neonatal death – including abortion. Presently, this reporting is not mandatory and states like California haven’t reported data in over 30 years.

Even PolitiFact rates this claim false: “Walz is describing a policy that doesn’t exist.”

???? 6. Claim: Maternal mortality “skyrocketed” in Texas due to pro-life laws.

A recent report from the Gender Equity Policy Institute claimed there was a large increase in Texas’ maternal mortality rate between 2019 and 2022.  

In fact, it appears the opposite happened. Maternal mortality stats are notoriously difficult to analyze; even so, social scientist Michael New reports, “Taking the data at face value…during the year with the strongest pro-life protections in place, the rate of maternal mortality in Texas actually fell by 35 percent.”

???? 7. Claim: If Amber Thurman lived in Minnesota, a state with pro-abortion laws, she would be alive today.

We’ll say it again: Amber Thurman, a young Georgia mother, tragically died from complications of a legal, drug-induced abortion.

Meanwhile, neither Tim Walz nor Kamala Harris will speak the name of Alyona Dixon, who died of sepsis less than a week after visiting a Planned Parenthood abortion center in Nevada – a state that allows abortion on demand up to at least six months of pregnancy.

???? 8. Claim: Democrats aren’t pro-abortion – “We’re pro-women. We’re pro-freedom to make your own choice.”

If Walz is so pro-woman, why did he specifically repeal protections against coercion in Minnesota? If he’s so supportive of alternative choices, why did he eliminate funding for pregnancy centers that provide options other than abortion?

???? 9. Claim: Pro-life laws threaten doctors with prosecution for providing miscarriage care.

There is no state in the country where doctors aren’t allowed to care for women experiencing a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or other medical emergency.

???? 10. Claim: “Things worked best when Roe v. Wade was in place.”

Under Roe v. Wade, the United States was one of seven nations in the world to allow abortion on demand after the fifth month of pregnancy – along with China and North Korea.

Special mention: Vance calls out Democrats’ “national ban” lie

As we’ve written before, Democrats and the media referring to any limit on abortion — even in the second and third trimester when unborn babies feel pain — as a “national ban” just doesn’t make sense. JD Vance demonstrates how to handle them:

Reprinted with permission from SBA Pro-Life Substack.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
2 days ago

Yes democrats care for women so much that sex trafficking of children is OK, prostitution is perfectly fine, rape and crime against women go unpunished ,but they are such protectors and guardians of a weaker sex. Transgender compete in women sports and go to their showers and bathrooms. They put Galahad to shame. Have a clean and safe abortion within 14 weeks and shut up But that would be too simple and they’d have no issue to blather about. Sad sad sad. Is the woman not responsible ? Should Planned parenthood not teach them and provide them with necessities? Put them out of business then.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
1 day ago

As a student of history for nearly all of my 71 years, I have been trying for many years to explain a simple fact to anyone who will listen: Leftist ideology and the Leftist agenda are, and have always been, based on lies, misinformation, and deception. The greatest enemies of the Left are truth, facts, and reality. Leftists cannot do anything but lie since the truth will expose them as the liars and frauds that they are. It’s really that simple.

2 days ago

Anyone who supports abortion is just as guilty as the killer of babies. 8th commandment; ” THOUS SHALT NOT KILL”. There is NO CODICIL there of; at the woman’s discretion. Roe v Wade was actually illegal that is why it was thrown out. They passed it when there was no SONOGRAM yet at that time, where they could not see it is a human baby & not a blub. God is watching & the CREATOR do not like to be insulted by mere humans he created. Who are we, but a pile of bones and dirt in the cemetery, but our SOULS will be judged for our ETERNAL DESTINY for either HEAVEN or HELL.

1 day ago

This clown is looking and sounding more like Elmer Fudd every time he is out in public. For someone who is so “concerned” about women’s rights regarding their bodies, may I remind him that Title IX means more to most women than abortion. This guy just doesn’t get it (along with all demorats). What is really sad is that nothing in that debate referenced to seniors and how inflation caused by the party currently in the White House is devastating their daily life. I pray every day Trump is moving back into the White House come January 2025.

Buddy Eoc
Buddy Eoc
1 day ago

I have one question, Just one.
Before I ask it, I sincerely pray for those who have had an abortion, to be healed from the mistake trauma of having an abortion,
God can and will do that for you if you let Him.
Now to the question; Since when is it permissible to murder an innocent person?
.Answer- NEVER. Stop.

1 day ago

Do Democrats have to take an oath when they run for Office that they will Not tell the Truth, under any circumstances.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 day ago

Walz needs to lay down before he hurts himself.

1 day ago

“Leftist Ideology” is a disgusting contradiction brought by those who carry and spread a cultural neurosis that embraces all vices aligned with selfishness and immaturity… laziness, moral bereftness, criminality, jealousy of what others work hard for and earn, vanity (to deny their own greedy, lazy nature and motives)… and, on the part of many, a real, head-turning hygiene problem… both physical and ideological. So many excuses for forcibly reaching into the pockets of others… while giving nothing back!!
Good night.

Sharon K Compton
Sharon K Compton
1 day ago

Thank you, AMAC, for being a source of truth and support to those of us who want a fair and honest government, interested in giving power and freedom to the American citizen instead of becoming a powerful dictatorship!
The government thinks it can spend our money better that we can! A healthy economy runs on money in people’s pockets to spend as we see fit!

Charles C. Vaughn
Charles C. Vaughn
1 day ago

You know how you can tell if a democrat is lying? Their mouth is moving and there is words coming out of it.

1 day ago

Walz is a habitual liar. That should be clear by now.

1 day ago

To advocate abortion, a person has to rationalize, making up excuses.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 day ago

I fact checked on the internet during the debate so found out a few of these already but isn’t funny the moderators didn’t? Um, no, not strange at all, as we all know! His son was at a community center where a rec center employee shot a 16-year patron but he did NOT “witness” it! It takes a real scumbag to bring family into your BS.

23 hours ago

Great article! These are the things the public needs to see and hear about the “Adderall Orangutan” Walz. And these ten lies of his are only his stance on abortion which should be a great indicator of his lack of integrity on every moral issue. The man is satanic.

1 day ago

It’s simple. Let the mother decide in the first trimester. Anyone who pushes one way or the other is guilty of a crime. Problem solved. The dems now have nothing to argue about that has no solution to the total satisfaction of either side.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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