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A Clash Of Visions: Thursday’s Debate Features Donald Trump Standing For Optimism And Renewal Against Joe Biden Embodying Pessimism And Decline

Posted on Wednesday, June 26, 2024
by Paul Ingrassia

A general sense of fatalism about the prospect of Donald Trump’s impending return to the White House seems to have swept over the mainstream media – and is the subject of much behind the scenes chatter in Washington’s corridors of power.  We now are almost in July. While it is true that there are still five long months to go between now and Election Day, which is tantamount to many lifetimes in politics, the idea of a second Trump administration has become more than just a chance happening for many on the Left who have worked long and hard over nearly a decade to vanquish the Apprentice from our national politics for good.  But all their efforts seem to have been in vain.  Indeed, at this juncture in 2024, President Trump appears more formidable than at any point in his entire political career.  He has transitioned from Apprentice to Master.  This includes at this same point in 2016, the election he won legitimately, when he was still facing a mountain of obstacles, including an obstinate Republican establishment led by John McCain and Mitt Romney, who were reluctant to forfeit the mantle of their power to a brash populist insurgent.  

Donald Trump looks even stronger now than he did prior to the breakout of COVID in early 2020, when the country was enjoying a roaring economy and general sense of optimism about the future – before the yellow menace sprung from a laboratory experiment in Wuhan, financed by Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci – that would plunge the entire world into darkness, making it easy for Democrats to exploit unlawful last minute rule changes to illegitimately cakewalk their way into the Oval Office.  This gave their globalist philosophy of governance, which should have been dead and gone with Barack Obama’s departure from national politics, a new lease on life.  

Fewer than four years later, that lease on life appears short-lived.  Its personification is the geriatric Joe Biden, who, although only in his early eighties, looks at least a decade older – and acts and behaves the part of a dementia ridden outpatient who will not go quietly into that good night, even though most of the world wishes he would.

The looming sense of dread by the mainstream media is reflected in the headlines of legacy newspapers.  The New York Times, for instance, has been running article after article of late about a second Trump administration.  Exemplifying this point, a recent article was headlined, “The Real Danger if Trump Is Re-elected.”  Other recent articles have boasted such headlines as “A Felon in the Oval Office Would Test the American System” and “Trump Has Been Convicted. Can He Still Run for President?”, all of which seem to grapple with the impending political reality that the 45th President’s faux “conviction” in a New York kangaroo courthouse did little to thwart the momentum of his political campaign.  In fact, there is a ton of countervailing evidence to support the belief that it propelled him in the polls even more.

Thus, the sense of dread by the mainstream media, which loses credibility whenever it takes an especially critical view of President Trump, has slowly but surely transformed into fated resignation.  And the views expressed in recent Times articles are ubiquitous across the mainstream media landscape.  From The Atlantic’s “If Trump Wins” to The Economist’s “Donald Trump’s return is making Hollywood nervous” to Bloomberg’s “Prospect of a Second Trump Term Demands Preparation, Not Panic,” the general tenor of these outlets has shifted markedly in recent weeks from denial to quiet acquiescence. 

This has been buoyed in part by the sham show trial, which rather than sinking the President’s campaign, as many of them hoped, actually had the opposite effect.  Donald Trump is currently enjoying some of the best poll numbers in his political career.  In 2016 and 2020, mainstream polling never had him in a competitive position in states like Virginia, Minnesota, and Nevada.  Now, many reputable polls – not just right-leaning outliers – have him leading in all three.  Others, like Emerson and Rasmussen, have gone a step further – showing him to be within reach in once deep-blue states like New Jersey and New York. 

This suggests that millions of Americans are waking up to the malaise that defines Joe Biden’s atrophied regime.  Malaise, a familiar term from the Carter years, might be too soft a word to describe our harsh state of affairs under Joe Biden.  America experiences decades-high inflation, wide-open borders bringing tens of millions of illegal, military-age migrants from lands as far away as the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and a two-tier system of justice that has weaponized the Department of Justice against Donald Trump and his most loyal supporters.

What makes our present difficulties so harsh is the fact that Americans don’t have to go too far back in time – only four years ago – to remember what things were like under President Trump.  We had an economy more prosperous than at any point over the past fifty years.  Illegal migrant crossings were brought to a complete halt.  ISIS was all but defeated, and the world was at its most peaceful that it has been within living memory.  Even more would have been done if not for the false hoaxes peddled by the Washington Swamp, from the Russian collusion myth to the recalcitrance of both party establishments to support many of President Trump’s cornerstone policies, from the border wall to infrastructure reforms.  

