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Ohio AMAC Members Successfully Pressure State Legislature to Override Veto of SAFE Act

Posted on Thursday, January 25, 2024
by AMAC Action

In late December last year, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine vetoed a bill that would have banned biological boys from participating in girls’ sports and protected minor children from so-called gender affirming procedures including administering puberty blockers, chemical castration, and mutilating surgeries.

H.B. 68, known as the Saving Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act, would also level the playing field for girls vying for athletic scholarships and protect their privacy rights. Governor DeWine’s veto message contained familiar talking points spouted by the left in their attempt to justify these unproven and dangerous procedures.

However, AMAC members in the Buckeye State weren’t buying the Governor’s talking points. They mobilized to voice their passionate support for the integrity of girls’ sports and the protection of Ohio’s children.

First, they contacted their representatives in the Ohio State House and sent over 1,870 messages compelling them to override the Governor’s veto. The pressure from AMAC members worked as the House voted to override by a 65-28 margin on January 10.

AMAC members then focused their efforts on the Ohio Senate and made an additional 1,425 contacts with their senators telling them to follow their colleagues’ lead in the House and override the veto. This endeavor was equally successful when the Senate voted overwhelmingly to override by a 23-9 tally on January 24. Thanks to the engagement of AMAC members in Ohio, the SAFE Act is prepared to become law in 90 days.

“This is what we do at AMAC Action,” said President Bob Carlstrom. “We provide AMAC members with the platforms they need to ensure their voice is heard on important issues like H.B. 68. I could not be prouder of how quickly AMAC members in Ohio mobilized and am grateful for 3,300-plus messages they sent to help facilitate this veto. The voice of AMAC members is truly a force to be reckoned with.”

This victory by AMAC members is a strong and significant start to what will surely be an action-packed 2024. Look for more call-to-action campaigns from AMAC Action on important issues like H.B. 68 and join with other AMAC members to amplify the voice of conservative mature Americans. There is strength in numbers!

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8 months ago

Don’t trust the Swamp in Ohio. It has been building, like its big brother in Washington DC and others festering in Blue states. The mindset of the left will simply slide into another area and focus on something else to take attention from real issues and allow the offencive practices they are pushing anyway, as well as continuing to push their elete socialist agenda. Ohio now has a list of their swamp members. It’s every member who voted to hold H.B.68 as a law. These Swamp sliders should be voted out of office and funding for anything they support stopped.

Martin Plecki
Martin Plecki
8 months ago

This is great news. Well done to all the folks who took the time to organize and act to support the legislation, and thwart the ridiculous veto of the Dem Governor.

8 months ago

Way to go.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
8 months ago

congratulations to AMAC’s Ohio members.

Susan D
Susan D
8 months ago

Way to go AMAC! God bless you!

8 months ago

Just remember. Ohio governor, DeSwine, is a RINO. Always was, always will be.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Literally, SAFE from yet another spineless RINO governor too afraid of the Rage Mob. It will only get worse: I predict pedophilia will be the next “cause” to be normalized and NAMBLA will be as influential as the AFT in the Democrat Party.

Mitchell Kilgore
Mitchell Kilgore
8 months ago

So one question comes to mind: Did the legislators consider over-riding the veto prior to AMAC involvement? It just sounded too easy!

C. Benson
C. Benson
8 months ago

Good job. Thanks for all your efforts and member efforts this is how it’s done.

8 months ago

Satan never gives up, he has been trying to overturn God’s glorious creation since the garden of Eden. The Democrat party is a tremendously useful tool in that endeavor. This is a spiritual war and the Bible, God’s word tells us that we win in the end , so keep up the good fight.

8 months ago

Unfortunately, you are correct, the adversary will try another method to get its agenda passed in OH.

8 months ago

Tell more people to become a Mac members to stop these wicked people from destroying America!!!

8 months ago

Great a voice in sea of unnatural bias!

Terry Brinker
Terry Brinker
8 months ago

Awesome to hear. Way to go AMAC Ohio members.

7 months ago

Great news – conservatives need to get some backbone and “share the truth in love” AND VOTE!

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
7 months ago

#1 Praise God!!!!! 2 – Thank you to AMAC & those like them: “watchdogs”, like Family Research Council & quite a few others that not only do they: a. present a problem to us; b. suggest what we should do to fix said problem; c. write a possible scripted letter, which most times we can “edit” to our liking/personality . . . . I’m very pleased with them pre-writing those. Sometimes my mind was not coming up with as good a wording as “you guys”; or I might want to YELL at those people, like governor: ” WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WERE A REPUBLICAN!” etc. THANK YOU AMAC!

7 months ago

Well done! That’s effective activism that makes sense instead of accepting nonsense!

Robert Jay Donnelly
Robert Jay Donnelly
7 months ago

AMEN!!! We must keep up the good fight for the safety of women in this country.

