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Sinema Joins Moderate Democrats Who Are Leaving The Party In Waves

Posted on Friday, December 16, 2022
by Tammy Bruce
Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema

We all know what’s wrong with the Democrats and the Biden administration. Every day we all observe and experience the impact of inflation and crime. We are impacted by how this feckless administration has no idea what to do about Russia or China or our own national security as it proceeds to make everything more dangerous and unpredictable.

Even elected Democratic officials and their own grassroots know that the woke catastrophe engulfing the nation cannot continue as more and more flee the party of chaos, cancel culture, defunding the police, and open borders.

Earlier this month we all heard about Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an Independent. Everyone hearing about it may have been the point as she considers the best way to keep her job as the so-called progressive left increase their strangulating grip on the throat of her former party.

In an Arizona Central opinion piece, Sinema explained, “Pressures in both parties pull leaders to the edges, allowing the loudest, most extreme voices to determine their respective parties’ priorities and expecting the rest of us to fall in line. When politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving Americans’ lives, the people who lose are everyday Americans. That’s why I have joined the growing numbers of Arizonans who reject party politics by declaring my independence from the broken partisan system in Washington.”

The bar has been low for Senator Sinema and West Virginia’s Joe Manchin. All they need to do is not be insane to be considered “moderate.” The two lawmakers have been thorns in the side of the Democratic Party establishment since it abandoned its responsibility to the American people by genuflecting to its extremist progressive minority. Progressive, by the way, is simply a new label for the old Marxist agenda which had to distance itself from its own history of failed policies and collapsed nations. They know what they’re doing and the impact it has. We see it all around us. But there is no change, just new packaging. “Progressive” is the proverbial lipstick on a pig. And yet, Sinema is widely expected to continue to caucus with the Democrats.

The heat is now turned up for Joe Manchin who answered a reporter’s question on the issue that he has no plans “right now” to leave the Democratic Party while adding, “You never know what the future will bring.”

Leaving the Democratic Party is now more in vogue than ever. After the midterm election failed to send a strong signal to the Democrats (despite handing the House to the GOP), the lunatic wing of the Democratic Party will have even more power. Fox News reports, “Sinema isn’t the only elected leader who recently made the decision to ditch the Democratic Party. Last week, New York City Councilman Ari Kagan, who was elected to the council in 2021 as a Democrat, announced he would be exiting the party to become a Republican. In West Virginia, state Sen. Glenn Jeffries announced earlier this month he was forgoing his affiliation with the party to join the GOP.” At a news conference Kagan noted, “The Democratic Party in New York was moving to [the] left at such a speed I couldn’t keep up. “It’s not me leaving the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party very quickly started to leave me.”

But the real change has happened with the voters themselves. In June of this year, just a few months before the midterms, PBS reported, “More than 1 million voters across 43 states have switched to the Republican Party over the last year, according to voter registration data analyzed by The Associated Press. The previously unreported number reflects a phenomenon that is playing out in virtually every region of the country — Democratic and Republican states along with cities and small towns — in the period since President Joe Biden replaced former President Donald Trump.”

Voters see what the Democrats are doing to this country. The economy, the crime, the violence, the border, the general chaos, and the absolute catastrophe of foreign policy, has obliterated any hope we had for a safe a decent future. Now, with a House of Representatives controlled by the Republicans, the American people are looking for leadership and results.

Investigative hearings are important and we should have them but we also insist that the Republicans demonstrate that they can chew gum and walk at the same time. Investigations into Hunter Biden are actually investigations into Joe Biden and that should be made clear to the American people.

Instead of committees and investigations being caverns where issues and controversies go to die, we need action taken on what is discovered about the Afghanistan debacle, the origins of COVID, the involvement of our own government in COVID’S development, the catastrophe at the border, to name just a few. Many argue the midterms were weak because Americans have yet to see what the GOP stands for and what they’re willing to do to save the country. Let’s make sure the Republicans know that we are partisans—for the United States—and we expect them to deliver more than the reality television of hearings.

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1 year ago

All completely true. Unfortunately for the American people, we allowed our own government to become that very destructive entity described decades ago.

1 year ago

Sinema is only leaving the Democrat Party to avoid being ousted in the next election cycle by an even more progressive Democrat candidate. It’s strictly a defensive bid to try and save her seat in Congress. Nothing more. It’s NOT like she is going to caucus with the Republicans or change how she votes overwhelmingly with the Democrats. She has already met with Chuck Schumer about being allowed to keep all her Senate committee assignments and he has agreed. It’s not like she had a meeting with Mitch McConnell and asked to caucus with the Republicans in any way.

