The Biden administration recently removed restrictions on 27 Chinese companies that prevented those companies from purchasing American technology that could potentially be turned against the U.S. A detailed examination by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project reveals connections between several of these companies and the Chinese Communist Party’s surveillance and military programs.
The U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security removed these companies from what is known as the Unverified List. The list was designed to prevent the potential misuse of U.S. technology and products by restricting certain foreign entities from purchasing items that could serve a dual use—in other words, that could have both civilian and military uses.
Export restrictions are applied to civilian technology that could be adapted for “military, terrorism or potential WMD [weapons of mass destruction]-related applications.”
Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Bureau of Industry and Security became more active in applying restrictions on Russian companies to prevent Russia from procuring dual-use equipment. However, this was generally seen as too little too late, as Russian President Vladimir Putin had already procured significant amounts of dual-use equipment prior to the invasion.
With China, the Biden administration has been less than transparent with its justification for relaxing the restrictions. The administration said it removed the 27 companies from the Unverified List by establishing their “bona fides” through end-use checks of how they were using the equipment they purchased. However, no specific mechanism for conducting these checks or for how the administration would verify them has been made public.
Concerning Connections Unearthed
Heritage’s Oversight Project took a further look into these companies. Several have raised potential security concerns because of direct connections to the Chinese Communist Party and China’s defense industry while also showing a proclivity toward procuring technologies that have both civilian and military uses. (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s news and commentary outlet.)
Here, the Oversight Project highlights three companies that are particularly concerning:
Beijing Zhonghehangxun Technology (also known as Beijing Vistek Co. Ltd), a startup connected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Center for Research on Intelligent Perception and Computing, is known for its work on large-scale crowd surveillance systems.
The Hoover Institution further highlighted Vistek’s role in surveillance equipment used in the Xinjiang region against the Uyghur population as well as the company’s cooperative partnership with Hikvision. Hikvision is a known supplier of surveillance technology to the CCP in applications that are “widely used in state security affairs,” according to Hoover’s 2021 Eyes Wide Open report.
Sen. Marsha Blackburn previously called for the company to be added to the Unverified List following the release of the report.
Further, Nanjing Gova Technology Co. Ltd, identified as a Chinese defense contractor in its recent press releases, plays a role in China’s aerospace industry. That includes building pressure sensors and sensor networks for new-generation fighter aircraft, rockets, and weaponry since as early as 2011.
Shuang Xiang (Fujian) Electronics Company Limited, specializing in optoelectronics, has connections to other CCP surveillance technology vendors. In recent filings, it has shown a strategic emphasis on investments in technologies that have both military and civilian applications.
Shuang Xiang has been involved in the manufacture of optical lenses and related equipment that are used in surveillance networks and in the enforcement of social credit scores. Several of the company’s board members also have direct ties to core elements of the Chinese Communist Party.
In addition, Sino Super Conductor Technology, Hunan University, and Nanchang University are three other entities that were removed from the list that are of concern due to military-civil fusion programs and their overlap into classified defense research.
A Need for Clarity and Caution
The decision to lift Unverified List status on these companies coincided with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo’s visit to Beijing in August.
The connections the Oversight Project identified between these companies and the CCP’s broader military and surveillance ambitions necessitate greater transparency and justification as to why the Biden administration lifted the restrictions.
Such decisions have broader implications, not only for U.S. national security and foreign policy, but also for human rights within China, where the CCP utilizes surveillance technology to control its own population.
The Daily Signal has reached out to the Bureau of Industry and Security for comment but so far has received no response.
Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Colin Aamot.
Yes, when I read this story a few days ago, it was evident that President Xi demanded some substantial concessions up front from Team Biden in order to go through with this photo-op meeting in SF. Just looking at who Biden had with him at the meeting today, as opening remarks were read by both Xi and Biden, it just confirmed by earlier expectations of what will come out of this meeting.
Obviously, the Biden team was more than willing to comply with any conditional demands made by Xi to ensure the meeting would go forward, so this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Half or more of the Biden administration officials seated at the table today have to be either on the CCP’s payroll or the CCP has enough to blackmail dirt on these folks to ensure compliance. As the old saying goes “Nothing to see here…move on, move on.”
The real meeting of interest will be the one tonight between President Xi and the heads of several major U.S. companies with deep business interests in China. That’s the one of real interest to President Xi and the CCP. Unfortunately, no one will be covering that meeting from the MSM or asking any serious questions about what is discussed or agreed to. Meanwhile the vast majority of Americans continue to wander around wondering why the only U.S. President to stand up to China and demand some level of accountability and reciprocity, in terms of economic trade relations, was Trump. So, the Biden show continues to play out day by day, as we roll over for our adversaries and play Uncle Soft Touch handing out money, we have to borrow from others to continue this farse.