Nevertheless, despite the unprecedented internal opposition President Trump faced in his first term, it was still one of the greatest four year runs in modern American history – and tens, if not hundreds of millions, of Americans appropriately give credit to Donald John Trump, where credit is aptly due.   And now, when juxtaposed with the disaster that has been the Biden Regime, where political dissidents have been punished with heavy-handed justice, and where America has in every sense — politically, economically, demographically — sold itself out to the world, the people are longing for the days of the Pax Trumpicana – the era of peace, prosperity, and order.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden, although relatively close in age, are worlds apart in aptitude, temperament, life philosophy, and general vision for the country.  This will be acutely on display on Thursday evening, when the two meet head to head for the first time in nearly four years.  Of course, the playing field will be rigged in Biden’s favor.  Trump, as always, is being forced to head into enemy territory and play by the arbitrary and capricious rules set by CNN, which will do everything in its power to accommodate Joe Biden.  Expect sudden rule changes last minute.  The prospect of allowing Biden to sit in a chair, because he cannot stand for an hour and a half on his own at his ripe age, has been entertained by Team Biden.  Perhaps he will need a break midway through to use the bathroom or change his undergarments – much as what appeared to be the case in his recent trip to Normandy.  Also, there is always the possibility that Biden will be spoon-fed questions from the network beforehand.  After all, CNN has a history of doing these acts of political favoritism.  In 2016, Hillary Clinton had advanced knowledge of the questions that were to be asked in the debate.  In 2024, it would not be a surprise to learn if Biden was given an earpiece – maybe they will call it a ‘hearing aid’ – in order to be given the answers in realtime by his campaign team or network producer because he has proven himself unable to think on his feet.  

This prospect, seemingly farfetched, gains credibility after observing the incident that occurred on CNN just yesterday.  Karoline Leavitt, President Trump’s national press secretary, was abruptly cut off by CNN commentator Kasey Hunt when being interviewed on her morning show.  Leavitt was not even given the opportunity to finish her sentence; Hunt, who appears to have been given the order from her producers through her earpiece, proceeded to have an on-air meltdown by Leavitt’s responses.  Rather than address Leavitt’s legitimate concerns about CNN not being able to put aside their history of anti-Trump biases and conduct a fair debate in a mature and ‘adult’ manner, Hunt instead had the equivalent of a temper tantrum.  She claimed that it was unbecoming of any guest to “attack” a colleague.  But Leavitt was not acting wantonly or gratuitously. Nor was she even in attack mode. She merely raised concerns about Jake Tapper who peddled the Russia conspiracy theory for years on air, which did real damage to President Trump’s first administration before that whole narrative was debunked and went up in smoke upon the Mueller report’s findings that no collusion ever occurred.  

CNN could have picked any one of its dozens of anchors to moderate the debate – instead, it chose the man with perhaps the longest history of anti-Trump animosity on the network in Tapper.  Of course, CNN is not known to be a bastion of Trumpism.  But there are varying degrees of TDS among CNN’s pundits; alas, Tapper’s affliction is right up at the top of the list for among the worst.  

Nevertheless, even under these circumstances, Donald Trump has done the gentlemanly thing and agreed to debate Biden – and with a smile on his face.  What should give the 45th President confidence – separate and apart from the mounting enthusiasm from the grassroots as reflected in the surging poll numbers, historic rally crowd sizes, and unprecedented amount of money pouring into the campaign coffers from business leaders to small money donors – is his record of achievements as President of the United States.  

What President Trump was able to accomplish in just four short years, despite every odd, speaks for itself – but, when placed against the horrors of Biden’s presidency, his greatness is cast in a whole new light.  And Americans know it. More business leaders are comfortable openly rallying to President Trump’s side in television appearances, podcasts, newspaper articles, and press statements than ever before. Millions of regular Americans, including in deep blue states and urban areas, now wear their MAGA gear openly and proudly.  Former Democrats and Independents are flocking to the Trump Train in droves; the 45th President has made significant inroads with demographics once considered a lock for the Democratic Party, like Latinos and African Americans.  

While there is still a long way to go until November, and nobody should rest on their laurels, the momentum behind President Trump is undeniable.  No amount of debate rigging can diminish that fact, which will be readily on display Thursday night – because the enthusiasm behind Donald Trump is, to put it in terms familiar to his rally attendees, too big to rig, a motto that applies equally to debates as it does to elections.  

Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights LeagueHe writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassiaSubstackTruth SocialInstagram, and Rumble.

