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AMAC Members Stand with Israel as Senate Confirms Lew

Posted on Thursday, November 2, 2023
by AMAC Action
Jack Lew, US ambassador to Israel

The Senate voted on Tuesday to confirm the next US ambassador to Israel. Given the attack Israel just endured last month and the subsequent slaughter of its innocent citizenry by Hamas terrorists, this is a hyper-critical role that requires a person who emanates American leadership with a verifiable track record of supporting one of our most loyal and strategically important allies.

In September, Joe Biden, in keeping with his track record of dubious administration nominees, put forth the name of none other than former Obama administration Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to be ambassador to Israel.  How bad was this nomination?

According to Senator Tom Cotton (AR), “Lew championed the Iran nuclear deal and was instrumental in its implementation. Lew called the agreement with Iran, which delivered over $100 billion in sanctions relief to Israel’s greatest enemy, a “strong deal” and said that “it will make our country safer, it will make our allies safer, and it will make the world safer.” This deal was not well received by Israel and Cotton cited a poll where “73% of Jewish Israelis believed that the deal posed an “existential threat” to their nation.”

Cotton further described Lew as “a man who has acted as the de facto banker and business agent of the ayatollahs”. Notwithstanding Lew’s history with Israel and after Israel declared war on Hamas, President Biden did not withdraw this controversial nomination.

AMAC Action, in a sign of support for Israel, rallied the membership to contact their US Senators on the day of the vote to compel them to oppose Lew’s confirmation. By the time of the vote, over 20,000 contacts were made by AMAC members to the US Senate. This was done in just four hours!

Despite this strong show of support for Israel by the AMAC membership, the Senate voted to confirm Jack Lew as ambassador to Israel 53-43, with four Senators not voting. The Democrats were aided by two “Aye” votes from Republican Senators Lindsey Graham (SC) and Rand Paul (KY). Their support of Lew dates back to the affirmative votes they gave him to confirm his nomination as Treasury Secretary in 2013.

In a press release after the vote, Senator Graham cited “the dire situation in Israel and the need to provide stability in the region” as a reason to confirm Lew even as he acknowledged that “There are legitimate concerns about Mr. Lew.”  Perhaps he was reacting to the hundreds messages he received from his AMAC South Carolina constituents?

Although this effort did not yield the desired result, AMAC members sent a powerful statement in support of Israel to the United States Senate. This statement could have conceivably pushed some Senators off the fence and increased the tally in the “Nay” column.

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A Voter
A Voter
11 months ago

If Israel has any sense, they will refuse to speak with or allow Lew into their country. Just because the US appoints someone Ambassador doesn’t mean Israel must accept them.

11 months ago

Not only is Jack Lew a bad choice, just name me one person that Brain Dead Biden chosen to be in his administration that’s not worthless as a pay toilet in a Diarrhea Ward. Between him and Obama they have scoured the country to find the worst of the worst.
Brain Dead Biden and the rest of the weasel Democrats took an Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and have done just the opposite, every one of them has done everything within their power to weaken and violate the founding principles.
Jack Lew is just the latest, and won’t be the last who will be incompetent, and an embarrassment to America!
God bless America, we can do better!

11 months ago

Israel should refuse to accept Lee as ambassador.

Frances O'Toole
Frances O'Toole
11 months ago

Why does our Republican representatives vote in lock step with Biden and not use their own God given ability to see the enemy right in front of them? Biden and those he selects to continue his regime of evil are those that do not love America but are appeasing our enemies. We need to vote out every Rino in Congress.

11 months ago

No surprise that Lindsey Graham voted with the democrats, but I am a little surprised that Rand Paul did. Wasn’t too long ago he (Graham), was on Hannity begging for donations to get him re-elected. He can’t be trusted.

11 months ago

What ever Israel needs to destroy Hamas.
I stand with Israel ! Our only true friends in the Middle East

11 months ago

How can sending Lew as Ambassador do America or Israel any good?

