Last week in this space, I encouraged people on the right to be resolute and resolve to pray for our country, learn about its intellectual and spiritual wellsprings, work for change in it, and gather together with others in civic friendship. We are working to defeat powerful forces working against her and rebuild her institutions for the future. In light of some very destructive maneuvers just this week on the part of Democrats and leftist operatives, I’d like to add a fifth resolution. Heading into the elections this fall, we need to realize we’re all in this together and act accordingly.
We know this truth from Joe Biden’s inaugural campaign speech in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, this Friday, January 5. It was, as expected from Biden, a series of disconnected accusations fixated on the idea that the choice in the 2024 election was between “democracy” and “dictatorship.”
There were, of course, the fictions that always dot his speeches. No, he didn’t exercise his Walter Mitty-like autobiographical tendencies and claim to have graduated at the top of his class, walked with Mandela, or grown up in the [Puerto Rican, Jewish, whomever he’s talking to] community. But we did hear how he’s got to deal with “book banning,” a clear but dishonest reference to Florida and other states that have banned pornography from elementary school libraries.
And mostly we heard about Donald Trump, hoary tales about Trump’s alleged cynical language about American soldiers and sailors, but especially how he is a would-be dictator who “loves Putin” and organized the January 6, 2021, “insurrection” in which unarmed people supposedly nearly took down the government in order to reverse the 2020 election. To give credit where credit is due, Biden actually managed to deliver his story about how Trump masterminded it all without mangling it: “Well, so knowing how his mind works now, he had one, he had one act left. One desperate act available to him, the violence of January the sixth.” Other lines were mangled, as even the AP transcript laudably shows.
What’s worst is his lies about the American people, however. In trying to take down Trump, he is willing to attack Americans who were, in the main, peacefully protesting that day. Biden was lying when he said that “more than 1,200 people have been charged with assault in the Capitol. Nearly 900 of them have been convicted or pled guilty. Collectively to date, they have been sentenced to more than 840 years in prison.” In an article last March setting out basic facts about the prosecutions, Julie Kelly noted that only 100 people were charged with armed assault of a police officer, and none of the charges involve a firearm. 919 of the charges were for “trespassing.” Indeed, Kelly noted, “‘Parading’ in the Capitol, a class B misdemeanor, is by far the most common charge in the Justice Department’s sweeping investigation.”
An ABC News article this week updated the count of those charged to 1265, with 213 charged with felonies. But the article carefully refrained from saying what the others were charged with. “Parading” and even “trespassing” just don’t sound very scary, especially in light of all that footage showing Capitol Police opening doors for people to enter the Capitol building.
But it’s the threat that counts. While many of those J6 “paraders” still languish in jail, those who remember back before 2021 will recall that there has still been little reckoning for most of the BLM rioters who terrorized the country in 2020. Most of those arrested in the violent May 30, 2020, protests at the White House, in which dozens of Secret Service agents were injured, had their rioting charges dropped. And New York City this week agreed to pay $13 million to hundreds of protesters arrested during the 2020 George Floyd riots. While the settlement deal supposedly excluded those who were charged with arson or property destruction, the message is clear: get arrested for the right cause and you will be paid back.
As much as Joe Biden brags about justice, so too he brags about “democracy.” Yet it’s Democrats who are attempting to prevent those who may want to vote for Donald Trump this year from doing so. Invoking the 14th Amendment’s prohibition on former “officers of the United States” who have “engaged in insurrection” from holding civil or military office as their justification, the states of Colorado and Maine have labeled him ineligible—even though he’s never been charged, much less convicted, of insurrection.
And it’s not just Donald Trump. Jonathan Turley reported in a column this week that while these attempts at eliminating the possibility of Donald Trump being on the ballot are being challenged in the courts, Democrats are trying to use the same maneuver to get any Republicans who challenged the 2020 elections off the ballots. Former congressional candidate Gene Stilp is challenging the eligibility of Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Scott Perry. New Jersey Democratic Rep. Bill Pascrell has sought to legislatively bar 126 members of Congress from running again, while “Similar legislation from Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) to disqualify members got 63 co-sponsors, all Democrats, including New York Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jamaal Bowman and Ritchie Torres and ‘Squad’ members Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.” As Turley notes, this is all extraordinarily hypocritical since Maryland Democrat Jamie Raskin sought to block certification of the 2016 election, as did Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson and California Sen. Barbara Boxer.
