
Newsline , Society

George Soros 2.0?

Posted on Thursday, June 13, 2024
by Shane Harris

Pierre Omidyar may be the most influential private citizen you’ve never heard of. The former CEO of eBay, Omidyar now leads the Omidyar Network, a self-described “philanthropic investment firm” which funds far-left nonprofits that have vowed to “reimagine capitalism” and create an “anti-racist economy” – and has a heavy presence in the Biden administration.

According to a new report out from The Daily Wire this week, the French-born Omidyar has installed dozens of key allies from his network of charities and nonprofits in top Biden administration posts, including an unusual number of high-ranking officials at the Federal Trade Commission. As Luke Rosiak writes for the Wire, “Lina Khan, the FTC’s chair, was previously the legal director of the Open Markets Institute, funded by the Omidyar Network.” The FTC’s chief of staff, chief technology officer, technology advisor, spokesperson, and one of the agency’s five commissioners – conveniently the one that gives the commission a Democrat majority – all also previously worked under the Omidyar Network umbrella, along with dozens of other lower-level staffers.

As AMAC Newsline has previously reported, Khan’s FTC is responsible for highly controversial actions such as banning employers from requiring workers to sign noncompete agreements.

The Omidyar Network also succeeded in installing its allies in key posts at the Biden Department of Justice. DOJ Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division Jonathan Kanter, the division’s Senior Counsel Sally Hubbard, and Deputy Chief of Staff Robyn Shapiro all came from the American Economic Liberties Project, another member of the Omidyar Network.

At least 12 staffers in the Biden White House itself have direct ties to the Omidyar Network – after Omidyar allegedly funneled millions of dollars through left-wing dark money groups to Biden’s 2020 campaign.

As Rosiak reports, “One of Omidyar’s top goals is breaking up companies, particularly tech firms.” While that might sound like good news to conservatives concerned about Big Tech censorship and left-wing bias, Omidyar’s issue with tech companies appears to be that they aren’t left-wing enough and should be doing more to help Democrats in elections.

In total, the Omidyar Network has doled out some $1.86 billion to advance left-wing causes, saying that it hopes to “reimagine critical systems, and the ideas that govern them, to build more inclusive and equitable societies.” Back in 2020, Omidyar himself issued a “Call to Reimagine Capitalism in America,” lamenting “structural racism, colonialism, paternalism,” and advocating for “an explicitly anti-racist and inclusive economy.” He also pledged to “commit to the calling of Angela Davis,” a self-described communist involved in the Jonestown suicide cult.

Omidyar has also written that former President Donald Trump “is a dangerous authoritarian demagogue” and that “endorsing Donald Trump immediately disqualifies you from any position of public trust.”

Omidyar’s activism immediately calls to mind comparisons to liberal billionaire George Soros, whose sprawling network of charities and nonprofits has directly led to the rise of progressive prosecutors and the so-called criminal justice “reform” movement.

But in some ways the Omidyar Network is even more dangerous. While Soros primarily funds prosecutors who are ultimately accountable to voters, Omidyar’s acolytes carry out their ideological agenda from unelected posts deep in the federal bureaucracy. By avoiding direct campaign contributions, Omidyar has largely flown under the radar and impacted policy from the shadows.

Rosiak’s reporting likely just scratches the surface of the Omidyar Network’s web of influence. It also appears to vindicate Trump’s warnings about the Deep State and further underscore the importance of Trump’s plans to slash the size of the federal government and root out ideologically motivated bureaucrats.

Specifically, Trump has promised to reclassify tens of thousands of bureaucrats responsible for carrying out policy under a new “Schedule F” designation to allow the president to fire them. Currently, these bureaucrats can openly thwart a president’s agenda but are legally protected from firing. Trump initiated the creation of Schedule F during his first term via executive order, but Biden rescinded it.

Trump has also vowed to cut entire offices and agencies, dramatically reducing the overall number of federal employees. Under Joe Biden, the size of the federal bureaucracy has exploded, with federal employment up more than 1.1 million since Joe Biden took office and federal jobs accounting for 30 percent of all job growth over the past year.

These actions by Trump would weaken the ability of unelected individuals like Omidyar to influence federal policymaking and potentially thwart the will of a president elected by voters. While the Omidyar Network might agree with Biden ideologically, the real danger comes when these same partisan actors work to undermine a conservative president.

As long as Biden remains in office, however, the Omidyar Network will likely continue to enjoy immense sway over public policy – and the lives of the American people as well as the integrity of their democracy will continue to suffer as a result.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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3 months ago

Another rich commie who’s too stupid to realize the very thing he wants to destroy is what has made his wealth possible.

FJ Beiermeister
FJ Beiermeister
3 months ago

As the debate goes on about Biden‘s suitability to serve, the real problem is his cabinet and other employees of the White House as discussed in this article. Conservative people need to run against the entire White House apparatus because Biden is only the figurehead and if he’s replaced with another figurehead the msdirection of the country will continue.

