
Elections , Newsline

Don’t Forget About the Battle for the House

Posted on Thursday, September 26, 2024
by Shane Harris

While the battles for control of the Senate and White House have drawn the most attention this year, which party takes control of the U.S. House of Representatives next January – and how big their majority is – will also have far-reaching implications for the future direction of the country.

With just over five weeks to go until Election Day, who has the edge in the race for the House remains cloudy. But a few states are emerging as critically important battlegrounds where each presidential candidate’s performance could boost down-ballot candidates over the top.

According to the Cook Political Report, 192 House seats are considered solid Republicans, while 174 are solid Democrats. Another 10 and 16 are likely Republican and likely Democrat, respectively, while 6 are lean Republican and 13 are lean Democrat.

That leaves 24 toss-up races where both parties will compete to reach the magic 218 number – 11 currently held by Democrats, 13 currently held by Republicans. If the leans hold, Republicans need to win 10 of 24 toss-ups to retain their majority, while Democrats need to win 15 of 24 to claim the Speaker’s gavel.

Just as was the case in 2022, New York looks to be one of the most important states in determining control of the House. House Republicans had an overall net gain of nine seats two years ago. A big part of that was thanks to four flips by Republicans in the Empire State alone – the 3rd, 4th, 17th, and 19th Districts.

Of those four seats, NY-04, NY-17, and NY-19 are rated as toss-ups this year. The other, NY-03, is rated as Likely Democrat. Additionally, NY-18 and NY-22 are both Lean Democrat, while NY-01 is rated as Likely Republican, for a total of seven New York seats considered “in play” this cycle.

The only state with more “in play” seats is California, with 10 – including five seats currently held by Republicans rated as toss-ups. In 2022, the GOP’s ability to hang on to most of the seats they picked up in the Golden State in 2020 while flipping two Democrat districts also played a crucial role in winning back the House majority.

Both California and New York will almost surely be easy victories for Vice President Kamala Harris this November. But how much former President Donald Trump can cut into Joe Biden’s margin from 2020 could be a strong indicator of which party can win these hotly contested House seats.

In 2020, Biden won New York by 23 points, and he won California by 29 points. According to the latest RealClearPolitics polling averages, however, Harris leads by just 13 points in New York and by 24 points in California. Those numbers should make Republicans optimistic about their chances in close contests in House races, particularly if they embrace Trump’s agenda and tie their opponents to the unpopular extreme liberal policies of the Biden-Harris administration.

As AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber explained in a piece for the New York Post earlier this month, New York has been on the front lines of the border and inflation crises over the past four years, giving Republican candidates plenty of ammunition to throw at their Democrat opponents. Kamala Harris’s home state of California has also been a ground zero for failed liberal policies, and Golden State voters have every incentive to reject them at the ballot box – if Republicans can make that argument.

Outside of New York and California, four presidential swing states also have toss-up House races. Arizona has two (the 1st and 6th districts, both being defended by Republicans), Michigan has two (the 7th and 8th districts, both open but previously held by Democrats), Pennsylvania has two (the 7th and 8th districts, both being defended by Democrats), and North Carolina has one (the first district, being defended by a Democrat).

All the attention on these states in the presidential contest will likely influence the outcome of these House races as well. If Trump wins all or most of these states, Republicans have a good chance of winning these close House races. The same is true for Harris.

Of course, as is the case every cycle, there will likely be some surprises and upsets in both directions that will additionally affect the balance of power in the House. With control of the chamber coming down to just a few races in both 2022 and 2020, victories like Republican Michael Lawler’s shocking upset over DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney two years ago could tip the scales to either party.

For Republicans, the goal is not just retaining the majority but building it. Since 2022, the House GOP has succeeded in drawing public attention to Democrat corruption and Biden administration failures through hearings, along with advancing key messaging legislation and blocking the most radical excesses of the left’s agenda. However, conservatives have also been rightfully frustrated that House Republicans have failed to unite on a number of key issues, including recent efforts to pass a spending bill with important election security legislation attached.

