
National Security , Newsline

National Defense Report Shows Worsening Situation Under Biden/Harris

Posted on Friday, September 20, 2024
by Outside Contributor

If you’re among the supermajority of Americans who believe that domestic societal and economic conditions have deteriorated under nearly four grinding years of the Biden/Harris administration, imagine what awaits if a major conflict involving China, Russia, North Korea or Iran gets underway.  

Unfortunately, that likelihood may stand higher than any point since World War II.  

Because that intervening period since World War II includes such dangerous Cold War flashpoints as the Cuban Missile Crisis, that speaks volumes.  

That assessment isn’t the inflammatory rhetoric of Republican hawks, however.  It’s the grim warning of a new bipartisan report from the National Defense Strategy (NDS) Commission chaired by Democratic former Congresswoman Jane Harman of California.  

With American voters consistently rating economic conditions as their top concern as November’s election date approaches, it’s understandable that Americans maintain a default focus on domestic issues.  

As the new report highlights, however, a potential disaster on the same scale as World War II looms while America remains complacent in the same way that it was in 1941:    

The strategic environment in summer 2024 presents more, and vastly more serious, challenges to U.S. security interests than since the end of the Cold War, if not the height of World War II.  Many of the threats are intertwined and compounding, making them more difficult to overcome.  The NDS prioritizes challenges and threats posed by China, then Russia, and then from North Korea, Iran, and violent extremist organizations. It also highlights the threat to the U.S. homeland and lists transboundary challenges.  

The Commission agrees with the prioritization of the threats in the NDS, but we believe that the magnitude of the threats the United States faces is understated and significantly worse than when the NDS was issued, especially when viewed globally and as compounding.  Since the release of the NDS, we have witnessed but not fully accounted for the strategic impact of the “no limits” partnership between Russia and China and their partnership with Iran and North Korea, the outbreak of war in the Middle East, and the scope and duration of the war in Europe.  

That’s a grim assessment, and responsibility for the progressively declining situation lies with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  

Beginning with Russia, Biden and Harris have empowered it since the administration’s early missteps.  First and foremost, their catastrophic and humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan, including bungled attempts to target terrorists that ended up killing innocent civilians instead, signaled to Vladimir Putin that he could expect a weak, Jimmy Carter-like foreign policy. Biden and Harris also reversed former President Donald Trump’s sanctions against Russia’s NordStream petroleum pipeline to Europe.  Their administration also dragged its feet in supplying Ukraine with weaponry after Russia’s invasion in 2022, and then placed handcuffs on Ukraine’s ability to use what American weaponry it did supply in a way that could hit Russia where it hurts along its deeper logistical supply lines.  

And how does Kamala Harris share responsibility for that?  She explicitly confirmed that she was the last person in the room with Biden as he made those decisions relating to Afghanistan, and that she supported them.  

It’s also worth noting that Putin captured vast amounts of bordering nations’ territory during the Bush/Cheney administration, the Obama/Biden administration and now again under the Biden/Harris administration.  He took none, however, under Trump.  

It defies logic to suspect that a Harris presidency would somehow be tougher on Russia or show more strength.  

The Biden/Harris administration’s incompetent empowerment of Iran has been equally egregious.  

Reversing Obama/Biden administration weakness toward Iran, President Trump imposed his “maximum pressure” agenda that quickly depleted Iran’s oil export revenues, which in turn choked off their ability to fund international terrorism.  He also took such decisive steps as killing Iran’s leading general Qasem Soleimani, which then-candidate Biden condemned as reckless.  

Upon entering the White House, however, Biden and Harris reversed the Trump era gains against Iran by reviving nuclear negotiations and allowing it to replenish its oil export revenues.   The predictable result?  Iran resumed its funding of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, which remain at war with our ally Israel since the gruesome October 7 attacks.  

Meanwhile, China has only increased its international menace while Biden/Harris administration has attempted to placate it and keep it on the proverbial back burner.  The administration’s border failures have invited the homeland security threats that the NDS references, and its impotence has also allowed terrorist groups like Houthi rebels to interrupt world commerce with its Red Sea missile attacks.  

