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No, President Trump is not a “convicted felon” — triable federal issues abound in the sham Bragg verdict that demands the Supreme Court swiftly intervene and correct this grave injustice

Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2024
by Paul Ingrassia

For a variety of reasons, the United States Supreme Court has a constitutional obligation to take up President Trump’s criminal case following his unlawful conviction in New York state court. 

First and foremost, federal issues permeate this case.  While it was never a case that should have been brought in any court in the first place, this case especially should not have been brought in state court, where jurisdiction patently does not exist.  The driving legal issue was purportedly a campaign finance law violation which fell within the gamut of the Federal Election Commission.  Bragg flimsily paired that charge with an alleged bookkeeping error to contrive his makeshift theory of criminal liability.  This was a theory of liability that was wholly bespoke and lacking any legal precedent whatsoever.  In short, it was a theory befitted to one man and one man only: Donald John Trump.

Many experienced legal scholars, including those on the Left, have pointed to this remarkable fact.  Indeed, even the most liberal court observers, largely sympathetic to Bragg and Merchan’s political crusade, were left asking how precisely this legal theory could possibly be replicated for any other defendant.  Many rightly pointed out that this was the classic case of “show me the person, I’ll show you the crime.”

Incredulously, the judge in this case, Juan Manuel Merchan, allowed the Prosecution to categorically ignore the rules of evidence and professional ethics.  Also disregarded were fundamental, time-tested principles of Anglo-American jurisprudence: including due process, the presumption of innocence, and perhaps most flagrantly – and jarringly — the necessity for unanimity in guilty verdicts.

Starting with the gag order, which by its design was a flagrant breach of President Trump’s constitutional rights to speak and criticize the court proceedings as he saw fit.  Under federal law, gag courts conventionally are to be imposed only with the utmost care.  They are to be limited in size and scope.  Gag orders are the quintessential example of what, under the law, is called a “prior restraint” on speech.  Courts have always been highly reluctant to impose free-speech limitations on anyone, most of all in the form of a gag order.  To the extent gag orders are ever permissible, they must be narrowly tailored to address a compelling state interest.  In other words, strict scrutiny, the highest and most exacting standard of judicial review, must be met.  The government, not the defendant, has the burden of proof of demonstrating 1) a compelling state interest exists that 2) warrants such an infringement on a fundamental constitutional right – namely, that most important right to expression delineated in the First Amendment.  

The operative presumption is that any such restrictions on speech in the form of prior restraints are, normally, unconstitutional.  Even, in the exceptionally rare case where the government does meet the requirements for strict scrutiny, the scope of the prior restraint must be highly, highly circumscribed to the conditions for which the court found the restriction necessary.  In the case of gag orders, usually the reason judges give for allowing them is not to protect the judge, as Merchan rather unbelievably asserted here – yet another flagrant break from precedent – but to protect the defendant from undue scrutiny or controversy or even endangerment (to borrow another famous constitutional phrase) “to life and limb.”  

In this regard, the way Merchan weaponized the gag order here to suppress President Trump’s First Amendment rights functioned as a baldfaced attack on the Defendant’s fundamental liberties, for one, and the integrity of the judicial process, for two.  First, whenever judges typically weigh the merits of imposing a gag order, usually the countervailing threat to the defendant’s other constitutional rights significantly outweighs the cost of the short-lived burden of limiting the Defendant’s speech rights.  In the Merchan case, arguably the opposite was the case: the gag order itself violated, in addition to the defendant’s First Amendment rights, other fundamental constitutional rights as well.  Indeed, the gag order arguably put President Trump in greater jeopardy – and jeopardized the overall integrity of the judicial process – than if it had not been ordered.  This is because President Trump was prohibited from exposing the many conflicts of interest that existed in this case – conflicts that ran so deep as to seriously undermine the legitimacy of the entire proceeding – in addition to the validity of the final verdict.  

The conflicts were myriad: Merchan donated money to Joe Biden, who will face Donald Trump in this November’s election.  He donated to another PAC committed to stopping President Trump in his tracks.  His wife worked for Letitia James: the New York Attorney General who pledged to “get” Donald Trump on the campaign trail.  His daughter serves as president of a consulting firm that has taken in millions upon millions of dollars from far-left Democratic politicians, like Adam Schiff and Ilhan Omar, who have in turn waged political jihad against Donald Trump.  Oh yeah, one of her clients is also the Biden-Harris campaign, who have something of a vested interest in seeing President Trump be locked behind bars – especially given the present state of the race, where most reputable polls have them down, and by significant margins, in most of the key battlegrounds needed to win the 2024 race.

