
National Security , Newsline

China Poses a Clear and Present Danger

Posted on Wednesday, August 3, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 3 — Communist China is a clear and present danger to the free world. So why are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, President Biden, and Senator Chuck Schumer making gestures of friendship with the Beijing regime? 

The Gates Foundation recently ponied up a hundred grand to fund a Chinese effort to lure foreign scientists and the Communist regime’s scientific and technological capabilities. President Biden has been selling them millions of barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve [SPR] — oil we could have used to help alleviate America’s gas crisis. And Schumer removed a provision from technology legislation that would have made it harder for China to steal U.S. trade secrets.

Meanwhile, we have a rare joint warning from our FBI chief, Christopher Wray, and Great Britain’s MI5 Director General Ken McCallum issued on July 6. They tell us to beware.  McCallum warned that “The most game-changing challenge we face comes from the Chinese Communist Party. It’s covertly applying pressure across the globe. This might feel abstract.  But it’s real and it’s pressing. We need to talk about it.  We need to act.” Wray pointed out that “We consistently see that it’s the Chinese government that poses the biggest long-term threat to our economic and national security, and by ‘our,’ I mean both of our nations, along with our allies in Europe and elsewhere.”

Yet, Bill Gates and company have a long history of cozying up to Beijing. They set up an office there in 2007 and have close ties with the president of Communist China Xi Jinping. In 2018 the Chinese Communist Party [CCP] officially declared him to be “the Chinese people’s old friend.”

As for the Biden connection, the Epoch Times says it made a review of U.S. Department of Energy documents and found that we’ve sold some 5.9 million barrels from our petroleum reserve and exported the oil to China. “The latest contract was unveiled on July 10, consisting of 950,000 barrels sold for around $113.5 million. The Times noted that when Congressman Clay Higgins [R-LA] found out about the deal he called it “an abuse of the SPR, far beyond its intended purpose. Sending U.S. petroleum reserves to foreign adversaries is wrong, and it undermines our national security.”

The newspaper’s report also hinted that the president’s son, Hunter Biden, may have had a hand in that transaction.

Surely, the CCP would have welcomed Senate Majority Leader Schumer’s recent effort to give the Communists easier access to U.S. technology. The Washington Free Beacon reported last week that Schumer nixed a Republican provision in the pending $250 billion Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) for America Act that would have prohibited China from getting its hands on critical American technology. The Beacon says that “At issue are provisions written by Sen. Rob Portman (R., Ohio) that bar U.S. companies from manufacturing products in China, such as semiconductors, that were developed using federally funded research. Myriad government and private investigations conclude that the Chinese government routinely steals trade secrets from U.S. companies, government agencies, and universities.”

Portman, who is the Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, has introduced legislation to deal with the issue. His Safeguarding American Innovation Act is aimed at protecting U.S. research and development projects, as well as all export-controlled goods, technologies and sensitive information.

The Senator revealed the findings of an investigation that “the Chinese government is using every tool at its disposal to infiltrate and steal valuable information. We cannot let the American taxpayer continue to unwittingly fund China’s military and economic rise, which is why our report makes strong recommendations to enhance and protect our Federal Reserve.”

He cited an investigative report prepared by the Republican staff of the Senate panel. The report, he said, “makes clear that China’s malign efforts at influence and information theft are not limited to science and technology fields. American economic and monetary policy is also being targeted by the Chinese government…As our investigation reveals, the Chinese government is using every tool at its disposal to infiltrate and steal valuable information. We cannot let the American taxpayer continue to unwittingly fund China’s military and economic rise which is why our report makes strong recommendations to enhance and protect our Federal Reserve. This report shows that we cannot make any American taxpayer-funded investment in science, technology, or economic policy without including safeguarding and security protections like my Safeguarding American Innovation Act.” 

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2 years ago

What can we do about itTo stop what go on

Nancy Arnett
Nancy Arnett
2 years ago

I have made this statement from the beginning of Old Joe’s and his cronies’ dictatorship: They ARE a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the national security to our United States of America!! This includes the disastrous decisions for our economy, protecting our borders, and choices of whom they call “friend”. These things will never change as long as this regime remains in control OR many Republicans (particularly in Congress) grow some stainless steel balls (this refers to all sexes) and make a stand for the people they represent – the ones who voted for you. Remember- YOU are working FOR the PEOPLE and NOT for Joe and his baby killing, drug and sex slave trafficking, sell out our country to foreign adversaries, and to destroy America America from within – cronies!!!!!!!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

DICTATOR Beijing biden and his Communist Party ARE the BIGGEST THREAT to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

2 years ago

Yes, China is a clear and present danger not only to the United States, but to the world. The information highlighting all the various threats communist China poses to the western world has been documented and publicaly available for decades. However, if you have to ask why the Biden administraion, the Democrat party and many of the most powerful and influential left-leaning billionaires in the United States are so enraptured with China, then you really haven’t been paying attention to what has been going on in the world for the last 35 years.

2 years ago

China is a Communistic governance, and it is no surprise to most educated people that eventually they reach a limit on how much they can steal from the local citizenry. Then a “Pootin'” type comes along and eggs the Comrades to attempt to force other Nations to succumb to their rule. I wonder how long it will take for non-Asian nations to seek more good relations with other-world Democracies!

2 years ago

A distinct message must be sent: Every Biden leader in his entire Administration MUST be prosecuted for TREASON!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been so since Korean War to date

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

If the CCP is such a threat, why do we keep buying Chinese goods ??? Stay out of Wal-Mart. Kyle L.

2 years ago

Stop China from buying up America’s farmlands…They are taking control of America’s food supply..

Smitty 550
Smitty 550
2 years ago

Does Bill Gates really think anyone CARES? If Gates sees a profit, even though it harms the United States, he will pursue whatever it takes. These “elitist” rats don’t really care that the CCP would take advantage of our country…….especially when such traitorous billionaires as Gates would readily help them.

Dr Rene
Dr Rene
2 years ago

China is second greatest threat o the USA, second, to the American Marxist DEMOCRAT Party.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
2 years ago

You see, the ChiComs don’t have a group working doggedly to undermine their country, like the Progressive-Socialists are doing to America. Therefor, they can remain focused on doing whatever benefits their pro-China agenda. There is no opposition, or if there is, it will soon be thoroughly neutralized. Wish we could do the same to all the P-S’s.

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