Cumulatively, the NDS report paints a picture that should alarm Americans.  While it’s understandable that voters focus on more immediate economic and social hardship here at home, we ignore a growing worldwide threat fueled by Biden/Harris weakness at our peril.

Timothy H. Lee is Senior Vice President of legal and public affairs at the Center for Individual Freedom.

Reprinted with Permission from – By Timothy H. Lee

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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29 days ago

Oh no! Another shocking article that isn’t shocking at all. Of course, yet another Democrat administration has weakened our national security to dangerous levels. It’s just part of the standard Democrat playbook. Seriously, this should have been the expected outcome as soon as Biden or any other Democrat was announced the winner and installed in the Oval Office.

Leslie Jones
Leslie Jones
29 days ago

A body chilling report. We need to get all those idiots out of the White House in this election and put in a person who believes in us.
the Biden/Harris foreign policy decisions have been a betrayal to us all, only decreasing our security.

anna hubert
anna hubert
28 days ago

It is unbelievable that a perfectly good country should became disastrous banana republic under the leadership of those two, that she is running for the president and that there actually are people who will vote for her. Never before were we in the mess like this one. Catastrophic disaster from which they’ll walk away. C EO ruining the company this way would be held accountable.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
29 days ago

One of the best arguments for voting for Trump in November is that we are on the brink of another world war. I cannot even imagine what would happen if Kamala was in charge and something really serious happens. Her brain is not formed to handle dangerous situations. All she can do is walk around like she is the Queen Bee and so joyous she can barely stand it!!

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
29 days ago

It is a time for Americans , those who know what is going on in the world, who understand the value of history, and. have a sense of responsibility to defend freedom , to increase their level of intelligence ,that would have much to do with being ready to deal with the unexpected at any time, to develop courage in the mental, physical , and spiritual sense, and to practice resourcefulness. General Douglas MacArthur said ” The history of failure in war can almost always be summed up in two words – Too Late – too late to comprehend the deadly purpose of a potential enemy, too late in realizing the mortal danger, too late for preparedness, too late in uniting all possible forces for resistance.”. Praise for Timothy H. Lee for this article – the border failures are a prime example of the overall failures of this current administration, the despicable criminal gangs that have invaded this Country represent an enemy force that needs to be dealt with accordingly. This culture here in the United States that is detached from the basics of good character needs to develop the qualities that make for good character as that is the foundation of a free society and at the root of civilization. In the spirit of Faith, family and freedom . God bless America, land of the free,and home of the brave. American.culture needs to be based on things that are Honorable, and. that reflect a noble sense of purpose. Striving to have a National Character that will inspire principles to be thought of on a regular, daily basis will help to build a strong United States of America.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
28 days ago

While everyone watches Russia, the Philippines has basically been engaged in a limited naval war over “disputed islands” with China that includes fatalities for years. And hiw soon we forgot COVID… Thank China for that, too!

28 days ago

For Harris Joy Joy campaign- Look up 1933 Strength of Joy! Nazi/Hitsler Keep the masses distracted happy happy joy joy while behind the scenes…No one believed Hitsler was evil, how could such a good man do such harm..sound familiar?.///Hope all are ready for IF, the draft will be implemented. Both for men/women/trans/bi etc. No escaping since military seems to have gone ‘woke’.

28 days ago

Biden and Harris have always been a national security nightmare. They are weak, undisciplined practitioners of a brand of “pushover-statesmanship” that responds like Jello to what is not in our national best interest. I’m hoping for a survivable outcome to this election.

28 days ago

Every single person who votes for Harris and she wins she have to join the military as well as their kids and families! The ignorance and stupidity deserves consequences and at this point that consequence should be that they go fight these wars and not the people who aren’t using emotions to vote. I’m so sick of the blatant and obvious dangers from this administration and the idiots that follow them. If they have consequences like paying and housing these illegals, fighting these wars, paying the extra taxes and funding then maybe they will start thinking like adults and not like emotionally driven kids!