This past week, Merrick Garland was interrogated in a congressional hearing by Rep. Matt Gaetz about whether he had ever donated money to a political campaign or candidate while serving as a judge, a violation of the judicial code of ethics. Garland demurred.  He said no, because the rule is crystal clear that such donations, however minuscule, are impermissible.  If Gaetz had asked the Attorney General whether he believed the rule was a valid one – in other words, whether it logically made sense for judges generally to not donate to partisan candidates, I’m sure Garland would have said of course.  If not, his DOJ would be leading the charge to change the rule.  It does not make sense to abide by a rule that is illogical or unsound.  Thus, it becomes inexplicable as to why that same reasoning would not also apply to Merchan’s case.  State court judges are swayed by the same political biases and imputed with the same types of conflicts as any federal judge.  Merchan has a clear vested interest – politically, financially, professionally and personally – in prosecuting President Donald Trump, the leading candidate, based on every poll, to become the 47th President of the United States.  Merchan’s arbitrary and capricious use of the gag order to protect himself over and above the integrity of the justice system reeks of improprieties.  What Merchan did was criminal, and those grounds alone – the judicial trampling over President Trump’s First Amendment and due process rights – raise all sorts of jurisdictional grounds for the Supreme Court to intervene and reverse this irremediably prejudiced verdict.

Beyond the gag order issue, other federal questions run rampant.  To reiterate a point from earlier, this was a case that had already been looked at by federal agencies with prosecutorial discretion, including the DOJ, and in the case of the Federal Election Commission, had years ago received a clearance.  At the bare minimum, the underlying verdict which included a FECA violation should have been preempted by the FEC’s own exclusive jurisdiction to take up such matters.  The fact that the agency had already cleared the case would, presumably, render the “mix-and-match” verdict that included the alleged FEC violation, voidable.  Merchan is no expert on federal law, far from it.  He is an acting judge who graduated from a mediocre law school.  For him to unabashedly assert that only “I can say what the law is” is an egregious overreach of his duties.  First, it is an utterly ignorant and unwise remark.  State court judges have only a very narrow lane for jurisdiction.  It is not Merchan’s place to make categorical judgments and assertions about law well beyond his realm of expertise or jurisdiction.  

Second, his statement was impeached by his own conduct, where he allowed the lead prosecuting attorney, Joshua Steinglass, to ramble on for hours and hours on end about points of law, including the burden of proof, in cases where he prevented Todd Blanche from doing the very same thing.  Perhaps most egregious of all, Merchan did not even allow testimony from an expert witness in federal election law!  It is bad enough that a state court is ruling on a matter that is outside its jurisdiction.  But at the very least, allow the defense the opportunity to bring in an expert to explain to the jury the federal law that was implicated in this case.  That, Merchan did not allow.  Why?  Because he operated with a clear bias – a clear animus – against the defendant.  This was a conflicted judge who carefully tailored the facts and jury instructions in the best possible light for the prosecution.  He wanted a guilty verdict and did everything in his power to make an acquittal, or even hung jury, inconceivable.  Thus, President Trump’s guilt was a forgone conclusion the minute he stepped into the courthouse, which is the very definition of a kangaroo court show trial.

I have already discussed two issues that demand federal intervention: 1) the assault on President Trump’s First Amendment rights from the arbitrary and capricious scope of the gag order itself, which failed to meet strict scrutiny. This is the standard of review the government is required to meet for all infringements on speech in the form of prior restraints, of which gag orders are the paradigmatic example.  And 2) the jurisdiction problems arising from trying a federal issue – that had already been cleared by the requite federal agencies – in state court.  

The third issue stems from the mix and match guilty verdict itself, which contravenes federal law in the worst possible way.  The Supreme Court had made crystal clear in the decision Ramos v. Louisiana, that in a criminal trial, the jury verdict as to the underlying crime must be unanimous.  It is a time-tested principle of Anglo-American law that requires all twelve jurors not only agree the defendant is guilty in reaching their verdict (in other words, that the burden of proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, is proved by the Government for all elements of every crime alleged), but that the jury is unanimous as to the underlying crime itself!

