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Everything You Suspected About the January 6 Committee Is True

Posted on Monday, April 22, 2024
by Ed Martin


US House of Representatives - January 6th Committee Logo

On March 19, former Trump aide Peter Navarro was in rare form as he gave a fiery speech about Nancy Pelosi’s House Select Committee on the January 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol (the J6 Committee). Navarro boldly called out an “unprecedented assault on the constitutional separation of powers.” He gave hope, saying “I will gather strength from this: Donald John Trump is the nominee.” After concluding his powerful oration, Navarro stepped away from the microphone and surrendered himself to the federal Bureau of Prisons to serve his four-month sentence.

Navarro is the just one victim of the J6 Committee’s crusade to smear President Donald Trump headed by Nancy Pelosi and now-former Rep. Liz Cheney. He refused to take part in the charade, ignoring a subpoena from the committee on the grounds of executive privilege. For asserting this long-honored right in American politics, he was sent to prison.

From the moment that Nancy Pelosi first announced her plans to create a “9/11-type commission” to investigate the January 6 riot, many were skeptical of how such a commission would be handled. The Senate wisely voted down the proposal, forcing Pelosi to give up her dreams of a bicameral commission in favor of a House select committee.

Suspicions of the committee intensified when Democrats refused to seat the members selected by Republican House leadership, breaking away from tradition. As a result, then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy refused to take part in the committee and instructed the rest of the Republican caucus to do the same. Only flagrantly anti-Trump Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger defied McCarthy and joined with Democrats. Kinzinger subsequently declined to seek reelection and Cheney was voted out in a landslide.

The violated protocols leading up to the formation of the J6 committee pale in comparison to the glaring partisanship displayed once the committee got underway. It was a made-for-television extravaganza produced in true Hollywood fashion, complete with surprise witnesses and plenty of over-the-top rhetoric.

Yet though these theatrics were performed in the hallowed halls of Congress, the proceedings had all the hallmarks of a Tiger King-style docu-drama. While making long overtures to democracy and uncovering the truth, the committee was actually plotting to suppress crucial evidence that undermined their narrative and cover their tracks to ensure that the American people never learned vital facts about what happened that day.

Yet, truths this big always have a way of coming to the surface in the end. Such is the case of the Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight headed by Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) which is systematically excavating everything that Nancy Pelosi tried so hard to bury.

As soon as Rep. Loudermilk began his task, he was immediately struck by the scope of the project. While an eighteen-month investigation like the J6 Committee usually results in data indexed in some type of digital catalogue, the information left behind by the Democrats was completely disorganized. Once Republicans started wading through the terabytes of data, it became clear that the Democrat committee had left them with a daunting roadblock.

When Democrats were on their way out the door following the 2022 midterm elections, they violated House rules by deleting and destroying important evidence and locking it behind passwords that have not been shared. They claimed to have handed over more than four terabytes of data to Republicans, but Loudermilk revealed that his committee had only received a little more than half that much. Much of the missing evidence may never be recovered, but Loudermilk suggested that among the missing data are reports on the investigation into the actual breach of the Capitol Building and videos of the depositions that were taken.

As Loudermilk’s excavation of the J6 Committee goes deeper, so too does the hole in which the J6 Committee finds itself.

As the J6 Committee would have it, President Trump intentionally riled up the crowd on January 6 and ordered them to breach the Capitol in an explicit effort to overturn the 2020 election. This narrative is not only plainly false, it also seems concocted specifically to mask other failures which occurred that day.

For instance, four whistleblowers from the D.C. National Guard publicly testified to Loudermilk’s panel that the delay in the deployment of guardsmen to the grounds of the Capitol on January 6, 2021 was not a delay on President Trump’s part, but rather a delay on the part of the Army.

Col. Earl Matthews, Sgt. Maj. Michael Brooks, Cap. Timothy Nick, and Brigadier Gen. Aaron Dean gave their first-hand accounts of how Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy delayed by more than two long hours in giving the go-ahead for deployment of Commander William Walker’s National Guard forces, who were waiting for the official word in full tactical gear for hours on buses.