Don’t be stupid enough to think Sinema has had some great epiphany, some moment of mental clarity, and decided to completely abandon her overwhelming support for Democrat policies. She hasn’t. She tried to play the same game Manchin did, in the hope of getting her own sweetheart deal, but it didn’t pan out. Now she is a parrah in Democrat Party. So this is the option she selected to try and save her seat in the Senate. This is about Sinema trying to protect Sinema from losing a very cushy job in Congress.

1 year ago

I see hope?

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

To Tammy Bruce , Very good to see that more people are leaving the Democrats . I like your coverage of this in the article, great writing ! When Kyrsten Sinema said ” When politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving Americans’ lives the people who lose are everyday Americans “. I believe that statement is an indication of having a sense of respect , which is very important . The vast majority of the Democrats ,since 2020 , have been quick to insult and show contempt for the Americans who place value on the principles that this country was founded on. I reckon that the true motives for some who are leaving the Democrats may involve self interest to some extent as opposed to having an ideological change ( going from liberal to conservative ) but time will tell in that sense. Overall it is encouraging to see this development.

Rob I
Rob I
1 year ago

Go Republican!! Leave those dirty ole DemonRATS now, and build our Nation anew! ✝️????????????????????Great repentance, too!!

1 year ago

Hardly a wave, and nothing will change. Their voting record proves that! IMO

1 year ago

What a refreshing thought, “Improving Americans lives”. Thank you Senator Sinema. Let’s hope there are more who will realize the real reason they are in office.

Mike S
Mike S
1 year ago

Great article that echos my thoughts precisely. Republicans in January need to hit the ground running to placate the ever-increasing anger at the conditions that have been forced upon Americans. We all know the list of incredible and foolish moves the leftist Democrats have made. In January, the new majority should start changing course or THIS COUNTRY WILL FALL IN CHAOS!

1 year ago

What she said about the parties is what I have felt for a long time. They vote for the party and not for the people who vote them. It amazes me how they play a game till they win the vote then suddenly the voters are too dumb to run their own lives. I wonder if anything will change but being an independent says more than joining a party. An independent answers to their constituents not a party line. Hopefully anyway. I have lost confidence in our government.

1 year ago

Praying this is occurring because they are finally listening to Americans.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

But still vote same way right??

D Hamilton
D Hamilton
1 year ago

The very first thing the Republicants need to do is focus on 3 things. First: expose Hunter and Joe Biden for the tratiors they are, Second: Impeach the Homeland Security, Transportation and Energy Secretaries of Bidens administration and Third get Fuel and Food prices under control. They cant fall into the trap of endless investigations, useless committees and finger pointing or it will be more of the same old same old and Americans wont tolerate that anymore. Show us Republicants that you have the stuff to get the job done and Americans will reward you with our vote but fail us and you are on your own without us!

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
1 year ago

I have to pause, how many of the democrats that switch parties are doing so for conservative reasons. Do they truly want what conservatives believe. Or are they wolves in sheep clothing? Voting for the RINOS to keep the conservatives out.
I do agree that the House should focus on controlling the budget, correcting the mismanagement of the military, using the power of the purse, to control the, FBI, IRS, ATF, etc. etc. What I see happening is the RINOS will hold endless for TV hearings, with nothing accomplished, but going along to get along.

1 year ago

Most of the politicians are all about themselves. They generally do not care about the American people or their own country. Internationally, they are power hungry and population controlling globalists; domestically, they are lurching further and further towards the depraved ancient Romans.

1 year ago

I don’t trust her or anyone, for that matter, until they earn my trust. She looks too much like that commie Katie Hobbs (just another reason she really needs to earn my trust). FJB!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

She is another Romney RHINO in disguise. Trusting her or the FASCIST liberals is like trusting a Green Mamba to not bite you.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

There are some people who are not politicians that leave the Democratic/Marxist Party for unselfish reasons. Maybe, some people can NOT tolerate: ‘Cancel Culture’, blacklisting of Our Founding Fathers, Removal of Historic Statues and Paintings, ‘Woke Philosophy’, overspending on Marxist Propaganda, ‘Satan Club’ paid for by Public Schools, demonizing Our USA Police Departments, encouragement of censorship and violation of First Amendment Rights, demonizing of the Republican Party, the takeover of journalism, control of the mainstream media; for brainwashing purposes, and pushing Globalism. Maybe, the poop has hit the fan. You’re watching a surge of people joining the Republican Party. And, for a good reason! God Bless & Protect These United States of America!