The reasons for this should be obvious to anyone with even the most basic knowledge of our legal system: you can’t just have an “all of the above” approach to reaching a guilty verdict, because that would be an assault on the defendant’s due process rights.  In a way, such a verdict can be construed as a violation of double jeopardy and function almost like a bill of attainder – because the evidentiary standard and burden of proof is essentially watered down to accommodate more than one crime.  But the logic that otherwise informs the Left’s view of voting rights in one of their favorite legal aphorisms, “one person one vote”, is perplexingly not extrapolated to the courtroom (at least when Donald Trump is the defendant), where, applying the same sentiment and reasoning, would otherwise dictate an instruction of “one crime, one verdict.”  

To put matters more succinctly: here, Merchan said “I need you to find President Trump guilty of one of three predicate crimes: it can be an FEC violation, a tax law violation, or a general bookkeeping violation (never mind the circular reasoning of one of the three predicate crimes being the same crime as the primary crime in this cockamamie judicial scheme).  It doesn’t matter which predicate crime you find him guilty of, so long as you find the People met their burden of proof on at least one of them!”  The way Merchan instructed the jury teed up the prospect that a few, even a majority, of jurors could disagree that Bragg met his burden of proof for all three so-called crimes.  Merchan did his best impression of Machiavelli and effectively told his jury that when deciding on a verdict, “the end justifies the means.”  What he needed was a guilty verdict – less important was how the jury got there.  How the jury ruled, ultimately, on the matter remains cloaked in anonymity.  The public has a right to know, following Supreme Court precedent, at a bare minimum, on which underlying predicate crime the jury found President Trump guilty.  Rather than maximize transparency and demand unanimity, Merchan instead maximized anonymity and put unanimity on the chopping block.

Of course, the reasons why Merchan and Bragg have worked so hard to keep the process secret is because if any of this got exposed, the entire decision, so riven with constitutional violations, errors, and abuses, would be easily tossed out the window the minute it reached an appellate court that maintained some semblance of fairness.  Generally speaking, federal courts are much more rigorous, in their application of the law, than state courts.  This is because the standards are typically much higher for federal court – the quality of judges and prosecutors found in federal courts ordinarily (though not always) are of several grades higher than the acumen of Bragg, Merchan, and Joshua Steinglass.  The sort of chicanery Merchan got away with in providing a smorgasbord of options for the jury would be less tolerated in federal court.  It is also troubling how Merchan could have possibly instructed the jury adequately to prosecute President Trump on a federal election law violation, when he had absolutely no prior experience with that body of law or its application.  Indeed, it remains an open question whether the alleged FECA violation that President Trump was charged with could even be prosecuted as a criminal matter at all.  To the extent it can be, the jurisdictional bases for that criminal prosecution lies with federal institutions, like the Department of Justice, not rogue state courts acting unilaterally because they have no idea what the hell they are doing.

What Merchan allowed to happen in his courtroom is unconscionable, disgraceful, and a grave injustice to the integrity of the criminal justice system.  The underlying case is rife with reversible error – a sad and sorry situation that demands intervention by a high authority, ideally the Supreme Court, with all deliberate speed. 

It would be bad enough for a verdict as grievously and unapologetically as this one was in terms of breaching the Constitution to be handed down against any defendant, at any time.  But to have been handed down against the man leading every single reputable poll to become the 47th President of the United States, is an injustice beyond the pale.  This is election interference of the highest possible order.  Hence, it is incumbent upon the Supreme Court to act swiftly, and overturn the grave injustice committed by an entirely out of line state court, waging a brazen political prosecution, at once. Or else risk catastrophic damage to the integrity of our entire constitutional form of government.

A slightly modified version of this piece was originally published in The Gateway Pundit, and can be found here.

Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights LeagueHe writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassiaSubstackTruth SocialInstagram, and Rumble.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.




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James DeBona
James DeBona
3 months ago

It’s one thing to exonerate Trump from this legal catastrophe, but then all the actors in this farcical state court, from Judge Merchan to DA Bragg and his office, need to be dealt with for their blatant and political violations of defendant’s rights. Or this will happen again and again to other people purely for political purposes!

Irv C
Irv C
3 months ago

Once Trumps conviction is overturned the feds need to go after all those involved in this conspiracy to convict a President of the United States and the fact that our legal rights are thrown out with this kangaroo bunch of criminals is a complete disregard for our rights. They did this to President Trump, they can do it to you and me.

