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Un-American Trump Indictment Echoes Monarchical Lèse-majesté Laws

Posted on Monday, August 7, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Arthur Camman


The most recent indictment of former President Donald Trump by the Biden Justice Department’s handpicked special counsel represents an un-American effort to resolve a political dispute within the legal criminal justice system.

Early in the indictment, the special counsel goes out of his way to make clear that the former president is not being prosecuted for saying the 2020 election was unfair or stolen. “The defendant had the right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election, and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won,” Jack Smith writes.

This is important, because Smith acknowledges that there is no crime in speaking out, nor does the government deeming speech to be inaccurate or untrue make it inherently illegal.

Criticism of the election, Smith claims, is fine so long as it is ineffective and leads to few consequences. The same is true of efforts to challenge election results: “He (Donald Trump) was also entitled to challenge the results of the election through lawful and appropriate means, such as by seeking recounts or audits of the popular vote in states or filing lawsuits challenging ballots and procedures.”

So, what was the problem? Where was the crime?

The crime, as the indictment puts it, was that the Trump allegedly engaged in a conspiracy to “defraud” the American people by using false accusations of irregularities, to justify the appointment of false electors, whom he then intended to use to challenge Joe Biden’s electors.

There is much controversy, even today, about what happened in the 2020 election, but for the purposes of this indictment, it is beside the point. The entire case hinges on a very narrow thread of logic.

It was legal, Smith argues, for Donald Trump to say the election was stolen, even if the claim was false. It was also legal for Donald Trump to pursue all legal means of challenging the results, and there is nothing inherently illegal about appointing a rival slate of electors. In fact, both campaigns appoint electors for every state, even ones they have no chance of winning. Joe Biden appointed a slate of electors for Wyoming, and Donald Trump for Massachusetts.

Nor is it illegal for a member of Congress to challenge a given slate of electors. By virtue of having been elected by their constituents, members of Congress have the right to vote however they chose for whatever reason, good or bad. Where, then, was the supposed crime?

The crime Jack Smith alleges is the old refuge of prosecutors who believe they are surrounded by smoke but cannot locate the fire: conspiracy.

It should be noted here that this is not the first time this prosecutor has acted as a political hatchet man. In 2012, Obama and other Democrats feared the rising profile of Virginia Republican Governor Bob McDonnell, who had won in 2009 with 59 percent of the vote in a state that had been trending blue. Jack Smith, then head of the Obama Justice Department’s “Public Integrity Unit,” indicted McDonnell on charges of bribery which were later unanimously overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. But by that point, Smith’s political hit job was complete, and McDonnell’s career and marriage were in tatters.

This time around, Trump’s alleged crime was knowingly lying about the election (not a crime), to justify contesting the status of electors with a rival slate (also not a crime), in order to encourage a congressional vote (not a crime) which theoretically could have resulted in his electors replacing Biden’s, which might or might not have been wise or democratic, but would have been the prerogative of the elected Congress.

Smith’s argument, in other words, is that because Trump allegedly knew he had lost (and that claim exists at the center of the entire indictment; without it there is no case) his remaining in office would have constituted fraud. 

Having posited that Trump remaining in office would constitute fraud, the indictment’s logic then suggests that anything Donald Trump or anyone linked to him did which was aimed at achieving that end also constituted fraud.

Suddenly it does not matter whether Trump’s claims about the election were true or false. They were made with the intention of committing an alleged crime – allowing Donald Trump to remain president. As for the rival slates of electors, by making themselves available for a challenge in Congress, they were supposedly taking part in a conspiracy to commit fraud.

In short, what Smith has declared is that outcomes matter more than process. Joe Biden becoming president was the correct outcome as far as the indictment is concerned. Hence, the right to free speech is conditional on it not being used to undermine the right outcome.

Donald Trump or anyone else, then, is allowed to impugn the integrity of the election or say Trump won up until the point it reduces Joe Biden’s odds of becoming President. At that point, it becomes conspiracy.

The same is true of the electoral challenges. Smith is fine with Donald Trump pursuing recounts, audits, and challenges to voting rules, provided they fail. In fact, their failure is further legal “evidence” for why the correct outcome was Biden’s inauguration, and efforts to prevent it were an attempt to foist a fraudulent outcome on the American people.

