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January 6th Committee – Lies Within Lies

Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

In sword fighting, as in politics, one meets “the feint,” a deceptive move intended to misdirect, cause an overreaction, distraction, opening, false plunge, or parry. In his epic series Dune, Frank Herbert refers to “feints within feints within feints.”  The January 6th investigative Committee is giving Herbert a run for his money, “feints within feints within feints.” Now, we know.

The US House Administration Committee has an Oversight Subcommittee. That investigative body is chaired by Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), who – having met with him – is a thoughtful, methodical, quintessential investigator. Not Christy’s Poirot, he is unglamorous, yet unremitting in pursuit of truth.  And … he is finding it.

What he has found so far about January 6th is arresting, but not for the reason you think. Far from a government takeover greenlighted by Mr. Trump, the run-amuck day on Capitol Hill appears to have been a convenient springboard for Democrat ambitions – the opening act to stop Trump’s return.

What exactly have investigators found?  A lot, and it points to an insipid, insidious misuse of government power. Incredibly, the more they find, and more damning what they find is to the January 6th investigative committee, the deeper the thing goes. Democrats were fabricators.

When Republicans won control of the US House on November 17, 2022, a string of breathtaking events unfolded behind the scenes – coordinated by Democrats – that hardly anyone saw. They happened with intent, quickly, quietly, unethically, and suggest bald indifference to laws.

What the Laudermilk investigators uncovered earlier this year, soft-shoed by Democrats in the media, not discussed by House, Senate, and White House Democrats, was bad. A large volume of legally significant material produced in interviews with Democrat investigators was missing.

They learned hundreds of transcript pages, physical recordings, and other “real evidence,” which any court or committee archives for reference, was transferred to the Democrat-controlled executive branch, or – hold onto your chair – physically destroyed.

Ignoring the doctrine of separation of powers, the legal mandate that substantive evidence not be destroyed, and leading to the inference that what was hidden and destroyed was exculpatory, or proved that the story told was untrue – Democrats “disappeared” what they wanted no one to see.

If you doubt all this happened, cull the record of discoveries Chairman Laudermilk’s committee has already made, and you will see that – while Democrats do not want you to know it – they lied about what they knew and what they did, mispresented their handoff, and destroyed real evidence.

Under federal law – the Jencks Act, 18 USC 3500 – a prosecutor must produce a “verbatim report” of testimony, no hiding or destroying. The reason is this testimony may tend to prove innocence.

The Democrat “J 6 Committee,” playing at being prosecutors, but really playing with people’s lives – did the opposite. They changed, hid, and disposed of vital evidence, a fact being re-discovered through fresh depositions and subpoenas of the White House. Turns out, the story is not as told.

For example, even as the House strives to unmask, un-redact, and get what was illicitly given to the Biden White House by Democrats, much engineered by the dark Liz Cheney, there is more.

Among eye-popping facts found last week, a witness of importance was taken to a room controlled exclusively by Liz Cheney, seemingly pressured to say things untrue and change testimony, which was then presented as fact to the public, including about President Trump.

Specifically, the scurrilous, plainly false rumors about his grabbing a car’s wheel, and doing other insensible things were “testimony” taken with Cheney privately, no Republicans present, and when the Secret Service instantly said, “utterly untrue,” they were silenced until after the 2020 election.

Then came the story that Pelosi had been stopped from getting the National Guard on the scene to back up the Capitol Police by Trump. Turns out, total falsehood a storyline she and other Democrats, as well as Cheney and “J 6 Committee” staff wrote to confirm. Totally false.

Thanks to Laudermilk’s investigation of the investigation, we now know this: Trump approved the National Guard well in advance, and Democrats declined them before or during the riot because they thought it might look bad in the context of the 2020 race riots. Then, they blamed Trump.

Now, we even have the tape recording of Pelosi – admitting to her own staff – that she was “responsible” for there being no National Guard, implicitly for the breach of the Capitol. She lied, to slime Trump.