Lover of America and GOD!
Lover of America and GOD!
3 months ago

Total sham of a court proceeding, unlawful at best!

3 months ago

BRAVO!!! I can’t think of anything missed in that!!! SEND IT TO THE SUPREME COURT in care of all the Justices. They each should read THAT!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

Great article Paul, the matter of risking catastrophic damage to our entire Constitutional form of government – that is the issue that the Supreme Court has to consider regarding overturning this injustice committed by the New York state court against Donald Trump . Let a spirit of respect for ethical standards and a love of Liberty guide all involved to. do what is right.

3 months ago

The most frustrating part of all this is that the appeal will not happen in time for the election. Why does it take so long for the SCOTUS to pick it up and review/act on it? AND, if this is found to be bogus, Merchan, Bragg, James and all involved must be prosecuted for their own dishonesty, self-interest and brazen violation of the law. THEY are NOT above the law as arrogant, contemptible and smug as they are.In fact, they have all done things in this matter that should be held up to the NYS Bar and they should lose their license to practice law.

3 months ago

Excellent article. I am sending to my former Dem friends who still believe Trump is guilty of 34 felonies. When I ask them what they are they can’t name 1. But he is guilty the jury said so. I tell them with a paid judge and DA they could have found the witness guilty of rolling his eyes at the judge. This judge has a problem not being seen as a Justice. Because he isn’t. He is a mediocre judge that could be bought to instruct the jury to find Trump guilty, even for if you didn’t like him. There was no crime proven. Not one. Let alone 34. Nobody can name even one he was guilty off. If the jury believed Cohen, the liar and thief, and a porn star with the same ideas of importance, it was a dumb brainwashed jury. Paid I am sure. Everything is a conspiracy since O became president and the past 16 years they have perfected their lies and brainwashing and manipulation in an art. We are being ruled by O, the Mafia Don of Soros.

3 months ago

One more thing: I am furious at Biden’s contemptible, noxious $50Million ad calling Trump a convicted felon in the most duplicitous campaign attack when Biden’s own son, is a 3 times felon for crimes dealing with hard drugs and guns–so much more serious than anything Biden’s lawfare accused President Trump of doing. These people are the most despicable, corrupt and perfidious beings ever in the WH, It is way past time to get rid of them all — and yes, prosecute THEM for THEIR crimes.

3 months ago

By not allowing expert testimony about federal election law, Trump’s team could not show the jury there was no other legal way to report these 34 expenditures but as legal fees.
It is Cohen who broke up the bill into smaller pieces. Cohen used his legal expertise to decide to pay the porn gal and then when and how to bill Trump.
If the Supreme Court does nothing about this conviction, they must be as afraid of the democrats who made up this prosecution/persecution plot as I am.

3 months ago

Merchan should be removed from the bench, disbarred, and end up in prison for his abuse of his judicial position.

3 months ago


3 months ago

The Supreme Court needs to intervene and fast. As for Sham Trial Judge Merchan he was so one sided and himself instructing the Jury to do what we know was not legal verdict methodology that he needs to be recalled!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

This “case” was absolutely appalling. The people who are gloating over Trump’s conviction should be aware that if a kangaroo court can use a show trial to railroad Trump, it can be used to railroad anybody.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
3 months ago

Good summary of points made by numerous sources. Nothing much has changed. Are any of these experts actively working towards getting the issues addressed? How do the injustices get corrected? We need some authority in position to take immediate actions to turn this mess around. Appeals that take years is precisely what the LEFT is counting on.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

The only felon is that which calls itself the Justice department

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

This is what fascism looks like: Democrat-run SOP.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Excellent article. There can’t be a conviction when there was NO CRIME committed. President Trumps U.S. Constitutional Rights were violated from the very beginning of the WITCH HUNTS which are politically motivated.

Cathy Gardino
Cathy Gardino
3 months ago

May they all be caught up in snares of their own making

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
3 months ago

I can’t stand democrats, rhino’s, courts, judges,public schools, TV news media, or much of anything else in this new world we are in now. I don’t know who ever thought to call man kind experts. Oh boy!! There’s only one expert, and He is God.
If Trump is ever dealt with fairly I will be surprised. I pray for a miracle, and it has happened before. I don’t know that America will ever be what it once was though, and that’s very sad.

