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Tone Deaf Democrats Propose Pay Raise for Federal Workers as Economy Implodes Around Them

Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

Some Democrats want to give federal workers an 8.7%  pay raise. Make no mistake—we want everyone to do well, but it appears we have a government that is picking those who will suffer under the Democrats’ historic inflation and those who will not. Federal workers received a 4.6% raise from President Biden for 2023. If passed, this legislation would provide the additional raise in 2024.

That’s awfully nice of them considering Democratic policy caused the inflation that has crushed real wages of ordinary Americans. But for Democrats, the only people that matter are the people in the government bureaucracy. With so many of our social and economic problems the result of government being disconnected from the public at large, this effort to entrench unfairness should be expected.

Ordinary Americans have been suffering for generations with politicians more enamored with their Washington DC playground than with their constituents. Now, courtesy of Washington’s general lack of self-awareness, every day we get a reminder, or two, or a hundred, of their disconnection from Americans and the nation itself.

This latest confession of not-giving-a-damn about ordinary Americans arrives courtesy of Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) and Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and their “Federal Adjustment of Income Rates,” legislation allowing the 8.7% pay raise for 2 million federal workers. Americans who are not part of the permanent bureaucracy will have to continue to suffer under the worst inflation in 40 years. To single out federal workers for relief as everyone else suffers confirms the growing American unease that the federal government has lost touch with everything that matters.

But don’t fret, we are told there are special reasons why this pay raise is needed for federal workers. According to Connelly, “For years now, federal employees have risked their health and safety working on the front lines of this pandemic. They were subjected to the Trump administration’s cruel personal attacks, unsafe work environments, pay freezes, government shutdowns, sequestration cuts, furloughs and mindless across-the-board hiring freezes,” reported Fox News.

Oh, so it’s to soothe the emotional injuries caused by… Trump. Well, okey-dokey then. With that, Connelly’s rant confirms that what the Democrats are doing to the country has always been about revenge for Trump. Not only do they continue to persecute him, they are punishing Americans writ large for daring to think for ourselves and rejecting the swamp in 2016. That’s what the border crisis in particular is all about. Border security was Trump’s signature issue and historic success and now border security and the border itself is obliterated. Attempting to prove Trump wrong on his economic success would also explain the Democrats’ inexplicable and dangerous spending obsession.

Also raising eyebrows is the claim the raise is required because federal workers suffered on the “front line” during COVID. Perhaps those involved in healthcare, but the GAO confirms what we already knew—all federal agencies relied heavily on “telework,” some comprising as much as 80% of total work time.

We all remember those on the front lines of COVID—the cashiers and workers at supermarkets. Those working at pharmacies. First responders, firefighters, police officers, and EMTs, among so many other ordinary Americans doing their jobs every day no matter what. But they too suffer because of a self-absorbed permanent Washington bureaucracy, and policies which eat away at our pocket book, quality of life, and even hope for a decent future for our families.

Keep in mind, ordinary Americans have had over $4000 a year disappear from their buying power as real wages are crushed by Biden’s monster inflation. The Heritage Foundation reported in the Fall of 2022: “New economic numbers show that the average American has lost the equivalent of $4,200 in annual income under the Biden administration because of inflation and higher interest rates… Consumer prices have risen 12.7% since January 2021, significantly faster than wages, so that the average American worker has lost $3,000 in annual purchasing power… The higher interest rates and borrowing costs have effectively reduced the average American’s purchasing power another $1,200 on an annualized basis.”

Moreover, Heritage’s E.J. Antoni warns, “Simply put, working Americans are $4,200 poorer today than when Biden took office. This financial catastrophe for American families is the direct result of a president and Congress addicted to spending our money, combined with a Federal Reserve compliantly enabling this addiction by printing more dollars. Washington recklessly spent trillions of dollars it did not have and paid for it with newly printed money, causing rampant inflation that has destroyed people’s purchasing power and jeopardized Americans’ financial futures.”

Joe Biden’s campaign for the presidency was premised on getting us back to “normalcy.” For them, it appears ‘normal’ is destroying the economy, facilitating an explosion of crime, a dissolved southern border, and a bumbling foreign policy leading us into more chaos and war.