The list goes on and on and on, each real fact more stunning than the last. What does it mean? The  “January 6th Committee”  was, it appears, intended not to find truth but to block it. It was high-risk, high-cost political gamesmanship, a multi-million dollar boondoggle, aimed at stopping Trump.

The more the US House Administration Committee’s Oversight Committee digs, the more they find, and the more like a well-planned put-up job the thing looks. Clearly, the effort to sully Trump, and block his political return, was led by Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, and top Democrats, with no ethics anywhere.

Bottom line: What is shaping up is serious. Not only was this a political dirty trick, a “feint within a feint within a feint,” nesting lies to illegitimately twist the political knife in Trump, but it may have engendered acts that are themselves crimes. Just when you think you have heard it all, comes another “feint within a feint within a feint.” Just be ready to think harder, be wary, and parry.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.   

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3 months ago

RBC, nice article which I think that most of Americans have come to realize the antics of the Democrats during the Jan 6 situation. Now, the real question is “Will those guilty of this farce ever be brought up on charges and persecuted to the full extent of the law?” It always seems that all authorities of high offices get off the charges despite the fact that “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!” Only time will tell.

3 months ago

And of course, nobody from the J6 committee is held accountable for all their criminal acts. Only those picked up by the DOJ for just being there.

3 months ago

“I INTEND TO FUNDEMENTALLY CHANGE THE UNITED STATES.” Left unsaid.I loath this country and all that it stands for. BARACK H.OBAMA.

3 months ago

If we ever expect to regain control of our government for the people these J6 committee vermin need to be investigated and prosecuted.

Robert Grove
Robert Grove
3 months ago

Something needs to be done to release and compensate our Jan 6th prisoners who were physical or property damage

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
3 months ago

Anyone who has seen Tucker’s airing of the January 6th footage… and still believes it was an “insurrection”… is a TRIBALIST! … period! These idiots piss me off!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Been Lies day 1 rigged via Pelosi & allies

3 months ago

Jan 6 dem committee must be nullified by Congress. Marxist are using it as justifying documentation. This must be done ASAP.

3 months ago

Nancy, Liz and the rest of the goons should have to foot the bill for all of this nonsense instead of the American taxpayers!

M. Price
M. Price
3 months ago

Overwhelming evidence it was a set up, evidence Antifa bastards were brought in as decoys for real patriots, evidence capitol police enticed patriots into the the Capitol, evidence Trump requested National Gaurd but canceled by Piglosi’s, orders, Pelosi daughter filmed much of it, and real American patriots and war veterans are locked up in this fake administrations prison. Almost 4 years and we the people have allowed this to go on. Sickening!

Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
3 months ago

Great. Interesting. But it accomplishes nothing. SOBiden and his puppeteers, led by SOBama, are still in control and the J6 group is still in jail.

3 months ago

It doesn’t matter since nothing will be done to those who broke the law. Until someone of name is actually prosecuted and convicted, the legal system will remain defunct.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

We know all that we also know innocent people are in jail Ashley Babbitt is dead and that dems got away with the hoax after hoax after hoax Justice dept being the the biggest one All these comities panels and so forth and no one in jail Only those who should not be

3 months ago

Donald Trump was elected by the vote of the people in 2020 and his efforts to show the people that their legitimate choice was replaced through a massive series of lies, untruths, and fraudulent acts by both Democrats and Republicans were negated by members of the Executive branch, the Legislative branch, and certainly the Judicial branch, aided and abetted by the Media and by numerous major American businessmen and the entities they represent.
We the people know that and understand the duplicity those heinous acts represent.
We the people have dealt with acts so heinous as to be unbelievable. But we the people know that Donald Trump is not the problem. Donald Trump may not be the total solution, but we know that we have been deprived of his capability through deceit, fraud, and criminality.
2024 will be an election…to correct the previous (S)election. The people are watching.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
3 months ago

Does everyone know to set-up a secure perimeter around the Capital Building on January sixth. They used unmanned temporary snow fencing set up on the lawn of the Capital Building. Had Nancy Pelosi and the Mayor of Washington D.C. approved the request to call up the National Guard on the morning of January sixth. Armed National Guard personnel would have been stationed at the fencing. No one would have reached the steps of the Capital Building that day. It was a set up from the start, perpetrated by Nancy Pelosi to entrap President Trump’s supporters.

