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Biden’s EV Mandate in Spotlight as UAW Strike Deepens

Posted on Wednesday, October 11, 2023
by Neil Banerji

AMAC Exclusive – By Neil Banerji

President Joe Biden addresses UAW members walking a picket line at the GM Willow Run Distribution Center, Tuesday, September 26, 2023, in Belleville, Michigan. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)
The United Auto Workers Union (UAW) strike deepened again this week as thousands of employees at Volvo-owned Mack Truck plants in Pennsylvania, Florida, and Maryland joined General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis workers on the picket line. While President Joe Biden has publicly expressed support for the strikers, it is becoming more obvious by the day that his own policies are largely to blame for the labor dispute. Despite billing himself as the “most pro-union” president in American history, Biden’s policies, and in particular his electric vehicle mandate, would be a disaster for union auto workers – something which has significantly heightened tensions between workers and car companies. According to a new rule proposed by the White House earlier this year, all-electric vehicles will have to make up at least two-thirds of all new car sales by 2023. Given that just 5.8 percent of new vehicles sold in 2022 were all-electric, this policy would be one of the most aggressive government interventions in any sector of the economy in American history. The new rule is predicted to cost automakers big time. Ford alone says it expects to lose $4.5 billion to comply with the policy. But those hardest hit by Biden’s EV mandate will be the workers currently on strike. In addition to requiring fewer laborers to produce, EVs also don’t require as much regular maintenance, potentially impacting tens of thousands of auto mechanics throughout the country. The America First Policy Institute, a conservative think tank, has estimated that the rule will lead to a net loss of 117,000 auto jobs. Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler have already started laying off hundreds of workers. Despite the fact that Biden’s EV mandate is destroying their workforce and their business model, however, most carmakers have astonishingly embraced the policy. Like the rest of corporate America, the c-suites at Ford, General Motors, and other manufacturers have fully bought in to the left’s mission to “reimagine” America – even if it leads their companies to ruin. UAW President Shawn Fein has also embraced Biden’s radical environmental agenda,stating earlier this year that the union “supports and is ready for the transition to a clean auto industry.” In other words, it seems that union leadership, car manufacturers, and the Biden administration are all behind the EV mandate that will cost tens of thousands of UAW workers their jobs in the near future. Yet when Biden visited striking workers in Michigan last month, he claimed to be on their side. “Stick with it,” the president told the workers, even as he continued to push policies directly counter to their interests. While Biden attempted to display solidarity with the striking workers, the context of his visit – hastily planned on the heels of a major speech by Donald Trump a day later – was more indicative of a president terrified of losing a vital base of support. Historically, the large union vote in Michigan has been a rock-solid base of support for Democrats in the state. Trump’s victory there in 2016 shocked the political pundit class and signaled the beginning of an ongoing demographic shift that has many Democrats worried that Michigan could become more competitive in upcoming cycles. Notably, the UAW refused to endorse Biden earlier this year even though it has almost always supported Democrat nominees in the past. During his speech in Michigan, Trump publicly called on Fein to endorse him, promising workers that he would end Biden’s EV mandate and secure their jobs. “I want a future that protects American labor, not foreign labor, a future that puts American dreams over foreign profits, and a future that raises American wages, that strengthens American industry, that builds national pride, and that defends this country’s dignity,” Trump said. “Biden’s cruel and ridiculous electric vehicle mandates will spell the death of the U.S. auto industry.” Trump also accused Biden of pandering to UAW workers in a Truth Social post shortly after Biden announced his visit to Michigan. “Crooked Joe Biden had no intention of going to visit the United Autoworkers, until I announced that I would be heading to Michigan to be with them, & help them out,” Trump wrote. “Actually, Crooked Joe sold them down the river with his ridiculous all Electric Car Hoax. This wasn’t Biden’s idea, he can’t put two sentences together. It was the idea of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, & Communists who control him and who, in so doing, are DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!” As has been the case many other times, Biden’s rhetoric continues to belie his political decision-making. While he will likely try to buttress the shaky ground upon which his disorganized coalition stands in preparation for 2024, the UAW strike is yet another sign that the cracks are already appearing from within and that the tide may be turning in favor of the GOP among key Democrat constituencies. Neil Banerji is a proud Las Vegas resident and former student at the University of Oxford. In his spare time, he enjoys reading Winston Churchill and Edmund Burke.

