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Wildcard – Beware Midterm Complacency

Posted on Monday, August 22, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Complacency sneaks up on you, even with resolve and good intentions. Before you know it, energy, focus, and outcomes – slip away. We know how it works – especially in politics. Here’s a gut punch: If Conservatives do not wake up, sharpen their message, swing like every pitch counts, they will lose the Senate, maybe the House – left wins.

Look at the data 100 days out of midterms. Messaging is all over the place, distractions a dime a dozen, Trump raid, January 6th, Liz Cheney, COVID 4.0, Monkey Pox, Ukraine, shark bites, drought, Inflation Reduction Act, Trump to blame for everything, Biden and Democrats nothing.

Polls are shifting, messages muddy, wishful thinking, hopeful assumptions replacing hard-headed expression of what ails us and why, planning, strategy, and hard work in the field. Politics is a zero-sum game; if Republicans stumble, Democrats pull up – regardless of reality.

Needed is focus on big things, the massive tectonic plate shift happening in our culture, economy, and political process – an intentional concentration of power by the left wing of the Democrat Party, including attacks on American history, traditions, institutions, and way of life.

In sum, leftist Democrats are fomenting attacks on bedrock American values. In at least SIX big ways, the left is seeking to “transform” America, twist the truth to concentrate power. How?

  • Attacks on Parents. The Democrat Party, at the local, state and federal levels, is giving nodding approval to – and in many states actively pushing – federal control over local school boards, replacing parents and local priorities with national union representatives and the federal government. When a parent is no longer in charge of their children’s education, that is not America.  

Parents are deeply worried about their children’s moral, physical, and academic education, proper teaching of math, biology, history, core truths, the definition of boys and girls, safety in locker rooms, bathrooms, Title 9, equal opportunity, merit in sports and academics over entitlement, honoring personal faith. For that, they are called terrorists, investigated. That is not America.

  • Attacks on Public Safety. The Democrat Party has imperiled public safety by deriding law enforcement, permitting political violence, inciting racism in schools and streets, attacking legitimate Supreme Court decisions, permitting justices to live in fear, shadowed, threatened, chided, and nearly killed, not prosecuting those attacking pro-life centers (100 attacks since Dobbs). They opened our borders, triggered record homicides, drug trafficking, and overdoes. That is not America.
  • Attacks on Rule of Law. They tacitly accept cancelling free speech for conservatives on campuses and online, walk away from accountability for a presidential candidate who fed lies to the FBI to nobble her opponent, and a vice president who carted his son on Airforce Two to China, where the son sucked up tens of millions of dollars, memorialized in real evidence currently in FBI possession. No Democrat speaks about it. That is not America.
  • Attacks on Language. When a pro-inflation act is entitled “Inflation Reduction,” when an economy in recession is called “robust,” when higher taxes, overspending, shutting down the energy sector, giving away money are described as the opposite, when illegal aliens – aliens who break the law by illegal entry – cannot be called that, this is an attack on truth, an Orwellian attack on language.
  • Attacks on Jobs. When rolling federal giveaways, from COVID money and federal unemployment benefits to loan forgiveness create record entitlement, higher prices, real wage reductions, predictable unemployment, consumer doubt, fast rising interest rates, a sudden drop in home sales, and tight labor market, someone is killing economic independence, entrepreneurism, individualism, economic stability, and jobs. That is not America.
  • Attacks on Rights. When repeated lockdowns throw people out of school and work for years, penalizing them for attending church, working, gathering with friends or family for holidays, ruining a generation’s ability to socialize and learn, bankrupting thousands of small businesses, isolating tens of millions of people which triggered mass rises in drug abuse, suicides, and crime, basic rights are under attack. That is not American.
  • Attacks on Elections. When defending election integrity is considered hate speech, conspiracy talk, disallowed, illegal, suspect, or “violent extremism,” something is not right. When election procedures change to accommodate COVID fears, questions naturally arise about mass ballot mailing, ballot harvesting, out of precinct voting, suspended roll checking, executive override of legislative rights, time and date changes, new methods for vote casting and counting, and the potential for electoral fraud. They must be addressed. In a democracy, election integrity matters. When one party demeans the other for asking, something is wrong. That is not America.

