Sinema Joins Moderate Democrats Who Are Leaving The Party In Waves

Posted on Friday, December 16, 2022
by Tammy Bruce
Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema

We all know what’s wrong with the Democrats and the Biden administration. Every day we all observe and experience the impact of inflation and crime. We are impacted by how this feckless administration has no idea what to do about Russia or China or our own national security as it proceeds to make everything more dangerous and unpredictable.

Even elected Democratic officials and their own grassroots know that the woke catastrophe engulfing the nation cannot continue as more and more flee the party of chaos, cancel culture, defunding the police, and open borders.

Earlier this month we all heard about Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an Independent. Everyone hearing about it may have been the point as she considers the best way to keep her job as the so-called progressive left increase their strangulating grip on the throat of her former party.

In an Arizona Central opinion piece, Sinema explained, “Pressures in both parties pull leaders to the edges, allowing the loudest, most extreme voices to determine their respective parties’ priorities and expecting the rest of us to fall in line. When politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving Americans’ lives, the people who lose are everyday Americans. That’s why I have joined the growing numbers of Arizonans who reject party politics by declaring my independence from the broken partisan system in Washington.”

The bar has been low for Senator Sinema and West Virginia’s Joe Manchin. All they need to do is not be insane to be considered “moderate.” The two lawmakers have been thorns in the side of the Democratic Party establishment since it abandoned its responsibility to the American people by genuflecting to its extremist progressive minority. Progressive, by the way, is simply a new label for the old Marxist agenda which had to distance itself from its own history of failed policies and collapsed nations. They know what they’re doing and the impact it has. We see it all around us. But there is no change, just new packaging. “Progressive” is the proverbial lipstick on a pig. And yet, Sinema is widely expected to continue to caucus with the Democrats.

The heat is now turned up for Joe Manchin who answered a reporter’s question on the issue that he has no plans “right now” to leave the Democratic Party while adding, “You never know what the future will bring.”

Leaving the Democratic Party is now more in vogue than ever. After the midterm election failed to send a strong signal to the Democrats (despite handing the House to the GOP), the lunatic wing of the Democratic Party will have even more power. Fox News reports, “Sinema isn’t the only elected leader who recently made the decision to ditch the Democratic Party. Last week, New York City Councilman Ari Kagan, who was elected to the council in 2021 as a Democrat, announced he would be exiting the party to become a Republican. In West Virginia, state Sen. Glenn Jeffries announced earlier this month he was forgoing his affiliation with the party to join the GOP.” At a news conference Kagan noted, “The Democratic Party in New York was moving to [the] left at such a speed I couldn’t keep up. “It’s not me leaving the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party very quickly started to leave me.”

But the real change has happened with the voters themselves. In June of this year, just a few months before the midterms, PBS reported, “More than 1 million voters across 43 states have switched to the Republican Party over the last year, according to voter registration data analyzed by The Associated Press. The previously unreported number reflects a phenomenon that is playing out in virtually every region of the country — Democratic and Republican states along with cities and small towns — in the period since President Joe Biden replaced former President Donald Trump.”

Voters see what the Democrats are doing to this country. The economy, the crime, the violence, the border, the general chaos, and the absolute catastrophe of foreign policy, has obliterated any hope we had for a safe a decent future. Now, with a House of Representatives controlled by the Republicans, the American people are looking for leadership and results.

Investigative hearings are important and we should have them but we also insist that the Republicans demonstrate that they can chew gum and walk at the same time. Investigations into Hunter Biden are actually investigations into Joe Biden and that should be made clear to the American people.

Instead of committees and investigations being caverns where issues and controversies go to die, we need action taken on what is discovered about the Afghanistan debacle, the origins of COVID, the involvement of our own government in COVID’S development, the catastrophe at the border, to name just a few. Many argue the midterms were weak because Americans have yet to see what the GOP stands for and what they’re willing to do to save the country. Let’s make sure the Republicans know that we are partisans—for the United States—and we expect them to deliver more than the reality television of hearings.