This president is useless. China will continue to steal our technology, and farm land (near military bases (no doubt) our as long as weakling run this country.
Who is in charge here? to aid and help enemy is that not a treason? And there is no hew and cry over it? Who are these people we elect to represent us and where are they? How many foreign companies are moving and operating freely in China?
Very interesting and thanks for sharing…more proof TRAITOR JOE BIDEN overdue for impeachment
Biden will bow to anybody if they offer enough. TREASON,TREASON,TREASON. When dones Biden’s trial begin. Nothing like selling the U.S. out. He might make China #1 BUT they will certainly not reciprocate. He will be left in the dust as soon as they have gotten evetrything they want.”Give me liberty or give me death.” Right now it looks like death for sure.
There isn’t a day that goes by in which Biden doesn’t do something else that puts America last and gives Americas enemies more ammunition to be used against us. If you want to make sure Biden is a man of his word, bribe him because It’s obvious Biden delivers on his promises when takes cash from Americas enemies.
Why is this allowed?
That is dangerous to the Security of the United States. This needs to be stopped immediately
This is what happens when you have high Government officials who have been compromised, running the Country. That the American people will be paying a high price for all his indiscretions is of no concern to him, nor the people around him. It’s all about getting power, and holding on to it at all cost! America can’t get rid of him fast enough. Xi and the CCP have made a laughing stock out of this corrupt Administration from day one of taking office. Calling it a disgrace doesn’t begin to describe it!
There is so much hanging over the heads of the corrupt Biden family, nothing surprises me anymore! Now in order to keep these things quiet, Biden has to kiss the ring.
When will fellow Americans admit that Biden is a plant, just as Obama was and is still a plant? As we citizens swirl right down the global drain, what is the source of why, why why? Common sense is a wide open clue. Did Obama seem to come out of nowhere? Did he get elected and re-elected legally? Why did Obama choose Biden as Vice President in the first place? Had the unscrupulous members Congress not known all along that Biden was up to his ears in unscrupulous doings both here and abroad. Did they not know he was far less than an honest and honorable person? Do we citizens know not why the Democrats are like Teflon when the commit treasonable acts? Are only hard working, honest citizens the only ones who dig deeper for answers than woke voices who likely have no worries because they are rich? Think about it, did the average worker sell out to China, usher nonsense into our public education systems, participate in unruly demonstrations, financially hog-tie the economy? WAKE UP PEOPLE. Do the research as to what sectors of our government cut back defense, ushered out parents rights in schools, so bungled the economy that only the well-to-do can afford to live comfortably. Our beautiful welcoming country has been infiltrated with drugs, terrorists, and illegal voters by the current administration. Wake up good citizens before all is lost.
As I have been saying for a long time, anything to do harm to America and American citizens. The left is destroying from within. And it seems the right has no problem with this either.
B – biggestI – idiot (the)D – democratsE – everN – nominatedWe need Trump in the WH, now!
This is a political stunt by Dictator Beijing biden removing these Restrictions that were put into place by President Trump to protect Americans and American Industries including our Military.
Once again Dictator Beijing biden SELLS OUT the United States and BOWS DOWN to his Communist buddies.
Anything and everything that President Trump did to Make Our Country Great including giving back more of our U.S. Constitutional Rights to US, Dictator Beijing biden has removed or destroyed it on purpose.
NONE of these horrible UN-American things would ever happen under President Trump. And Communist China sure as hell would NOT be getting OUR TECHNOLOGY or the U.S. buying theirs since it is Inferior.
And we taxpayers money goes toward selling us out!for some elites to make even more! Fk it !
Nobody can undo the tremendous damage Biden has dealt to this country and not be wanting to do it!! We are screwed and that means everybody!! Yes, including the people who voted for him!
Excellent article telling the Truth.
Add that Dictator Beijing biden just gave another $10 Billion to Terrorist Iran and still allow Iraq to buy electricity from Terrorist Iran while supporting and funding their Terrorist Attacks against Americans and American Military Bases. At of course, American taxpayers expense and National Security and American Soldiers lives.
Crooked Joe or Obama is selling our sovereignty to highest bidder!
He or Obama is selling our sovereignty to the highest bidder.
Show up and vote red. Republicans in both houses are sissies when it comes to doing the right thing.
Biden is a trader and should be put out of the United States. He is Saleing the United States to our enemy.He should be shot right between the eyes. I pray someone will kill him .