Net-net, the problem is the Democrat Party is attacking America. Overrun by leftist activism and ideology, a major portion of that party openly contests core American values. Republicans, Independents, and centrist Democrats must focus on big things, and condemn what is not right.

Complacency is sneaky. It creeps on a body politic like an ugly infection, leaves people weary, disoriented, dismayed, ultimately disappointed after an election they thought they would win. In these 2022 midterm elections, America cannot let complacency win. If it does, we all lose.

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2 years ago

Your message should be directed at the leadership of the RNC, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy. They are responsible for the lack of a concise, cohesive message outling why the American people should vote FOR the Republican candidates on the ballot this November. Newt Gingrich offered to work with current GOP leadership to fashion a new Contract with America back in March of this year, outlining a specific set of commitments and REAL deliverables for the next two years. From subsequent interviews he has given, it appears there was real resistance from certain members of GOP leadership on any REAL deliverables. The last interview I saw with Newt in July is he has apparently given up trying to get GOP leadership to do anything of substance. We may get a broad outline of what congressional Republicans will focus on, with vague references to positions the Republicans are in favor of in “the fall”, but that is about it. So again, direct your message to the people I’ve listed above as to why our current campaign messaging in such a convoluted mess.

Messaging generally comes down from the top and so far the complaceny originates with them. The current strategy being emphasized by this GOP leadership is that because the Democrats have so mucked up every facet of American policy they have touched, Republicans can just sit back, say and do little, and cruise to an easy victory in November. That is NOT a compelling message for why any Independents or even some disaffected Democrats should vote FOR any Republican candidate. Time is rapdily running out to correct the situation. Historically, the Republican Party has been masters of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. There is still time to prevent history from repeating itself yet again.

Nancy Arnett
Nancy Arnett
2 years ago

NOW! ALL Republican leaders, national, state, and local get off your rears and grow some titanium balls and WIN!!! Now is not the time to sit back and rest on what has been won but take a deep breath and go in swinging. In 2020 you took for granted that the Republicans would win. You did not protect our voting integrity. Haven’t you learned anything? These leftists don’t “play” nicely and they are going for the jugular! For the love of all that we cherish – this war MUST be won. For “we the people” for our children and future generations, for our freedoms, for the republic of the United States of America!!! Please – we are counting on you!!! I pray that some of you have not been bought out or lost your nerve. This also cries out to ALL conservative voters – this November and in 2024 go out and VOTE!

2 years ago

ARREST the whole biden administration for treason and murder!!!.,.,.,

2 years ago

Amen!! It is about time someone stated the obvious. America is under attack! The insurgents are thise on the left! Lord have mercy on this country! If we don’t rise up and push back. We will be destroyed by the “un-American” minority!

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

With a TURTLE running our Republican Party it’s pathetic

2 years ago

McConnell has to go. Despicably self-interested and negative. Why isn’t he supporting ALL Republican candidates instead of denigrating them? He is disgusting.

2 years ago

Complacency? . . . The ENTIRE Republican Party HASN’T LEARNED ANYTHING from the so-called Democratic Party STEALING the last Presidential Election! . . . And they are preparing to do so again! . . . So don’t be surprised when it happens again! Just be prepared that you might have to “fight” to retain your Life, Liberty and Freedom!

2 years ago

I just took the Hillsdale course in economics taught by Arthur Laffer. He was marvelous – clear, funny and full of good information. If you want to get fired up for why we must vote and get everyone we can out to vote for our side in November, learn about economics. Sign up for this free course that you sit at home and watch on your computer. Everything you learn will make you NEED to vote against these destroyers who are in power. Economics is everything.

2 years ago

Spot on as usual. The Immigration one is a pet peeve for me. How does wanting secure borders and addressing the problems associated with Illegal Aliens make me anti-Immigrant? The definition of an Immigrant is an alien that has come in through the legal process and has been granted the right to permanently live and work in the USA. They are here Legally. We let over 1 million into the nation this way every year. We are a nation founded on Immigrants – Welcome!
My issue is strictly with Illegals and the Socialists in Washington you are not upholding our laws!

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