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11 months ago

Why should UAW Trust Jackass Joebama?
This BOZO has already declared that he is in support of CONVERTING AMERICA TO ELECTRONIC VEHICLES!

11 months ago

Shame on the autoworkers if they haven’t investigated the whole EV mandate and how it will affect their industry and livelihoods . Wake up people, this administration doesn’t give a damn about you or any of us in the grassroots of America. It’s all about themselves.

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

Membership is a clueless heard If there was a brain between them they would figure out that the leadership is not their friend

11 months ago

The entire climate change narrative is expressly designed to shift the wealth of the western world to China and make China the new lone superpower controlling the world. The EV mandate is but one small piece in a much larger and all-inclusive set of policies to accomplish that end result. This has been in the works for decades.

In the specific case of the UAW, the leadership is fighting a losing battle, because in the end, if the EV mandate stands, 60 percent of the workers striking today will be out of job in less than 5 years. Look at the assembly plants in China and even western Europe today compared to the American plants. In China they build electric vehicles with only about 25 percent of manpower used in American plants and their workers make a tiny fraction of what American auto workers make. The plants are all highly automated and robotized, with more technology to replace even more human workers scheduled to come on-line in the next few years. Clearly the UAW still hasn’t realized that the auto industry is international, not merely domestic in nature.

China is already starting to export their EVs to Europe and they are far cheaper than anything the west can build. Companies like VW, Mercedes and BMW are already losing market share in China and even parts of Europe as Chinese made EVs perform as well or somewhat better than their counterparts. Remember, China controls the critical materials necessary to make EVs, so they essentially control the costs and determine the winners and losers in this little game our elected leaders have bought into.

The UAW thinks this is still the 1960s. It is NOT. This a global competition with rules that are fixed to ensure the Chinese will be the ultimate winners in this area. Will the UAW leadership be honest with their people or change who they robotically support in terms of a political party? Of course NOT. Union leadership is out for itself, and the UAW workers are just the poor pawns in a very large and complex game being played way about their heads.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
11 months ago

This article should be appreciated by everyone who puts value on truth , Well Done Mr. Banerji . Understanding the significance of the alliance between the union leadership , car manufacturers , and the administration and how it works counter to the aims of the union members is important . If an electric vehicle mandate is being set forth on a less than honest foundation then how can anything of a positive nature develop from it for a long term goal ? The answer to that is simple — positive things will not develop from it. By positive things I am thinking about the idea of trust that should be involved . Disrespect for the union auto workers is not in the interest of honesty, or generating trust . This matter needs plenty of consideration and truth needs to be respected in order to have any kind of improvement that will help to make this a better United States of America . Let Liberty be the watchword. This electric vehicle government mandate goes against the Conservative philosophy at the foundation. Much better ways need to be considered and honorable approaches to the matter are needed .

11 months ago

Bidum will destroy America’s auto industry. GM and Ford are each losing Billions of dollars while trying to shift to Electric Vehicles that no-one wants or is buying. Bidum is in deep for money, with China and the CCP as a part of replacing conventional ICE vehicles with EVs. As is MI Gov. Whitmer who is using MI tax dollars to build two Chinese battery plants in Michigan for EV batteries supposed to Chinese workers, not American UAW! Although I do not support the UAW’s ridiculous demands of a 4 day week and a 40% increase in pay. Even without Bidum mandates to eliminate ICE vehicles, few would be able to afford the costs the Union’s demands would require to be passed on to the car buyer.