11 months ago

The reps were ignored again by the senate and Lew the most pro Iranian American next to O, goes to Israel as our ambassador When are we going to learn. Graham’s excuse better to have Lew than have nothing doesn’t hold water. Putting a pro Iran ambassador in Israel is like putting the fox in the hen house.
We live under a dictatorship and the RINOs are supporting it.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
11 months ago

NO 2 Lew Yes to Israel

11 months ago

There’s only one thing to do if Citizens wish to save America. THROW OUT EVERY marxist democrat party member and all their useless destructive cohorts!

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
11 months ago

This clown is a perfect fit for this corrupt, criminal, incompetent, treasonous administration.

11 months ago


Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

The party that plays together, stays together… it’s always the same ppl just a reshuffling of the jobs they get assigned to.

11 months ago

What insanity is it that would have anyone believe that Biden will make good choices when HE isn’t making any choices at all. The Office of President has been vacant for nearly 2 years! Choices in this administration are being made by those who were not elected to office, and that is reality in its purest form. So, the question that isn’t being asked … has America crossed the Rubicon and are we prepared for what that means?

11 months ago

The treason party is a cancerous tumor and so are its metastases.

11 months ago

We have an invasion at our own BOARDERS and standing for other countries is growing old. How many of these so called allies have ever donated to our national causes. We are trillions in DEBT do to funding other countries WARS.
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11 months ago

We give so much unaccounted for money to many other countries. Will they give back if we are in need? Doubtful, they’re leeches.

11 months ago

I see ken buck from colorado was on the list of rhinos again. I hear he is not trying for re-election. That is GOOD except he sure makes the Republicans all look bad, right?

11 months ago

Go Israel Go! This Lutheran supports you 100%

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
11 months ago

I agree very much with A Voter

Stop the insane
Stop the insane
11 months ago

This Is just Bull crap Yes I consider this Another Big F by establishment republicans! our oldest and probably our only Ally left! I expected better than Muslim brotherhood supporter!I am so pissed Biden wants to give Hamas fuel also I don’t want anymore bull crap Hamas has hoarded fuel ISNT IT ILLEGAL TO AIDE TERRORIST’s quit being Naive everyone Hamas will take it anyway I hope Israel rejects this BS!

Doug H
Doug H
11 months ago

The only good thing about Biden is he is not Carter. That fool Carter would be sending Hamas money and bashing Israel.

11 months ago

Pain.What an apt appellation for a woefully ignorant person.Study history MR Pain.

Donald King
Donald King
11 months ago

For Pete’s sake Israel, refuse to communicate with this Iranian agent political clown at any level.

11 months ago

This is what happens when back room deals are made and then the time to pay up comes. These guys vote because they “owe” the other guy. More politics and less support for their constituents. Turncoats. Under the table dealers.

11 months ago

I think Lew is a very bad choice. Still, I know my Bible, Israel is the apple of God’s eye and His Chosen People, He will always rescue them. I will stand solidly behind Israel. Those who fail to stand with Israel will also be defeated/destroyed. God had tried and tested Israel, the stories in the OT are historical as to how He has rescued them time and time again. BiBi needs to stick to his guns and keep bombing until hamas is eliminated.

Robert Talley
Robert Talley
11 months ago

Think of Israel as the son of GOD and the United States as GOD the father and if some bullies like Hamas and Iran two bigger kids started beating your son wouldn’t you want him to fight back and wouldn’t you do what you can to help him any loveing parent would as much as possible.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
11 months ago

We need to stand with everyone who does not commit terrorist acts against others. We must stand with those who do not promote free and open borders and social regulations and laws. We must stand for all who do not stand against others for mere hateful reasons and personal gain.

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

Has any good come from this administration yet? Why should this time be different Of course he is going to nominate the least worthy

11 months ago

Seems like a bad choice. So what else is new?

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
11 months ago

Acceptance of credentials IS NOT AUTOMATIC!

11 months ago

Sorry I disagree..Isreal was created by the fraudsters…The lease has run out on the land..(PALESTINE) .I support all lives in the middle east..Not the factions that pretend to be jewish..It’s time to end all wars and stop all this division ..The storm is coming buckle up..Evil begone..

11 months ago

I stand with aide the Israel citizens..not the armed forces.

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