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Time for the Truth About the Pandemic

Posted on Wednesday, June 12, 2024
by Outside Contributor

A group of Dutch medical researchers are igniting a firestorm by calling for an investigation of the deaths caused by vaccine mandates and lockdowns imposed on the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. What’s wrong with that?

Everything, if you’re part of the global public health mafia and want to avoid questions about the mistakes you made and the lies you told.

We all saw Dr. Anthony Fauci squirming last week when he was forced to admit to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee that the social distancing rules — like standing 6 feet apart — on which the lockdowns were based were pulled out of thin air.

The Dutch researchers want answers. They insist “every death needs to be acknowledged and accounted for,” including deaths caused by policy mistakes. The collateral damage from heavy-handed public health edicts.

One conclusion is already crystal clear: Don’t entrust your life or health to the government.

The Dutch researchers examine data from 47 Western countries, including the U.S., and find that many months after the lockdowns began and vaccines were rolled out, the death rates stayed higher than in pre-pandemic years. The lockdowns and vaccines weren’t stopping the virus but were apparently causing other deaths. A classic case of the cure being worse than the disease.

Zeroing in on the U.S., they cited double-digit increases in alcohol-caused fatalities and drug overdose fatalities.

Researchers Rob Arnott and Chicago economics professor Casey Mulligan found the same. During the pandemic, deaths from alcoholism, drug addiction, car accidents, hypertension, heart disease and diabetes soared, exceeding by 100,000 a year what would ordinarily occur in the U.S. They pinned those “excess deaths” on government COVID policies that drove people to addiction, overeating and other acts of despair.

Even more tragic, those deaths of despair skewed younger, so many more years of potential life were lost than by COVID deaths, which mostly affected older adults. Young and middle-aged adults succumbed to alcoholism or drug addiction as they were laid off or watched their business and their savings disappear because of the lockdowns.

What’s worse, even when it became obvious lockdowns were failing, government health officials stayed their deadly course. They put their egos over the public’s welfare.

The Dutch researchers’ stunning data show that for children the virus posed a miniscule 0.0003% risk of death, probably less risk than crossing the street to get to the playground.

Doctors like the Hoover Institution’s Scott Atlas urged policymakers to target the high-risk elderly, but he was demonized for questioning the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention orthodoxy. Had the public-health-industrial complex listened, children would have been in school learning instead of home suffering learning losses.

Even now, as Dr. Joel Zinberg of City Journal points out, children ages 5 to 17 account for less than one-tenth of 1% of COVID deaths, but officials are still recommending vaccines for all schoolchildren. Crazy.

The Dutch researchers touched off a firestorm with their suggestion that more needs to be investigated about whether the vaccines caused some pandemic-era deaths.

In all likelihood, the vaccine is helpful for most adults, especially the elderly. But there are exceptions. Research in Human Vaccine and Immunotherapeutics shows men can incur a higher risk of cardiac-related deaths.

In a hospital setting, common conditions such as ischemic stroke and acute coronary syndrome might not be readily identified and reported as possibly caused by a vaccine.

The Dutch researchers never showed a causal connection between vaccines and higher deaths. But just suggesting further research on that issue provoked a nasty backlash. That’s the public-health-industrial complex closing ranks.

No surprise. In Aug. 2023, the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association published an attack smearing 52 physicians for disseminating “misinformation.” The offending scientists disagreed with the CDC, which now has been proven wrong on almost every COVID issue.

The global public health establishment, including many journal editors and government advisers — the Faucis and Dr. Deborah Birxes of the world – don’t want us to look back.

Kudos to the Dutch researchers for raising questions and challenging public health orthodoxy. That is what scientists are supposed to do.

The status quo be damned.

With bird flu and other threats looming, we need the truth about what saved lives and what actually ended up killing our loved ones and neighbors.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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3 months ago

I find the title of this article misleading in the fact that after 4 years since the start of the COVID pandemic that someone wants to know the truth. The pandemic was the start of world government control by entities that knew that the senior portion of the population that would be against change. The vaccines did affect all levels of the population differently, but it was the senior portion that suffered the most. Despite the facts that individual medical facilities tested the vaccine and found the consequences, the government chose to completely ignore the facts since it was against the agenda. Will any government or high officials ever be prosecuted for crimes against humanity (murder). Never will happen until the Final Throne with the Almighty.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Excellent article. We all know it was a lie by liberals to play politics for power and control to destroy the United States and our economy with their illegal and unconstitutional shutdowns, mask and vaccine mandates. Under Federal law Dictator Beijing biden had to put forth to the American people whether they wanted to wear mask or not which he didn’t violating the law just like the rest of the laws and Constitution he violates daily.
Remember SWAMP QUEEN pelosi running off at the mouth that we follow the science when NONE of the liberals or lame stream media followed the science. They just made up stuff for power and control.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