This was in spite of the fact that Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller gave advance approval of the deployment at the direction of President Trump. To this day, it is still unclear why the National Guard was held back, and if anyone at the Capitol was involved in this fateful decision.

It should also be pointed out that the four guardsmen whistleblowers weren’t just waiting for Loudermilk to come along before telling their story. In fact, their accounts were entirely ignored by Pelosi’s committee simply because it did not fit the anti-Trump narrative that the committee was so carefully building.

The American people can only wonder how deep the dishonesty and criminal conduct of Nancy Pelosi’s phony J6 Committee will go, but Rep. Loudermilk is determined to find out. His team is still hard at work trying to uncover the truth. For Peter Navarro who now sits in federal prison and for the American people who have so grossly been lied to, the time has come for true justice to be served.

Ed Martin is a lawyer who succeed iconic conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly as President of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, the pro-family organization with leaders in every state. He clerked for the federal court of appeals and has served as Chief of Staff to the Governor of Missouri, Chairman of the St. Louis Board of Elections, and in 1997 as special assistant to Pope John Paul II.

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Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
5 months ago

Funny how the party that screams about threats to democracy is the same party that is actively engaged in the political prosecution of its main opponent.

5 months ago

Free the J6 political hostages.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

See the Videos, some on Gettr never seen before
Planned rigged
Free the J6ers
Make all videos Public

John Bass
John Bass
5 months ago

All J6 political prisoners should be immediately released and replaced by members of congress that went along with the farce in the first place. These people should have been charged at the very most with trespassing, but even that’s hard to justify when there’s video of Capitol Police removing the barriers and opening doors to the capitol for them.
They were lured in and sucker punched, plain and simple…if they were insurrectionist, then I’m an Astronaut.

5 months ago

I am thankful someone continues to try to sort out this mess.

5 months ago

Perhaps the ones with the unshared passwords and other information need to join the innocent people who were put in Prison. That may make them more forthcoming. They too can be found Guilty until found Innocent. Let them lose everything also.

BillBoy Baggins
BillBoy Baggins
5 months ago

These people are treasonous and deserve to be hanged.

5 months ago

I’ve had quite enough “exposures”, “revelations”, “findings” etc. from these endless investigations. Apparently, each are ends unto themselves, since nothing else ever results. Why are there no charges, indictments, trials, and verdicts for the perpetrators of this travesty?

5 months ago

We all KNOW the whole thing was a criminal conspiracy by the left, especially piglosi, the most worthless sack of manure ever foisted into the speakership. She can eat her ice cream in prison for the rest of her life is the republicans had any testicles.

5 months ago

Only taxpaying American citizens should have the right to vote.

5 months ago

We are just talking about this stuff again and nobody’s doing anything about it! Why are these people not getting arrested and going to jail? I’m sick and tired of talking about all this corruption and evil that goes on and nobody gets arrested or is accountable for anything they do

5 months ago

Just like the assassination of JFK we will never know the truth of January 6th. When the democrats in power at that time,plotted an overthrow things are buried so deep and proof has been destroyed. None of those in power that day will ever be charged with a crime. They knew the rally for Trump was going to be big. All they had to do is hold back the National Guard. Do not instruct the capitol police what to expect and withhold orders to act. The FBI agents in the crowd whipped the crowd into a frenzy and we have seen the results. People calmly being escorted through the capitol. Capitol police officers committing suicide days later why? Why were they so distraught that they took their lives. The dems made them martyrs that they died at the capitol. Only that is a lie. The only one that died dad day was Ms Babbitt. And the only one that was giving orders that day in DC was not Trump because his orders were ignored just like any order he gave while president. And has been rescinded by ole Joe since. No Ms P was in charge that day. She delayed the calling in of the guard. Everything was a setup by the dems and the FBI. It was not a coup the republicans wanted their voices heard. Because the counting of the electoral votes was a sham. But as long as the dems have bought every congressman and senator. Governor and mayor. Judges and DAs our country will be a dictatorship without a constitution. Our rights have been taking away. The dems are ruling us through the courts which makes it look legitimate but it is not. As long as they are in power they will destroy America.

