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Joe Biden Turns the American Government Into Wokeness, Inc.

Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2023
by Outside Contributor

Last week, as Presidents Day weekend loomed, the Biden administration dropped a little-noticed executive order. That executive order happened to be one of the broadest, most transformative executive orders in modern American history; it turned the federal government into one giant machine designed for the propagation of woke principles. The so-called “Executive Order On Further Advancing Racial Equity And Support For Underserved Communities Through The Federal Government” — presumably titled in jargonistic gobbledygook in order to avoid scrutiny — set out the key guiding principle for the Biden administration. This principle, “equity,” will now be used to redirect the entirety of the federal government’s awesome powers.

What, pray tell, is “equity”? It certainly isn’t equality — the presumption that Americans ought to be treated equally under the law as individuals. Instead, equity presumes that any group disparities must be the result of perverse government policy, and that the only corrective is government interventionism. The new executive order suggests that “by advancing equity, the Federal Government can support and empower all Americans, including the many communities in America that have been underserved, discriminated against, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.” Poverty, you see, is purely the outgrowth of discrimination and lack of service. Individuals must never be implicated in their own failures, nor can cultural differences justify group underperformance. As Ibram X. Kendi more bluntly puts it, “As an anti-racist, when I see racial disparities, I see racism.”

The solution, therefore, is that government must correct all policy that allows for the annoyingly eternal human conditions of poverty and inequality. Biden’s executive order dictates that equity be “embedded… into the fabric of Federal policymaking and service delivery.” This will not be a “one-time project”; it must instead be a “multi-general commitment, and it must remain the responsibility of agencies across the Federal Government.” To that end, virtually every agency of government must establish an “Agency Equity Team… to coordinate the implementation of equity initiatives.” Every aspect of government down to the design, development and acquisition of artificial intelligence must advance equity.

Nothing gives the president of the United States the unilateral authority to reshape the entire executive branch into an agent of “equity.” That is a legislative function, and the legislature has given no such grant of power. But Biden is doing it anyway. And that means stacking — presumably for generations to come — a Deep State of “equity”-driven Left-wing bureaucrats throughout the federal government, systematizing the equity agenda throughout the unelected and unanswerable areas of the executive branch.

This is dangerous, and it must be stopped. It is violative of constitutional principles, both in terms of separation of powers and under the equal protection clause — which is designed to prevent precisely the sort of group-driven resource allocation Biden favors. Stopping this executive order must become the first priority of the Republican House, and of future Republican presidential candidates.

Biden is deliberately planting a poisonous seed in the fertile soil of the world’s most powerful executive branch. That seed will bear hideous fruit as the years roll by. The only answer is to uproot the seed before it begins to sprout.

Ben Shapiro, 38, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.


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1 year ago

Who do you think will be the candidates to be ground up into food? Illiegal aliens? This is absolutely crazy times.

1 year ago

This is Communism, pure and simple and justification for impeachment. Joe Biden and the left have trampled on our Constitution long enough. Wake up, Republican House of Representatives!

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
1 year ago

ha there is nothing woke about them – if anything, they are asleep

1 year ago

Folks are we going to be able to survive the rest of this administration’s term. UGH

1 year ago

Why can’t we impeach the dementia ridden idiot? And the cackling Ho along with him.

Karen Knowles
Karen Knowles
1 year ago

Well said, Ben Shapiro! You are absolutely correct!

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

This got its start under O two terms and in his third term he has puppet Brandon to execute it.
The hatred O has for this country is been slowly over de last 7 years coming to the surface.
But many Americans especially on the left didn’t see it. They didn’t even see it in the 2022 election. Brandon I mean O saw a chance after that election to show his true colors.
No help for the whites. See Ohio. Arrest those whites that think and are not following his platform. Everything is declared racists, from inanimate objects to language to even our constitution.
Brainwashing is going on daily since Trump became president.
And with the FBI under their control and social media they are showing more and more their plan how to destroy America. The plan of O since he was a little boy and was indoctrinated by his father.

1 year ago

I had the common sense to vote for Trump and those who voted for Biden that speaks for itself. I wonder what year the border will be secured again?

1 year ago

It seems that things have changed in Washington D.C.!! Biden thinks that he is supposed to run the country by executive orders and the House thinks they are simply to investigate the party that was just voted out for all of their corruption and sleazy behaviors and actions!! I think the Senate is sitting there not knowing what they are supposed to be doing at all!!!

I’m tired of not knowing what legislation is being introduced by these extremely selfish people!! I’m tired of the sneaking around, passing legislation on weekends or in the middle of the night!! I’m tired of our elected leaders not being on our side!!