John Bass
John Bass
3 months ago

None of this surprises me. I mean what do we expect? When Hillary is caught red handed with a non-sanctioned illegal server hidden away in a closet, then she has destroyed thousand of emails relating to her ongoing illegal activities, and nothing happens to her.
Then we have her husband Billy meeting with the Attorney General hammering out the specifics of what will NOT happen to her, and nothing happens…we have Pelosi and countless others making millions on insider trading, and nothing happens. The list go on and on, but it’s always the same…NOTHING HAPPENS.
Now we have evidence of good old Joe committing treason, shaking down foreign governments and anyone else he can for millions of dollar. You guessed it, nothing happens…the Dem’s feel, NO, make that they know they can do anything they want and get away with it. Apparently the law only apply to Republicans and to any conservative they can make up stuff about.
So does it surprise me that all this nonsense and made up stuff about the J6ers is finally coming out, how all they were really guilty of was making a poor choice by allowing themselves to be led into the capital by Dem operatives, then sucker punched? The answer is NO, it’s becoming the new norm.
Americans should be screaming from the roof tops demanding justice, but apparently that only applies to angry mobs rioting for the Dem’s and so called social change.

May God continue to bless the USA, and remember vote (as many times as you possibly can) TRUMP 2024

3 months ago

It would seem that if evidence was destroyed, a crime was committed and some one, or multiple someones, should be charged with criminal activity. The criminals are in charge of the Justice Department and the swamp in which it exists, so that won’t happen. The majority of the public swallowed the concocted story hook, line and sinker and consider it just another political hoax like many others. Until or unless there are people charged in a court of law with a crime, whatever is being done in the House is interesting, but so what?

3 months ago

Socialist Democrats are sickening, when you had riots by the Socialist burning down police stations, court houses etc. they were expressing themselves! Socialist Democrats are murders, thieves and liars, kick them out of America!

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
3 months ago


Because independent thinking is not on their Bucket List.

3 months ago

****SIGH**** I’m well-past disgusted by these “discoveries”, “revelations”, “exposures”, and “bombshells” of DemocRAT lawlessness, always YEARS after the atrocities were committed when public interest has faded. Apparently, these are ends unto themselves, since nothing else ever transpires. “No news here, nothing to see”; move along…….

Neil Gipson
Neil Gipson
3 months ago

The J-6 committee were all liars and traitors, they should all be put to death for treason! Especially bluegum bennie!

3 months ago

This committee just confirms what many of us strongly suspected that the J6 “Committee” had one mission: To stop Trump from ever, ever draining the swamp that most Democrats thrive in. Since so much time has elapsed, many Americans have already forgotten the incident and will just go on their merry way thinking what the J6 “found” was true. There are many that are infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome and will vote for whoever is running against Trump. I pray to God people wake up by November.

3 months ago

Liz has always been a RINO/Democrat/Socialist/Communist and always will be. She belongs to the “Council on Foreign Relations” just like “Daddy” did. For those who don’t know “The Council on Foreign Relations” is another Globalist group that doesn’t think you know how to run your life, but they do and you will have “NOTHING” and “LIKE IT”. Anyone who watched all the videos on January 6th (Before they were taken down and or destroyed) KNOWS that everything the RINO/Democrat/Socialist/Communist Party has said about January 6th is/was a LIE!!!!! It’s time to QUIT pussyfooting around and start calling the RINO/Democrat/Socialist/Communist party members what they are “TRAITORS” and treat them as such. The TRAITORS who sent TAX $$$ to China for GAIN OF FUNCTION research should be first in line, then the upper three levels of every three letter agency in the “Government” should be next. Sadly HELL will freeze over before we see that happen. We have too many “GUTLESS” lifetime “POLITICIANS” in Congress.