1 year ago


1 year ago

They’re NOT LEAVING the Democratic Party in WAVES! … . They’re NOT VOTING with Republicans! . . . They’re STILL VOTING with the Communists, they just WANT TO GIVE THE IMPRESSION that they are not like the Progressively Communist wannabe Democrats but THEY STILL ARE!

1 year ago

I still remember how incompetent the Republicans were when the Obummer regime was in power. They let Obummer do as he pleased.

1 year ago

Rats jumping off a burning ship. They’ll find another.

Linda Baker
Linda Baker
1 year ago

Don’t trust “cinema” but do trust and enjoy Tammy Bruce’s articles. She’s always spot on.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

Delete previous & present comment.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

She, like Berned Out & Angus King, is STILL caucusing with the DIMMs and gives them control of the chamber. If she were TRULY upset she should caucus with the Republicans!

Aaf Schafer
Aaf Schafer
1 year ago

If that many dems jumped to the reps why were the midterms not a red wave. They still vote for their dems. The woke are not awake till their money is taken away and have a digital ID like they have in China. It is coming in Europe and it will be here soon as well. And then it will be too late to save America.

1 year ago

With Title 42 ending next Thursday we will no longer have a southern border, thus the invasion from the South cannot be stopped! Goodby America, so it makes no difference which party you claim to belong too.

Chalmer Caudill
Chalmer Caudill
1 year ago

There is a famous saying, which is credited to Teddy Roosevelt; however, others indicated that it was Roosevelts father, regarding a suiter of his daughter that made this statement. Regardless, it fits: “I never met a horse thief that wasn’t a democrate; however, not all democrat’s are horse thieves!”

I don’t understand the democrate doctrine their plan or their motivations. People success who strive for success. It’s not a welfare plan. Not everyone can be millionaires or even, quote, wealthy, but hardworking people always succeed. Hardworking people, Americans, will eventually stand up regardless of their parties, democrat’s, independents or Republicans. Sooner or later Americans standup for the flag. Our real problem is the non Americans already in our country and continuing to flood into our country unrestricted.

I plan to give her a change to show her constituents that she is an American, not another woke, elitist socialist, trying to slide another lost left program into her state. Even using new math I think she knows something for nothing leaves nothing!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

There must be some kind of problem. I wrote a perfectly acceptable comment. I’ve been waiting around for hours for some kind of explanation. I think in all honesty I should just stick to sewing.

1 year ago

Come folks, the scant list of Demonrats you listed in the article hardly constitutes a wave. Let’s leave the sensationalizing and lies in reporting to the left please.

1 year ago

Leaving the Dim party in waves ? So why did the Senate dims dominate the Nov vote ?

1 year ago

I do not like it when the Democrat party is referred to as the Democratic party. There is nothing democratic about that party anymore.

1 year ago

Doesn’t matter what she is called, she’ll vote with the libs anyway.

1 year ago

Tammy Bruce wrote, “The economy, the crime, the violence, the border, the general chaos, and the absolute catastrophe of foreign policy…”

I don’t understand how any rational person can continue to support the democrats. When we see all the wrongs they have done to this country–not one or two but literally hundreds of assaults on our safety and freedom–it’s a wonder there wasn’t a red wave last month.

Look at all the bills they’ve passed and try to find one item that that serves the public better. I heard on the radio (uncorroborated, I admit) that part of this new omnibus bill includes almost $60 billion (Billion, with a B) going to South Africa and, I believe, one other small African country to get them to stop using coal. What the he<<?! First, that item alone is several hundred dollars out of one taxpayer’s pocket. Second, we should mind our own damm business! Recipients of our largesse are laughing their heads off, yet they continue to take it, “laughing all the way to the bank”. Stupid us.

When Mayorkas, biden, and that gem of a White House spokesperson, Karine Jean-Pierre look America in the eye and say, “The border is secure”, “We have a plan; ‘they’ [R’s] don’t have a plan”, and my favorite, “We inherited a broken immigration system/high gasoline prices/inflation from Trump”, …like…whaaat?! Is this the best America could come up with? Pinch me, for I must be dreaming.