This article tells me that I can’t trust almost everyone in our government (federal, state, county, city) and that this administration is trying really hard to move us and then the world into socialism!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Time to kill Wokeness from Govt.

William C Smith
William C Smith
1 year ago

He didn’t “turn” anythng—but his handlers have.

1 year ago

Donald Trump can wipe away all the executive orders that Biden has signed in one day. Americans have had a taste of the this philosophy and they do not agree with it. It will lead to the day that the merit system, best person for the job, will return as the law of the land. It may take airplanes with woke pilots crashing, doctors that are not qualified killing people, Dept. of Transportation department heads letting people die from not taking action, ect. We will look back on this time and thank Eric Holder, Obama, and Biden for this insane experiment that they have put our nation through. If we can get by without an atomic war, that will be the end of the world, we can get back to leading the free world. This should be the hope of the American People. We need not look any further than the damage done to the United States and the world by this woke experiment. The nation has been brought to it’s knees by this politics, but we can recover.

1 year ago

The good thing about EOs, is that when a Republican takes back the White House in 24, he can send all of Joe Biden Dead Brain Droppings to the garbage heap where they belong.

Henry D
Henry D
1 year ago

I wonder if Biden has watched the movie: Soylent Green; maybe he would be less inclined to admit illegal aliens into this country.!!

1 year ago

Where are the newly elected Republican Representatives? They should be stopping this NOW!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

I will kick GOP ass from here to the outer limits if somebody does something stupid that keeps any Democrat in power. And the first ignorant SOB who mentions outlawing abortion should watch his back. I don’t care what they believe, but they are totally nuts if they think that will get them elected. The same for any schmuck who mentions any changes in social security. They remind me of the TEA PARTY idiots who wouldn’t support some Republicans because they weren’t “conservative” enough. Cause a Democrat to get elected, and you should be exiled or sent to Ukraine to fight for them.

1 year ago

Why did we elect all these republicans if they are simply going to sit there and agree with the Democrats? Every legal voter in this country needs to talk to their state representative, their congressman and their senator. We have this extremely ugly undertow that is ignoring all the explosions in three states in the last three weeks. People have got to come to their senses.

1 year ago

Bend over and kiss your *** goodbye

1 year ago

“The solution, therefore, is that government must correct all policy that allows for the annoyingly eternal human conditions of poverty and inequality.”
Fine, start by taking george soros’, bill gates’, mark zuckerberg’s and all the other marxist putz’s schilling for karl marx’s idea of utopia, money and spend that on all these marvelous “equity” ideas before touching a penny of my money. After all, why should what meager funds I have be taken away while those guys have billions! Equity after all.
Dont forget all the money biden inc has gotten from china!

1 year ago

New studies have proven that the Dems along with Fauci and all their supporters claimed that the vaccine was safe for pregnant women as well as those attempting pregnancy. one of the biggest lies ever told to the American people. Surprise! Surprise! They are responsible for countless problems from miscarriages to blood clots and all kinds of deaths caused from problems with the vaccine. Fentanyl and laced drugs killing the youth from open border policies. Psychological problems with the youth due to school closings. Attacking Christians, and letting men who claim to be women use the same restrooms as our daughters. the list keeps getting longer and longer. We are close, very close. I don’t even think they have a clue as to what is about to happen.

1 year ago

There was an “executive order” given by God in which He created man and all are created equal, male and female He created them, individually distinct with complimentary differences, yet equal.

The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights declared the inalienable rights, equal rights, of the citizens of the United States. While also the Federal Government is composed of 3 branches (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial) operating in a checks and balances manner.

Now, if you want to claim to be an Omnigender Squirrel, great! Whatever makes you happy! That is your right. You be who you want to be. Seriously, I Don’t Care. But that Does Not mean that I have to agree with or condone that behavior.

Every individual has inalienable rights: from the president to the homeless family to the grocer to the Omnigender squirrel. However, the rights of each can and will overlap one another but that does not mean that each has the right to usurp the rights of others. Children, we need to play nicely.

So, usurping the rights of others is Not a right of the people. it is Not “a right” to “pass” an executive order, bypassing the checks & balances of legislative and judicial branches (and essentially bypassing all the people) decreeing that all citizenry need bow and serve 0.36% of the population whom “identify” as something other than the male or female which God created. Because…


1 year ago

The definition of equity is bigotry!! Just ask most Americans. The wokeness of the Biden administration is an a abomination of the U.S. way of life.