The history of the last two years suggests that House Republicans need a majority of more than just a few seats to reliably pass conservative policies – something which will be paramount if Trump takes back the White House and Republicans take back the Senate. Undoing the damage wrought by unified Democrat control of government from 2021-2023 will take a GOP House majority that can’t be held hostage by a few recalcitrant members.

Democrats, meanwhile, are especially desperate to win back the House given their dim outlook in the Senate and the prospect of former President Donald Trump’s return to the White House. While it is indeed a narrow one, there is a path for Democrats to win the House while losing the White House and Senate. They would then follow the same blueprint as House Republicans over the past two years.

Democrats also know that if Harris wins the White House but Democrats lose the House and Senate, the GOP could hamstring her agenda from day one. Harris will need control of at least one chamber of Congress to hold any negotiating power. The House appears to be their best bet.

Much like the presidential race, control of the House looks like it will be decided by incredibly thin margins. Both parties should not neglect key races in the final weeks of the campaign.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
9 days ago

Anyone with any SENSE will vote a straight GOP ticket so that Trump can have a compliant Congress who won’t waste time and money on FOOLISHNESS! DIMMwit Ron Wyden wants to pack SCOTUS and you can bet all the other DIMMwits will go right along! They HATE America and they HATE God!

9 days ago

GOD will cause the House of Representatives to come to the people who trust and believe Him. However, we must pray for that outcome. Start praying for that outcome!

9 days ago

We need to vote Republican all the way. Only people vote for personalities here not for an agenda. Or what is best for the country. Should Trump win by a landslide many Republican House and Senate candidates might be swept in. If it is close we will have a tough 4 years ahead. The dems with Soros money and other elites can buy a lot of votes. Vote Republican across the board. Don’t let the bastards win.

Fred L Perdue
Fred L Perdue
9 days ago

Nov 5 will decide if we keep control of our God ordained Republic

9 days ago

Any of the ca. 200 Communists in the House who voted against the SAVE Act and the bill to deport illegals convicted of sexual crimes should never even be considered for another term. The fact that they’re ok with diluting the vote of American citizens, as well as subject our citizens to violent crime, all in pursuit of their goal of control and power, should tell all voters that these so-called elected leaders don’t deserve to be beneficiaries of a taxpayer- funded salary.

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
9 days ago

It’s ALL about The House. Should Trump prevail but the R’s lose the house, we’ll see a repeat of 2017-2020 where the Demonrat House essentially became an obstructionist terrorist organization. Trump needs to passionately tell — hell beg — voters to vote for Republican House candidates. He needs to explain to voters that without a R House he won’t be able to accomplish what they are electing him to do. There’s an old adage “that people hate Congress but love their congressman.” Trump must appeal to R leaning Independent voters to defy that adage and instead vote for R House candidates.

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 days ago

There are too many people benefiting from democrats shackles. Why would they want to leave the plantation? We hear about the insolvency of Social security but not a whisper about Medicaid or welfare or “humanitarian aid” Democrats have been playing that game for ever. Empty the silo and the hay loft return the illegal aliens and see how many votes they’ll get. They are well aware that this is the only strategy they have.

9 days ago

I live in California and will definitely NOT vote for Kamala Harris….and none of my friends or family are going to either. The polls in California are not exactly fair as I saw after the last election. I will NEVER vote for another democrat as long as I live.

judy setran
judy setran
9 days ago

So disappointed in the house members from my home state don’t y’all ever listen to us we the people?

9 days ago

Congress may stymie a president’s agenda, but there are always executive orders, which seem to be freely used the last several years. There should be a limit to their use.

Laura Bentz
Laura Bentz
6 days ago

Why do people vote Democrat with all the damage they have done to the country the past four years? It doesn’t make any sense…

9 days ago

Wow! That’s some wild carpeting they have in that House Chamber. Do they have some kind of “Orgy Night” in there?

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