3 months ago

Might we add that all the money designated for Build Back Better and IRA is being used to create a network that is working on the election of the president, senators, representatives, governors, mayors, state legislatures and city councils and county commissioners in the dem columns. This goes far beyond the presidential election. Remember the neighborhood organizations O started. 1.1 billion dollars is nothing to sneeze at. How can we citizens fight that with our few dollars we have to spare to get reps elected. The deep state is deep and well rooted. It won’t be easy to get them out. They play dirty everywhere. Think of the Supreme Court Justices. They have their tentacles everywhere. The election is already rigged. The election will not take place something drastic will take place. A war a death or an attack by all these invaders being let in America the past 4 years. And what the kicker is we paid for it to let it happen.Because Obiden called Trump and his supporters Nazis to deflect from what they are themselves. Until every American resolves to save America and not their party maybe America can be saved but I doubt it. Their strategy against Trump is full of lies, and made up, all to keep the power to destroy America and defeat Trump and the white race.

3 months ago

Why wont they leave this Republic alone?? Go peddle your evil ideas in the communist countries that might welcome you. This great country has a Constitution that allows its citizens to thrive and prosper, and we don’t want you here.

3 months ago

Time to limit billionaires, and everyone else to one $2,500 donation per year, whether they make it to an NGO, or political campaign, or PAC. One donation and done, that will effectively curb their Soros like appetite to be like God, or buy themselves a country. Anyone who exceeds this amount by one cent should face confiscation of their entire wealth, deportation if here on a greencard, and long term jail time. We can no longer afford strawman donations to a myriad of PACs and organizations set up with the exclusive intent, and purpose of money laundering, obfuscation of donor identity, and to undermine our electoral system by allowing these individuals to put their gold bars on the balance that decides the future of our country, our future, and the future of our families. Only exception should be organizations of faith, as tithing the tenth is scriptural, and does not come with political strings; oh and by the way satanism does not qualify as religion because anything calling for destruction of all is not a religion.

3 months ago

Hopefully Trump will be able to weed out Omydiar hinchman and appointees. That is extremely dangerous to have one man with a lot of guiding the Deep state in the destruction of this country. Thank you for pointing him out we would never have known he was in existence let alone running stuff

3 months ago

Thank you AMAC for unveiling the evil that’s around us and standing strong for common sense values.

William Hodge
William Hodge
3 months ago

Go ahead and deport or try and jail this anti American POS. Take all of his wealth and throw any family he may have into the street.

3 months ago

I am a states rights person..go ole 10th Amendment! I do NOT believe in a gigantic federal government, never have. There HAS to be something wrong when almost 20% of a nation’s citizens work for a government agency. I didn’t want to vote for Trump (can’t anyone get him to just shut his mouth for a change?), but no way I wanted Clinton. Or Biden. I voted for Trump for the SCOTUS realignment. Now we have two bad choices and America is probably going to see massive protesting no matter who wins. We are on the wrong path here and the liberal voters with TDS, and the ones who don’t realize the MSM is lying to them, don’t seem to care about anything but seeing Trump in jail. I actually feel sorry for Trump now. Our country cannot survive another 4 years of Biden/Obama (we all know who is running the government behind his back). And if we can’t get rid of the Deep State, we are done in America.

3 months ago

Don’t forget about Klaus Schwab and the younger Soros, who’s a chip off the old block and has many years of life ahead of him.

3 months ago

I hope President Trump reads AMAC.

3 months ago

For starters, make Omidyar and Soros’ groups criminally and financially liable for the results of their Communist activities. Also make government employment impossible for anyone who is connected to these groups in any way, as well as membership on any corporate board.

3 months ago

So until they make lots of dough, then do they become philanthropist. But only after they take all the money they can from the weak minded. Remember they gather others monies to use on their nutty ideas, and never theirs.
We call them NIMFY’s Not in my front yard (s) you dont

3 months ago

This all has been in the works for years–so I would like to make some suggestions.
Many realities are happening with some peeps are awakening while others peeps are are in some different mindset. So the best I can state is.
Remember it breaks down to one saving grace & that is LOVE–Christ, tried very hard to get peeps to understand this & he died for all, leaving all with the saying— Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do.
So maybe if we all were to ask God each night to bless everyone, things would start to turn around. It has been stated the Earth will give the majority what they ask for – I have asked for Blessing All & Clean Waterways.& I try to Remember to Humble & be very Thankful. ( Mind you– this isn’t easy to do I know).
I’ll be 81 this June 2024 & have had my share of ups & downs & maybe more to come, I joined AMAC when it was only 1/2 Million strong & watched it grow which is wonderful!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Everyone focuses on the “reason” the left hate Trump: no class, mean tweets, blah blah blah… but the fact is they hate Trump because he will cost them power and money and time establishing their Marxist nirvana.