1 year ago

What good does it do to have a Constitution or branches of government if we keep allowing these lunatics to use “a stroke of the pen” on a whim to change our entire society and way of life?!? WHY ARE THEY GETTING AWAY WITH IT???? Our forefathers put checks and balances in place to prevent this kind of lunacy, so how is this happening in America? We HAVE to stop this insanity while there is still a trace of decent American values left!! The only “woke” I want is to be WOKE up out of this nightmare!!!

1 year ago

What do you mean turns? He turned it to woke the day he was sworn in.

David Block
David Block
1 year ago

This president should be prohibited from executive orders. He has dementia and no regard for the people.

1 year ago

THIS, by far makes Biden the WORST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME! I’m not sure we can go another two years of B.S……….

William Wood
William Wood
1 year ago

The lousy Republicans will do as much to stop this Pedo-Joe Executive Order as they did to stop, or roll back ObamaCare. This nation is doomed and nobody but us average working class people give a damn!

1 year ago

Shouldn’t executive orders signed by a president only be done if the order is for all the people and not just for some to accomplish their liberal agenda. This is wrong and I pray the Republicans in the House will step up to the plate and do sa out this. Who can override a president’s executive order? Isn’t that suppose to be the Supreme Court or another president that comes into office can undo the damage that has been created by the executive order. Our country is going from Bad to Worse all the time. I don’t be that America can stand 2 more years of this corrupt administration and all its radical/corrupt policies. Unless God intervenes somehow through the Republicans to turn this country around and the people turn back to God, then we are doomed. China is working through this president and his administration to bring about a takeover of our country. America has been sold out to China. They are not buying up our farmland for nothing! This is my opinion of course!

Alan French
Alan French
1 year ago

I didn’t get through the entire listing of comments – the ones I did read were certainly all worthy and accurate.
My thoughts in reading this leave me chilled to the bone and fighting mad. To wit: It is very clear POTUS is not setting his own policies. He does not sit up nights pondering and praying over the issues worthy and necessary to be put into executive fiat bypassing the legislative processes.
(The left’s panicked deafening hypocritical chorus,” existential threat to democracy!!” are ringing in my ears. I digress.)
The existential threat, as it turns out, is the intimate circle of unelected bureaucrats and “advisors” who are the genesis of these executive orders and the very fact they exist, write exec. fiats that steer law

Alan French
Alan French
1 year ago

Part cut off: The existential threat, as it turns out, is the intimate circle of unelected bureaucrats and “advisors” who are the genesis of these executive orders and the very fact they exist, write exec. fiats that steer law

Alan French
Alan French
1 year ago

First time and a last time for everything. Adios discussion forum. Half my comment cut off as if unimportant. Maybe so.

1 year ago

They should have taken the hint when Obama initially refused to support his run, affirming that there was nothing he couldn’t “F” up. His well established history as a liar (even when it didn’t matter and was well known), a cheat, a pervert, a crook, a two-faced POS made him an ideal Dem candidate. And Dem voters never analyze their candidates, so…We have the Executive Destroyer in Chief who is taking revenge for his shortcomings on every decent, normal, patriotic, hard working citizen by any and all means possible. We need to get rid of him by any and all means: legal, clandestine, a rocket to Mars, hanging from a yardarm, a firing squad for treason. Or we continue to commit suicide.

1 year ago

Beijing Biden certainly had no problem nullifying almost every EO Trump signed, so assuming a Republican president is elected into office come 2024, this EO can also be nullified.
“Equality,” Not equity !!!

1 year ago

The PIGS of Animal Farm are on the march!

1 year ago

Didn’t you know that Biden can break all our laws and get away with it.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Another Illegal and Unconstitutional Executive order given to bureaucrats to run amuck without any accountability including another act to Destroy the United States Constitution and sovereignty.

1 year ago

Congress, what you need to do is cut off all funding for all non-elected federal agencies. None of these are Constitional and most, if not all, should be abolished. These agencies are the main way that illegal executive orders are enforced. And, most of these agencies infringe on people’s rights and they are not accountable.

1 year ago

Joe Biden is a useful idiot for China and a tool for Ukraine. We the people will pay for this awful man’s mistakes. The American taxpayer pays for everything. SAD

1 year ago

Biden needs to be removed from office. He is a manipulated shell.

1 year ago

Joe Biden: The Great Divider II just finishing Barac Obama: The Great Divider I’s agenda of transforming the Great United States into a Sh*thole Country. Please let’s fire Biden in 2024, our country’s very existence depends on it.

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