The same goes for other aspects of the political sphere. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was hit with a $12,000 fine by the Federal Election Commission for raising “soft money” for a political action committee trying to reelect Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Georgia’s 2020 elections. Justice served, right? And yet, on the last day of 2023, DOJ prosecutors were reported to have declined to subject infamous FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried to a second trial, this time for his campaign finance and foreign bribery charges, citing “the public interest” in doing so. Given that Bankman-Fried was a major donor to the Democrats, with at least $5.2 million given to Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, this looks like a move in the Democrats’ interest. Tennessee Republican Tim Burchett tweeted in response: “So we won’t know which politicians he bribed or who’s [sic] campaigns he influenced? That collective sigh of relief you are hearing is from the DEEP STATE.”
Again, the message is clear. If you’re on the wrong side, you’ll have the book thrown at you for technicalities. If you’re on the Democrats’ side, you’ll be protected from wrongdoing directly related to their welfare.
All of which leads back to the resolution about knowing that all those identifying as conservative or on the right are ultimately in this together. In the political sphere, there is a great deal of hostility in public between those who support Donald Trump and those who support Ron DeSantis this time around. While some say the primaries are over already and Ron DeSantis has no chance, I’m not so sure that’s true. Many people support DeSantis for the nomination for a number of good reasons. But many support President Trump for very good reasons. What I care about is that whoever gets the nomination, we need to remember that we are facing political enemies on the left who do not want us subject to the same rules as they are. And they do not want, despite what they say, “democracy,” unless that means they win the elections and rule.
As the old Flemish proverb made famous by Ben Franklin during the Revolutionary War has it, “We must all hang together or we will all hang separately.”
David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X (Twitter) @davidpdeavel.
I agree with everything you have said, but I must point out the Republicans have been complicit in this drift toward a police state. Nancy Pelosi and her media sycophants immediately labeled Jan 6th ‘an insurrection’ even before the last protester was cleared from the Capitol.Instead of objecting to that characterization, alleged conservatives from FOX News commentators to Republican members of Congress jumped about the ‘insurrection’ train and parroted that term, which had been chosen by Democrats with a purpose in mind, a purpose that we see mow. Even Ted Cruz, who certainly should have known better, spoke in a congressional hearing IN 2022, on ‘the Jan 6th insurrection’ until he was called on the carpet by Tucker Carlson, Among the Conservative commentariat Tucker Carlson was perhaps the only one not to have fallen into the ‘insurrection’ trap. Most conservatives could not virtue signal fast enough to denounce their fellow Americans, most of whom were simply tying to exercise their constitutional right to assemble and petition the gov,. for a redress of their grievances.
Biden calling Trump a threat to democracy? Pot, meet Kettle x 10.
Using the current administration’s department of justice to try to convict a presidential candidate of insurrection without the accused having been tried and convicted of such in a court of law, that’s not a threat to democracy?
And allowing individual states to remove a presidential candidate from the ballot, nullifying for hundreds of thousands of registered votors the fundemental right to vote for the candiate of their choice, that’s not a threat to democracy?
It’s high time people in this country woke up to what REAL threats to democracy actually are.
One thing: why is it when Biden speaks nobody on our side responds immediately and on camera. It’s been given what the Marxist will do. Russia Russia. Impeachments. Letter signed by 54 So called Intelligence people and Hunters Laptop top story squelched before the election and much more, but when they realized nothing was working they fixed an election!! Don’t call me a fkng liar. I live in Wisconsin and we know what went on and our so called GOP did nothing and is still allowing it!! We are up against more than anybody knows and it’s easy to see because we have done little to stop it. Hopefully the lawsuit against Ashli Babbitts killer will show some success , unless yet another liberal court is involved. There needs to be a class action lawsuit against the government, the J6 committee and the individual Cap cops who literally beat defenseless people and the FBI, DOJ leadership for organizing and participating in J6. We now know the truth. People in prison with no court dates people with long terms who did little if anything . All while the country burned in 2020 and not a fkng thing done about it. Oh and let’s not forget the involvement of Antifa and BLM in the J6,,, and gathered together by our own government!! Proves they are the military arm of the Marxist left. No punishment in 2020 and used for the government organized so called insurrection! If this goes unpunished the country will be full blown Communist with many who they oppose killed by them! Any Betts???
We need Trump to fight for America and the American people! You have a lot of Socialist Democrats that are so Brainwashed they don’t know what to think!
In the 2024 field of mostly good quality Republican and Democrat candidates, I could vote for any of them…EXCEPT Joe Biden or Chris Christy…I just cannot stomach the thought of 4 more years of Biden…
The treasonous democrats are fascist pigs and their disgusting cult needs to be destroyed!!!!
As I have pointed out countless times, the Left has not had majority popular or voter support since the 1960s.
So how do they “win” so many elections?
Very simple: they cheat and engage in fraud on a massive scale, and they have been doing so for a long, long time.