We have a choice about whether or not we accept this warped and cancerous ‘normal’ or if we will once again reject their incompetence. In 2024, which will be here faster than you think, we will have another chance to kick these vandals to the curb.

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Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

How magnanimous of government representatives who vote themselves raises are concerned about their employee minions. Do these morons have any intention of paying for anything?

1 year ago

Tammy nails it, as usual.

1 year ago

Just unbelievable they are so dense or maybe better they don’t care!

Paul Lamonica
Paul Lamonica
1 year ago

No way, they are already well paid and are laden with benefits.
And, it’s very difficult to get fired from a government position and many might not be deserving of the position they have.
My opinion.

1 year ago

So, what about the rest of us?! You steal money from every corner of the taxation programs, especially the SSI program!!!

Susan Bannon
Susan Bannon
1 year ago

If they get the pay raise, everyone else will need a pay raise. So then, what have we accomplished, other than devalued the dollar? We need to spend more wisely and spend less !!!

1 year ago

When are we going to get rid of these stupid, evil democrats.

1 year ago

I could go along with this IF it exempts all ejected and appointed personnel. People that get up and go to work everyday, ie US Marshalls, border patrol , etc should have a raise.

1 year ago

The audacity of them! While the rest of the country struggles they get richer. But then this is the way socialism works. You have the poor, hard working American supporting the rich, the illegals, foreign countries etc. While we try to survive. Socialism doesn’t work. Look at Venezuela, once one of the richest countries. Look at Cuba and Russia and all those countries now living in poverty . I’m totally disgusted with our government. They work for us, not the other way around

1 year ago

They can propose anything that they think will win votes because they are in the minority, they didn’t propose this when they had both houses now did they.

1 year ago

This is just business as usual for the professional political class. Tone Deaf? Sure, but I can’t say I’m surprised, because most of Washington, D.C. has no clue about how the rest of the country works. Actually they don’t even understand basic economics, but that is a whole separate discussion.

In Washington, when you want more money, you either just draft some legislation (Congress) or fill out the appropriate government forms (the Executive branch works this way) get one or two signatures and like magic, taxapayer dollars appear within a few days or a week. No one in Washington has clue or any real concern where the money comes from or who it impacts in terms of the American public. It’s all about them. The view in Washington is that the purpose of the American people is to pay for whatever Washington says is worthwhile. They call it an “investment”, so it sounds like you’ll maybe see a return on it, instead of taxpayer dollars just being flushed down the toilet. The American public is viewed as a glorfied ATM to be tapped whenever D.C. wants some cash.

1 year ago

It is called buying votes. it should be mandatory that all pay raises must be met with what the simple man on the street makes. Today illegals are treated better than elderly, vets and Americans.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

Horse Hockey on the frontline crap, far more “civilian” workers were on the actual frontlines and at far greater risk than any egg-sucking bureaucrat.

1 year ago

It’s all about reducing this nation to rubble and the lefties ruling on the rubble. They will do anything, spew any lie, obfuscate and validate any and all ‘reasons’ to destroy this once Constitutional nation at any cost. We the people are viewed as nothing but collateral damage to those bleeding from the eyes to rule what’s left of Amerika…and per George Bush Sr’s presidential acceptance speech, to “Usher in the New World Order.” Watched that speech, at the time I was a bit unnerved by it but have learned over the last few years that it is indeed what the maniacal left is pushing for…and don’t be surprised: there are a whole lotta rinos in the “republican” party.
Not long ago in an uncensored video AOC, that bastion of blather opined that: We the people should all be put in “re-education” camps…sound familiar?

1 year ago

A fully tenured employee receives a bit over 5 weeks paid leave, and 12 or so holidays. Extra hours granted by the agency as “administrative leave” the day before the holiday add up to another 30- 40 hours a year. Toss in generous sick leave days and employment is pretty good. I’m sympathetic to inflation adjustments but be cautious.