The point at which legal challenges crossed the line was the moment they had a chance of success. The reason the organization of rival electors, or efforts to pressure the vice president into challenging the electoral vote count, were considered conspiratorial is that they, unlike the lawsuits the establishment is willing to tolerate, had a chance of succeeding in their intended task. In effect, The indictment says it was only legal for Donald Trump to challenge the election futilely. Anything he did which involved a serious effort to overturn it was, by their definition, a crime.

Prosecutors here take the “it is only treason if you lose” adage and flip it on its head. Dissent is legal and protected under the First Amendment if it is ineffective. But effective dissent with any prospect of changing policy or the government is sedition.

The Biden DOJ here is standing on the shoulders of authoritarian regimes in Russia, China, and Turkey. All these states claim to be democracies, but they separate a very limited sphere of acceptable, systemic opposition, from seditious opposition defined as much by effectiveness as goals.

In Russia, someone like Igor Girkin, an FSB agent who helped seize Eastern Ukraine for Russia in 2014, could become an “extremist” engaged in “undermining the Constitutional order” by virtue of gaining too great an audience. Alexei Navalny’s crime was to organize a system of tactical “smart voting” which defeated pro-Putin candidates.

Russia may have elections, but “conspiring” to actually win them is a crime. The same charges were levied in Hong Kong after the passage of the National Security law. The pro-democracy opposition, by virtue of organizing primary elections for candidates so as to avoid dividing their vote, engaged in a conspiracy to gain a majority in the Hong Kong legislature, block the budget, and thereby undermine “national security.”

Turkey and Thailand have taken matters a step further than Biden’s prosecutors to be fair, but are fully in-line with Democratic charges that “casting doubt on the integrity of our electoral system” constitutes a “big lie” which is somehow treasonous.

One reason Turkish President Recep Erdogan won reelection is that his strongest opponent, Istanbul Mayor Ekram Imamoglu, was sentenced to prison and thereby disqualified. His crime? When Imamoglu won his office in 2019, Erdogan was so angry he forced his Interior Minister to cancel the elections and conduct a re-run which Imamoglu won by a landslide. Imamoglu called the decision “foolish” which was considered insulting a government official and thereby the state.

In Thailand, the leader of the largest party was threatened with disqualification because his party campaigned on repealing Thailand’s lese majeste laws, which ban criticism of the King. Advocating for repealing the ban was itself was deemed an act of lese majeste.

While the DOJ’s constitutional theories would be at home in Russia, China, or Turkey, they are profoundly un-American. This is not a rhetorical declaration of principle, but an observable reality.

Moreover, the conceptions the special counsel is operating under were a key feature of English law, and one of the leading causes of the American Revolution.

Prior to U.S. independence, a bane of liberty, both in England and the American colonies, had been the legal concept that royal officials represented the King, and therefore to insult them or impugn their character was to make allegations against the King – an act of treason.

Lest there be any doubt, the 1760s were replete with efforts to prosecute members of the Sons of Liberty for the crime of defaming Royal governors or suggesting resistance to tax collectors. The founders were thus determined to outlaw such practices in establishing the new U.S. government. In the process, they broke with a tradition dating back to Ancient Rome that the reputation of magistrates was inviolable.

It was not only the reputation of magistrates that was inviolable, but also their person. The founders did not believe in the distinction between legal dissent, which was content to fail against superior force, and dissent intended to succeed.

Having rejected the premise that the King’s cause was inherently just, the founders concluded that leaving what dissent was and was not legitimate in the hands of those in power would inevitably produce the interpretation seen in this indictment – one whereby legitimate dissent stopped at the point at which it threatened the hold on power of those in office.

Instead, the founders erred on the other side. George Washington faced enormous amounts of criticism during his tenure, especially during the battle over the Jay Treaty with Great Britain in 1795, which not only was libelous, but in some cases crossed the line to calls for violence. George Washington, John Jay, and other leading figures were burned in effigy, Washington right outside the windows of his office.

It must have been horrifying for Washington, both in terms of the ingratitude represented by those whose freedom he had fought for, and in the context of what had occurred in France over the past six years. But he resisted the urge to resort to violent repression, even though the military would have happily followed him. He did not arrest Jefferson, despite clear and overwhelming evidence Jefferson was not just involved in orchestrating the unrest, but openly in contact with representatives of foreign governments in so doing, in this case France.