Since the massive fraud which took place during the 2020 elections, only two states have done anything significant to ensure election integrity: Florida and Texas.
What that means is that 48 states plus DC still have in place the massive fraud machine which stole the 2020 Presidential election (as well as many elections in 2022).
So what is the bottom line here?
Unless something really significant is done to ensure election integrity between now and November 2024, and at this point in time that seems highly unlikely, the 2024 elections are already over, and the American people have lost.
The BLOATED Federal Government is on AUTOPILOT controlled by LEFT WING Marxist loving unelected BEURACRATS in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security?, Pentagon, Education Department ETC ETC. King Joe has written more “Executive Orders” than the last two or three “Presidents”. When Republicans had the majority, did they trash “Obama Care” NO!!! Did they get rid of “The Patriot Act” NO!!! and someone said they were going to “DRAIN THE SWAMP” DIDN’T HAPPEN!!! My Congressman believes in “Global Warming”. It appears to me that the lobby with the most money to hand out gets what they want and to HELL with “We The People”. The World Economic Forum, Bilderberger Group, Council on Foreign Relations have laid out the globalist plan and King Joe and all the unelected shadow government are following like LEMMINGS!
This was unneeded. Whomever wins the nomination, all most all Republicans, and the majority of independents, will vote for “not Biden”. I suspect a large number of democrats simply won’t be motivated to vote, and some might secretly vote republican.
Another assault on democracy – DNC Slams New Hampshire for Not Rigging Its Primary (RePost)
Trump’s going to receive a favorable SCOTUS ruling, re: ballot eligibility, and will take to Truth Social (& the 2024 hustings) to insufferably crow and strut like a bantam roster. At which point the collective Democratic head will melt, like that Nazi in Raiders (1981).
Great article. I still love President Trump and will be voting for him so he can finish what he started! #AmericaFirst
I’ll tell you why the Dems are so adamant in keeping Trump off the ballot. They are scared if he is on the ballot, he will defeat Biden. So the way to keep Biden as POTUS is to keep Trump off the ballot.
This was unneeded. Whomever wins the nomination, I’m sure the vast majority of Republicans- and independents for that matter- will support anybody but Biden.
Love that requote by Ben Franklin. “We must all hang together, or we will all hang separately.”
These socialist Marxist communist democrats are sticking together like super glue for most things. That’s their biggest problem that opens the whole gang up to its fall. Yes, birds of a feather stick together.
American Citizens have been known to come together during biggest threats to our families and communities. Pray for God’s help in this again, because we are in a battle with evil people who hate us and want to finish this fundamental transformation of America into their global community led by their elite.
Yes, it’s that big
When you have a record of total failure all you have left is to demonize your obvious main opponent, namely Donald Trump. It would be easy for us to compare the economy, our military, the stock market, real job creation, low energy prices, ultra low inflation, our foreign policy successes and how both Blacks and Hispanics prospered under Donald Trump’s policies. As Ronald Reagan asked the country in 1980 after the horrendous inflation and economic travesty that was the Jimmy Carter Administration, are we better off than we were 4 years ago? The Biden/Obama Administration has been nothing short of a Cluster F**K. This election should be a no-brainer. For Biden to suggest that Donald Trump would ruin our democracy is a joke. Biden already beat him to the punch!
once again the democrats (biden) have lied over and over and over. with democrats is a continuous parade of lies every day all day long.
IF you want a better life and more honesty vote republican.
We are already hanging, the question is how much longer. Democracy has been eliminated by ole Joe. He and O never believed in it. His mother hated the English so much she once slept on the floor in a hotel room when she found out the Queen of England slept in that room. Awhile back the “of England” was left out of the Wikipedia story about her. That way anyone reading it, it could have been any Queen. In his speech of Jan 5 you could feel that hatred of his mother when he started talking about the revolutionary war and saw his fists ball up. That same hatred him and O have for America. He hasn’t done anything for America, can’t stand it what Trump did and all he can do put all his failures on Trump. Only he forgets and his handlers with him that the people are smart. His lies and the chaos he has created in our country everyone is aware of it. His lies are being exposed. If ole Joe was president in 3024 (correct) he would still blame Trump for everything. His hatred for America and its democracy is more and more being exposed. O sees the writing on the wall, he is losing his grip on the country, ole Joe is being made more and more into a Stalin or a Mao. America has to be destroyed and O is so close. That is why ole Joe repeats his devil speech in Philadelphia over Andover again. This time it was about Jan 6 which was a set up by Pelosi. Next time it will be about racism. Ole Joe lives in the past because the future or the present has nothing good to report. When you have to go back almost 250 years to show how bad your opponent is. Shows our allies how weak he is. When you remove your opponent from the ballot to disenfranchise people from making a choice. I think that is a movement from a dictator and anti democracy. We have known this all along let us hope that every American sees it as well.
