WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 5 — Say a prayer for President Biden; God forgive him for his transgressions and let him fulfill his term of office. Imagine what it might be like should his whacky vice president get to take over — be it even for just one week. Kamala Harris has shown herself, time and again, to be a sort of mentally deficient devil-may-care kind of a gal. In fact, based on her history as second in command she might actually be the devil’s advocate.
Joe Biden seemed to have a mental lapse during a White House conference that started off with a moment of remembrance for the late Congresswoman Jackie Walorski [R-IN] who died in a car accident in August. When he took the podium, the president searched the audience and quizzically remarked, “Jackie the representative, are you present? How is Jackie doing?”
This was not the first time President Biden had a memory lapse. As the New York Post reported in August, “Over five decades in public life, the former vice president and longtime US senator built a reputation as America’s premier gaffe-meister, winning the White House in 2020 despite a long history of racist comments, snide asides, and enraged diatribes against voters.” Noting that Mr. Biden is “the oldest president in U.S. history,” the Post report goes on to point out that, “In the 17 months since his inauguration, Biden’s verbal stumbles, overblown claims, and outright fabrications have caused endless headaches for the staffers who must clean up — or try to prevent — his rhetorical messes…One Democrat who spoke to former President Obama [allegedly] recalled that the former president warned, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.”
President Biden, despite numerous pleas for him to take a cognitive ability test, has resisted. Congressman Ronny Jackson [R-TX], a former White House physician in the administrations of Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald J. Trump, recently sent a letter to Mr. Biden, his physician and his Chief Medical Advisor pressing the president to take a cognitive test and share its results publicly. Jackson told Fox News, “I have long said there would come a time when I was not the only one discussing Joe Biden’s cognitive decline. That time is now. As Democrats in the West Wing and the broader Democrat Party express discontent about his age-related decline, it should be clear now more than ever to President Biden, Dr. O’Connor, and Dr. Fauci that it is time to submit to a cognitive test. This is not a political issue, it’s common sense. If Joe Biden is confident in his ability to excel at a cognitive test the way President Trump did, he can easily put his fellow Democrats’ fears to rest with this one simple test.”
So, what if he takes the test and it shows a cognitive deficiency? Would it mean that Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, take over? If so, would it be a case of jumping from the frying pan and into the fire if we turn things — including the nuclear launch codes — over to her.
Harris, the failed Czarina of the Border, has a list of missteps over the past 22 months since the last presidential election. Just last week she visited our ally, South Korea, and at a stop at the demilitarized zone, she remarked to the reporters who were following her: “The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea.” In July, she was asked why Roe vs Wade was not codified. Her verbatim response: “I think that to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed what we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.” Also in July she had this to say about the Biden administration’s job development and transportation efforts: “Together, we are expanding access to transportation. Seems like maybe it’s a small issue, it’s a big issue. You need to get to go, and you to be able to get where you need to go, to do the work, and get home.” These sound like excerpts from a Saturday Night Live skit.
Earlier this year Reuters reporter Anthony Zurcher wrote: “If Ms. Harris accepted her party’s vice-presidential nomination thinking she would be anointed as the Democratic heir-apparent to the presidency, it was a notion that did not take long to dispel.”
Some of Harris’ gaffes are pretty funny, in a non-presidential sort of way. Yet, the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution simply states that: In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.
Take your choice…a stumblebum or fumblebum.
Neither, are qualified to run anything much less a country.
Big talk from Biden..wonder who wrote that speech. He is a puppet of the left and we see what happens there. Open borders allowing anyone into this country. Americans are unsafe everyday. Who pays the bills we do..free everything..including health care. Its time to put these unaccountable politicans into our medical system..which is going bankrupt..let them live in our world ..
Grow a spine America.
What did you expect from a person who was chosen for vice-president solely on the basis of her skin color and gender?
“Take your choice…a stumblebum or fumblebum” Americans chose NEITHER of them in 2020. We voted to reelect President Donald J Trump and we will do it again in 2024! Bidens administration is illegitimate!
“Some of her gaffes are pretty funny” – what a ridiculous thing to say there is nothing the least bit funny about her or anything she says. And I wouldn’t waste one second of my time praying for either one of them.
I say bring it to expose what’s really going on. The Kabal (Obama) is not going to let Kamala make any resl decisions. Why do you think the Democrat party chose the two dumbest people for POTUS
Horrible inflation, wide open borders making it easier and easier for the criminals to needlessly assault and kill many innocent Americans, a military that is becoming more and more dysfunctional, entire school systems being ruined with equity and sexual fluidity concerns are just a few of the calamities that have been unleashed on our citizenry by Biden. Excuse me if I do not have much faith in the words that say that Harris is even worse than Biden.
We are to pray for leaders, our enemies, etc. The alternative is indeed scary.