What Washington realized and was demonstrated by the Alien and Sedition Acts was that it was not possible to separate censoring criticism of officials themselves from criticism of what they did. The Federalists who passed the Alien and Sedition Acts claimed the opposition Republicans were communicating with a foreign power, which they were, and advocating extra-constitutional defiance of the laws, something they were also guilty of.

But the simple truth was that it was a Federalist Congress which passed a law allowing Federalist prosecutors to charge Republican newspaper editors with calling for the overthrow of a Federalist government. If the overthrow or removal of the Federalist Party was itself a crime, what value was there in distinguishing between legal and illegal speech? Any speech likely to accomplish that end was seditious.

The crime the Trump special counsel has identified is conspiring to prevent Joe Biden from being inaugurated. It is unclear whether, if for instance, a majority of the House or Senate had voted to accept the rival electors, regardless of evidence, it would still have been a fraud. Is Smith’s contention that Biden deserved to win, in which case blocking that outcome through any method, including the ones Smith says Trump was entitled to use, would still be a fraud? Or was it only a fraud because Biden did win and become president, in which case Donald Trump is not being punished for allegedly attempting to succeed, but rather for attempting and then failing?

Ultimately, the events of late 2020-2021 should not have happened. They were a regrettable outgrowth of a COVID-19 pandemic unleashed from abroad and the ruthless determination of an opposition to exploit every opportunity and utilize every institutional lever to remove a president they despised.

In turn, this prompted a reaction which resorted to desperate and ill-judged expedients. The proper forum for these events to be judged is within the political process.

As it is, the special counsel’s indictment comes disturbingly close to allowing those in power to set the rules of the game for their competition.

Arthur Camman is the pseudonym of a regular writer on current affairs who has taught history at the University level for eight years. He has worked on Capitol Hill, and is familiar with the historical development of the American and British political systems.

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USN Retired
USN Retired
1 year ago

If the American public accepts this type of behavior from our elected officials (regardless if you like Trump or not), we are that much closer to being a Communist controlled monarchy.
Very sad, and scary.

1 year ago

Basically they have filed charges on Trump for saying the 2020 election was rigged…….If you can be arrested for saying this, that sure doesn’t give me much faith that it wasn’t rigged.

1 year ago

Anybody with half a brain KNOWS that President Trump had the Reelection STOLEN from him! And that Jack*ss Joe and the so-called Democrats are persecuting him because he said so! It just shows you how stupid a vast majority of the general populace is! NOW IT IS A CRIME to voice your dissenting opinion just like it is in COMMUNIST COUNTRIES! And the General Public seems fine with it. I guess paying TWICE AS MUCH for FOOD AND GASOLINE is OKAY since most of the rest of the world seems okay with paying such. STUPID IS, STUPID DOES! The dumbing down of people amazes me!

Retired law Enforcement
Retired law Enforcement
1 year ago

The Democrats are trying to get a one party system to enact so called socialism to take rights away from the people. Socialism is a nicer term for communism

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
1 year ago

“The most recent indictment of former President Donald Trump by the Biden Justice Department’s handpicked special counsel represents an un-American effort to resolve a political dispute within the legal criminal justice system.”
A “political dispute?” What is going on is NOT a “political dispute.” It is a Leftist coup, plain and simple. And with the completely corrupt DOJ and AG, and with a Leftist-controlled media, they are close to success.

Loves Dogs
Loves Dogs
1 year ago

Smith says Trump’s statement about the election being stolen is false (I say Smith’s statement about the election not being stolen is false). With Smiths’ first statement you can see his bias and you know where he stands and that he is willing to push his false narrative however he has to. The VAST majority of the country backs Trump and all the Democrats and Republicans know this. They are a single party system which they do not like because Trump was actually trying to separate them. They uni party is pushing Trump to start his own party but it will not work. The RINO’s would simply move over and claim to be on his side. According to estimates, Trump did win the last election by over 40 million votes. 2024 will have the military observing it and they will not be able to cheat (although they will try).

1 year ago

When was the last time we had election coverage stopped at 11 pm on Election Day with one candidate, Donald Trump enjoying a healthy lead over Joe Biden, only to find out the next day that Biden miraculously overtook Trump to win the election? Then we had video evidence of Democrat operatives dumping Biden ballots, and evidence of election machine manipulations to overturn Trump votes into Biden votes. And none of this was ever allowed to go to court. Trump is well within his rights to question this election.