John A Bird
John A Bird
3 months ago

What really bothers me is that although each politician must take an oath before taking office, they are not bound by their oath. This needs to stop immediately!

3 months ago

And no one will be held accountable.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

Very important ,and serious issue, involved with all of this corruption pertaining to the January 6 stuff. Because it is serious then I do believe bringing some humor into the matter will help to look at the situation in a balanced way. In. this cases bit of sword humor. After reading this article I gave some thought to getting a sword ! No plan to go walking around in public with it , but I reckon it could help with opening watermelons .And the idea of ” parry ” is a good strategy too. Considering the crime situation. a sword could be a deterant in some circumstances. O.K , the lack of ethics involved in this January 6 plan by the Democrats is really something else ! What those of us who believe in Conservative principles can see with this corruption is not surprising, but it is despicable. It is very good that you wrote this article Robert, it shows how much is needed to maintain a proper sense of Honor and Integrity when dealing with the Democrats involved in this wrong – doing. Honor and Integrity are qualities that provide a foundation for the National Character of America . A spirit of Reverence , for the will of God, and respect for loyalty for those of us who value truth and liberty – that is what will help to deal with this situation. There is plenty to do to set things right here in the United States, and having the qualities of good character , living with a sense of purpose, according to ethical standards and a code of conduct will be in favor of a system that will defend Truth and Liberty .


3 months ago

What Mr Charles writes here is nothing new. I said it from day one after Jan 6 2021. P for sure had this all in hand. Not warning the capitol police ahead of time, letting the chief of the capitol police waiting for a decision on how to handle the peaceful crowd. It was all a set up from beginning to end to disqualify Trump forever. Which confirmed their behavior the last 4 years to get rid of Trump and his supporters. They might get rid of Trump but his supporters is another thing. For every “trump” they eliminate 2 or more will stand up. Everyone, but the most unconscious sheep, see the light. The dems with their deep state and elite money will cease to exist. Humanity demands it, will we people keep on living in a humane world where the people are the voice of te country not those at the top dictators. It is time for them to go. If not through an election maybe through an en masse uprising. All our lives and future generations are at stake.

3 months ago

It appears the democrat administration and the large band of federal employees they use have so much power that there is little any of us can do to restore normal freedom — little we can do but look for truth and vote. This is such a 1984 story — we wish it were fiction.

3 months ago

All these facts should be widely publicized, but the MSM won’t, it might tarnish what little self respect they have left. Maybe drop leaflets by airplane all over the country. All we can hope for is more conservatives getting elected and pursuing the truth.

3 months ago

I have known this from the very beginning. On January 5th, I was listening to my local AM radio station in my car on the way to the store. They were talking about how both Nancy Pelosi & the DC mayor had refused to have the National Guard there as they didn’t like the optics. I believe that they didn’t want any interference to their planned “insurrection” with their implanted FBI riot instigators. As it turned out they have arrested & jailed many innocent citizens for just walking around in the capitol, the People’s House.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

What’s the deal? January 6th was “mostly peaceful”, right? Nothing got burned down, nothing got blown up… can’t say the same for the WHOLE YEAR of 2020 when the left decided to “resist”!

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
3 months ago

As many have commented, this whole exposee is useless unless some people get prosecuted! We want justice, not just proof that the January 6 inquest was corrupt! It was obvious from the start that this political football was launched by the democrats and leftist republicans. How annoying it was to hear them talk about it like an armed insurrection threatening our democracy!! It seemed like a house of cards that should have been so easy to knock down from day one. Why does it take so long to debunk this crap?