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3 months ago

If Trump can just be nice and calm and stick to the talking points with questions…well, in other words, NOT be his usual brash self, he could win over a LOT of voters. I cannot vote for Biden, and there are a lot of minds not made up who also do NOT want to vote for Joe..but the fair media has GOT to get the truth out about the hush money verdict which will get overturned in appeal but not in time to help Trump win. Of course, the Deep State isn’t any more likely to “let” Trump be President even if he does win, than they did last time. In fact, if he does win, a civil war at worst, at best many months of protests/riots raging across America will be the outcome. I fear that it may be too late to save the USA from the Trump-haters who care more about beating him than saving our country.

3 months ago

I am hoping that they somehow over “medicate” Cadaver Joe and he goes from a raging maniac to a mumbling, docile, little old man.

3 months ago

If any other American accepted $5 million from Communist China, they would be in jail for Treason. Slo Joe and Hunter took more money from China and Ukraine yet they are still walking around free.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Debate rigged like 2020+?

3 months ago

My take on the debate is this. If you did a good job the past 4 years you don’t need to study for 10 days. You should have your accomplishments in your head. But we have a president who is mentally challenged, hasn’t accomplished a thing. Only he will be the darling of the MSM and Tapper and Dash. Two admirers of Obiden and mouthpieces of the deep state. Obiden has seen all the questions. Will have an ear piece and drugs in him like with his SOTUS speech. Trump’s mic will be silent. Any opinion other than the dems is not allowed. CNN showed that by denying Trump’s press secretary to speak her mind. Freedom of speech guaranteed under the first amendment is not honored by MSM, dems, judges, courts etc etc. Why? Because the dems don’t like the constitution. They make their own laws at the time they think there should be a law. Total chaos in America follows. Illegals will be our police pretty soon. They will tell us citizens how to behave.

3 months ago

He hasn’t yet been sentenced by the “judge”, and if he gives him prison time, things will change in a hurry. The trial was a joke, and could have been stopped by conservative members of congress, but as usual, it wasn’t. Be sure that all stops will be pulled out in voter fraud, and like in 2020, nothing will be done. It’s harder and harder to be optimistic.

3 months ago

Since this “debate” is totally controlled by CNN I suspect the hardest questions for Joe will be about his favorite flavor of ice cream, which Joe has been prepped for. On the other hand I am sure half of Donald’s questions will be about Stormy and January 6th. The best we can hope for is a Joe meltdown as there is no way this will be a true and fair debate.

Vet.John Victorine
Vet.John Victorine
3 months ago


Patriot Will
Patriot Will
3 months ago

If President Trump is allowed to speak about his policies and accomplishments during his presidency, only the hardcore Trump haters will be able to spin the story that Biden is a successful president. The contrast between President Trump’s successes and Biden’s failures are so significant that all the spin in the world is not going to change the fact that Biden is bad for America and good for Communist China. I am expecting President Trump to do very well in the debate with demented Traitor Joe.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
3 months ago

A “clash of visions” indeed. On one hand, we have Braindead Joe Biden, the puppet of the globalists who want to create and establish The New World Order/One World Government/The Great Reset, a totalitarian dictatorship with them in charge, running the entire world as their personal fiefdom and with the entire rest of the world’s population their serfs – slaves without chains. Puppet Joe and his corrupt, criminal, treasonous administration have spent the last 3-1/2 years working 24/7/365 to destroy this nation and take down Western Civilization. They have been very successful. On the other hand we have Donald Trump, who wants to revitalize this nation and attempt to bring us back to greatness (although I personally think we are too far gone to recover). So, yes indeed, a “class of visions” is what we have; it’s a true pity that so few people are seeing it clearly for what it really is.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

I think they’re actually surprised Trump accepted after all the debate “riders” they threw in! The REAL question is: did CNN provide the questions to the WH or has the WH provided questions that Biden rehearsed answers to for CNN?

3 months ago

Great Article & The Facts & Information Cannot Be Disputed! Ty For A Great Article Here!! So TRUE!! Every Word.

3 months ago

While Biden is “studying” for the debate at Camp David, Trump should go to nursing homes and chat with elderly dementia patients for 90 minuets a pop.

Philip Joseph diIorio
Philip Joseph diIorio
3 months ago

Amac is correct as usual. The facts show the negative impact of the last four plus years has had on our great country. President Trump when president had America on track to MAGA. America and frankly the world, urgently needs Donald Trump back as our next president. If President Trump sticks with the issues backed by facts he should easily dominate the debate. Be prepared to argue the lies and distortions spewed by Biden. His “in your face politics” must be stopped. Real Americans are fed up and weary of it coming from the Whitehouse.