Vickie Shields
Vickie Shields
1 year ago

Obama is the one that needs to be prosecuted! He has been in this since Trump won!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Russia & China Both use same laws

1 year ago

March 17, 2023: Hunter Biden admits that the laptop from Hell was his.
March 18, 2023: Alvin Bragg indicts President Trump.
June 7, 2023: FBI releases documents to Congress alleging the Bidens took a $10M bribe from Burisma.
June 8, 2023: Jack Smith indicts Trump in Mar-a-Lago documents case.
July 26, 2023: Hunter Biden goes to court and rejects sweetheart plea deal after it was revealed DOJ tried to give him blanket immunity from all future prosecutions.
July 27, 2023: Jack Smith adds more charges for Trump in the Mar-a-Lago case.
July 31, 2023: Hunter Biden’s former business partner testifies to Congress that Joe Biden was on over 20 calls with his son’s business partners and that Burisma execs pressured Hunter to get the Big Guy to fire the prosecutor. [FBI CI reports $5M each paid the HB and JRB in 2016 by Zlochevsky. Thirty LLCs for money laundering and 170 Suspicious Activity Reports.]
August 1, 2023: Jack Smith indicts Trump again for January 6.
Not coincidences, indictments timed to remove Bidens from the news cycle.

G. Diepering
G. Diepering
1 year ago

Excellent article of written history, let this be a must reading the standard for true democratic princeples

1 year ago

To Author Camman, all those who have replied and the world:
I want to first send out a BIG attaboy for those who fought in any war to make this a real NATION and to preserve the liberty we have so enjoyed.
I am now 83+ years old and have lived, worked or visited in countries that were under communist rule! I did this by choice and my husband who lived under both socialism and communism let me go at it all alone! I thank him for these experiences. I have had a great career (health care) both in this country and countries that I have gone to.
jack smith (he means NOTHING to me), is nothing more than a “useful” idiot” and I pray that God will change his heart or be so angry at what he is doing (what I see as TREASONOUS behavior) that He will enact an Old Testament solution. All these mayors/governors of blue cities/states will blame anyone but themselves for all the mobs and groups that have been seen in this country recently. They are all “useful idiots” as well.
Thank you Mr. Camman for thinking we are not as stupid as the left and for writing at a level that does not insult the intelligence or the critical thinking level of those who have read your article. Sincerely, Carol

1 year ago

Talk about a bunch of “word bending” garbage. This is what prosecutors are being allowed to do all over the US. Create or invent scenarios that for the purpose of conviction.

1 year ago

Dan Bongino nutshelled the state of play. “The democrats are correct,” he wrote.
“Outside of the bank records, the suspicious activity reports, the wire transfers, the private bank transactions, the LLCs, the texts, the emails, the WhatsApp messages, the photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners, the voicemails to his son, the two business partners saying Joe is the ‘brand,’ the ‘big guy,’ and ‘the chairman,’ the two whistleblowers testimony, the recorded phone calls between Biden and Poroshenko, the video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor, and Hunter’s statements that he’s giving his dad half his income, there is NO evidence of Joe Biden being involved.” (“Joe Biden’s Weather Report” American Greatness, August 6, 2023)

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

If the GOP gets the power, it should be stretched a bit further, and some DOJ people imprisoned. In the general population.

1 year ago

They are not indicting a crime they are indicting Trump. They would indict him if he spit on the sidewalk. Saying take your GRIEVANCES to the courts is like saying good luck with that. The dems know all judges and prosecutors have been compromised and bought by Soros. And going forward by stopping the electoral voting and investigate the election as it should have been by a bipartisan committee, would have shown the fraud and Trump was the winner. They didn’t want that. Instead they set up Jan 6 and arrested anyone and everyone that was there and locked them up like Navalny in Russia. They opened the doors for the people to go into the capitol. Only that video was not shown not till Tucker Carlson showed it and they got him fired. Shut up Tucker is the message that was conveyed with that how dare you show the truth.
This morning I heard the DOJ wants to keep Trump from talking about his latest indictments. Of course it is a fabrication that will not stand. They are not bringing this case for any wrongdoing just to stop Trump to be elected in 2024 and that is communism. They have killed thousands or locked them up or made their lives miserable by judging them like they are judging Trump now. Not for anything he did or they did but for their believes and thoughts. That is what communism entails. As long as you go along with the regime you are fine. Only those thinking and want freedom of thought, ideas, and most of all speech will be pursued. They are stooping so low they are calling Trump supporters a cult. Wow first we were rioters, domestic terrorists, remember ole Joe said we were the greatest danger to America. Then we were called extreme Magas, fascist followed, then Nazis and finally seditionists. Oh let us not forget to add racists to that list. They showed their hatred for half the population not because of Trump but like Trump said they want to eliminate you I am just in the way. And what happened this morning confirms it. The truth is not allowed to be spoken especially if the person is your opposition in an election.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