1 year ago

I’ve got a counter offer for the Democrats, how about a pay cut for all our politicians and bureaucrats who are driving this inflation that is hurting the people by the actual percentage of inflation, and not just the cosmetically handled figures they admit too; alternatively they could also get a federal government reduction by 97% of all the government departments, however a pay raise for either politicians, or civil servants is a non-starter right out of the gate. Or to use a famous quote “Nuts!”

Harry Seals
Harry Seals
1 year ago

Thank you for the clarity Tammy! Thank you also for continuing to be one of our best voices of common sense!

Thank God I’m retired
Thank God I’m retired
1 year ago

BS they were all working from home.. unlike the nursing job I just retired from…working in the hospital, sweat running in my eyes from double masks and collecting in the gloves I was wearing. Let’s try to come up with a better excuse. It was just released that they haven’t even came back to work! I pray for all their souls because God is coming to fix our world but he’s mad!! Especially the abortion people better make peace with him or they are going to Hell!

1 year ago

They have to keep the deep state happy……..

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Government employees were granted generous benefits, unknown to most real workers, years ago to “compensate” for lower wages. BUT their unions who support DIMMs by 95% kept forcing raises. So now the bureaucrats, who produce NOTHING, have great benefits and great pay!

1 year ago

How much money does the Social Security Administration pay out each month to residents of foreign countries, such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc?

1 year ago

Arrogant, elitist and uncaring These words only begin to describe the Democrat party which has forced us to endure the mayhem they’ve caused in the last two years We deserve more money because of them. And even more so our veterans and military. They don’t deserve a reward for what they have done to us.

1 year ago

Federal workers didn’t suffer any more than anyone else. They already have better income and benefits than most american workers. This is just another payoff for votes.

1 year ago

Most federal workers are way over paid to begin with. We certainly don’t need millions of them working there collecting our money. No, no more raises. There are NO private businesses giving full cost of living increases because of the bidenflation going on. Why should over paid, lousy employees get any more? Most of them start with 5 weeks vacation on day one, that is 3 weeks too many compared to everyone else. Only a government, spending TRILLIONS more than it has, could possibly think it is ok to give another raise to already overpaid workers. Demoncrats, the most worthless two legged animal on earth.

1 year ago

Before they can even qualify to be considered for a raise, they have to prove that they actually work . . .

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Wow talk about buying votes.
And the justification for it is because of Trump’s governing.
Again their failure to govern is bought off with money and blaming the right.
People wake up you are being shafted from all sides. Because our dictator says the economy is the best in 40 years.
I made a lot of money during the Trump years only to loose all of it with Brandon in the White House and I am not the only one.
If the federal workers were hurt during the pandemic it was because Brandon mandated everything.
The people suffered too and are still suffering.
Let’s impeach this whole administration.

John P Held
John P Held
1 year ago

We need to FIRE every govt employee!

T Smith
T Smith
1 year ago

We really need to pass a law limiting the time anyone can work for the government. There should be a ten year maximum with only federal judges and members of the uniformed military exempt.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
1 year ago

Tone Deaf Democrats???? Did we not hear the lack of response from Kevin McConnell when asked about the pay raises immediately after talking about spending??

Bill R
Bill R
1 year ago

Government…doesn’t work for us….we work for THEM. Incredible!!! What exactly do they do? Real work they contract out. You can’t fire any of them. All they do is take economic rent. It’s no wonder most Democrats bad mouth capitalism since they contribute nothing toward the profitability of any endeavor that contributes economically.

Look how successful they are at….wait a minute…education? homeland security? …trying to think of anything they do well. This may take a while…

Bill R
Bill R
1 year ago

Congress…break the word down….Con means against. …”gress” references Progress. Together they mean “against progress.””

Basic problem is most of those elected are lawyers. Their existence is base on taking money from others. They have concept of economics and are completely ignorant of real work.