I’m not holding my breath, just trying to keep hope alive, because 4 more years of Brandon is the final nail in the US and we become California.
Dem officials get away with mindf_ck because their robotic followers demand it. They are incapable of discerning truth from fiction.
We should not be so quick to depend on a particular candidate to lift us from the hole we’ve dug ourselves. It’s easy to blame this party or that party for the problems we’ve had in this country; when in fact, we are responsible by our actions or lack there of. I’ve worked at the polls for over ten years now so when I hear people say “Oh, I didn’t like either person so I didn’t vote,” grieves my heart. Also, we as a collective group of people decide who runs for office and who doesn’t. Good, honest Americans who would do a great job in government position don’t even get a chance to prove themselves b/c so many life long candidates know how to “work the system”.
Honestly, all of us, you, me, our age group (Amacers) can still make a difference today. Talk to your kids, grandkids. Help them understand the importance of the constitution, reread it, understand it, explain it to them.
Most important vote!!! Not just the general election, but the primary as well. Give those new and budding candidates a chance. Yes, they will make mistakes and make choices you won’t necessarily agree with in the short term, but its change and it can be for the better.
This country was built on hope and freedom. Last time I checked, We still have both.
Don’t give up and don’t let the naysayers makes the choices for you, for us.
This is still a great country. Except for a few stars, I hear people are begging, to get in.
God bless America, its people. May He guide it to the future.
Every accusation, like Senator Menendez is “Diversion” and filled with the lies they are making. It points to THEM, not Republicans, not President Trump. What fools they make of themselves. useless crooks and lying SOBs.
The roof has caved in & the Wokes & liberals are really happy. Biden & his pals at the local levels have instituted a crushing attack on the Constitution & it has been remarkably effective. The bottom line reason is the POWER OF PROPAGANDA. How did Nazis win power in Germany & communist win power in Russia? At the bottom I think it is simpler rather than endlessly complex. It was the Power of Propaganda.
In our case, lies [propaganda] were & are perpetuated in our schools where woke junk is taught, especially in college. Our woke media spews propaganda constantly. Our woke bureaucracy labors to warp our government. The Democrats are woke & are supported by woke elite institutions of our society. The woke control these key institutions, including colleges, high schools, teachers unions, newspapers, tv networks, advertising powerhouses, powerful positions in the military, & elites in every area of our culture. The richest financiers like Soros are communist & cooperate with Red China & give billions to push woke ideology with lies. The millions rushing into our country are Democrat voters & have no ties to US history or culture. What they did in CA is being done everywhere. That’s going to be impossible to beat without some kind of revolution.
We need to take back the White House from the Biden corruption and other Dems they will do anything to stop President Trump lie after lie our country over ran with illegals more at the southern border just waiting to come in because of our weak president and his VP and other spineless Dems that will let anything into this country. High inflation everything out of control very sad what this country has come to with several years of Biden’s rule.
The country isn’t hanging together, so I guess we will all hang separately.
The truth is if we aren’t in a shooting civil war after the election, it will be
by the grace of God !!
can someone please give me a good educated reason as to why the dumos are allowed to do whatever they please and get away with it. Yet, if a repub did anything, anything at all like the crooked left does we would hear it from sun up to sun down. How is there no one around, who will repremands these corrupt, ignorant, sleezy, uneducated, evil, satanic leftists and their supporters
Cannot believe some of the words that come from Trump the last week: 1) People that were arrested, plead guilty & are in prison for Jan 7 actions are “HOSTAGES” in his opinion. 2) Trump bashed Senator John McCain also, & he does not seem to realize that this is costing votes & not just Arizona. This is a slam to all Viet Nam vets everywhere & Trump must realize this but continues for how many years now. Also one of the Ten Commandments is “Forgive Your Neighbor”
Your prose dances like sunlight on a tranquil lake, with each word creating ripples of intellectual resonance. It’s a literary ballet where ideas pirouette gracefully, leaving the reader entranced by the sheer beauty of your expression.
Rerun 2020?? Or will GOP step up?
Or use Lawfare to get Trump
Oh, great, we have fixed the voting machines/counting!!!???
Why do all you Christian’s say trump was chosen by god? Was pagues of locust and COVID not doing the job anymore? Lol
The same sentiments regarding DeSantis should also be true for Nikki Haley. I support her candidacy now, and I am sick and tired of seeing her called names by Trump and wrongly accused by both Trump and DeSantis. Nevertheless, I will vote for whomever is the Republican nominee.