The charges against President Trump are pure political with no crime of any kind committed.
Dictator Beijing biden is the one actually guilty of the charges being put forth against President Trump.
It’s even on tape ‘LIVE’ when Dictator Beijing biden ADMITTED it in his basement on camera that they just pulled off the Biggest Election Fraud in American History in 2020. It was on cnn and other msm.
We ALL watched it. Yet, Dictator Beijing biden is technically, illegally and unconstitutionally in the White House.
And WE ALL KNOW Dictator Beijing biden didn’t get all those votes legally or Constitutionally.
If Dictator Beijing biden and the FASCIST democrats weren’t so scared of President Trump, then why all of the Illegal and Unconstitutional indictments violating President Trumps Privacy and Constitutional Rights?
Let alone, attacking a former President.
Where are the charges against Dictator Beijing biden, Obama, and Clinton who ARE ALL GUILTY OF ESPIONAGE and HIGH TREASON with PLENTY of EVIDENCE AGAINST EACH ONE OF THEM?
Don’t forget that H. Clinton DESTROYED GOVERNMENT PROPERTY which is a Felony and Prison time. Was she indicted? No.
No charges of any kind were brought forth against her. WHY NOT?

1 year ago

To all you Democrat voters out there, remember that this kind of abuse of the law can be used the other way around against Democrat candidates. This only hurts our country.. The goal is to cripple Trump’s political future. The charges are before election cycle gets started and the charges are many which is going to take a lot of time to unravel, also hurting Trump’s reputation as the months go by. This is unamerican, unethical, and should never happen in our country.

1 year ago

I remember when President Obama said that under the Affordable Care Act, if we liked our doctor we could keep our doctor. That turned out to be a lie. President Clinton said he didn’t have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky. Then said the veracity of that depended upon how one defines sex. Or what the meaning of “is” is. Democrat lies are, well, normal political speech. Republican statements, later deemed to be untrue, are subject to criminal prosecution.

1 year ago

DEPORT ALL liberals, illegals AND THE ONCE HONORABLE, fbi, cia, doj, secret service TO THE NEW AUSCHWITZ FOR…….

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

This is a total sham to ATTEMPT to keep TRUMP out of the presidency.Sloppy joey did not win the election,its very hard to believe that there can be that many people so uninformed about bidens political record and then vote for this entity.And then we have the condition the country was in under TRUMP,very good,and then p!$$ it ALL away.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

If I were Trump, I’d worry after he gets acquited because eventually these ppl are going to drop the premise of “legality” and find themselves a nice patsy to blame his assassination on. A group claiming they’re “saving democracy” is capable of anything!

Tom In Seattle
Tom In Seattle
1 year ago

This entire case is going to get flushed down the toilet by the Supreme Court. It’s garbage — a travesty. But, then again, it was never meant to be a serious indictment. Smith is indicting Trump because he wants to affect the 2024 election, and all he has to do to achieve that end is file charges.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

We sure live in the transformed America If saying elections were rigged is a treason there are were few of us not guilty of that charge Emperor is naked and shriveled beyond pathetic Any decent man would die of shame