5 months ago

Pelosi, schiff, clinton nadler, biden and the rest of the communists who lied like hell to the American people about the 6th January fiasco need, in fact must spend the rest of their unAmerican rotten, traitorous lives in jail. No exceptions – all of them.
We need to put our country back together again. I say only taxpaying citizens should have the

5 months ago

Real America’s Voice’s, ” Cowboy Logic”, weekly series hosted by Donna Fiducia, a former Fox News Channel Anchor, and Don Neuen, a politically incorrect cowboy, is by far the most revealing program exposing all the anti constitutional persecutions of J6 hostages! They actually interview some of them from their jails exposing the total injustice that is being forced on them, yet they stand firm in their patriotic commitment to the USA! The end of each program they play the Star Spangled Banner, sung by the hostages, with Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance during the National Anthem, and ending with USA, USA, USA. Watch every Saturday from 6 – 8 AM

5 months ago

Anybody who watched the first day videos of Jan 6 (before they were taken down & Deleted) KNOWS that everything the “House Select Committee” WAS, IS A LIE!!! The whole show was a set-up by the Socialist/Communist power hungry Shadow government IE: NSA, CIA, DOJ, FBI!!!

5 months ago

And we should trust Pelosi?

5 months ago

First off, we all know this story. So why aren’t the Republicans blowing things up like the Democrats are doing? Someone needs to tell them that bad things happen when good men do nothing. (And for those sensitive types….the word “man” was always intended to mean “mankind’……not “man” in the “male” sense). For us, we the people, all we can do is read, listen and learn. We only have a voice when we know exactly who it is we are voting for. Do not go to the polls and vote with your emotions, vote with your common sense, and make sure it’s an educated one. And do not focus on one issue….like abortion. The Democrats are depending on that and hope we all push aside all the true atrocities taking place.

pamela chitwood
pamela chitwood
5 months ago

This whole thing was pulled off by the powerful Trump haters. They lie steal and do anything to follow the left and their powerful Globalist agenda. They do not care what they do to our country as long as they remain rich and in power. Sad…really sad.

M. Price
M. Price
5 months ago

And yet nothing is done about it. Patriots, former military men that fought in wars, and everyday hard working AMERICANS are now locked up and their lives and families have been destroyed.This while the constitution has been shredded by these evil satanic demons that are in control. And the sad part is that these ba$tards are getting away with it. WHY? Because they have total control over every aspect of of our GUbeRMent from the very top right down to our local city councils and even our school boards. The American men have totally taken a fetal position and have allowed this to happen.

Coach Terry
Coach Terry
5 months ago

Grateful for the determination to expose this Godless demoncRATic defrauding of the American people and the falsely accused via AGAIN the Godless demoncRATic fascist narrative. The inept complicit propaganda press SHOULD FACE CHARGES ie Heavy FINE$ as well, imho. God’s continued Grace2u ????

5 months ago

EVERY American Citizen better commit ALL their energy toward DEFEATING the marxist democrat party and joebama in November 2024.
The traitors( corrupt democrats) have ignored Our Constitution, Our Laws and participated in an invasion of OUR COUNTRY, destruction if OUR Faith’s ,Families and Freedom!
OUR JOB and OUR MISSION is to STAND UP for Freedom OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS ,and defeat these enemies of America.

Paul W
Paul W
5 months ago

Of course it’s all true. One need only look at revolting, dishonest, lying scumbags that were chosen to sit on that lynch mob as well as the sodden miscreant that impaneled it!

Slick Rick
Slick Rick
5 months ago

Well I think the demonrats are behind covid too. They will stop at nothing to overthrow this free society and get full controll.

5 months ago

Today’s “democrats” are, above all else, lawbreakers who lust for enough power to ignore laws altogether.