John Shipway
John Shipway
3 months ago

You think the January 6th B.S. was bad? Take a look back at what the Dems will do between now and November. After November President Trump should get very used to wearing Kevlar as well.
We aint seen nothing yet, but I betcha we will

Joan M
Joan M
3 months ago

Mr. Charles, your reports are usually the best! This one was confusing. And had too much conservative commentary and cutesy phrasing – “feints upon feints upon feints”. I was hoping it would just present facts clearly show the innocence of Trump with regard to January 6th because I have relatives who believe Trump called for the riot. I wish someone would write a factual, non-political explanation of the truth that I can share with these relatives. I can’t send this to them.

3 months ago

none of this will ever come to “life.” The press is a Democratic/ Socialist mouth piece!

3 months ago

I’m GLAD to hear that our Congress is just now finding out WHAT WE ALL KNEW WAS GOING ON in REAL TIME!!! This is what happens when you don’t HAVE a ‘free press’, but one that is bought and paid for by a political party devoid of moral fortitude!!!

Papa John
Papa John
3 months ago

Innocent people are sitting in jail while real criminals roam free. Someone needs to be held accountable for all of this.
Trump should pardon all Jan 6 prisoners his first day in office.

John Riley
John Riley
3 months ago

When will this committee’s report be released? Where can we see it?

3 months ago

Pelosi is a scourge on Congress who has used her position to enrich herself and family and to control in an autocratic way, OUR laws. She is selfish, arrogant and deceitful as well as unethical, nasty and cruel. Cheney had an excellent role model as she took over the Jan 6 Committee and I have little doubt that Pelosi was pulling Cheney’s strings quite a bit. Neither woman is worth much and Cheney paid the political price. I hope it’s not long before San Fran voters forces out Pelosi — it is way past her shelf life.

3 months ago

OK . . . If “ no one is above the law”, when will we see some prosecutions?

James DeBona
James DeBona
3 months ago

This isn’t just to be written off as “political dirty tricks”, these are treasonous and conspiratorial crimes by elected officials in positions of trust!
I am so darned exhausted of Democrat’s telling us “No one is above the law” when it comes to Trump and the Republicans, but then committing multiple crimes themselves in numerous attempts to cling to power at all costs! Then walk away free as birds to do it again and again!
I’m hoping that a new Trump administration will assign special prosecutors to gather all the pertinent evidence and investigate every single Democrat with fingerprints anywhere near this deceitful and treasonous conspiracy. Then, indict, prosecute and march off to the big-house those that are found guilty! Only then will we begin to stop this dangerous anti-American behavior.

3 months ago

Great article. Just like the stolen election the Democrats are responsible for all of your problems. This election everybody needs to vote like their life depends on it. The only way we see Justice is if President Donald J Trump wins!

3 months ago

It must be hard to “reposition” the brand of self-absorbed wickedness that the “Democrats” have been steeped in for many years. It’s also hard to “unsee” things that they have done, and downright impossible to forget who they are, and why we must keep as many as possible from ever holding office.
These are bad people who want to drown the voices of good people for their own filthy reward. Somehow, they will get what’s coming to them… especially if we all pitch in like good neighbors!!

3 months ago

When is the J6 committee going to be brought in for some serious questioning and to expose this for being the sham that it was… cmon GOP led House..

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
3 months ago

The January 6th was organized by the”queen”of nowere in a kangaroo court of TRUMP haters,how fair is that,about as fair as the new dork trials,again,trump haters.It’s all about power for the leftist cult AKA:democrats.

3 months ago

This nation can not allow another Jan 6th attack on our Capitol like this, no matter who you want to point fingers at. This is a Black Eye on our history & many innocent people have suffered from this. Jan 6th is wrong no matter how you try to paint the picture! How can anyone condone breaking windows to gain entrance to any house that did not belong to theme.

3 months ago


3 months ago

The democrats are on their way to becoming obsolete with all their corruption, propaganda and lies and the cop out on the American people.

3 months ago

it’s obvious that the J6 Committee was a fraud. The Democrats should be required to pay back the money they spent on the committee to the taxpayers.

3 months ago

Every unrepentent one of them will face The Lord Jesus Christ who is God the Son, and then true eternal justice will be served.

The aftermath of a disaster while the flag hangs.
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