Joanne 4 justice
Joanne 4 justice
1 year ago

If there is a crime, I don’t see it! This farce is a huge waste of time and $$$. It is clearly an intentional malicious harassment against a great former Potus who has done NOTHING WRONG !
Dems and Comrades are pursuing a ridiculous vindictive WITCH HUNT!!! This farce -mustv be ✋️ stopped . USA HAD good leadership, a functioning congress and judicial system that enforced law and order. And no, Biden caused high inflation NO HARASSMENT against parents who don’t want CRT propaganda taught to their children NO HUGE Fentanyl crisis NO out of control numbers of illegal persons ( ie less human trafficking across OPEN borders
homelessness was a problem but it is now an epidemic in many states as is robbery and crime.!
Alas ALL these disasters ARE intentionally ignored.
DEM Comrades are focused on a WITCH HUNT AND GOING GREEN?????
The true issue is America desperately needs a new POTUS and government reform. Attention Dems ; a false indictment scandal is inappropriate, costly to taxpayers and UNWANTED and NOT NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

… monkeying around with his private plane, the CIA people pulled another stunt, trying to take out Ramaswamy, today. But, they botched the job. He’s still alive!

1 year ago

From ClusterF Nation 8.4.23: “So, the best they could do was to charge Mr. Trump with objecting vocally to an election that looked as rotten as Hunter’s uncapped teeth? We all saw what happened overnight November 3 and 4, 2020: what the numbers looked like in the swing precincts at midnight and the magic mathematics that swapped tens of thousands of votes over from the Trump column to the Biden column (say, whu?) … the shutdown of the Fulton County State Farm Arena due to a supposedly leaking toilet and the ensuing monkey business with rolly-bags full of ballots under the tables captured by the closed-circuit cameras… the miraculous wee-hour harvest of ballots in Milwaukee… US Postal Service truck full of completed ballots out of Bethpage, Long Island, that turned up in Philadelphia… Mark Zuckerberg’s $419-million-dollar operation using two front orgs, the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) to staff precinct election boards with party shills and buy votes… the thumb drives and modems in the vote-counting machines….”

1 year ago

Smith understands that this case will be tried in DC with a jury pulled from that jurisdiction. That is the entire premise of his indictment.
Rational people can agree that this is an obvious use of the criminal justice system to effect a political outcome. All a DC jury will see is “orange man bad.”
What is going on right now is dangerous for the United States and our long term unity as a republic of states. The reaction to Trumpism and MAGA from the Democrats and Washington establishment GOP highlights the fact the we are running low on common interest…. and I fear that a breaking point will eventually manifest itself.

“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”
― Frédéric Bastiat

1 year ago

I wish President Trump would just ignore these morons. We common sense supporters know Trump is a great leader. we don’t care what haters say. if they had brains they would see what their fuhrer biden is doing to this country. shame on them

1 year ago

… even the most obtuse of registered voter would have no choice but begrudgingly concede, amazing success in what the democrats are doing, in the uni-party transformation of Governor Ron DeSantis. The governor of Florida stopped being a conservative Republican, about three weeks ago –

1 year ago

And yet I remember back in the 70s when we were told we couldn’t shout down or shut up anyone who was espousing COMMUNIST “ideals”! We were told that in our country EVERYONE has a right to their thoughts and speech,EVEN IF WE DONT LIKE THOSE IDEAS AND SPEECH!! It was, in fact, the soviet union’s(communist) “constitution” that restricted criticizing political figures or the government

1 year ago

Proof that the 2020 election was stolen is all over the place if you just do the research. Look up Dennis Montgomery,, Michigan Fraud uncovered, Georgia, Pennsylvania and many others.
People need to contact their elected representatives and demand this be looked into not ask but demand. This has to be millions not thousands of demand letters, emails, phone calls. Apathy will not work we all need to get involved before we loose this REPUBLIC.

1 year ago

I have very little respect for Lawyers. This is why.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

It may well be that it will take the SCOTUS to invalidate a Trump conviction; it may also be that it is a year after the election, at which point the damage has already been done to Trump’s campaign.

1 year ago

Nothing has changed, the marxist democrat party is corrupt , hates America,is dishonest has lied to ALL the people who supported it using them to gain power and money for themselves!
When will these people who they’ve screwed over learn??

Basket of
Basket of
1 year ago


1 year ago

At a rally, Trump stated that he considers these indictments a Badge of Honor. If he would cooperate with others, things would have most likely gone differently than they have. He must have enough experience by now to know that he must follow laws like everyone else & that you cannot beat all charges by throwing a zillion lawyers at things.

Jock strap
Jock strap
1 year ago

Ja k

tom jones
tom jones
1 year ago

you drink too much of trumps kool-aid
Trumps criminality is documented to 1972.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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