3 months ago

President Trump is a victim of the lying Socialist Democrats along with their corrupt judges and lawyers! 
President Trump won the presidency in 2020 and the no good lying stealing Democrats got away with it, I say not again! 
America belongs to the American people not the Socialist Democrats and the pieces of shit they have aloud to invade our country! Kick all of them out of our country! 

3 months ago

After so many conspicuously, “low-rent”, criminal maneuvers have been made against President Trump by the “Ever-So-Filthy” HRC, Obama, Biden, DOJ, FBI, and a host of others, it is more clear than ever that THEY KNOW TRUMP IS A BETTER POLITICIAN THAN ALL OF THEM COMBINED (ha-ha-ha!!). That’s why they feel so compelled to attack.
HOW ELSE could he have clobbered HRC and caused her breakdown (ha-ha-ha-ha again!!!) back in 2016?
Be that as it may, we all need to pitch in now – in whatever way we can, with our own brands of activism and noise-making. When Trump “mopped the floor” with Hillary in 2016, I promised my wife I’d laugh for a year. Well, I was wrong…. I LAUGHED FOR TWO YEARs!!! WE ALL DESERVE to be rewarded with a YEAR’S LONG CHUCKLE… so, please, donate, blog, and generally RAISE HELL with these pseudo-intellectuals who can’t hammer a nail in straight (or even bathe regularly, I’m afraid). WE are the humans who walk upright, AND THEY’RE NOT, SO SCREW ‘EM !!!!

Mark Welch
Mark Welch
3 months ago

How did Merchan get this case in the first place along with all the other Trump related cases?

3 months ago

Pure Evil at its finest, hatred is always evil. That is what needs to be addressed not Trump.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

I like the new T-shirt which says : “I’d rather vote for a convicted felon than a jackass” with a graphic of the DIMM symbol!

Mark Welch
Mark Welch
3 months ago

So is the Trump team doing anything to get this to the Supreme Court?

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
3 months ago

The many miserable and evil bastards in government are corrupt, criminal, selfish, and a massive list of descriptions, their day will come, either on earth or refusal for entry into the next existence. I hope I am at the gate and can refuse admission.

3 months ago

With the democrat party constantly quacking about “democracy, democracy, democracy” one would think they’d look at this travesty of justice and quack even louder, but no! It’s a sad statement on their obligation to the Constitution of the United States that they’re willing to forgo that obligation for political gain. While political campaigns are intrinsically “dirty” this is above and beyond anything in our lifetime. Shame on the democrats for sinking so low.

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
3 months ago

Better a politically “convicted felon” than politically protected traitors and their doting front man.

3 months ago

Where in hell is worthless Speaker Johnson and just as incompetent Congressional Republicans to take on sham illegitimate Jan.6 committee and declare it unlawful? They have absolutely nothing to run on in this upcoming election. And I mean NOTHING.

3 months ago

This should be done IMMEDIATELY. Stand up to the criminal administration.

3 months ago

There is nothing that Democrats have done to Trump and his family that isn’t personal and political!! To take that a bit further, there is nothing that Democrats have done to Trump that they wouldn’t happily do to everyone who disagrees with them!!!
So, why are Democrats seemingly so surprised and maybe fearful that Trump and Republicans want revenge and revenge would be appropriate and deserved after all that Democrats have done to him and his family!! There are specific people that may be singled out for provable crimes!!

3 months ago

I would vote for Mr. Trump even if he was on Death Row. I wouldn’t vote for liberal, DemocRAT, “progressive”, or “woke” candidates for ANY elected office, EVER, whether local, state, or federal!

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
3 months ago

The convicted felon is only a temporary label. Once the appeals process gets out of the corrupt N Y state judicial system. The conviction will be overturned and thrown out. However the Supreme Court needs to intervene to bring back creditable to our justice she ASAP!

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
3 months ago

Great article, points are easy to understand. Question, now that the NY Court of Appeals/Supreme Court has shown that they do not care about the constitution, can SOCTUS pick this case up themselves or do they have to receive a formal appeal from the defense attornys??

Neil Gipson
Neil Gipson
3 months ago

You’re correct! These fake and fraudulent “federal crimes” are a sham and meant to interfere with the 2024 presidential election! Everyone involved in this persecution should be arrested and tried on actual RICO charges! Including the jury!