3 months ago

If Trump does not allow the moderators to motivate him into a defense mode, and if Trump does not answer the questions but instead uses his time to expose the truth about Biden and his puppet masters, it will be a slaughter as it should be. It must be exposed in a question format – eg: Biden’s first day in office he killed American energy independence – did he do that for the American people? Who was it done for? Does Biden work for Americans or for Global cartels and communist powers? Another one – Biden and his handlers have opened the borders to allow in criminals and terrorists from other countries that pray on Americans. Did he allow bad people into our country in violation of our laws for the benefit of the American people? Or does Biden work for the Mexican cartels, for communist China, or for others that want to destroy our country from within. Americans are victims of crime because Biden is intentionally letting millions of law breakers into our neighborhoods. He cares nothing for the American people. If politicians in Moscow gave me $3million dollars for no reason would he put me in jail? What did Biden do with the $3million that the Moscow mayor gave him? Biden is such an obvious criminal he should be crucified by Trump and that is my expectation. Trump! Do not let the moderators run the show – take over!

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
3 months ago

“People are beyond being FED UP, angry, pissed, and ready to stand and fight, engage, and cause all manner of retort to dishonesty, selfishness, theft, and all other lies, false reporting, and your negative and mega-selfishness. YOU are no longer listened to. Out the door for all, step one.
“Citizens are not waiting; they will act and do what is needed to end corruption, lies, and idiocy. We have been stolen from debt and all else at epic highs, and man, they are pissed. Go ahead, act out, be juvenile, selfish, corrupt – the boom is poised, and you are not wanting the reactions.”

Rex Walker
Rex Walker
3 months ago

Sure is great to read some honest news. At age 93 I have had the privilege of voting many times. My bride of 70 years and I have never missed a vote. We have been through many ups and downs in our life but nothing like what we see now. The highest crime rate, highest loss of buying power, and the lowest respect of our government

3 months ago

I recently attended the Faith and Freedom Coalition rally in D.C. where President Trump spoke for more than two hours. It was very heartening! He admitted that Franklin Graham wrote him a letter recommended he limit or not use swearing. I counted only 2 minor curse words during that speech. He covered every major topic and did it with clarity. He does not rest on his laurels. He knows he up against a sinister army of minions and not just Joe Biden. I am praying for Trump and his family and encouraging every conservative to vote!

3 months ago

No matter what President Trump says the news media will twist his words like they have always done. The media has been bought and paid for. They have no more interest in reporting truthfully. And A VOTE FOR biden IS A VOTE FOR INSANITY!

3 months ago

I believe the swamp is busy constructing a gauntlet for Trump in case they cant steal the election. They’re going to make it impossible to govern and along with rinos, hobble his every initiative. Hopefully the Trump team is busy developing workarounds to decrees by commie judges. The dems are also going all out to secure the house and keep the senate. Without them, Trump will be crippled.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
3 months ago

The Republicans had better grow a pair of testicles because the Democrats have got a move up their sleeve to throw Gavin Newsome into the election make him president over Trump.Which would destroy the United States as we know it which the Democrats want. But the republicans are sitting on their hands as usual This isn’t a conspiracyIt’s the truth. The American People can’t take anymore of this they are going broke and can’t afford a decent way of life.And illegal immigrants are coming into our country are coming into our country and taking our jobs, and killing our children because they think they are above the law. And the Democrats are trying to take our children away from their parents and turn them into sexual deviants with illegal sexual surgeries.

3 months ago

The writer should avoid making overly broad statements that couldn’t possibly be true like, ” Illegal migrant crossings were brought to a complete halt”. Under Trump illegal immigrant crossings were reduced to the lowest point in my memory but they weren’t reduced to zero. Hyperbolic statements like that reduce a writer’s credibility.

3 months ago

One of the US officials, who is stationed at a base in Europe, told CNN they haven’t seen this threat level “in at least 10 years,” and said it usually means the military has received an “active-reliable threat.” Obiden can’t even control actions against our troops in Europe?? He is probably trying to open the borders there too, huh??

3 months ago

It has been said time and again: You may not like the pilot who is at the controls, but I want the most competent, experienced, successful person in command. Donald Trump has years of experience running his own company and 4 years as a successful President. You may not like him or how he looks, but he is the best choice for the job. I mean, what has Joe done except almost bankrupt our country?

3 months ago

Trump needs to create an agency over all others and load that agency with Jan 6th patriots who were railroaded who can go after the criminals in gov that deserve to be on trial. Cut the cancer.

Christopher Anderson
Christopher Anderson
3 months ago

Well said. Thank you.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
3 months ago

I think if Trump just does not go after Biden and sticks to what voters care about he will come out a winner. Biden has just a small game plan but not much to what voters want right now with the way our inflation is in this country and the disaster at the southern border that he created since day one when he took office and reversed all the orders the Trump had in place to control the border Biden from day one has never had control of the border. My vote is for President Trump never for Biden and Harris.

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