3 months ago

Yes, and how many more are in the woodwork, ready to get a government position and will not be able to fire them because of Pres. Biden’s edicts.

3 months ago

I know Christianity has lost members and is getting smaller, but that’s predicted in the bible as one of the end time signs. Soon the church will be removed from the world. It’s not too late to ask Christ Jesus to save you. That is the only way to God, and the way to being saved. As Billy Graham said often, “Now is the hour of decision”. None of us know how much time we have so don’t wait long to accept Christ as Savior.

Don Wong
Don Wong
3 months ago

Criminal Politicians will always allow other Criminals who aid their agenda in some way, to operate, knowing they can squash them if they get out of line. Like a magician, misdirection allows the show to have appeal with the target audience.This article speak of just 1 of hundreds of operators like this one

3 months ago

Sounds like Trump will have plenty of cleaning house when he returns to the WH…

3 months ago

Amazing how many foreigners come to the USA and can’t wait to change everything that made this country great! I look at how many US Congressmen with naturalized citizenships are working so hard to change everything. And in regard to illegal immigration, 90 percent of those pushing for amnesty and permission to come here have last names that relate to the languages of illegals!

3 months ago

Yup another string pulling idiot trying to be the worlds next dictator!!!!

3 months ago

These autocrats never stop. They think they know what’s good for us, but they never ask. Can one man (Trump) reverse this menace to our liberty?

3 months ago

I have observed these sellers on eBay I won’t buy anything There offering They proudly go to Good will, rescue mission stores supposed to be about helping people in poverty pretty disgusting especially on a sale day heaping over shopping carts “antique dealers” first ones to complain about prices! To buy up everything someone without doesn’t have the opportunity to have decent shoes! I don’t give to these stores anymore because this is flat off the chain Greed that they got buy without paying taxes for a long time! Disgusting ????!

3 months ago

It’s amazing to see how the America haters have infiltrated our Government agencies. Even if we change a few key players the Progressive “deep state” will continue to circumvent and hamstring every conservative move . It’s overwhelming to see how organized they are.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
3 months ago

Until I see cretins like georgie soros, omidyar, billy gates, zuckerburg, bezos and the rest of the motley crew divest themselves of their billions. spread their wealth and live on a modest $60-$80 K salary per year like lot of us, they can all shove their ideology and lies where the sun don’t shine. They are nothing but BS artists and no one should believe anything that comes out of their idiotic pie-holes. These people are plotting against the US and her Citizens. They are onboard with united nations agenda 21 and the 2030 agenda. They are all nothing but money-grubbing thugs. They are pushing to be kings so they can enslave everyone else. They are warped, with no moral compass.

3 months ago

Now more than ever we need President Trump. The deep state is alive and well in DC. He is the only person who can root out the festering rot in the federal government. You may not like him but he is the only one with balls to get the job done.

3 months ago

These people should NEVER have any influence in our country and OUR government. biden is a traitor of the highest caliber and he and many of his administration should face one of our legitimate courts of law and if found guilty of trying to destroy our country face public execution by firing squad.
If The United States legal system, Department of Justice, fails to do this and instead, lets them all off with a slap on the wrist, America, as we know it will cease to exist. Democrats are responsible for all of this, and such, their political party should be disbanded and thrown on the ash heap of failed politics. If they are not executed they should all have their American citizenship revoked and then deported with no chance of ever being allowed in our country again.

Pat R
Pat R
3 months ago

The saying “power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely” seems to be happening to a lot (if not nearly all) entrepreneurs whose business/company became a big success and make them billionnaires. Somehow they think that gives them the right to remake America and/or her people theirs to control.

3 months ago

Another SOB who needs to be ejected from a Mach 3 vehicle at 80.000 feet!

Judy Jamison
Judy Jamison
3 months ago

Good article, but why do we persist in labeling such people “progressive”. There is nothing progressive about plain old fashioned elitist tyranny.

jon brown
jon brown
3 months ago

Joe McCarthy tried to warn us……he was right after all !!

3 months ago

America needs to protect her identity and her freedoms. With the progressives and the globalists pushing their agenda no one should be allowed to serve in our government who doesn’t embrace, support, and defend our Constitutional values. After all politicians take are required to take this vow before taking office.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
Violating the oath of office is a federal crime! 7311 explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense (and a violation of oath of office) for anyone employed in the United States Government (including members of Congress) to “advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government. The fourth federal law, 18 U.S.C.l crime
People like George Soros and Pierre Omidyer would have very little success in their efforts to turn America into a socialist regime if the rule of law regarding the oath of office was upheld and those who deviate from it were removed.