3 months ago

My personal opinion is that this trial was a sham and the gag order is unconstitutional which impacts on Trump’s 1st amendment right.This judge, Manuel Merchan, was anti-Trump which was clear from the beginning so I don’t.believe he could be impartial. This trial should never have come to fruition.

3 months ago

You know that nothing will be done about Bragg and the others – they are Democrats. The guy we really need to target is George Soros – he is the one who gave all these idiots the money to run for office.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
3 months ago

The stage was set for this illegal trial when Nancy Pelosi and her co-conspirators were allowed to use the same total disregard for our laws to convict the January 6 demonstrators. Many people who never set foot in the capitol were identified by the FBI and served time without being charged. Putin and Xi were very proud of her and her comrades.

Frances O'Toole
Frances O'Toole
3 months ago

Great article!!!! Thank you for laying out all the reasons why the Supreme Court should Act now so our country doesn’t collapse into further chaos.

3 months ago

We can only imagine how many millions of dollars and how many hours of Congressmen’s time was totally wasted on this attempt by Dimocraps to “GET” Trump at any cost, for as long as it takes! They have spent 8+ years trying to silenceTrump but could not. It backfired on them as they only increased Trump’s popularity in the polls! President Trump spent four years making America, a better nation for all of us, of any color. Bidumb has spent four years destroying America, creating DEI, increasing Crime, Racism, Inflation, Global Warming, Pandemics, War and trying to figure out what a woman is! Bidumb is the one who is actually guilty of felonies and should be in prison!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
3 months ago

Most of us in this country have never seen such people as the ones that set up the court to convict a President of this country nothing but corruption in that so called courthouse just a all time scam when this is done and over turned they need to go after all those involved in the so called conviction of a president if this scam can happen watch out because it will be just the beginning from corrupt courts in blue cities anyone they do not like they will go after and do the same. This needs to stop and all those that did this need to be sent to jail.

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
3 months ago

Being heard all over the United States and beyond.
“The slime has outdone themselves, and now we can no longer abide by their lies, whining, fear-mongering, and want them gone, gone, gone!!! They will be.”” Your false superiority has been uncovered, so be it!”
“Retribution, NO, just law and order, and your ‘devoid of feelings’ violations amounting to massive and needed attention by those with legal authority to address these “cowards” shall be done.”
“You sought it for others, and as stated all over God’s creation – now what you reap will be granted to YOU! Genuine and honest justice will be served.”

3 months ago

In the immortal words of Barack Obama, “elections have consequences.” No one paid any attention. Are they paying attention now?

Fredric Ducolon
Fredric Ducolon
3 months ago

Yes take it to the Supreme Court

3 months ago

This was a strange trial in that I do not recall that Trump or lawyers did not come out and claim that he was innocent of doing the things that caused the trial. Only thing I remember is that Trump said he not know one person. Trump did not have a Dream Team like OJ had back in the day of the White Bronco chase.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
3 months ago

Actually, until the judge passes sentence, Trump is not convicted. Yes, the despicable jury found him guilty, but the jury cannot convict. Only the judge can.

3 months ago

It seems the SC avoids cases that would actually save our Constitutiinal Republic. Instead they take on silly little cases that have little or no effect.

3 months ago

If Trump isn’t on the ballot, I’ll write him in. I wouldn’t vote for Jackass Joe if he were the only person on the ballot.

3 months ago

More Censorship By 2facebook & Every Other POS Leftist REGIME PLAYER….Here is Yet ANOTHER Share They Are NOT Allowing. This Time It Just Says, “The Link Might Be Broken”….to Reload, Then Same Message. They’ve Been Censoring, aka NOT Allowing Shares Of ANYTHING They’re Trying to Hide & Keep From the PUBLIC, aka The People.

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 months ago

There is a lot being “drowned out” about this, bad bad bad as it was.
One: The judge did admonish Trump’s counsel more than once about their failure to adequately represent him, which begs questions: Were his attorneys submediocre, like some of his endorsements? Were they incompetent? Did micromanager Trump dictate to them how they were to handle his cases? And lost?
Two: Before any verdict was reached and reported the judge did report to all counsel that there was taint in jury and nothing was done about it. Why not?
I realize there are a “few” cheerleaders, but no matter how much you love him, at some point all sides need to be looked at. Objectively.

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