Washington had better start seeing what this is costing each of us. Better yet, the voters better wake up to what this administration is doing to ruin us and vote the bums out. America, I thought you were smarter than this.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

As they did before the mid-terms predicting a massive Red Wave — a Red Tsunami — they have gone ahead and announced their plans to launch various investigations before they even take control of the House. Way to go guys! It’s been widely reported that those parties likely affected are already lawyering-up and planning a strong defense.
Count on vital documents and social media posts disappearing, along with credible witnesses, who the coroner will declare died from “multiple blunt force trauma to the skull” while taking a shower at home. The Republicans have an inborn talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

Make no mistake, Sinema is a committed Leftist. She is a co-sponsor of the disgusting Amnesty Bill, along with that Quisling, Thom Tillis.

And stop calling Joe Manchin a “moderate.” He’s still a member of the Progressive-Socialist Party.
‘Nuff said.

1 year ago

Great, good for her. I have just two questions:

  1. How will she now vote?
  2. If the dems are abandoning their party in “waves,” where are they and what happened to the “red wave” in November?
K Bailey
K Bailey
1 year ago

This is a trojan horse. Sinema, as a “moderate” voted over 95% of the time with the progressives. This is a ploy to salvage her senate seat in the next election. Mark Kelly ran as an independent in Arizona on his first election and has since voted 97% with the progressives. This move is not going to change a thing.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

True the Democrats are total looneys and their are no more “blue dogs” left; they’ve all been backstabbed out. Sinema is not so much a “moderate” as SMART: she knows Democrats eat their own especially if you do not 100% tow the party line; even her 95% “with” record isn’t good enough! Unlike Manchin, who is more popular in West Virginia, she’s worried about being primaried out. Running as an “independent” if the party tries, they split the Democrat vote allowing any Republican to win. Its never about the “people” but always about KEEPING THEIR JOB aka power.

1 year ago

I applaud her stand against the democrat/communist party.

1 year ago

Recently: Nogales, AZ 8 major Fentanyl busts, 1.5 million pills. Benson, AZ major Human smuggling busts of 14 illegals in a back of a pick up truck at a gas station. Border Crossings: Ajo, AZ, 500 immigrants from 14 countries, Yuma,AZ: in one week had more than 6,400 illegals from 46 different countries.




james carlyle
james carlyle
1 year ago

My understanding is that this Senator is a committed Left Wing Communist according to her history in politics. She is a moderate when necessary to become elected. I think that is a larger story than the one being promoted by the media and the opposition.

John V
John V
1 year ago

She is still a Democrat. I could care less what party you belong to. I look at how you vote on the issues. Whether you “represent” the “people” or not. Nine times out of ten, they don’t. They represent what is profitable for themselves.

John V
John V
1 year ago

Deception is the art of war and you are the enemy!

1 year ago

I disagree, I believe the Dems know exactly what they are doing, can you not see their design for USA? It is obvious. The godless communists have been guiding USA into destruction ever so slowly that the middle class of USA to busy working have not felt the pain of the change until now. Brace yourselves for the pain will continue to increase at an accelerated pace to a point where we either fold or reach out to God to save us. The choice is ours to make, where do you stand?

Stephen Combs
Stephen Combs
1 year ago

From the Grammar Grump at Substack: Sinema is a U.S. Senator from Arizona, not an Arizona Senator.

1 year ago

This may or may not be positive. Who knows how she will vote as an “independent”. We don’t just need more moderates leaving the party but more hard line radicals. Of course the radicals are blinded by the lies and deceit. Until the “average” voter wakes up and stops supporting these tyrants, nothing will change. Only God can save America now. Pray and pray hard.

1 year ago

I wish voters between the ages of 60 and 100+ particularly in east coast states (NY, NJ, DE, PA, MA, CT in particular) would wake up and realize that today’s Democratic party is not the same party that they remembered in their younger days. That’s part of the problem.

1 year ago

Don’t make the mistake thinking Sinema is any less of a left wing socialist. She’s only going independent because that’s the biggest voting block here in Arizona.

She will always caucus with the Democrats.

1 year ago

Forget the investigation business,do something positive for the American people once. This old man and the Dems don’t care about we the people,all they want is power and control. You should have enough legal negligence to take this guy to court, if you still have the spine

1 year ago

she speaks as a Democrat, she failed us on several occasions, she needs to show us her support lip service does not count, show me I’m from Missouri,Sorry. EuR

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