How many lawyer jokes are there, anyway? Only three. The rest are true stories.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

The Marxist Democrats in Congress have no shame. Their policies and spending bills are making it harder and harder for regular Americans to have even the basics of a prosperous economy. However, they want to keep on raising the salaries of federal workers to keep up with the high inflation. The Communist Democrats are definitely working harder for their fellow government employees than for their constituents. The deep state seems to be getting richer while the average American seems to be getting poorer. It appears that we are being represented by a bunch of thugs.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

SWAMP QUEEN pelosi gave them and herself about 6 raises last year and now they want to give themselves another raise so they can RAISE Taxes.
Where in the hell are my 6-10 yearly Raises for Disability plus Free EVERYTHING at tax payers expense living in multi million dollar homes like SWAMP QUEEN pelosi, LOUD MOUTH Waters, and of course, DICTATOR Beijing biden?

Tom Scott
Tom Scott
1 year ago

Also, please note, some “frontline workers” received wage increases to work in-person with direct interaction with the public. So while Fed workers just got a Biden wage increase and are now up for another Dem sponsored increase, virtually all those really in direct contact with the former Covid infected and the public in general have experienced a wage DECREASE in the face of Biden’s-40-year-record inflation.

All so the Dems can be sugar daddies for the Deep State.

1 year ago

Its their voting block. So yeah they are going to take care of them.

1 year ago

The pigs of Animal Farm have spoken! Democrat pigs don’t care about Americans! They want us all poor so we all have to get on welfare and kiss their backsides to survive! They don’t care how many suffer or die!

1 year ago

Shouldn’t all those overpaid bureaucrats start earning what they’re ALREADY being paid before we have to give them raises?

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

First they need to do something to deserve a raise this country is in debt and going down the wrong path all those dummies do is spend spend and do not try to fix this economy reason being they think there is a endless supply of money from us time they do there job or get out. We need to set time limits up there some just collect a paycheck.

Patrick S
Patrick S
1 year ago

Typical. A raise for Government Employees? Forty-Seven Percent of all Government Employees have not been at work in their designated office for 3 years. These workers care nothing of their employer, ignore their responsibility to the Taxpayers, and, despise their public clients.

Indeed; their only interest is in their accrual of Holiday Time, Vacation Time, Sick Time, Family Leave Time, Overtime and their incessant focus on the clock.

1 year ago


1 year ago

The federal workforce should be cut by 20% and then frozen for at least 5 years. Their pension
should be cut dramatically and their career should be limited to 10 years. NO….NO… lifetime
career. Thereshould be financial constraints which tell fed workers that their jobs are the jobs of
last resort. Make jobs at McDonalds more desirable than fed worker jobs. Fed workers are the
dregs of our society and they essentially are losers.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
1 year ago

No one would need pay raises if the Biden puppet administration had not screwed up the economy so badly while destroying the U.S. oil, health and insurance industry’s. We must get government out of businesses and social issues!

1 year ago

This is how democrats buy democratic votes.

1 year ago

Tone Deaf Democracrs propose pay raise for the Deep State….this is simply another voter bribe to one of their voting blocks….

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
1 year ago

So who’s going to quit in order to give him this money for these people to get pay raises does that mean biden’s quitting man that would be a big jumper change

Douglas Craig
Douglas Craig
1 year ago

If federal employees are deserving of a raise of 13.6%, why aren’t those who put the money up front(S/S) entitled to the same. The majority of us(S/S) worked 40 years to get to retirement age, shouldn’t we be able to keep what we worked for.

1 year ago

The SocialDemorats buying votes and when the bill doesn’t pass a perfect opportunity to blame the Adults in the room who say no.

1 year ago

They seem to think they that everyone adores them.
They are thieves!
Biden is clueless!

1 year ago

Everyone that (supposedly) voted for these people should punch themselves in the face everyday when they wake up. Those that voted for Joke Biden or Pelosi or any of the other asinine politicians that have done nothing but hurt America, are the ones that truly carry the responsibility for our problems. The media is the biggest criminal here, they have become a defacto arm of the extreme left democratic party. It seems that the people that are well off and pretty much have easy lives, are the ones that are trying to make it harder for everyone else.

1 year ago

With the U.S. in a recession, why would Biden give only Federal Workers this raise….. what about all the other people in the U.S. that have had to take reductions (some multiple reductions in pay) in pay just for the company to survive? He has added to the U.S. Debt tremendously already? What an idiot!!!!!!

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