3 months ago

TRUMP , TRUMP , TRUMP …. We are now up against MARXIST , COMMUNISTS , with our law enforcement letting criminals go , putting NUNS & CATHOLICS in jail .. January 6th was a set up … They have been trying to imprison President TRUMP , since he came down the runway in 2016 ! They are afraid of him .. That says something .. He is for the blue collar worker , US .

3 months ago

Why do people like Omidyar think like this and why not in another country? Does lots of money make him crazy or was he always this silly and out of touch. He lives in his entitled bubble. He doesn’t give a bean about hard working people. SAD.

3 months ago

The opposition was so successful against President Trump 43. Using all of their considerable power against him, they could not keep him from accomplishing quite a lot.
They never stop. Their idea seems to be to come at him from every direction and tell the story so it looks good. Skip the facts. Governor Newsome’s statement on the status of the California border is pure fiction. I feel like we are living the novel 1984.

3 months ago

Why do people always want to change america, the country that made them so successful ??? makes no sense !!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

George Soros 2.0? Soros 1.0 is bad enough!

3 months ago

I wonder how these EBay sellers because I know how they acquire their Merchandise are protecting the public from Bedbugs & Scabies?

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
3 months ago

The Soros organization, this Omidyar Network and others need to be outlawed in this country…found to be criminal activity.

3 months ago

Bahbahbah, what a joke. A bunch of crooks.

Billy Wilson
Billy Wilson
3 months ago

They are removing our FREEDOMS to turn us Communist

Rebecca Fields
Rebecca Fields
3 months ago

It is time to keep Soros, Omidyar and others who want to destroy our country from giving money to those who do their bidding. We don’t need interference in our elections or those given high positions.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
3 months ago

I’ve said it before: These Progressive-Socialists will never quit and never go away. Until we rid ourselves of all of them, we can never rely on preserving our American way of life. I would prefer a peaceful means – like permanent deportation – but, I also wouldn’t hesitate to adopt their modus operandi of “the ends justify the means.”

I'm a guest
I'm a guest
3 months ago

Old Time Marxists like Mao and Stalin came to power by the use of force. Gaining Raw Power by the force of the Gun. When they gained Raw Power, they gained wealth…
Another important factor, w/ Raw Power comes Total Control. Fast forwards to today’s modern Marxists, they are much smarter and better educated than the old-line Marxists (some still around) like the Kim’s of N. Korea, the Castro bros, now deceased and the Venezuelan Marxists strong men. One dead, one still alive.
Today’s Western Marxists use their brains to get fabulously wealthy through the Capitalist system. This gives them a sense of power, the power to make things happen in different situations, it is a limited power w/in a system of laws. Limited Power is not enough for today’s Marxist. They hanker for Raw Power. Control. Total Control. The Raw Power to shape a country to their vision w/o any opposition and eventually the World.
For this to happen, the very system that made them wealthy must be torn down. Being wealthy is not enough, it has limited power… This is where the NWO/OWG Cabal, now flying under the WEF’s Great Reset comes in.
Today’s modern Western Marxists are educated enough to knows a One-man dicKtator running the World is an impossibility. The World is too huge for one man to control. So, we have a conglomerate/cartel, even better, A World Nomenklatura of extremely wealthy Marxists, pooling their resources to bring about their dreams of Raw Power and Control..
They want to dicKtate what we Must eat, what kinds of vehicle we Must drive. What temperature we Must set for our AC and heating needs, etc… then eventually how many squares of TP we Must use. That one will come when they give us Government digital currency and go to a cashless society…
. Control like the Chinese communists have over a country of 1.4 or .5 billion people. If the Communist Chinese can control 1.4 billion surely a Nomenklatura of Western Marxist can do the same for the Western World… The US have always been the fly in their ointment.
They have been reaching into the jar and pulling out the fly a piece at a time, now it has become pieces.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
3 months ago

Yet another stupid, filthy rich, smart person.

Neil Gipson
Neil Gipson
3 months ago

It doesn’t matter, they will rounded up and executed very soon!

3 months ago

Awake to what is coming for Nov 2024 somehow Gavin Newsom will more than not be involved since Pelosi is his Aunt & she wants him inside —so,
Gavin Newsom has been flying all over the world and Newsom has been hitting several Southern US States.
Isn’t it too bad the other side doesn’t have a younger one to throw out there too? 6/13/2024

3 months ago

Pray for their souls!!

2 months ago

Enough with the “dark $$s and elites!

This is USA!!

Jeff Shepard
Jeff Shepard
2 months ago

Although I personally benefitted from the non-compete decision, it’s a law that should have been passed by Congress years ago. Not by a bureaucracy comprised of anti-Americans. Congress didn’t pass it due to fear of corporate donor backlash.There is only one real benefit to this decision, being the freedom to stay in your industry

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