NIcholas Elder.
NIcholas Elder.
5 months ago

If the democrats accuse their opposition of doing something illegal you can bet the democrats are already doing it. Pelosi and her group should be prosecuted and jailed!

5 months ago

This article is quite fitting on the first day of a show trial of D.J. Trump, he is in NYC accused of a book-keeping error that could cost him 4 years in jail. In 2020 there were 574 riots (mostly peaceful) in over 300 mostly blue cities across America, because of George Floyd’s death,, by a cop. 3 dozen deaths and $ Billions in damages done, VP Kackles said “they won’t stop and they shouldn’t stop” !! J 6 ’21, Trump held a rally in D.C., giving a speech telling Patriots “Go to the Capital and make your voices heard” . A riot started 45 minutes before the speech was over and a 20 to30 minute walk from the rally site and Capital Bldg.. Antifa, BLM, news- reporters,police (Metro and Capital), FBI,CIA, MAGA hat wearers and others had breached the Capital area. Dems called it “Worse than Pearl Harbor and 9 / 11 combined”, Pelosi and Bowser didn’t want the offered National Guard “because of Optics”, so they got the Optics they wanted.!! There were 14.000 HOURS of video which was cut down to 20 MINUTES for a Democrat Commercial by a Hollywood Producer for IMPACT. The rest is deleted or under”Secret Password”, before Reps got their majority. Over 1300 “Insurrectionists” are in DC jail for walking through the Capital Building (mostly peaceful) and traced by their cell phones, some got 20 year sentences, one got DEAD.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Leni Riefenstahl would be proud of the production values.

5 months ago

What goes around comes around.

5 months ago

This was 100% a well planned witch hunt against President Trump.

5 months ago

Those people need to be tried for fraud.

5 months ago

The January 6th demonstration was not a riot as Nancy Piglosi has screamed. The citizens who were at the Capitol that day ere mostly peaceful, frustrated Trump supporters. Many of those still remain incarcerated today. The American public has been lied to once more by democrats, determined to smear President Trump. This is evidenced by the legal blockades thrown up in order to keep Mr. Trump tied up in court and not able to campaign. But the American people are now wise to the deception perpetrated by Piglosi and the liberal left. We will see what happens in November. Stay tuned…….

5 months ago

Many thanks to Rep. Loudermilk and his committee to take on this task. It is about time that Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats will may be forced to tell the truth. I am not holding my breathe on that happening.

5 months ago

Persecution not prosecution. J6 was a scam Piglosi committee designed to smear. Yet now some judicial proceedings are using it as evidence… ??? Had a banana today, you should because we are living through a banana republic with Marxist like Biden and Obama in control.

5 months ago

The stealing of elections is the negating of everyone’s votes.
Even the folks who voted for the (s)elected candidates had their vote stolen because their vote was/is part of the fraudulent database that caused a crime to occur.

Pam J.
Pam J.
5 months ago

I agree. The truth always comes to the surface. I will be so glad when this whole big lie is completely uncovered. Mr. Navarro is jailed because he would not attend a charade. What is happening with Hunter? Didn’t he refuse to testify? Why isn’t he in jail? For more than just that too? Privileged?

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
5 months ago

The Jan 6 committee is another example of DCs most common product which is a total waste of money. They make the GOP-led House of Reps look like saints.

5 months ago

It is well past time that the democrats involved in this anti-American plot pay the price for this criminal action. They must pay dearly! if not by the government then by We The People, making sure We get every stinking one of them out of office by the ballot.