Praise for you writing this important article Betsy, These Dutch researchers and others who are interested in the truth are to be commended for continuing with what could appropriately be called responsible Epidemiology. This is what is needed. Healing is a process that involves several approaches on different levels, in a variety of circumstances. And one of the main aspects involved in Healing is Truth. The ethics involved with the public health establishment in regards reasons for certain policies pertaining to the Covid – 19 should be looked at carefully . This whole matter requires a new standard of Ethics for. public doctors and public health lawyers . Those responsible for turning things upside down with handling the Covid – 19 , being less than truthful should be dealt with accordingly, depending on the severity of the crime, Many public health practitioners should be losing their licenses at very least if they were complicit in any distortion of the Truth involving public health policies.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

Actually, it’s PAST time for the truth about the pandemic. Also, the Dutch researchers aren’t the only ones who want answers. So do I.

3 months ago

Human life mean absolutely nothing to those who are all about profit and power. THAT was the driving force behind the “Pandemic” and they succeeded. Evil won. No one has been held responsible for any of their self serving actions. Evil is winning.

3 months ago

So raise your hand if you think the bird flu is really the problem it’s purported to be. I remember the first time this ugly destructive crackdown against poultry farmers reared its ugly head because we lived down the road from a medium sized egg production facility and the government came in and destroyed all their birds as a “precaution”. Were they sick. NO! Were they decreasing in production? NO! But they were out of business for months while they had to jump through many government loopholes. I had fifty chickens in my back yard as well as a few turkeys we grew every year. We were less than a mile away. None became sick, none stopped production, NOTHING HAPPENED TO THEM. It’s complete overreach and over reaction with little basis in fact. It’s like they’re trying to drive up prices, put people out of business and cause panic and despair.
Oh, and I noticed no hands went up—smart folks.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

& killed Millions
& Fauci walks

Jim Carlyle
Jim Carlyle
3 months ago

Bless the Dutch for telling it like it is!!

3 months ago

I agree 100%. We need to get to the bottom of it.

Frank Snell
Frank Snell
3 months ago

They never reported flu deaths during the “Covid crisis” which would have told us how many people died due to Covid in excess of regular flu deaths. Hospitals were paid $2200 per “Covid death” which meant that even people who died in motorcycle accidents were reported as Covid deaths.
Go figure

3 months ago

It’s helpful for the elderly if the intent is homicide. Otherwise, a lot of people should be indicted for intentional genocide.

3 months ago

I am in my 80’s and did not receive the ‘so called’vaccine’. I’d rather die from a ’cause’ than from a freaking untested ‘shot’ of some crap. Especially after a certain billionaire that is also involved in Pfizer made the remark ‘vaccines are a way to depopulate the world’. I wish he’d have been first to get his.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Indict Fauci + Company.

3 months ago


DL Reynolds
DL Reynolds
3 months ago

Thousands of deaths can be attributed TO THE VACCINES, but even reporters like this one hide their heads in the sand. Vaccines have been causing deaths and disabilities for decades before the COVID mess, but the clear consequences of the vaccine are being hidden by everyone—apparently even AMAC.

3 months ago

It was a planed demic. It was a joke for those with a brain, it’s the sheep mentality that believe the government!!! Wake up America. !

3 months ago

So basically the pandemic or/Covid was a lot of political power control with almost no real basis of truth. What is our world coming to????

Steve Lloyd
Steve Lloyd
3 months ago

Which Dutch researchers are you referring to? What was their publication?

Kitty Corbett
Kitty Corbett
3 months ago

I was suspicious about the “vaccine” mostly because it was being mandated to some populations. Sounded like the infamous, Biblical “Mark of the Beast” to me. So I had a brief episode of Covid, easily cured, and now I’m immune.

PB Smith
PB Smith
3 months ago

As I understand, the recent bird flu is a result of gain of fuction activity.

3 months ago

I’m happy to be labeled unpatriotic. Now go and get your vaccine

3 months ago

We’ve been had, ladies and gentlemen. Please consider reviewing back issues of Jeff Childers blog “Coffee

3 months ago

I just switched from AMAC to AARP because AMAC members are all MAGA extremists who hate vaccines and are election deniers who are demanding a civil war and trust Trump more than religious figures while behaving horribly.

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