7 months ago

HALLELUJAH!!!! Finally – some common sense and morality!!!! THANK YOU Ohio reps!!! Wish we had some of that in CA! 🙁

Maureen Kocka
Maureen Kocka
7 months ago

I live in Northeastern Ohio and aside from the AMAC notice, never received a thing from the local party office. A big THANK YOU to AMAC !

Valerie McGee
Valerie McGee
7 months ago

Thanks for helping to get Ohio congress to pass this very important legislation!

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
8 months ago

Now just watch the unelected Leftist courts step in and say the law is unconstitutional.

8 months ago

All of these issues that face us like this one just require common sense. Something the radical left (and some RINO’s) have very little of.

8 months ago


7 months ago

Way to go, AMAC members!!!

7 months ago

good Deal

7 months ago

The power of the people still works. Now if only we could get more of the people to use it!

7 months ago

Thanks for your help, AMAC. I don’t know what the governor was thinking. He won’t be running again, so we have to make sure that we vote in somebody who shares our conservative values. Go AMAC!

7 months ago

RINO Gov DeWine should be ousted out of the governor’s mansion. His libtard views should not be tolerated in the Republican party.

7 months ago

Great news!
My hope is that more states stand up against these totally insane ideas. I can’t imagine what the future will be like for our children and grandchildren. I hope it’s not too late.

7 months ago

This certainly made my week. Thnx to all involved for a job well done!!

7 months ago

Thank God this will become Law. Deswine is really showing his RINO colors again. Just like with the COVID BS he laid on us.

7 months ago

Thank you for taking action. Keep up the good work.

7 months ago

BRAVO OHIO! Some of you may want to subscribe to NextDoor DOT com where you can converse with your LOCAL neighbors, which I did ABOUT THIS BILL, and got totally shut down because I was against Gov DeWine. All the responses against me were people with MISPLACED COMPASSION, who told me that CHILDREN should have ADULT RIGHTS. I guess I am surrounded by people WITHOUT CHILDREN who now think they know better than the rest of us.
OHIO NEEDS MORE CONSERVATIVES, REAL CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVES and not pretenders, to run this State because if we allow this kind of EVIL INTO OHIO, we have no one to blame except ourselves.

Janis Winchester
Janis Winchester
7 months ago

Great work! That is wonderful news.

Kim Couasnon
Kim Couasnon
7 months ago

Thank you! I couldn’t believe that the Gov. actually fell for the agenda of the elites. Or was it politics!?! Anyway, this one time, at least, the real people spoke and were heard. Thanks again for being “on it”!

7 months ago

I’m looking for a statute that says a veto and overridden veto bill is protected from a later ballet initiavtive. If that is the case, then there may have been wisdom in what Governor DeWine did.
And I’m also very ashamed of the name calling I’m seeing in the comments. We are to respect and pray for those who govern us. When Paul said this, Nero was the ruler the Roman world. So we have no excuse.

7 months ago

Please don’t contact me ever again because must a democrat organization which is socialist ! Biological boys should not participating in girls sports because they are not really girls because they are bigger and more muscular! So never ever contact me again becsusr I am not an evil liberal! Congratulations to the Govenor!

7 months ago

Excellent! Let’s hope we can get some other things back on track!

7 months ago

DeWine should be embarrassed to call himself a conservative.

7 months ago

Great but we really gotta keep on our toe’s because these mentality deranged individuals never quit trying to push their disgusting agendas to against innocent children.

Dwayne Spencer
Dwayne Spencer
7 months ago

I was outraged at the Govenor’s veto. His unwillingness to take a stand for our children and Ohio families is disappointing if not enraging. Even if he’s not, I’m more than aware of the lies and progressive tactics being used to destabilize this country. Our families and our gender are not social constructs to be twisted and abused at will by the neo-Marxists. “Let it never be said that I stood silent in fear in the face of danger and passed the battle on to my children.” Time for a new governor. Time to take a stand!

Melanie Frazier
Melanie Frazier
7 months ago

Big win! Way to go Ohio citizens!!!

7 months ago

Good job Ohio!

Patrick Ginley
Patrick Ginley
7 months ago

Thank you for the effort to do the right things.

Larry E. and Mary Beth Gingery
Larry E. and Mary Beth Gingery
7 months ago

I’m so thankful for this action. Our children need to be kept safe. Anybody that want to eliminate the Safe Act is commiting a crime.

7 months ago

Praise God for His Victories.

7 months ago

People who know they have a just cause and stick to their campaign even when it seems hard are an inspiration. We in Alaska hope we have succeeded in putting ranked choice voting on the ballot again in fall 2024. We cannot believe this ever would have passed if it were not for the covid election.

B Smith
B Smith
7 months ago

Good news!

James Phipps
James Phipps
7 months ago

Actually, the governor had it right. He knew the bill as written was going to spend its entire life in the courts doing no one any good. Instead he replaced it immediately with executive action that would accomplish the task without the courts involvement. The problem is that the override group ignored the actions and the bill is already headed for the courts where it will languish. Sometimes it is best to know what you are asking for.

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