5 months ago

What!!?!? The Dems lying and cheating!?!? NEVER! Oh, wait, their lips were moving—yep, lying. The real shame is that the Republicans have done NOTHING to help these people being persecuted by their own government. Shame on everyone involved.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
5 months ago

During the week after the November 2020 election, more than 1,000 poll workers and others involved in the counting of the ballots, both Republicans and Democrats, came forward voluntarily and signed affidavits, most accompanied by documentary and/or video evidence, of fraud and irregularities on a massive scale. Despite the best efforts of the Democrats and their friends in the media to suppress this information, the truth about the stolen election was seeping out to the public and their conspiracy was unraveling. Desperate to salvage the situation, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Soros, and the rest of the cabal were handed a gift when Mr. Trump announced the plans for the January 6 rally and demonstration. The cabal planted government agents and hired outsiders in the crowd to start trouble and engage in violence. They also arranged for the Capitol police to move aside the barricades, open the doors to the Capitol, and usher in the demonstrators, and then claim that the Capitol had been broken into by “rioters.” No one had to break into the Capitol because the doors were opened for them; it is all on video (I have seen those videos on the web). So now the media had the “insurrection” to keep in the headlines and all the information about the stolen election was simply dropped and ignored, never to be mentioned again. Everything we were told by that illegal, unconstitutional January 6 Commission was a lie – all planned beforehand. Stalin would have been proud.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
5 months ago

Mad dame peelosi picked a mob of kangaroos and they held a very corrupt kangaroo court,just another part of bidens army.

5 months ago

True justice is exceedingly slow in government but one day it will come. To this I am sure.

Kevin F.
Kevin F.
5 months ago

Why is it that Democrats are never held accountable for the corruption and crimes they commit?

Walter Luffman
Walter Luffman
5 months ago

Once he’s back in the White House, President Trump MUST order investigation /prosecution of everyone involved with the J6 committee and subsequent prosecutions — not for revenge, but to deter anyone from doing something like this ever again.

5 months ago

OK, so now we “know” what we “knew” then. Once again, the Dumbassocrats have ‘screwed the pooch’, on TV, in numerous print media, numerous video and print media, etc. What do we have to show for it all? Excellent question.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

“The january 6th Hearings” was well produced but I felt it bogged down in the middle. Poorly edited as well with too much footage left on the cutting room floor. The acting was mediocre as well… I mean, whose casting couch did Kinzinger jump on to get that lackey role? And they could have found a more attractive “damsel in distress” then Liz! I give it 2 stars out of 5… won’t buy the dvd.

5 months ago

Note to communist/democrats: sometimes the truth hurts. Just like Sgt. Schultz on Hogan’s Hero’s, They see nothing! When those responsible are charged with treason, maybe their eyes will be opened.

John Vettel LtCol, Ret)
John Vettel LtCol, Ret)
5 months ago

In days gone by (sadly) that entire committee would face a firing squad!

5 months ago

Any ideas here from Tucker Carlson & Kevin McCarthy?

Bil L. Goddard
Bil L. Goddard
5 months ago

Jonathan Cahn reveals some deep truths about Jan. 6 and a 2,500 year parallel in the person of Jehu, king of Israel, in his 2023 book, The Josiah Manifesto.. The king sought to destroy the Temple of Baal, a false god that Israel had followed, after forsaken God. Jehu had 80 men outside the Temple to capture any defectors from inside the Temple. D.C. police arrested 80 Trump supporters on that day. Oh, the Capital building is a good parallel of Baal’s Temple, as it has inscribed on this Temple of Democracy, “We have built no Temple but the Capitol.” BTW, Emanuel Cleaver prayed to his god, Brahma, that very day, to open the new session of Congress. (Congressional Record 167, No. 1) The Roman pantheon, the Temple of all gods, became the place of prayer to a pagan god–as in a pagan temple. Jehu told his followers to stand outside the Temple, then to go inside. Trump sent his followers to go outside the Capitol “Temple” and they went inside without his direction to do so. That night, Senate leader Schumer said, “This temple to democracy was desecrated.” Jehu destroyed the institution that practiced passing babies through fire as human sacrifices. (U.S. News and World Report, 1-6-21) Trump nominated 3 Supreme Court judges that overturned the institution that sacrificed 60 million American babies

5 months ago

All that is well and good to have out in the open , but what are the plans afterwards?
Are we going to have trials, tribunals, public hangings ?? WHAT NOW ??

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