28 days ago

Yes and Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrades are pulling out all the stops to “ACT” lie to retain power.They are talking about withdrawal of all our forces in IRAQ. We should be letting them do this because they did such a great “JOB” with Afghanistan.We are pulling all of our forces out of the middle east and setting up the Israel’s to have no choice but to use tactical nukes to defend itself .Then the Totalitarian Communist Democrat party will pull our support from Israel and portray them as the evil trouble makers of the world.

28 days ago

Worse leadership duo in our history. They are a serious national security risk, every democrat is, especially Conrad Harris who shouldn’t even be allowed to run due to several simple reasons:
1) No one voted for her.
2) She did not win a single primary.
3) She refuses to do a single interview.
4) She is incapable of telling the truth and lies repeatedly even on debunked subjects.
5) She is a puppet to China, Russia, Iran, Hamas.
6) She is part of the current administration who has tried to not only lock up but kill their opponent, twice.
7) She weaponized the system to go after her political opposition.
8) She is all about defund the police and forcing nationwide abortions onto pregnant women.
9) She cannot identify women in general and support men in women spaces.
10) She wants to rip up the constitution.
11) She wants rid of fracking.
12) She will introduce a 77% tax hike onto small America.
13) She will end social security and Medicare.
14) She will destroy the border forever.
15) She is an honorary member of the cartel.
16) She is a radical far-left socialist and will waste money on worthless initiative for LGBTQ, BLM, green scam, and leave our infrastructure to rot.

Lifelong Republican
Lifelong Republican
28 days ago

I agree than Biden has made a lot of foreign policy mistakes, in fact, the most since Carter who really made a mess of things. However, the GOP is also making mistakes by eating their own. I have devoted thousands of hours to GOP causes only to be not be welcome at my county GOP meetings. It all started when I merely stated that Donald Trump lost the election because he ran a poor campaign, which he did with his social media outbursts. That led to an argument because rather than take accountability it was all blamed on the election being stolen. I then decided on DeSantis but he dropped out so I went with Haley. A few weeks later I stated that I chose Haley and was called a traitor and informed that I was not welcome at their meetings anymore.

Some thank you that was. I’m angry and disillusioned.

26 days ago

The corrupt and strong always prey on the weak.I am surprised that America hasn’t been nuked already as the Biden regime has done nothing but made our country weaker.

27 days ago

Those countries on our enemies list communist China, North Korea, Iran, Russia and all the countries has sent their villains into our country are all sitting back, laughing their hinder parts off and chomping at the bit hoping that Kami Camila is America’s next president.
You remember the old Bachman Turner overdrive song you, ain’t seen nothing yet, I believe that we have a large number of terrorists in the country now because of the Harris open border. The estimated total number of illegal aliens is 20 million people that came in and if only 1/2% of those people are here to cause disruption, that number is 100,000.

David Millikan
David Millikan
27 days ago

Where are all of the Maternity Flight Suits that Dictator Beijing biden ordered from his first days in office? To this day, I still have never seen a pregnant Fighter Pilot flying. Why? Because there are none. Are the Maternity Flight Suits Pink to go along with their Pink Bullets and Pink Helmets for their Drag Queen parades? Even more of a disgrace is they just commissioned the USS New Jersey as the first transsexual submarine. The WHOLE World is laughing at us at how weak our military leaders are with Dictator Beijing biden and Communist harris leading the way. Another reason I am voting for President Trump. Under President Trump we had the Strongest Military in the World and our Veterans were taken care of and not thrown onto the streets so ILLEGAL ALIENS could move into their homes at taxpayer expense putting American Veterans last. President Trump tool care of our country, military and veterans.

David Millikan
David Millikan
27 days ago

To add to insult on Americans a Molecular Virologist confirms that the China Virus Vaccines cause Cancer. Which Dictator Beijing biden FORCED on our Military. Everybody must sue Dictator Beijing biden and democrats for their Illegal and Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates.

David Millikan
David Millikan
28 days ago

What was your first clue?

EPA website - Environmental Protection Agency
Back view of a Kamala Harris from behind, on a podium, a crowd of voters with American flags in the background.
Bret Baier and Kamala Harris Fox News Interview

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