11 months ago

As of now, battery vehicles are a money pit. These vehicles are not helping the environment, only helping people like Biden who own stock in the manufacturing process. If folks want to buy an electric car or truck then that is their decision but don’t force me to buy something that is of no value to me. And don’t use my tax dollars to give people money to buy one.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
11 months ago

Bravo Bust up the Unions
Adapt to EVs OR Lose
But EVs have issues:
battery fires
stalling midway
charging time
Lack charging centers

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
11 months ago

EV’s will be a wonderful thing one day. But now is not the time for all that. Let Tech. catch up with the idea. For future I can see flying cars. But not now. Kyle L.

11 months ago

Typo in your article”2/3 by 2023″ should be by 2032. Either way, Biden’s goal will never be reached, there is not enough lithium. EVs benefits are a myth, just like global warming.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
11 months ago

ANTI-AMERICAN ! – The American way is to let the market decide! Make a vehicle that is cost effective to purchase, operate, refuel, maintain, along with insure and resale… and people will buy it! … don’t and they won’t!

11 months ago

This story proves just how absolutely stupid and totally unrealistic our US Government and wealthy elites are. Mandating banning gasoline vehicles in favor of nothing but Electric vehicles is completely ridiculous because electric vehicles for just one reason cannot meet the needs of our transportation systems such as national and international supply chain. Folks this current US government, the idiotic Biden administration, many in Congress are dysfunctional and childish spoilt brats. They are fools and prove this everyday…

11 months ago

Praying they all go under. At that point someone can pick up the pieces and do it right. But…until then…here we all sit…

11 months ago

Hey—high school educated UAW Workers, keep listening to Biden, you won’t have a job!

11 months ago

No one can afford to buy the products they produce because of the current admin, yet these FOOLS support the idiot that’s directly to blame for their employers failing sales. Hard to get raises, and benefits, from a debunked employer! I have NO love for unions, although I’ve made a butt load of money from GM, finishing what their “union” employees’ couldn’t finish in a much shorter time frame.

Bob L
Bob L
11 months ago

I think the EV mandate is going to either die or someone in the White House in the NEAR future will revoke the mandate
Some people who buy an EV apparently don’t know the downsides of owning one, especially the cost of replacing the battery which costs more than most smaller gas powered cars, $20,000 plus for most batteries.

11 months ago

Biden must like Cuba so much he wants all of us keeping our old gas vehicles restored for a life time, just like Cuba! I won’t buy any electric piece if sh!t!!! Already stocking up on parts for my real American vehicle!

11 months ago

I wouldn’t have an EV in my driveway if they gave them away. I don’t give a dam if every can maker goes out of business and every overpaid UAW worker goes on welfare. I drive an 18 year old half ton, gas guzzling pickup truck. I expect it to keep running for the rest of my life.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
11 months ago

The UAW thinks the world of Biden he could care less about those workers he is all show because his poll numbers are in the toilet and he knows it along with his so called VP and the Washington Dems. Time for new leadership

11 months ago

one of his first acts was to close the pipeline.lots of pipefitter union men lost jobs. his administration also gave millions of dollars to anti Israel united nations organizations … and we have supplied billions to Ukraine.. 81 million rigged votes..

11 months ago

Don’t worry joe will give the unions a line of
BS lies and like the lap dogs the union
Members are they will suck it up, help elect the jerk then when he renigs on his lies (promises), they will again whine. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat…

11 months ago

Keep screwing with people, Joe, and see what it gets you!! No one should ever believe anything that comes out of the mouth of a politician but especially a Democrat politician!!! I still say that the Washington elite and the environmentalists elite are in cahoots with each other buying into companies that are set to profit from governmental mandates!!! That’s worse than insider trading and I wish they would all be discovered, arrested and thrown in jail!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

I live in purple Washoe County Nevada (plus Clark County of most population in the state that voted Biden) and I can’t think of anywhere there is a Tesla charger… and one of their plants is in the neighboring county! I don’t think anyone is against EVs but want THE CHOICE not FORCED TO buy one! Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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